by Lily Harlem
“Oh God, yes…” I moaned.
Gavyn withdrew completely.
“No!” I shifted backward, searching for his cock.
Heavy pressure was applied to my back, keeping me locked in place.
“I’m going to hit the finish line too early,” Gavyn said breathlessly. “You take over, Mateo.”
“With pleasure.”
The air shifted as they swapped positions, then there was another hard cock at my pussy.
Mateo forged in, immediately picking up the fast rhythm Gavyn had been racing along with.
“Yes. Yes. Yes,” I hissed with each thrust.
“God, yeah,” Mateo groaned.
I tensed; my orgasm was blooming.
“It’s hot fucking you, Uma, but watching you get fucked is awesome, too.” Gavyn walked around the desk and stood in front of me. Like Mateo had been, he was working his cock.
“Come,” Mateo ordered. “When you can.”
“Yes, come. I want to see that.” Gavyn used his free hand to grip my hair, the way he had earlier in a rough, taut ponytail. I was forced to raise my head and stare up at him.
His eyes flashed with excitement, and there was a sheen of sweat on his brow.
“I am,” I managed, “Oh…yes, it’s here. I’m coming.”
Mateo rode over my G-spot and my clit prepared for takeoff. I held my breath, staring into Gavyn’s eyes, then came.
I convulsed, writhing and twisting within their tight grips.
Mateo didn’t let up; he continued to pound into me with hard, determined thrusts.
Gavyn half smiled, a sexy tilt of his lips that told me he was enjoying the show. Hell, so was I. Bliss was spreading through my torso and limbs. I curled my toes on the floor and gripped Mateo’s shaft with my pussy.
“Beautiful,” Gavyn said, whispering his lips over mine while I fought for breath. “So fucking beautiful.”
Chapter Five
My thoughts fuddled and my pleasure extended. Mateo was going hard and strong, and I was still being thoroughly fucked. Before I knew it, another orgasm was claiming me.
Again I cried out and stared up at Gavyn as he held my hair tight. There was no holding back. I let my wail rip from my throat and sing through my ears.
On and on Mateo went. I was sure he’d release, but he didn’t. When he slowed, he was still rock-solid.
Struggling to catch my breath, I licked my dry lips. “You didn’t… Mateo…you didn’t.”
“No, he didn’t,” Gavyn said in a maddeningly calm voice. “Because as you know, we have other plans.”
My ass.
Mateo withdrew slowly, so slowly my pussy continued to pulse around every inch of his shaft. “I love it when you clamp around my dick,” he said, smoothing his hands over my buttocks. “So sexy.”
He pulled out and stroked down the cleft of my ass. He settled his finger over my asshole.
“Mateo,” I gasped. I twisted to see him, and Gavyn released my hair. “Please, I…”
“I won’t hurt you, hun, I promise.”
I believed him—he’d been gentle the time before.
“It will only feel good,” he added.
“Yes.” My breasts were shifting on the table with each pull of air into my lungs.
“Hey.” Gavyn stooped so his face was level with mine. He clasped his hands over my forearms. “You’re going to need to relax.”
“I can do that.” Or at least I hoped I could. It felt as though all my muscles were tight elastic bands getting ready to be released.
Cool liquid trickled down the dip between my buttocks, and I recognized the scent of body oil.
“This will help,” Mateo said, rubbing it onto my skin.
“Look at me.” Gavyn brought his face close to mine. “Look at me while he enters you.”
I held his eye contact as Mateo slid his finger into my ass. The invasion was strange but not uncomfortable; in fact, it made me hungry for more.
He gave it, adding another finger and burying knuckle deep.
“Is it good?” Gavyn asked, his eyes flashing.
“Yes, yes, I want his cock, though.”
“You hear that, Mateo.” Gavyn nodded over my right shoulder. “She wants cock.”
“Greedy girl.” Mateo chuckled and widened his fingers into a V, stretching my hole.
I gasped. It didn’t hurt, just nipped a little.
“Relax.” Gavyn rubbed his thumbs over the delicate underside of my wrists. “Relax, you’re going to love this.”
“I know.” I nodded. “I want you, too.”
“You’re going to get it all, everything, as soon as Mateo’s done this.”
Mateo replaced his fingers with the tip of his cock. He exerted a firm and steady pressure over my taut band of muscle. “Let me in, Uma.”
I groaned and closed my eyes. He pushed forward, entering me.
“No, open. Look at my face.” Gavyn cupped my chin. “I want to see your eyes as he takes your ass.”
“Gavyn,” I murmured. “It’s…oh…”
“He’s big, right?” Gavyn said.
“Yes, so big…” I was being penetrated in a way that was dark and delicious, dense and so damn sexy.
“That’s it,” Mateo said, tension in his voice. “Fuck, Uma, it feels amazing inside you here.”
I was panting for breath. He invaded me deeper; the stretch around his cock was on the edge of discomfort, but that added to the sensations gripping me. He was so solid inside me, going higher and higher.
“Fuck, yeah.” Gavyn suddenly stood. He gripped his cock and held it forward. “Open up, Uma.”
I did as he’d instructed, and he wasted no time in feeding his shaft into my mouth. It was hot and damp and so hard riding over my tongue. He kept on going, at the same pace Mateo was, and they both reached maximum depth at the same time, then stilled.
I groaned around Gavyn’s cock. I was so full, so invaded by them. My head spun with the erotic heat of the moment.
What must I look like?
“Ah, yeah, groan around my cock,” Gavyn said, holding my chin and smoothing his hand over my hair. “It vibrates, feels awesome.”
“Yeah, she feels awesome,” Mateo gasped. “And I’m not going to be long.” He reached around my hip and sought out my clit, gave it a few steady rubs.
I bucked and squeezed my eyes closed. It was so much. Sensation overload.
“You can come again, Uma,” Mateo said. “I know you can.”
Gavyn slid almost out, then eased back in. Pre-cum basted the end of his cock and slicked onto my tongue. I wanted to feel him come in my mouth. I wanted Mateo to release at the same time. And I was going to…again.
I arched my back and gripped the table. Mateo pumped into me steadily, each moment of absolute fullness rushing me nearer to orgasm. He knew how to touch my clit and exactly what I liked.
“Fuck, I’m going to come.” Gavyn gripped my hair. “Get ready, Uma, it’s going to happen…ah…now…”
“Yeah, me, too…” Mateo groaned long and low.
He didn’t pause in his rhythm, and as I swallowed Gavyn’s cum, my climax claimed me. I bucked and pulsed on the table with the two men as deep as they could go and finding pleasure. Bright lights flashed in my eyelids like shooting stars and nebula combining with fireworks. I forgot about everything and, lost to sensation, I let the blissful spasms wreak havoc with my nerves and limbs.
“There’s more,” Gavyn said, another shot of cum flooding my mouth. “You look fucking incredible, you feel it, too, Uma.”
I couldn’t answer, but I tore open my eyes and ran my gaze from his taut belly up to his face. He was staring down at me with an expression of awe.
“Jesus, Uma, that’s so damn good.” Mateo moved from my clit and gripped my hips. “You’re so damn good, to take us both like this.” He paused with his cock deep and his balls pressing up against my pussy lips. “I love you so fucking much.”
“So do I.” Gavyn pulled out and cupped my face.
“I love you, too.”
My breaths were hard to catch, my skin tingling. “I…I love you…I love you both,” I managed.
Gavyn stooped and kissed me, swiping his tongue over mine, and our noses touching.
“Damn, I could stay like this and fuck you all over again,” Mateo said, bending forward and kissing my nape.
The movement shifted his cock inside my ass, and I whimpered into Gavyn’s mouth.
“But I won’t,” Mateo murmured. “For fear of exhausting you.”
I broke the kiss. I was exhausted—orgasms did that to a girl.
“You okay?” Gavyn asked.
I nodded.
“I’m going to pull out now,” Mateo said. “Try and steady your breathing, hun.”
I sucked in a deep breath and immediately blew it out again, needing more air.
Mateo slid from me, slowly, my hole gripping his shaft. When he popped out, it clamped shut, and I felt strangely empty without either of them inside me.
“Come here,” Gavyn said, moving to the side of the table.
The next thing I knew I was in his arms. I linked my hands behind his neck and rested my head on his collarbone. “Gavyn,” I said onto the curve of his shoulder.
“Shh, we’ll rest now, we all need to.”
“I’m going to shower,” Mateo said. “A bit bloody sweaty after that.”
“Sure, go ahead.” Gavyn walked to the bed and laid me on it.
The sheets were soft and cool, and my head sank into the pillow.
He stroked my hair. “Close your eyes.”
I did as he’d suggested, glad that my heart rate was returning to normal and I was no longer panting.
He lay next to me and scooped me into his arms, kissed the top of my head.
His skin was warm and damp, his muscles hard, and he smelled of sex and faded cologne.
“I meant it,” I said.
“That I love you.”
“You didn’t have to say it, just because I did.”
“That isn’t why I said it, I said it because it’s true. I love you, Captain Gavyn Rivers.”
He smiled. “And I love you, too, I always will, and I’ll always protect you and make sure you’re happy and satisfied.”
“I’m certainly feeling very satisfied.”
“Room for one more?”
The bed dipped behind me. It was Mateo returning from his quick shower. He scooted close, spooning against me, his cock on my buttocks.
I sighed and rested my hand over his arm. “Of course there’s room for you.” I closed my eyes, content to lie between my two handsome lovers. Men who loved me, craved me, and satisfied me.
I was one lucky woman.
I slept for several hours between Mateo and Gavyn. When I woke, I slid from their embrace and dressed. I needed to check the livestock.
Gavyn heard me padding around. “What time is it?”
“Time for routine checks.”
He glanced at the clock. “For us, too.” He poked Mateo. “Hey, copilot, wake your lazy ass up.”
“Mmm?” Mateo grumbled.
“Now.” Gavyn poked him again.
“Aww, he’s tired.” I pulled on my dress then leaned over the bed and kissed Mateo. “Come on, wake up,” I whispered. “There’s work to be done.”
“No, I want to stay in bed with you.” He opened his eyes and reached for me.
I backed away, laughing. “Later. Time to get to the bridge.” I walked to the door. “See you both in the canteen when you’re done. All that exercise has made me hungry.”
I stopped at my quarters to check on Magic.
“Hey, pretty boy,” I said, opening his cage door. “How are you?”
“Pretty boy. Pretty boy.”
I smiled and held out my arm. He hopped onto it, and when I drew him close, he nuzzled his head against my cheek. I tickled his chin. “Are you in need of some love?” I said. “Here you go then.” I moved my attention to the back of his neck. He adored being scratched there.
After a minute, I held him away. “Stretch your wings.”
He did just that, taking off with a squawk.
I glanced in the mirror. “Blimey!” I seriously had the ‘thoroughly fucked by two men’ look going on. I reached for a brush and scraped at my hair, trying to drag out the tangles. Once as good as it was going to get, I scooped it into a band. My cheeks were still flushed, and my lips appeared swollen, as though a little bruised from having my mouth taken by Gavyn.
I used the en suite, feeling tender down below but enjoying the sensation. It reminded me of the fun I’d had.
An alarm went off on my small control panel. It really was time to check on the goats.
Magic was in his cage again, tapping on his mirror and talking to his reflection.
“I’ll be back soon,” I said, scooting across the room. “Be good.”
“Be good. Be good. Be good.”
Chapter Six
I hurried down the corridor, hoping Anki would already be with the goats and milking Dolly. I hated to let her usual time pass, it wasn’t fair for her to be uncomfortable.
The long corridor stretched ahead of me, the big glass door to the isolation room glinting in the harsh overhead lights. I rushed along, crossing my fingers I wouldn’t see the Trad.
But I wasn’t that lucky. Within a second of thinking maybe he would be sleeping, I saw his tall, broad figure appear at the door, on the other side of the thick, strengthened glass. His shoulders filled the frame, and he locked his hands behind his back. His sweats hung low on his hips, showcasing oblique muscles designed with the sole purpose of driving women crazy with lust.
And luring them into his bed.
But he didn’t drive me crazy with lust. I hated him. I hated what he stood for and who his people were.
My heart rate picked up. It was like he could track my whereabouts. Some kind of sixth sense designed to locate Earth women.
I stared at the floor. Drawing nearer, the sense of unease grew. I glanced up. He was staring at me with undisguised curiosity, and now I was closer I could see he had a soft smile curving his lips.
Huh, he can smile all he wants, I’m not returning it.
I frowned and searched around. Where were the Marshalls? Shouldn’t they be close by?
“Hey, Uma, how are you today?” Julian said.
I ignored him.
“Aw, come on, there’s no harm in saying hello.” His voice was perfectly clear as it came through the speaker system.
Still I was silent.
He held his hands out, and a pleading expression twisted his face. “Uma, I’m only being polite. We’re all stuck up here, traveling at goodness knows what speed and with only each other for company. Might as well be civilized.”
“Civilized,” I said, folding my arms. “Your sort don’t know the meaning of the word.”
“My sort.” He shook his head. “I’m not like the others, I told you. I’m a good man and—”
“A good man wouldn’t lie and sneak around to get on board Equinox.”
“But I had no choice.”
I slowed a little. “Of course you did.”
“No, really I didn’t. I had to get away. I can’t stand to see what is happening to Earth women. What my people are doing to them is wrong, so wrong.”
“So why didn’t you stop them?”
“I tried, you have to believe me. I tried to speak to the Tradrych authorities. I started a campaign on my home planet.”
“What kind of campaign?” I didn’t want to talk to him, but he had me curious.
“It was called Earth Women Have Rights, Too.”
“And what did this group stand for?”
“I wanted to start up meaningful discussions about the Tradrych practice of insemination and abduction. I wanted to stop it. I just needed to persuade others to join me and for the men in power to listen to us.”
“Insemination and abduc
tion is evil.” I paused. “And I don’t believe you; you’re just saying that because you think it will help your case when you see Emperor Elrin.”
He pressed his hands on the glass, reminding me of when he was in the capsule. “Emperor Elrin.” He shuddered and moved his face closer. “Will have me killed.”
I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. “What he does with you is none of my concern.”
“Of course it isn’t, Uma.” He pulled his lips into a downward curl. “But I can’t help but think of the death penalty that’s rapidly approaching in my future, at light-speed actually. I haven’t exactly got anything else to think about.”
“You knew the risks when you sneaked aboard.”
“I did, you’re right. But I’d heard that humans and Athions were compassionate. Maybe, foolishly, I hoped if my plan went wrong, I’d have a merciful crew.”
“We could have killed you already. Pushed you out of the hatch and into the abyss.”
He dropped his hands, and his shoulders sagged. “But you wouldn’t do that, would you.” He paused. “I can sense you’re a good soul, Uma. You wouldn’t stand back and watch a man be murdered.”
“Man? You’re a Trad, only out for your own gain.”
“I keep telling you, I’m not like the others.”
“I don’t believe you.” I picked up my pace, turned the corner, and quickly walked away from Julian. His soft, low voice and his pleading eyes, so full of desperation and dejection, weren’t something I wanted to be around. He’d made his bed, and now he had to lie in it. And if that meant being our prisoner and having nothing to think about except the fate that awaited him on Planet Athion, then so be it.
I soon arrived at the livestock pod. Once inside, I was relieved to see Anki with Dolly.
Good, she hasn’t had to wait.
My cheeks flushed when I remembered why I was late. I’d been exhausted after a wild threesome. So many orgasms had clearly taken their toll on my energy levels. I was wrung out but deeply satisfied.
“Hello,” Anki called. “All okay?”
“Yes, fine. Well, apart from having to walk past a Trad on the way here.”
He frowned. “Did he speak to you?”
“Yes, and stared at me, too.”
Anki tutted. “I’d warned him not to. I told him to keep his tongue tied and out of sight whenever you walked past.”