The Wildflower Series

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The Wildflower Series Page 26

by Rachelle Mills

  He gets off his brother, and his once-clean clothes are stained with dirt.

  Now Dallas squares up to his father, who angles his head in interest. Dallas is on the balls of his feet, as if contemplating on springing.

  “I blame you too.” He points a finger at his father.

  “If you come at me, I expect a perfect effort, son. Do you understand what you will be doing?” Dallas hesitates for a moment, trying to rein himself in. As if talking himself down from his own personal ledge, he realizes if he takes that step off, there is no leaping back up.

  Turning slowly around, he faces the entire crowd. “Who was the juvenile that broke her arm?”

  He looks toward that male, who’s small compared to Dallas. He takes his step forward, meeting his fate, like a warrior.

  “It was you who did that to my female?” He sounds surprised.

  The male squares his shoulders, on shaking legs. His whole body is betraying him at this moment. He wants to seem tough, but he’s completely scared out of his mind. Just watching his teacher get his ass handed to him, he’s now having to face the same beast.

  Dallas bends down to his level, except he purposely makes himself just a touch bigger than this small one.

  “You did what you were trained to do. Good job. I know that it was hard for you, that you didn’t want to do it; you made a hard choice. I expect good things from you.” He grips this male by the back of his shaved head, pressing his cheek against his. Whispered words that make this male peacock out, his whole body puffed up, a proud smile on his face. Dallas releases him with a good job pat on his behind.

  Cash is already being moved very carefully back inside the clinic.

  Dallas comes back to me, a gentleness replacing the savageness as he cradles me into his body.

  “I’m taking you back to the house.” No other words, no saying hello to wolves he hasn’t seen in years, all his focus is on me. I bask in the attention.

  Caleb gets into the front seat while Dallas takes the back with me on his lap the entire drive back. His father is in the passenger seat. Cash has been left at the clinic so he can get fixed up.

  Dallas insists on carrying me inside. It feels good to have someone who cares if I’m hurt, someone willing to ease my pain.

  “Who’s watching over the pack if you males are here?”

  “Clayton is. He’s much better. He’s almost able to beat Caleb now. So we took a chance on him and left him in charge. I’ll explain everything. I wanted to last night, but Kimberly came and I had to deliver another pup.” A look of pure loathing crosses his face.

  “It took all night. She didn’t progress well. It was difficult for everyone. They’re fine, mother and pup doing well. I was falling asleep when Cash called me, telling me what he did to you.” Violent vibrations from his chest tumble out as he tells me the end of that sentence.

  “He was supposed to train you the right way. I didn’t expect this from him. He’s changed for the worse since he met her.” He looks saddened by this revelation.

  I walk into the living room. Kennedy has her head on a pillow, body curled into a ball on the couch. She looks as if she physically hurts. A blanket covers her body. Her eyes go wide looking at Dallas, and I think I hear a whimper come out of her mouth.

  “Mother, did you not give her what I told you?”

  Luna Grace comes out of the kitchen with a cup of tea. “She wouldn’t drink it, says that she deserves to feel everything he does.”

  It’s in this minute that I smell it, the mingling scents inside her. The way the female and male smells coil around each other. Wolves will think she is having a female, but I know that scent. It’s the smell of twins, one of each.

  Very rare to have twins, very difficult on the mother to host two lives that are sucking away at all her resources so she can carry them to term. She will need to start to eat more soon because already she looks skinnier than when I went away. I contemplate telling her, but I don’t.

  “If that’s what she wants, so be it.” Dallas is acting like the Alpha of this house as the king slowly lumbers in and takes a seat, sinking into the cushion, regarding his son.

  “I think that it’s time I train you, my first born.” The Alpha looks on at a son who is coming into what his nature has always demanded of him. Alpha.

  Dallas gingerly places me on his lap, holding me close to his body. I melt into him. His heat feels good against my skin. I place my lips against his neck, a soft kiss that makes his body quiver. I can feel how I affect other parts of him as I’m adjusted slightly on his lap.

  “I’m not sure yet.” Dallas’s voice feels far away as I close my eyes, the day’s events and not getting to bed until late last night from listening to all those messages taking their toll on me. I feel secure with Dallas holding me. I like this feeling.

  “Wake up. Time to eat.” Dallas shifts me on his lap, still no pain from my arm. It’s as if it’s numb, without feelings.

  Kennedy is already seated at the table; she is down in the middle. Dallas takes his father’s left, while I sit beside him. He starts asking what I want before he fills his own plate. I don’t feel like eating, just drinking some water, but I do eye Kennedy’s fruit bowl that would be good to eat at this moment.

  It’s filled with yellow fleshy mangoes, halved green and red grapes, and pitted black cherries, and shaved almonds are on top of the medley along with a dash of sugar. Kennedy saw me eyeing what she has. Very subtly she pushes her bowl toward me, sharing what she has. I don’t take it. Instead, I look away. I don’t need what she has; I can do without.

  Cash comes into the dining room, looking rough. Looking at Kennedy, he takes in her appearance with a hint of relief before sitting down beside her. He takes a drink from the bottle of water he’s holding in his good hand. He’s sporting the same blue sling I am. It’s like we’re twinning.

  Kennedy goes to put her hand on his shoulder. He just angles himself away from her. That hand drops to her side.

  Caleb’s last to take his seat at the table, clothes looking wrinkled, as if he just put on something he was wearing from last night. He smells of many different females, his gluttony unmistakable.

  “Next time you come to the table, wash yourself!” His mother is not pleased having to sit next to a son who smells of last night’s pleasures.

  He gives a dirty smirk, winking at me.

  “Next time I will.” He gives his mother a smile that probably works on all the pretty females, but not on her. She just huffs to herself.

  “Carson, Crane, I’m having a small party tonight. You’re welcome to join me in the basement.” Both males look on with wicked, naughty eyes.

  “Cash, how’s the arm?” Caleb says between bites of food. He’s instigating him for a response.

  “Caleb,” Dallas warns out.

  “Just a joke.” He puts his hands up in surrender.

  “Kennedy.” Her head picks up, as if she’s not used to being talked to.

  “You’re having a female. Congrats.” He raises his glass to her in a mock cheer.

  “You’re having twins.” My words hang in the air as a smile makes its way along her always curved down lips. Could this be her first smile I’m witnessing since being in this pack? She glows with the news, her hands going over that small, round bulge. She looks beautiful when she shows her heart smile. She turns toward Cash, her eyes sparkling with the news. She looks at him as if she’s expecting something from him. Instead, he keeps his face impassive, no emotion betrayed by his lips that are straight lined. Eyes that don’t sparkle back at hers.

  I watch as that beautiful smile fades on her lips, as her shoulders tuck in, as her head bends forward and her hair falls to the side of her face, shielding her from everyone’s stare. I can see her tears dripping down one by one, landing on her thighs, soaking spots like random rain drops on the ground.

  I can see her hands going underneath her thighs. For a moment, I see nails that are bitten down so badly they look like th
ey bleed from being mauled constantly. Her shoulders shake as she quietly tries to cry without sound. Getting up slowly, I watch her not make eye contact with anyone. Instead she whispers, “Thank you for dinner.” Her words come out painfully to Luna Grace before she turns around and walks very slowly toward the stairs to her sanctuary.

  “I’m going to the basement.” Cash pushes his chair away, getting up without finishing his food. Is his stomach as upset as hers?

  Usually, when mates get the news they are expecting twins, it’s a celebration, such a rare blessing they have been given by the moon herself.

  I watch as Cash heads to a door that I can only imagine leads to the basement. We all finish our meal in silence until a chime of the doorbell rings.

  Caleb gets up with liquid grace, voices of females and males getting louder, all carrying bags of drinks, all waving their hellos before being ushered downstairs. Carson looks sheepishly shy as a female touches his shaved head on the way down, letting her fingers linger across his temples, down his jawline before pulling away. He blushes and puts his hands in his pockets.

  Crane looks on as if he’s going to be helping himself to the dessert table.

  Luna Grace grabs Caleb by the jaw hard, bringing her son toward her face.

  “Behave, understand?”

  “Yes.” He gives her the answer she wants to hear.

  “Rya, Dallas, come down later on.”

  “I don’t think that Rya would want any part of your den of sin.” The way she says it sounds like she’s been putting up with it a long time. She’s not surprised with anything anymore that her males can do. I wonder how hard it is to raise five males.

  “Rya, let’s go upstairs.” Dallas rises, helping me up.

  Walking up the steps, I smell fresh paint coming from Kennedy’s room. Her door is open. I can’t help but pretend to use the bathroom to see inside her room. Coming out of the bathroom, I see her sitting cross-legged on the floor. Her canvas is the wall, painting a mural masterpiece. Meticulous in detail, a scene of pack wolves playing, lying around in the depths of the forest. I never knew she was an artist.

  It’s paralyzingly beautiful.

  “This is really good,” I say outside her door. She doesn’t turn around, only concentrating on every arch and sweep of her brush. It’s amazing that she can make this out of a blank slate.

  “When I was younger, I was accepted into the art program at the university. I never went. I should have.” That’s all she says to me, continuing on with her task.

  I walk into my room, and Dallas is there sitting on the bed, looking at the crumpled papers in his hands. A look of melancholy on his face, his smile not as bright, but he’s still smiling.

  “Let’s get you washed up first, then let me explain all this to you, all right?”

  He places the papers on the desk, and I wonder if this is the first time he hasn’t crumpled them back up into little balls.

  “I’m going to wash you, Rya. Is that okay?” He’s closed the bathroom door, water being turned on. I’m in front of the mirror, watching my reflection as a nail cuts easily through my sports bra. He takes it off of me. It lies ruined, on the floor.

  The next are my yoga pants and underwear. He crouches down so when he does pull the material down, his nose is placed perfectly between my legs. He is smelling me. Inhaling, he gives a little growl of pleasure.

  Standing behind me, I see him looking at me in the mirror, his eyes on every inch of me. He unzips, unbuttons his jeans. With just a slight pull, they fall to his feet. His sweater comes off next. Exposing those rounded shoulders, his bare chest pressed into my back.

  Skin on skin is the most intimate of touches.

  The bath is small, but he makes it work, positioning his body in such a way that I can lay between his legs. He removes my sling, putting it to the side, making sure the pins don’t get wet.

  “Dallas, can I ask you something?” He’s kissing the back of my neck, pulling the flesh into his mouth.

  “Ask me anything,” he says while sliding his tongue along my collarbone.

  “I want you to mark me.” As soon as my words are out of my mouth, my phone starts ringing until it goes to voice mail.

  Chapter 4


  The stillness of silence greets me, deafening my ears.

  Both our heartbeats are dancing in our chests.

  His fingers start drawing small circles on my knuckles, a small kiss placed on my neck. I think he’s smiling into my skin.

  Lazily he grabs the washcloth, dipping it into the water, lathering it soapy wet, before washing the sweat and blood from my skin.

  “You want me to mark you, Rya?”

  I press my back against his chest more, and he gives a slight moan. I grab his hand, kissing his knuckles that taste slightly soapy.

  “I do.” Words are spoken in conviction, no hesitation of thought.

  “Then I will if that’s what you really want.” Gently he brings me even closer to him, the water threatening to slosh over the side of the porcelain rim.

  “I’m going to finish washing you up, then I’m going to fill you up with my scent.” Small vibrations from his chest ripple the water in the tub.

  He takes his time, making sure to clean every single inch of skin. When his hand goes between my legs, he presses his cheek against mine, chin resting on my shoulder. I can feel his eyes watching his own fingers dipping inside me, disappearing from view. I bite my lower lip, but that doesn’t stop the moan from echoing in the small room.

  He knows exactly where to touch, his fingers sliding effortlessly inside, only to pull out for the briefest of seconds, stimulating another part of me that has my back arching slightly. Gently he pulls me up more on his body so I’m just barely out of the water. My thighs rest on his thighs, his excitement rocking gently up and down between my parted folds, the engorged head hitting my most sensitive feminine part.

  A little sigh escapes out as his finger continues its circular motion with him very subtly rocking himself against me. My hips, anticipating his rhythm, move with him as if nature is guiding my movements.

  Murmuring softly into my ear, he watches what he’s doing to me, looking down between my legs. I can feel the heat from his stare. With my good hand, I grip him with his next upward thrust, a little hiss of pleasure from his lips that are kissing the base of my neck now, his eyes focused on how my hand is closed around him, watching himself be handled by me while his finger slips in teasingly slow.




  A gasp, not a moan, comes out as he puts another one inside. It comes naturally to me to spread myself more for his exploration. My hand is still around his substantial male part, his hips rocking himself up and down just a fraction more, so the water starts to slip over the side of the tub.


  Growing warmth spreads deep inside me until I become fevered with my own personal need.

  Lovers’ perfume mixes inside this steam-filled room. Both of us are breathing hard with flushed faces.

  Slow, his movements so controlled as he rubs his length on the outside of me.

  “I like this,” he says into my skin.

  He’s driving me insane with some basic need that has to be satisfied. I can feel that tightening in my lower stomach, just a few minutes more.

  He slows his pace, pulling his fingers out of me.

  “Don’t stop,” a moaned plea trembles out of my mouth.

  “I don’t plan to. I’m just moving us to the bed.” His words of promise quiver the inside of my thighs.

  Getting out before me, he takes a towel and dries himself off. He has no shame, letting me covet his male flesh. I can’t pull my eyes away from him. The way his muscles stretch and flex with movement has me licking my lips at this feast of flesh.

  “I’ll wash your hair tomorrow after the pins come out of your arm, all right?” He speaks to me as if I’m really paying attention to words.
I can’t pull my eyes away from what’s standing at attention.

  He’s perfect.

  “Rya, you’re staring.” His teasing snaps my eyes to his face.

  “Sorry, I just—” I can actually feel my cheeks turning red.

  “Don’t be sorry. You can stare all you want. Do you need me to give you an anatomy lesson?” Walking toward me, he lifts me gently to a standing position. Taking another towel, he slowly dries me off.

  “I wouldn’t mind one.” I can’t believe I just said those words out loud. I don’t recognize my own husky voice.

  Looking down again, he’s primal delicious.

  He gives a slight growl of annoyance, eyes falling on my bad arm that I have cradled against my chest.

  “I need to be careful with you.” It’s a statement to me, but I think he’s reminding himself as well.

  He steps into my space, bending his head, and the curves of our lips fit together perfectly.

  He drags his teeth over my skin, starting with the length of my collarbone, toward my shoulder, giving gentle bites. The delicacy of his tongue dragging against flesh, into the hollow of my neck, stutters the breath in my lungs.

  Reaching down, he picks up my sling, positioning my arm properly inside it. The Velcro straps are secured at the back of my neck.

  Picking me up in his arms, he carries me to his bed. The way he’s so gentle and caring has my eyes almost water in happiness. “I don’t remember my bed being so small,” he says, a little shocked.

  His turn again to look at my raw flesh that’s exposed only for his eyes.

  Climbing on the bed, he crawls on top of me, on hands and knees. Again he looks at my arm, shaking his head to himself.

  “We can’t, Rya. You’re hurt.” He slides himself against my side so his thigh is draped over my thigh, hooking his heel into my calf. Fingers trace my ribs, tickle my belly, glide over the flesh of my hip.

  “I’m not that hurt.” Disappointment shows on my face.

  “Yes, you are. One shift the wrong way, your bone slides out of place. Trust me when I say this, I plan on shifting you all kinds of ways. Your body needs to fully heal before I put it through that.” His hands are roaming around my inner thigh.


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