Chef Margo

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Chef Margo Page 3

by Davina Lee

  Miss Baxter was nowhere to be seen. I don’t know if that was a planned absence or just lucky coincidence. Anise had made some quip about there being no one around to rescue me, and that I had no choice but to confess all my wonderful dessert recipes to her. I just shivered.

  “I’ll never talk,” I said. I knew it wasn’t true, but it was fun to think that I had a chance.

  “You’ll change your tune soon enough.” Anise secured my left arm to her bedpost. It was the same arm she had wrapped up in the museum, so it didn’t take her long at all.

  My right arm took a little longer, because I put up a bit of a struggle. I was just playing my part of the unwilling captive, but Anise stopped right away and turned very serious for a moment.

  “I’m sorry Margo,” she said. “I got carried away and forgot to tell you something very important. If you ever feel uncomfortable, or if you just want to stop for any reason at all, say the word red. If you need me to slow down, say the word yellow. I want this to be fun for you, and you need to know you’re safe for that to happen.”

  “Um.” I swallowed. “Okay.” Boy, that probably sounded dumb. “Anise,” I said. “What I meant to say was thank you. I mean that. I trust you.”

  And I did, too. Even as I looked down over my naked form—covered in goose pimples with nipples as hard as diamonds while Anise tied my ankles—I knew I could trust her not to take me too far. I let out a long shuddering sigh and let myself surrender to her control.

  I felt the pace of my breathing quicken as Anise tugged on the bonds holding my ankles to make sure they were secure. I lost track of her for a moment after that, as she left me to rummage around in a dresser drawer. I had a strong feeling she was after the Aphrodite—she had given me a detailed description of what she planned to do with it while we were on the train. But it wasn’t until I heard the humming, and felt its pulsing where she pressed it to my thigh, that I knew what I was in for.

  “You’re going to give me all your recipes, aren’t you Margo?” Anise’s grin would make any movie villain proud.

  “Never,” I said.

  “When I’m done with you, I’m going to put a pen in your hand and you’re going to write them out for me.”

  “No. Never. You can’t…”

  But I didn’t get a chance to finish. Anise had leaned over the bed and was busy pressing her tongue into my mouth while her hand was guiding the Aphrodite slowly up the inside of my thigh. I felt a shudder run the length of me and tried not to smack my teeth into hers as that shudder rattled its way up to my skull.

  “Never say never, Margo.”

  “Ohh-hhh,” was all I managed in reply.

  “The recipe I’m interested in, baby, is very personal.” Anise traded hands with the vibrating Aphrodite, putting it in her left while she moved the index finger of her right toward her mouth.

  “I want the recipe for this.” Anise slid her tongue over the length of her finger and then lowered it from my view. I knew right where it was going, so when I felt her parting my folds there was no surprise, only more shivering.

  Anise brought her now glistening finger to her lips and I was treated to the vision of her slowly slurping up every last drop. I shuddered again, but this time with a long, lusty moan playing accompaniment.

  “You’re going to show me how you make it, Margo.” Anise was untying my right hand now. “And if I like what I see, I’ll reward you.”

  I felt the vibrating pulses of the Aphrodite slamming into my body where her finger had just been and I got an understanding of her idea of a reward. Oh God, that’s good. But was it good enough that I was going to lie here, tied by three limbs, while I used my free hand to put on a show for her?

  That’s what Anise was asking me to do, I was sure of it. And I was probably going to do it for her, too. I felt like any inhibitions that I still had were quickly slipping away into a fog of lust. I wanted to put a show on for her. I wanted to look into her eyes as I did it, and see her own desire for me growing as I brought myself to the peak of pleasure.

  “How’s this?” I asked, and started in slowly.

  “That’s nice,” Anise whispered as she moved her eyes to my hand. “Think of it like stirring a good sauce, Margo. Too slow and you risk burning it. Too fast and it’ll splash right out of the pot, making a mess of things.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” I smirked. Anise had been paying attention in the kitchen, but I had a feeling my sexy sous-chef was weaving more than just a little innuendo into her warning about not making a mess. Well, two could play that game.

  “You wanna lick the spoon, baby?” I asked, my grin widening as I plunged in deep before holding my finger out to her.

  Anise took me by the wrist, but instead of pulling my finger up to her mouth as I had expected, she was pushing my arm up above my head and securing it to the bedpost again.

  “Hey,” I complained.

  Anise just shook her head. “I don’t remember telling you to stop stirring, Margo. Now we’re going to have to start all over, and I’m going to be the one in charge of the spoon.”

  I watched as a grin about a mile wide spread over Anise’s lips.

  “Would you like that, Margo?”


  “You’re not very convincing.” She got up off the bed and walked out the door. “I’ll let you think about it for a while.”

  She left me there. Anise actually left me naked and tied up on her bed.

  “Damn it, Anise!”

  I heard a whisper through the door. “Shouting won’t get you anywhere, Margo. You should be more respectful.”

  I pictured Anise standing just on the other side of the door, arms folded across her chest, smirking as she thought about my predicament—the predicament I had gotten myself into when I let her tie me to this damn bed. I pulled at the ropes securing my wrists and ankles. I wasn’t going anywhere.


  “What’s the magic word?”


  The door opened just a crack and I saw Anise’s head poking through. Sure enough, she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as she looked over my misfortune.

  “Score one for Margo with the word please,” she said as she walked into the room and stood at the head of the bed. “Want to try for another?”

  “Um…how? I mean…I mean, please? Um…”

  “You’re so cute when your flustered, Margo.” Anise smiled down at me and patted me on the cheek like I was a child. It was maddeningly condescending.

  I pulled at the ropes that held my wrists. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere until Anise released me. I could always yell red if I wanted out, but then the fun times would be over. And as obnoxious as Anise was being at the moment, it was fun—frustrating as hell, but fun.

  Anise reached a finger over to my right nipple and began making little circles around it, causing me to shiver while my flesh crinkled under her touch. She smiled and moved her finger over to the other side. Same circles, same shiver, but this time with an arch of my back and a little moan escaping my lips.

  “So cute, indeed,” she said. “Do you approve of my stirring technique, Margo?”


  “Good.” Anise trailed her extended index finger and dragged her nail slowly down over my stomach as I squirmed and pulled at my bonds. She stopped just below my waist where she brushed my little downy wisp of hair back and forth a few times.

  “Next time I might ask you to shave this for me, Margo.” Anise swished back and forth another couple of times. “Would you do that for me?”

  “Yes.” I said as I lay there shuddering.

  Bring me a razor, I’ll do it right now, I thought, but didn’t say. I probably would have though. I’d have done anything for her, particularly since she had moved her finger between my folds and seemed determined to test the strength of the ropes with my squirming.

  “Will you come for me, Margo?”


  “Oh that was too easy.” Ani
se suddenly pulled her finger free. I felt empty.

  She walked away from the bed, pacing, as if thinking over her next move. I just lay there watching—helpless. I had given up on tugging, seeing that it didn’t do anything other than give me a friction burn. If I was going to come, it was going to be on Anise’s timetable, not mine. I willed myself to relax.

  “Will you beg me to let you come, Margo?”


  Anise turned around to face me, and once again she was grinning. When I heard the humming, I knew why. In her upthrust hand she held the toy that I knew as Aphrodite.

  “This thing has eleven different speeds, Margo. Did you know that?” She held it out and twisted it around so that I had a good view from all angles. “When I had it on your thigh, that was a three. Do you have any idea how good it’s going to feel rattling away inside you at eleven?”

  I nodded. Actually I had no idea, having only felt it for a brief moment, and at a three at that, but I would have agreed to just about anything right now.

  “I’m going to let you feel it, Margo…” Anise walked to the head of the bed and touched the vibrating Aphrodite to my nipple. It felt like she had plugged me into a wall socket. My entire body spasmed for a moment. “But I’m not going to let you come. Not until you beg me for it.”


  “Not yet, Margo. Not until you’re ready.”

  I thought I was pretty ready right now. All this teasing was really making the butterflies in my tummy jump, and when she touched that humming toy to my nipple, they had all decided to migrate south.

  “Please, Anise?”

  “Please what, Margo?”

  “Please let me feel it.”

  Anise pressed the Aphrodite to the middle of the inside of my left thigh and began moving slowly upward. It tickled, but in a good way. My entire leg tensed up, and the rope dug into my ankle. I think I might have whined a little and I’m pretty sure I left a puddle on the sheet.

  She stopped and pulled the toy away before it got to where I wanted it. I definitely whined that time.

  “I let you feel it.” Anise was grinning. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “I meant…” I said. “Oh, you know what I meant. Please?”

  “No Margo, I don’t know. Maybe you should tell me.”

  “Ohh…” She’s going to make me say it. “Um…”

  “So cute when you’re flustered.” Anise pressed the Aphrodite to the inside of my right thigh and my leg tensed so fast I swear I almost ripped the bedposts off. It definitely was not at a three now. She just grinned.

  “Oh God, Anise.” I squirmed and strained at my bonds. It was no use, she was in charge. “Oh, just fuck me with that thing. Stick it in my pussy and turn it up to eleven!”

  Anise grinned as I felt the sensations slam into me like a freight train. There was no working up to it. One minute I was empty and craving something, anything, in terms of stimulation. The next minute it’s like a bolt of lightning.

  Arms and legs taut and straining against unyielding rope. My back arched almost painfully. The cords of my neck standing out as I opened my mouth in a silent scream.

  “Fuck!” I finally managed and slammed my head backward into the pillow.

  “Don’t you dare come until I say so, Margo.” That was all I got in response. “You’re my girl now, and you’ll come only when I let you.”

  Come only when she lets me? I clamped down on the toy pulsing away between my thighs. That just made things worse, so I tried to relax. I quickly found that didn’t help either. What had I gotten myself into?


  “Already?” She was shaking her head and twisting the Aphrodite as she worked it in and out ever so slowly.


  “No.” She angled the toy and pressed it hard inside me.

  “Fuuuck!” I thrashed on the mattress. Part of me was trying to escape the sensations being drilled into me so that I could hold out a little longer. The other part of me just wanted to come and didn’t care about the consequences.

  Anise chuckled. “You’re lucky Miss Baxter isn’t here to hear you talking like that. She might put you over her knee for cursing.”

  “Anise, please?”

  “You gonna write out your recipes for me?”

  “Huh?” Oh shit, the recipes. That’s what this was all about. I got so wrapped up in the moment that I’d nearly forgotten this was all an elaborate game to get me to confess some of my dessert recipes that Anise was particularly fond of.

  “Never.” I said. As if I could hold out.

  Anise angled the Aphrodite again and pressed hard. I swear I felt the vibrations all the way up my spine until my brain rattled. My entire body shook and spasmed, completely ignoring any commands I gave it to relax.

  “Fuu—Yes! Yes, I’ll write them all down!”

  My right calf started to cramp up. It was actually bordering on painful now and I honestly didn’t know how much more I could take. Thankfully, Anise was not in a mood to tease me any further. Either that or she was able to see that I was almost ready to call yellow—her word for slow. Fortunately, she took pity on me and I didn’t have to.

  “You may come now, Margo.” The words registered in my brain just as Anise pressed firmly on the Aphrodite and, at the same time, crawled between my thighs and started in with her tongue. I hadn’t expected that, and maybe she hadn’t planned it, but it was good—really good.

  “Ohh…God, yes!” I thrashed my head from side to side. It was the only part of me that I could move freely. After an untold number of licks, I felt my eyes beginning to roll back into my skull.


  I think she responded with, “Come for me, baby,” but it was all muffled with her face in my crotch and my head banging into the pillow. So I made a decision and told myself that, yes, Anise had actually given me permission to have an orgasm.

  And what a glorious orgasm it was.

  “Oh, God. Mmm. Anise!” I stopped thrashing for a moment as my body tensed. The ropes bit hard against my wrists and ankles, and that right calf muscle was cramping again, but the little bit of discomfort did nothing to stop the freight train of an orgasm that slammed into me. “Fuuuuck!”

  I forgot to ask Anise if I blacked out, but I think I might have. There seemed to be a short stretch of missing time before I was completely conscious again and somehow untied with Anise snuggling up next to me.

  She was still dressed. Odd, I thought. She gave me a screaming orgasm—possibly the best one of my life so far—and she hadn’t even gotten undressed.

  I touched my finger to her lip and smiled. “You’re trouble,” I said.

  “So it was alright?” Anise peered into my eyes, this time without the sly grin. “It wasn’t too scary or anything?”

  I shook my head.

  “Good.” She exhaled and I watched as the corners of her mouth turned up. “‘Cause you’re my first. I’m kind of new to all this. From the dominant side.”

  I almost asked her what she meant by that, but she leaned in to kiss me and suddenly it didn’t seem so important anymore. I wrapped my arm around Anise so that I could run my fingers through her hair and settled back to enjoy the post-orgasmic warmth washing over me.

  All of my earlier tension was gone, the cramp in my calf non-existent, all replaced by a nice calm floaty feeling. It was almost as if having Anise’s arm over me was the only thing keeping me from drifting up off the bed and sticking to the ceiling. So when I heard the front door open and then close again, I ignored it and just snuggled in a little tighter.

  It wasn’t until I heard the distinctive staccato click of Miss Baxter’s heels drumming on the hardwood floor that I realized that we had left the door to Anise’s bedroom wide open. I lifted my head ever so slightly to peer into the eyes of Miss Baxter, standing in her perfectly-pressed trouser suit and reaching for the doorknob.

  “So, how was she?” Miss Baxter was wearing a tight-lipped expres
sion that I realized was about as close as she got to an impish grin.

  I pulled my hand out from under the covers and gave her a little thumbs-up. She turned and quietly closed the door, while I went back to enjoying the warmth of Anise.

  * * * *

  That’s kind of how Anise and I spent our free time over the next few months. Well, we did do other things too, like she was stepping up her training regiment, and I was actually cooking for five now that two new girls had moved in to the boarding house. And we did girlfriend stuff, like dancing and moonlit strolls. I even got her to slow down long enough to go see a movie with me.

  That’s why, when the time came, it was so hard for me to tell her I was leaving.

  Back when I had been throwing my resume at any restaurant and catering business I could find, hoping to find one where it stuck, I took a chance and sent one to my dream job—Cirqulara in Chicago. They were a little slow in getting back to me, but when they did, and they told me they were opening up a second location, I found it very hard to say no.

  But it was a long way from here.

  “I’ve typed up all your favorite dessert recipes and uploaded them to Miss Baxter’s cloud account. You’ve got enough kitchen chops that you ought to be able to make any one of them whenever you get a craving.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too, Anise.” I pulled her over so that her head was resting against my shoulder. “But it’s not so far away. And we can Skype.”

  “It’s far.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and listened to her ragged breathing in my ear as I tried to keep my own emotions in check. She was right, of course. It was too far away for a quick visit. Things would have to be planned—schedules considered and rearranged.

  “I’ve stocked the fridge, and Miss Baxter has the number for the distributor I’ve been using. They’ve got lots of good ready-made meals. You won’t have to subsist on carry-out anymore.”

  “I know.” Anise sniffled.

  I felt like I had just kicked someone’s dog.

  “This is a really good opportunity for me,” I said. “I’ll be working with one of the top chefs in the country.”


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