The Cash Boy

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The Cash Boy Page 15

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Frank's misgivings were not without good cause. The housekeeper's callat the store was connected with him. How, will be understood from aconversation which took place that morning between her and John Wade.

  "It's a relief to get that boy out of the house, Mrs. Bradley," he saidat the breakfast table.

  "That it is, Mr. John," she replied. "But he'll be trying to get back,take my word for it."

  "He won't dare to," said John Wade, incredulously. "I told him if hecame near the house I would give him up to the police."

  "I am afraid he will write to your uncle. He's bold enough foranything."

  "I didn't think of that," said John, thoughtfully.

  "Do you know his handwriting, Mrs. Bradley?"

  "I think I should know it."

  "Then if any letters come which you know to be from him, keep them backfrom my uncle."

  "What shall I do with them?"

  "Give them to me. I don't want my uncle worried by his appeals."

  "Your uncle seems to be very attached to him. He may go to the store tosee him."

  "That is true. I should not like that. How shall we prevent it, that'sthe question."

  "If Gilbert & Mack knew that he was not honest they would dischargehim."

  "Exactly," said John Wade; "and as probably he would be unable to getanother situation, he would be compelled to leave the city, and weshould get rid of him. I commend your shrewdness, Mrs. Bradley. Yourplan is most excellent."

  John Wade had more reasons than the housekeeper knew of for desiring theremoval of our young hero from the city--reasons which the reader hasprobably guessed. There was a dark secret in his life connected with awrong done in years past, from which he hoped some day to reap personalbenefit. Unconsciously Frank Fowler stood in his way, and must beremoved. Such was his determination.

  "I am going out this morning," said the housekeeper. "I will make it inmy way to call at Gilbert & Mack's. My nephew is a salesman there, as Ihave told you. I will drop a word in his ear, and that will be enough tosettle that boy's hash."

  "Your language is professional, Mrs. Bradley," said John Wade, laughing,"but you shouldn't allude to hash in an aristocratic household. I shallbe glad to have you carry out your plan."

  "I hope you'll speak to your uncle about my nephew, Mr. John. He getsvery poor pay where he is."

  "I won't forget him," said John, carelessly.

  In his heart he thought Thomas Bradley a very low, obtrusive fellow,whom he felt by no means inclined to assist, but it was cheap to makepromises.

  The reader understands now why Mrs. Bradley made a morning call atGilbert & Mack's store.

  She knew at what part of the counter her nephew was stationed, and madeher way thither at once. He did not at first recognize her, until shesaid:

  "Good-morning, Thomas."

  "Good-morning, aunt. What brings you here this morning? Any good newsfor me? Has the old gentleman come around and concluded to do somethinghandsome?"

  "Mr. Wharton is not in the city. He has gone to Washington. But thatisn't what I came about this morning. You remember that boy who has beenreading to Mr. Wharton?"

  "One of our cash-boys. Yes; there he is, just gone by."

  "Well, he has stolen Mr. John's pocketbook and some jewelry belonging tohim."

  "What have you done about it? What does Mr. Wharton say?"

  "He's away from home. He doesn't know yet. Mr. John gave him a lecture,and ordered him to leave the house."

  "Does he admit that he took the things?"

  "No; he denied it as bold as brass, but it didn't do him any good. Therewere the things in his trunk. He couldn't get over that."

  Thomas fastened a shrewd glance on his aunt's face, for he suspected thetruth.

  "So you've got rid of him?" he said. "What do you propose to do next?"

  "Mr. John thinks your employer ought to know that he is a thief."

  "Are you going to tell them?"

  "I want you to do it."

  "You must tell them yourself, aunt. I shan't."

  "Then introduce me to Mr. Gilbert, Thomas, and I'll do it."

  "Follow me, aunt."

  He led his aunt to the rear of the store, where Mr. Gilbert wasstanding.

  "Mr. Gilbert," he said, "allow me to introduce my aunt, Mrs. Bradley."

  The housekeeper was courteously received, and invited to be seated. Shesoon opened her business, and blackened poor Frank's character as shehad intended.

  "Really, Mrs. Bradley, I am sorry to hear this," said Mr. Gilbert. "Youthink there is no doubt of the boy's guilt?"

  "I am sorry to say that I have no doubt at all," said the housekeeper,hypocritically.

  "Mr. Mack and myself have had a very good opinion of him. He is faithfuland prompt."

  "Of course, sir, you will retain him in your employ if you are willingto take the risk, but I thought it my duty to put you on your guard."

  "I am obliged to you, Mrs. Bradley; though, as I said, I regret to findthat my confidence in the boy has been misplaced."

  Late in the afternoon, Frank was called to the cashier's desk.

  "I am directed by Mr. Gilbert to say that your services will not berequired after to-day," he said. "Here are the week's wages."

  "Why am I discharged? What have I done?" demanded Frank, while his heartsank within him.

  "I don't know. You must ask Mr. Gilbert," answered the cashier.

  "I will speak to him, at any rate," and Frank walked up to the seniorpartner, and addressed to him the same question.

  "Can you not guess?" asked Mr. Gilbert, sternly.

  "I can guess that a false accusation has been brought against me," saidFrank.

  "A respectable lady has informed me that you are not honest. I regretit, for I have been pleased with your diligence. Of course, I cannotretain you in my employ."

  "Mr. Gilbert," said Frank, earnestly, "the charge is false. Mrs. Bradleyis my enemy, and wishes me harm. I don't understand how the things cameinto my trunk, but I didn't put them there."

  "I hope you are innocent, but I must discharge you. Business is dullnow, and I had decided to part with four of my cash-boys. I won't passjudgment upon you, but you must go."

  Frank bowed in silence, for he saw that further entreaty would be vain,and left the store more dispirited than at any moment since he had beenin the city.

  Ten days Frank spent in fruitless efforts to obtain a place.

  All this time his money steadily diminished. He perceived that he wouldsoon be penniless. Evidently, something must be done. He formed twodeterminations. The first was to write to Mr. Wharton, who, he thought,must now have returned from Washington, asserting his innocence andappealing to him to see Gilbert & Mack, and re-establish him in theirconfidence. The second was, since he could not obtain a regular place,to frequent the wharves and seek chances to carry bundles. In thisway he might earn enough, with great economy, to pay for his board andlodging.

  One morning the housekeeper entered the library where John Wade satreading the daily papers.

  "Mr. John," she said, holding out a letter, "here is a letter from thatboy. I expected he would write to your uncle."

  John Wade deliberately opened the letter.

  "Sit down, Mrs. Bradley, and I will read the letter aloud."

  It will be only necessary to quote the concluding sentences:

  "'I hope, Mr. Wharton, you will not be influenced against me by whatMrs. Bradley and your nephew say. I don't know why it is, but they aremy enemies, though I have always treated them with respect. I am afraidthey have a desire to injure me in your estimation. If they had notbeen, they would have been content with driving me from your house,without also slandering me to my employers, and inducing them todischarge me. Since I was discharged, I have tried very hard to getanother place, but as I cannot bring a recommendation from Gilbert &Mack, I have everywhere been refused. I ask you, Mr. Wharton to considermy situation. Already my small
supply of money is nearly gone, and I donot know how I am to pay my expenses. If it was any fault of mine thathad brought me into this situation, I would not complain, but it seemshard to suffer when I am innocent.

  "'I do not ask to return to your house, Mr. Wharton, for it would notbe pleasant, since your nephew and Mrs. Bradley dislike me, but I have aright to ask that the truth may be told to my employers, so that ifthey do not wish me to return to their service, they may, at least,be willing to give me a recommendation that will give me a placeelsewhere."'

  "I must prevent the boy communicating with my uncle, if it is a possiblething. 'Strike while the iron is hot,' I say."

  "I think that is very judicious, Mr. John. I have no doubt you will knowhow to manage matters."

  John Wade dressed himself for a walk, and drawing out a cigar, descendedthe steps of his uncle's house into the street.

  He reached Fifth Avenue, and walked slowly downtown. He was aboutopposite Twenty-eighth Street, when he came face to face with thesubject of his thoughts.

  "Where are you going?" John Wade demanded sternly.

  "I don't know that I am bound to answer your question," answered Frank,quietly, "but I have no objection. I am going to Thirty-ninth Streetwith this bundle."

  "Hark you, boy! I have something to say to you," continued John Wade,harshly. "You have had the impudence to write to my uncle."

  "What did he say?"

  "Nothing that you would like to hear. He looks upon you as a thief."

  "You have slandered me to him, Mr. Wade," he said, angrily. "You mightbe in better business than accusingly a poor boy falsely."

  "Hark you, young man! I have had enough of your impudence. I will giveyou a bit of advice, which you will do well to follow. Leave this cityfor a place where you are not known, or I may feel disposed to shut youup on a charge of theft."

  "I shall not leave the city, Mr. Wade," returned Frank, firmly. "I shallstay here in spite of you," and without waiting for an answer, he walkedon.


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