Burning Dawn

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Burning Dawn Page 2

by Gena Showalter

  Should she risk punishment? Death?

  Decision time.

  Pro: there was no better time for an escape. Many in the camp were distracted, as King Ardeo--who'd replaced the late Krull--had taken his most trusted men to who-knows-where to hunt Petra, Kendra's aunt, the Phoenix who had murdered Malta, Krull's widow and Kendra's mother and, for a short time, Ardeo's most beloved concubine.

  Ugh! What a mind-maze of names.

  Ardeo had waited centuries to claim Malta, only to lose her two days later when a jealous Petra stabbed her in her sleep--and, taking a page from Kendra's How To Be A Psycho book, ate her heart.

  Con: Elin wasn't in possession of Frost, a new "medication" for immortals, and the only thing capable of diluting Kendra's poison.

  Pro: she might be able to get some.

  Krull had purchased a handful of cubes right after Kendra's marriage to Ricker. Kendra now kept them inside a locket she wore at all times.

  If Elin could steal that locket...

  Another pro: never again having to worry about Orson.

  He was away with Ardeo, but when he returned...

  She shuddered as she recalled his parting words to her. "I will have you, halfling, and the way I'll take you, there'll be no chance of a babe."


  Con: she could die horribly.

  The Sent One was almost in front of her. Any second now...

  If her mother were alive, she would tell Elin to go for it, despite the risk.

  Well, then. Decision made.

  Moving as fast as her reflexes would allow, Elin palmed the shard and swiped the jagged edge across the Sent One's arm.

  As crimson droplets trickled down his skin, she gagged. Dizziness struck her, and a burning tightness bloomed in her chest.

  Panic...threatening to consume her...already restricting her airways...

  No! Not this time. She focused on her life goals--freedom, money, bakery--breathed in and out with purpose, and the storm passed.

  The Sent One ground to a halt.

  He's a slave, like me, and I'm his only hope. Heck, he's my only hope. I can do this. For my family.

  He turned his head, looking at her over the arch of his wing, and she shivered. Curly blond hair innocently framed the face of a born seducer...exquisite, flawless. In contrast, his bedroom eyes were at half-mast, beseeching a female to naughtiness.

  Anything for you...

  Too bad those eyes were so poison-fogged she couldn't guess their color. Long, spiky lashes of the deepest jet rimmed his lids, and his soft, full lips practically begged for reckless kisses.

  A ring of angry scars circled his neck, and she frowned. Evidence of an injury, no matter how great or small, did not usually remain on an immortal's flesh. Had someone tried to kill him before he'd been old enough to regenerate?

  Even with the imperfection, he was beautiful. A visual feast. A rare eye candy. A delicacy to be savored. And now I'm struggling to breathe again, drowning, seriously drowning in his utter masculinity, and now in guilt...grief... I haven't lusted for a man since Bay, my sweet, darling Bay, my husband of only three months, dead now, and I should be ashamed...


  The smoky voice caught her off guard. What the flip am I doing? Concentrate!

  "What's your name?" she asked, the words scraping against her throat.

  Scowling, the warrior faced her fully.

  Note to self: gaining his attention is a mistake.

  His expression was all kinds of scary: hot and dark, radiating the evilest of intents. She gulped, expecting to be batted aside like everyone else foolish enough to engage him. But maybe she'd be gutted first.

  Instead, he reached out to pinch a lock of her hair, the dark color an intriguing contrast against the bronze of his skin. His scowl softened. "Pretty."

  Her rebellious heart hitched into her still-throbbing throat. Another living creature, touching her with no intent to harm...making her tingle...so danged good.

  How starved she had been for some kind of affection, she realized.

  A distant shout jolted him, and he dropped his arm to his side. She swallowed a humiliating whimper. Like an addict, she already wanted more from him. Nothing sexual. Never that. Bay would be her first and last lover. There would be no second chances for her. But she couldn't help wanting the Sent One's big, strong hands on her...rubbing her nape, maybe...or massaging her aching shoulders...no, her feet...as a friend! Just a friend.

  A friend with a magnificent body surely chiseled from solid gold.


  He turned away to resume his stomping, Elin already forgotten. No! She tried to wrap her fingers around his biceps, but couldn't. He was so large, his muscles so knotted with purpose. But, oh, his skin was deliciously warm and smooth.

  "Please. What's your name?" she whispered. "Think."

  Again he paused. His head tilted to the side, as if he gave serious consideration to the question. "I am My Slave."

  "Wrong. What's your real name?" The more he reflected on the answer, the faster he would fight his way through the fog. Without the aid of the medication she may or may not be able to steal.

  "My Slave," he repeated, angry now.

  O-kay. Message received. Conversation over.

  He moved away as a group of Phoenix soldiers inched closer to him, their determination to subdue him by any means necessary evident with every step.

  He threw them aside as easily as he'd thrown the others.

  Hunting his prey, he tore several tents apart.

  In the fifth, the infamous Kendra sat in front of a vanity mirror, brushing her gold-and-scarlet hair. She rolled her eyes as the Sent One approached.

  "You didn't have permission to leave your bed," she said, standing and glaring at him. "Therefore, you must be disciplined." She drummed her fingertips against her chin. "I know. You will spend an entire night away from me."

  Oh, no. Not that. Anything but that, Elin thought drily.

  Low growls erupted from him as he snatched Kendra by the waist, turned and tossed her on the mattress. The muscles in his back and thighs rippled with strength. "My Slave wants his woman."

  "Thane!" Kendra scrambled to her knees, excitement now glowing in her eyes. "You didn't have permission to touch me, either. If you do it again, I'll have to deny you the luxury of my body for a week."

  Thane. His name was Thane. Seductive, like the man himself.

  He moved in front of his mistress, breathing hard and fast, his hands clenched into fists. Elin could guess his dilemma. He wanted to do the princess's bidding, but he also wanted--needed--what only she could give him.

  "Nothing more to say? Oh, how the mighty has fallen," Kendra cooed, tracing a fingertip down the center of his chest. She must have forgotten about her audience--or she just didn't care. "I wish the male you were could meet the male you've become. You'd realize just how desperately you crave the woman you once abandoned." She thought for a moment, brightened. "You're in luck. I can arrange a meeting." She unsealed the locket hanging from her neck and scraped a few flakes of Frost onto her fingertip.

  "Open," she commanded, and he obeyed.

  He groaned with pleasure as she rubbed the flakes against his tongue.

  With such a small amount, he would be aware of his predicament, for a little while at least, but unable to deny his body's needs. Far more would be required to break the bond between master and slave.

  Tense, Elin watched him. What would happen when reality hit?

  A minute passed. Then another. Then he threw back his head and roared with unfettered rage.

  The Frost had worked. Part of him had just realized what had become of him.

  Elin covered her mouth to stop a cry of dismay.

  "That's right. You worship a woman you despise." Grinning, Kendra stretched out on the bed. "I've changed my mind. You will take me, my slave. You will take me now, while your mind curses me."

  "No," he snarled, even as he stroked his erectio

  "Oh, yes. Do it." Her tone hardened. "Now."

  Gritting his teeth, as if he fought a war within himself, he tore at her tank and shorts.

  How did he treat a woman when he wasn't enthralled? Gently? Would he care that others watched him have sex? Or that his lover actually belonged to another man?

  "Isn't this fun?" Kendra purred. Never had a person so emanated evil.

  What had caused her to become...this?

  Didn't really matter now. She was what she was.

  They all were.

  Survival instinct 101. Put your head down. See nothing. Say nothing.

  "Hate you," Thane spat.

  Kendra laughed. "Do you really? When you love me so thoroughly?"

  Crack. Elin's gaze jerked up. The warrior had just punched a hole in the headboard.

  "Now, now. None of that," Kendra cooed. "You've been given an order. See to it."

  Thane flipped her over and pushed her face into a pillow. Not wanting to look at her, even though he was still desperate for her? He nudged her legs apart with his knee, and Kendra gave another laugh.

  "Just the way I like it," she taunted, glancing back at him to smirk.

  He turned his head to the side, and Elin could see the humiliation and disgust contorting his features.

  A conflicting blast of emotions raced through her. Pity that he was being driven to this. Anger that he was being treated this way. And raw determination. He was a slave, like her, and needed a savior.

  Screw survival instinct.

  Elin raced inside the tent. "Stop. Please, Thane. Stop."

  He grabbed the base of his shaft and positioned himself for entrance.

  "Thane!" she shouted, trying again. Fight Kendra's allure. Don't give her what she wants.

  He halted just before the damage was done, his entire body vibrating as he resisted the urges thundering inside him.

  "Please," she repeated, and cupped his shoulder. "You don't have to do this."

  His nostrils flared as he drew in a sharp breath. Then he licked his lips, as if he'd just scented a tastier meal.

  Me? she almost squeaked.

  "How dare you speak to my slave, human." Kendra swiped out a claw, intending to rake Elin's thigh. Only, Thane grabbed the princess by the wrist, saving Elin from a severed artery. "Ow! Let go."

  "No...hurt," he gritted.

  The Phoenix guards snapped to attention, realizing they needed to protect their princess, and attacked Thane in unison, wrenching Elin from his side.

  Stomach rolling from the sight of the attack, dizziness swimming in her head, she scrambled from the battle and waded shakily into the pond. She ducked under the surface, submerging herself, and vowed to stay under water as long as her lungs would allow.


  Yes. Yes, she was. But there was nothing she could do about it. Violence was her kryptonite, and if she didn't hide, if she saw it happening, she would splinter apart.

  Aren't you already?

  At least Thane's life would be spared. Upon his arrival at camp, he had been clear enough to realize he was in the middle of a crap storm, and had killed Krull, who would not be coming back. Ever.

  Kendra had been due a punishment for what she'd done to Ricker, and, to avoid it, she'd reverted to her old ways and eaten the old king's heart. Ardeo had then taken the throne and as thanks for Thane's part in the whole deal, granted him life eternal among the Phoenix. As a slave, yes, but life was life.


  Elin came up for air, gasping, relieved to see Thane and the warriors were gone. She wiped the water droplets from her lashes and trudged to the shore.

  "Human!" Kendra screamed. "We have business."

  Uh-oh. Time for my newest beating.

  Her mind whirled with a new plan. Bear whatever happens next, recover and steal the cubes out of the locket. Kendra has to sleep sometime.

  Thane would come to his senses and fight his way out. Grateful for her service, he would take Elin with him. Finally, she could start her new life.



  Same solution.

  My Slave yanked his way to freedom, ignoring the pain sweeping through his body. He stomped toward the exit of the tent. He wanted his woman with a desperation that--

  He stumbled back a few steps, momentarily distracted. He frowned. Something small, square and cold had just been shoved into his mouth; it was sweet. He liked it. Also, there was a strange weight pulling at his shoulders. Why?

  He took stock. A female had her arms locked around him, her small body pressed against him, her legs dangling above the ground.

  New problem.

  New solution. He grabbed her by the waist with every intention of pitching her over his shoulder. But the sweetness of her curves registered, and he quickly changed his mind. She was delicate, like an exquisite piece of china in need of protection.

  He didn't think he'd ever held anything so fine.

  Careful, so careful, he wrapped his arms around her and held her against him, using his body as a shield against the world. He would protect.

  She sucked in a breath, as if the embrace surprised her. "Your name is Thane. Remember. Please."

  Her voice--he recognized it. It was unnaturally raspy, as if she'd just had the most intense orgasm of her life and would die without another. And it was an intonation that had invaded his dreams for the past six nights, sparking something inside him to life...something almost tender...driving him, arousing him.

  An arousal he didn't understand. She wasn't his woman.

  "Thane," she said on a trembling breath. "Your name is Thane. Kendra tripled your dose of poison, so I need you to concentrate on the cold now spilling through you. Do you feel it? Do you feel the cold?"

  The cold--yes. A thin layer of ice coated his insides. "Yes."

  "Good. Now concentrate on me," she said, and he was helpless to do otherwise. "Hear what I say. You are a Sent One. You aren't here of your own volition. You were drugged. You're still drugged. The woman you desire has made you a prisoner of the Phoenix. Clan Firebird."

  In some forgotten corner of his mind, the words held his interest. Sent One. Drugged. Prisoner. Phoenix.

  The words were accompanied by emotions.

  Sent One--longing.




  "--still listening? You can free yourself, Thane. There is a way."

  The cold intensified, until a winter storm raged through every inch of him. All the while the female continued to speak--that voice, so carnally perfect--and he began to feel as if he were floating higher and higher, his head finally peeking above a sheet of dark clouds.

  His name was Thane. He was a Sent One.

  He was here for a woman. No, he thought a second later. He was here because of one.

  Kendra. Yes. That was her name.

  He despised Kendra. Didn't he?

  No. He wanted her. Only her.

  But...if that were true, why was he clinging to the female in his arms?

  The, oh, so tempting female in my arms. He ran his nose along the line of her neck, inhaling deeply.

  "Wh-what are you doing?" she asked on a wispy catch of breath. "Smelling me? I've bathed. I swear I have."

  No hint of smoke or flowers, only soap and cherries. She didn't smell like Kendra, and he was glad.

  He rubbed his stubble-covered cheek against her skin. Soft, mildly warm rather than searing hot. She didn't feel like Kendra. But...better?

  Yes, oh, yes.

  He flicked his tongue across her fluttering pulse. Melted honey, summer fruit. She didn't taste like Kendra. So much better.

  "Stop." She moaned, and he liked that, too. Wanted to hear it again...and again. "That's not going to happen between us, warrior. We're going to save each other, nothing else."

  What he heard: going to happen between us.

  He agreed.

He carried her to the bed and eased her onto the mattress. "Have you," he said.

  "No, Thane," she replied, wary--and even more breathless.

  Floating higher and higher...

  Peering down at her, he felt as if he were seeing her for the first time. Maybe he was. Or, maybe his focus was sharper with every second that passed, new portions of his mind clearing, cobwebs falling away.

  His friends would have called her "plain," he thought, but to Thane she was utterly breathtaking.

  Long, dark hair spread around her like a midnight curtain. She was human. Petite. Delicately honed, like a cameo. Her pale skin had been burned by the harsh rays of the desert sun and had freckled. He could trace those freckles with his tongue. She was young, perhaps twenty, with big gray eyes that reminded him of smoked-glass mirrors. He could see himself in those eyes...all the way to his battered soul.

  Something in her called to something in him--like to like--and a part of him he'd never known, a part once hidden even from that forgotten corner, responded. It was strong, this something. It was alive. Demanding. And it was saying, This one. Take her.

  He watched as her gaze dropped to his erection...and quickly shot back up. A blush stained her cheeks. The sight aroused him, lighting a new fire in his veins.

  "Uh, if you want to be free of Kendra, you can't make love to her. Not that that's what you've been doing to her. Barf! I'm just saying you have to kill her."

  He would have to proceed with caution. He could easily hurt so fragile a female.

  Her words registered, and he paused. Kill...Kendra?

  "There's no better time. She's sleeping. That's how I managed to steal the Frost."


  Kendra... His friend Bjorn had found her in the slave market. She'd been bound by gossamer chains--somehow unbreakable--when the warrior presented her to Thane as a gift.

  Higher still... Bjorn. A sharp, stinging pang razed Thane's chest. Bjorn and Xerxes. His boys. His only friends. They had fought demons together, bled together. They had shared lovers and guarded each other's backs. The boys were as close as brothers. He trusted them with his life. Loved them with all that he was. Needed them more than his heart or lungs.

  They felt the same way about him. Bjorn probably blamed himself for what had happened with the princess.

  He shouldn't. Thane had welcomed Kendra into his bed because she hadn't minded his peculiar sexual tastes...his enjoyment for things that had horrified so many others. In fact, she had begged for the terrible things he'd done to her. For more. But she had also grown possessive and clingy, and he'd decided to let her go.


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