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Shameless Page 26

by Storm, Zee Shine

  Jasmine: I just don't like it.

  Me: You don't like reality or you don't like writing about it?

  Jasmine: Both.

  Me: That sounds kind of...ominous. (Laughing a little)

  Jasmine: (Poker face) I know. It is.

  Me: (Growing uncomfortable) Okay. caused quite a stir when you first decided to abandon your pen name ‘Crystal Reynolds’ and reveal your real name to the world. What prompted your decision exactly?

  Jasmine: I just wanted to be true to myself.

  Me: There was...quite a controversy surrounding that reveal. Social media went into a frenzy. The book community was a little shocked. Also, outraged Muslim fans. Do you mind telling us a little more about that experience?

  Jasmine: Well, I lost a lot of readers. Mostly Islamophobic ones. And my Muslim readers kind of hated what I represented so many of them stopped buying my books, saying they refused to support me. But I didn't give a rat's ass because...well...if they truly loved my work, they'd have tried to understand the person I was rather than judge me for my choices.

  Me: Wow...that...sounds intense. you not use any vulgar language because I want this to be a clean interview? Many of my viewers are quite young.

  Jasmine: What vulgar language?

  Me: just know...something about a rat's...

  Jasmine: Oh. Right. It's kind of stupid to invite me to the show and then expect me to not speak as I always do. Everybody uses vulgar language these days. It's also a form of communication and doesn't need to be censored as much. It's all about context. I mean, if I called somebody a rat's you, for instance, then there would be a cause for offence. But I just said it as a general, non-offensive phrase.

  Me: (Clearing my throat) Yes. I know. I just meant that-

  Jasmine: Oh and if anybody listening is a fan, they already know and love me no matter what kind of language I use and if anyone listening is offended, then well, you probably won't last long as a fan of mine so I really don't care.

  Me: (Deeply offended and wishing I could shut down this interview) Let's move on, shall we? Do you mind telling us a little bit about your personal life? Nothing that you wish to keep private but some readers are curious and have questions since you prefer not to answer any on your social media.

  Jasmine: What questions?

  Me: (Peering at the questions in the live feed on my computer screen) All from London is a new reader and wants to know if you have someone special in your life?

  Jasmine: Hi, Lacy from London. I have a lot of special someones actually. I consider them my tribe.

  Me: (Waiting for her to elaborate)

  Jasmine: (Relaxing)

  Me: Okay. Next question then. (Reading more comments) This one's from Isadora in Scotland. She wants to know if you're ever planning to write adult fantasy?

  Jasmine: Hi Isadora from Scotland. I don't plan anything when it comes to my writing. If I ever write an adult fantasy, you'll hear about it.

  Me: (Thinking she is awfully rude and regretting that I invited her to chat) Daniel from Australia wants to know if you're available for a... (Cringes) Oh, sorry. Let's just ignore that one.

  Jasmine: No. Let's not. Ignorance never solves anything. What's the rest of the question?

  Me: Nothing. It was kind of inappropriate.

  Jasmine: I want to know. Let me have a look. (Turns the screen towards her.)

  Me: (Stares)

  Jasmine: Daniel from Australia. No, I am not available for a hook-up nor will I ever be. Please don't ask me that again.

  Jasmine: Emily from Windsor. Hi. My writing routine consists of maniacal bouts of creativity where I don't even realise what day or month it is until I have succeeded in creating a masterpiece.

  Jasmine: Louise from New York. Thank you for the compliment. My favourite author is Stephen King. I haven't read a single book of his but he still inspires me as a person.

  Jasmine: John from New Jersey. Thank you for reading my books. Yes, I will be having a male protagonist in my next story which is part of a new series. Hopefully, you will like it.

  Jasmine: Eva-

  Me: Err...Miss. Khan. Hey. Hi. (Laughs but wishes to snap at her) I'm still here. Haha. How about we move on to some other questions I prepared for the show, if you don't mind.

  Jasmine: (Silent stare)

  Me: (Seriously regretting this interview)

  Jasmine: Fine. Let's do that.

  Me: Awesome. I was wondering if the big reveal years ago negatively impacted your life on a personal level instead of just professionally. And how did you deal with it if it did?

  Jasmine: Nope. It didn't affect me personally. It was a very liberating experience for me and also, I had support while dealing with the backlash.

  Me: (Smiling) That's good to hear. Friends and family are so important during such times. You must have had a strong support system to have survived that ordeal.

  Jasmine: Actually, I just had one person around at the time. My best friend. I owe it all to him because he's one of the most realist guys I have ever known and he inspired me to be the same.

  Me: Awww. Well, that's sweet... I think I know this best friend you're talking about...I follow you on Instagram. Haha. You guys seem pretty close.

  Jasmine: Yeah. If anyone watching is into photography, go give him a follow as well. It's Hold on let me type that here.

  Me: (Curious as hell because I know that best friend is not her actual partner since I did my homework before inviting her on the show but he's really hot and they're always hanging out) He's quite famous as well, huh? I follow him on IG too. Love his work.

  Jasmine: Mmm. He's one of the best.

  Me: I believe you guys were on holiday recently in Australia. Great place. Ooo...Kaylie from France wants to know... if he is single? (Giggling because I kind of want to know as well. He doesn't post anything personal on his social media.)

  Jasmine: Nope. He isn't. Sorry.

  Me: Oh. (Thinking they must definitely be together then with the way they always hang out but maybe it's a secret because she has a partner. And that one's pretty gorgeous as well. Lucky bitch) Haha. Yeah sorry, ladies.

  Jasmine: And gentlemen.

  Me: (Confused) Pardon?

  Jasmine: (Smiles) Nothing. Let's move on. I believe this interview was supposed to be about me.

  Me: (Resuming my professional manner.) Yes. Of course. It's just're a bit of a recluse and very private. Of course your readers respect that but sometimes, fans just need a little...glimpse every now and then. It's natural curiosity. Sorry if it offends you.

  Jasmine: I'm not offended.

  Me: (Trying not to roll my eyes because she did sound offended a second ago) All right.

  Jasmine: You definitely seem offended though.

  Me: Oh, not at all.

  Jasmine: No really. You do. First of all I get invited to do this interview which I am grateful for because I do love my readers but then, knowing me from social media and how blunt I usually am, you keep resisting the urge to roll your eyes every minute because you don't like the way I respond to questions.

  Me: Miss. Khan. There's no need to get aggressive. I'm glad you chose to humour us all but there's no-

  Jasmine: First of all, I am not 'humoring' anyone. Like I said, I love my readers and am happy to be here. My problem is with you. You, as an interviewer and host of this channel, can't seem to remain neutral while conducting this interview and it's really getting on my nerves.

  Me: (Abandoning all sense of professionalism because seriously, who did this bitch think she was, coming in here and telling me how to run my show?) I have been nothing but polite to you, Jasmine, even when you ignored the rules I tried to lay down-

  Jasmine: I didn't. You told me not to use vulgar language. I didn't use it again. What other rules do you mean?

  Me: (Pissed off) Your tone has been sarcastic and rude all throughout.

>   Jasmine: You shouldn't have invited me then without checking to see if I employed sarcasm and rudeness during communication.

  Me: I don't believe this. You come on my show and insult me in front of thousands of viewers and then refuse to apologise to me for it?

  Jasmine: I didn't insult you. I just stated facts. You can't seem to handle my level of honesty, that's all.

  Me: (Scoffs) Honesty. Yeah, right. I get the feeling you aren't being as honest as you claim.

  Jasmine: (Narrows her eyes at me) What is that supposed to mean?

  Me: (Shifting into bitch mode because fuck this, she was rude and deserved a little hell in return) Well, there you are telling the whole world that Jasper Wells is just your best friend but then, you leave your partner behind to go halfway across the world on vacation with this guy.

  Jasmine: So? What's your point?

  Me: My point is, Miss. Khan that we don't actually believe you're being honest about your true relationship with this so called best friend.

  Jasmine: (Is silent for a while) Okay, I have to correct you because it just irks me when people use emphasis in the wrong way. The emphasis on 'point' and 'honest' was enough. There was no need for the ‘best friend’ emphasis, that was a little over the top. And also, the emphasis on ‘Khan’ just makes you sound Islamophobic.

  Me: (Feeling outraged. Was she correcting my English on my own show? This bitch) You know, I'd rather not learn my own mother tongue from someone whose first language is not even English.

  Jasmine: Now you just sound racist.

  Me: (Rolls my eyes)

  Jasmine: Oh there it is. Must have been tough trying to control the urge all this time.

  Me: Miss. Khan. I'm sorry to say that it wasn't a pleasure having you on the show tonight. I sincerely regret inviting you. I apologise to my viewers on your behalf.

  Jasmine: Please don't. I didn't do or say anything wrong so there's no need for an apology.

  Me: Well, I beg to differ.

  Jasmine: You're welcome to your opinions. Just don't try to paint me as someone I am not because I don't fit in your mold. Also, the second time you placed the emphasis on ‘Khan’ just confirmed that you are an Islamophobe. And racist.

  Me: I'm not racist at all. And as far as Islam is concerned, you shouldn't be the one to talk here. I don't see you practising it much.

  Jasmine: I don't need to show you anything.

  Me: (Laughs mockingly) What a comeback. Are you sure you're a writer?

  Jasmine: You seemed pretty sure when you invited me here.

  Me: Again, a decision I regret whole-heartedly.

  Jasmine: And yet, you're still talking to me.

  Me: Maybe I'm still unable to believe the fact that you could be so disrespectful of someone who was a fan and refuse to even apologise.

  Jasmine: Will you be apologising for your Islamophobic and racist attitude?

  Me: That is actually a very serious accusation.

  Jasmine: One that a lot of people would choose to back up after watching this video.

  Me: You know what? I'm done. I don't want all this drama. I took you as someone professional-

  Jasmine: Well, that was your mistake. I'm as human as the rest of them.

  Me: No wonder you don't have a support system. I mean, if you're this rude-

  Jasmine: Not rude. Honest. People just can't handle it.

  Me: I'll bet. Good luck with your life, Miss. Khan. I hope you find lots more success in future. Unfortunately, I don't think I will ever be a part of that now. I can't support an author who is this unprofessional and arrogant.

  Jasmine: First of all, I don't need your best wishes. Best wishes from someone who doesn't even like or respect me as a person is just another form of sarcasm. Secondly, I really don't care if you do not want to support me. I write stories for people who love to read them. If you don't want to be a part of that, it's your loss, not mine because you know I work hard and produce books that a lot of readers find is worth their time and money. And last but not least, there are some awesome people in my life who really don't mind me being the way I am and those are the only ones whose opinions matter to me.

  Me: (Rolls eyes again) Good to know. Have a nice evening. Hope you're satisfied with your people and your career. Tonight, I got to know the real you and I wouldn't call it pretty.

  Jasmine: I don't call it pretty either. Neither do the people in my life. But they're still able to open their hearts and their minds to accept my not-so-perfect personality. You could learn a lot from them.

  Me: I doubt it. They sound brainwashed.

  Jas: (Silent for a while) You know I get it. Sometimes, when people don't get the right kind of loving in their life, they tend to sound bitter and resentful. I was exactly like you once.

  Me: (Laughing unbelievably. Was she for real?)

  Jasmine: No seriously. I was. And then I opened my heart to this amazing guy and learned how to love with all of myself and the world just became a lot...sweeter.

  Me: (Sarcastic) I'm guessing this guy isn't the one you went to Australia with.

  Jasmine: (Actually smiles at me.) No. That one's special too. But my guy is something else entirely. He's the one who makes me realise that a million people like you can turn their backs on me or believe the worst of me when they see me posting pictures with some other guy or just being my usual villainous self but he would always believe in me. He would always see that one good thing that everybody else would refuse to acknowledge. And for that I am grateful. Alhamdullilah.

  Me: I don't know what that means

  Jasmine: It means, 'Thank you, God.' And thank you for having me on this show. It was a pleasure getting to expose my real self on your platform. Whoever has a problem with it is welcome to leave my fandom. It won't affect my life in any way because it's the ones who choose to stay that matter to me. (Looks at screen pleasantly) I love you, guys.

  Me: (Gritting my teeth) Good night, Miss. Khan.

  Jasmine: (Gives me a brilliant smile which makes me want to shake her) Good night, Zee. Did you notice how my lack of professionalism and arrogance just got you 12 million views and 70K likes in the space of 10 minutes? Merry Christmas, by the way. (Gets up and struts out like she owns the world or something.)

  Me: (Tries not to think that my videos never had more than 3K views and a couple hundred likes at a time. Bitch.)



  I was leaning against the desk texting one of my friends from school when the office door opened and my therapist walked in.

  "Oh my goodness, Zi, I am so, so sorry about this," she apologised breathlessly, walking towards the desk with her arms full of files, folders and a Styrofoam cup. "Traffic was crazy-" She gasped when her foot caught on the rug and the papers went flying around while the coffee cup fell from her fingers to the floor, spilling over on to my sneakers.

  "No! Not my notes," she shrieked, dropping to her knees in front of me and trying to pick up a document that had fluttered over the hot coffee and was now staining pretty fast. "Damn it. I'm so sorry. You okay?" she asked me in concern while looking up at me with wide, grey eyes.

  Okay. Normally, I would have rushed to help her, or anyone else for that matter, in such a situation but...all I could think of at that moment was that she was on her knees, wearing a fitting top which pushed up her cleavage in my direct line of sight and revealed something lacy she wore underneath while her face was just a few inches away from my crotch.

  I didn't even lower my phone or try to move from the spot and after a few seconds, I noticed an awareness creeping into her eyes. I couldn't help it. I smiled at her a little, feeling kind of mischievous and amused at the same time. She got to her feet abruptly, turning her back to me while shuffling some papers together to busy herself and I found myself checking out the view from behind.

  "You should go clean up in the bathroom," she told me in a small voice, still not looking at me.

  "You made the mess," I pointed out to her in
a serious tone although I didn't really mind.

  "Please. Just go clean yourself up and we can start our session." Her usually warm voice was clipped and formal.

  Challenging. I liked it.

  It had been a month and I looked forward to every bi-weekly session with her not only because she was helping me sort out my issues without judgment but because she was gorgeous. Her name was June and her age didn't matter to me. I didn't even ask or care. What I cared about was that she had long, blond hair, smoky grey eyes and wore glasses. And she always had on red lipstick. A dark, sinful red. I noticed it more than anything else because everything in her office was either white or in dull colours. Her clothes were usually a neutral colour as well. But her lips...damn.


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