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Blooded Page 11

by Jessie Rose Case

  Arturo looked at his wife. He knew it was a lot to take in. “But people live in that territory Arturo. Have husbands and wives too. Families. You can’t just leave them to a monster.” Arturo agreed with her. “That is why we will fight. And besides, I like this house.” He told her trying to lighten the mood. Regin appreciated his attempt at humour. But she understood what he wasn’t saying. It would be a blood bath if they just left. He stood between the people and carnage. It was a selfless thing to do. And the people would never know outside of Vamp society. Regin closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair. She would not lose him. Opening her eyes, she looked at the delicious man before her. Reaching out to squeeze his hand she told him. “Together then. No surprises.”

  The slight knock at the door was barely audible. But their advanced hearing made it easy to hear. Arturo answered. “Enter.” Pierre walked in and stopped several paces in and bowed his head then walked forward. He was followed by John who did the same. Arturo indicated the chairs opposite them. Both took a seat and leaned forward for his and Regin’s ears only. “My Lord, we have news that Marcus is aWare that you have returned to Montreal. He is staying outside your territory. We believe within Jazel’s family. We have also just received a formal request that he attends you. I would say this was waiting in case you returned as his full-back position. Cleaver. His missive states that he wishes to meet with an old friend to build links and forge a stronger friendship. He also wishes to congratulate you on your success and offer a challenge.” Pausing to look at Regin Pierre continued. “Jazel was called back to Marcus. He was half way to Stowe when pulled back. We were on the road so I can only guess that he had people were watching the roads for us.” So he was coming for her thought Regin. Part of her had thought that Arturo had exaggerated the situation to have her go with him. Clearly not.

  Arturo reached for his cup and drank. “I cannot ignore an audience request and Marcus knows this. He will come with his people and I cannot put limitations on his visit. He, as the requester is expected to play by the rules. He won’t. He will try to take us unaWares.” Pierre nodded. “We have some ideas on that. Put on a ball. Invite dignitaries and allies that are indebted to you or are friends. Put everyone on display. You could even say that in light of your old friend you wished to introduce him to Montreal society. That it was a surprise you wanted to give him. Bring in the strongest of your supporters. Tell them what will transpire should Marcus win. Tell them to come armed and ready to fight if need be. But put on a show. Music, food the works. Light the house and grounds. Bell hops. Drivers. The works. Full evening wear. You know Marcus will wear it anyway and those that don’t we turn away at the door due to the ‘dress code’. He won’t want to make a scene. And his boys will have to wait outside. He will feel protected in such company and want to be the gracious recipient. Making friends. Greasing palms. He will also want to meet Regin. It would be good if Regin could come across as a bored indulged wife who didn’t think much of her husband. If she comes across as whingeing, insolent, demanding, weak, a bitch. He might lose interest in her.” Regin turned an amused stare at Arturo. “It would be a struggle and a stretch but I could pass that off. Sounds like a plan.” She told him ruefully. John tried to suppress a grin of his own. “Your supporters from the European Council. You might want to invite them. If they are here as well. Marcus won’t be able to make a move that isn’t sanctioned.”

  Arturo looked at John. “Don’t assume it’s not. It might well be. Remember The European Court do not like what we have done here.” He reminded him. “Yes.” Said Pierre. “But they haven’t sent anyone after us in nearly 100 years. Maybe, they would want a different relationship? I hear that Clavius leads the Council these last years. You were close once.” Arturo leaned back in his chair. Pierre was right. He did have a good relationship with Clavius. They still corresponded from time to time. Clavius did mentor him at one time in the Vampire way and was always a good sounding board. He was not driven by the bloodlust of the others. He was inquisitive of Arturo’s way of life and never pressed his on him. He could send an invitation to join them to celebrate his marriage to Regin. If he chose not to come, nothing was lost.

  “Arturo if they are blood drinkers, they will scent me.” Arturo could hear the stress in her voice and turned to Regin. He reached out to her. “Yes they will but you now carry my scent as bonded. That will override the majority of yours. It would be an act of war to try and abuse a bonded female. And more importantly it is against our laws.” Arturo turned back to Pierre and John. He agreed it was a good plan. “I agree. I will write to Clavius myself this evening. If he agrees, we need to be prepared that he will bring part of the European Council with him and his security. We need to be able to house them and feed them. They’re all blood drinkers. They generally bring their own but just in case willing donors only, check the blood clubs and make a list. Only those that are not addicted to the bite or are likely to refuse sex please and bagged blood. And when they are here close the clubs to all humans that are not sanctioned. Write back to Marcus that it is our pleasure to receive him and make a date for two weeks’ time. Any challenge he wishes to make will be accepted. We cannot wait any longer and he would get impatient or feel slighted and we can’t give him room to complain. It will give us time to get everything ready. Keep everything in house. No outside staff near the estate. No one new. Old retainers only. Have our own staff draw up the invitations to our people and have them hand delivered. Those out of town or state. Have someone take them personally. Keep this close. Only we know. Stress to each and every invited person. This is not to be discussed or made public. It is a private gathering.”

  Pierre and John left them shortly after. Both caught up in their own thoughts. Regin and Arturo finished their coffee and sandwiches. “I’m going to turn in. I know you have things to do.” She told him smiling, getting up. Regin rounded the table and kissed him. “Thank you for insisting I come with you. You were right. Don’t stay up too late.” She told him kissing him again. Regin crossed the room. “Do you need me to show you the way?” He asked her. Regin turned. “No. I’m sure I can find the largest and most ridiculously opulent room to the right of the stairs.” She told him rolling her eyes while opening the doors. Regin could hear Arturo’s laughter as she crossed the main hall way and ascended the staircase heading for the master bedroom.

  She wasn’t wrong. From the hallway double doors opened into a large sitting area. It was an apartment within the house. To the left was the full bathroom with large spa bath that could fit 4 and a huge walk in shower with power jets. Double sinks and his and hers toilets! Marble and crystal everywhere including the ceiling. Regin was afraid of getting it dirty. She noticed her things had been laid out for her so she guessed that was her side of the bathroom with the bath. Regin turned and headed back into the sitting room. It was comfortable with a breakfast table for two. Two large sofas facing each other with a fireplace fronting them and small tables at either end with lamps on. One had a phone. Regin pulled back the curtains and looked at the windows. They were magnificent. Large floor to ceiling panes of glass. They looked old. The view of the park stunning even in the dark with the lights on. Regin put the heavy curtains back and turned away noticing several paintings on the sitting room wall. They were small oils. They looked old. Each had the head and shoulders of a woman. There were three. All every different. Each beautiful in their own way. Regin guessed these were Arturo’s previous loves. She looked at each one. They seemed happy. In love. It was a nice feeling that Arturo had loved before and yet, she didn’t feel challenged by their presence.

  It was comforting in a way, to know that Arturo had truly loved these women enough to want to be reminded of their lives. It was very romantic. Regin passed by the doors she had come in and headed to what she thought must be the bedroom. It was. A superking four poster bed stood in the middle. It was ornately carved. Beautiful in design. Regin noticed matching bedside tables. A man’s burro. A dressing table. Two sing
le chairs and double doors into another room. Regin ran her fingers down the wooden posts of the bed. So smooth. Like silk. The bed cover was actual silk. A mixture of greens and browns that matched the curtains and cream lace edge sheets and pillows. It screamed quality. Everything was very puffed up. And exact. Regin wondered how you were meant to sleep in it and not mess it up. Turning Regin headed back to the double doors she’d spotted. Opening them towards her she found a walk in fitted dressing room. It was also large. Half of it was taken up with men’s attire for every occasion. All bagged. Hung. Or pocketed away. All labelled. On the other side were her few belongings that had been hung or folded. Several notes on drawers indicated where she could find her things. It was certainly the poor relation to Arturo’s things. Regin pulled out fresh PJs and headed back to the bathroom. She’d have that shower now. The whole place was just too much. Regin couldn’t stop shaking her head. It was the twilight zone.

  Arturo sat at the writing desk in the family room and wrote to his friend and mentor. Asking after his health and that of his family. In Vamp circles that meant the many children he had ‘fathered’ over his lifetime it was rare for a born Vampire. You needed to be blood bonded and it was most prised. The circumstances to hold a pregnancy still a mystery in all those years. Clavius had never blood bonded so he had no natural born children just those he’d gifted. Arturo’s thought that in Clavius’s case that would be many many children. However, over the years many had also been lost to one thing or another. Arturo also spoke about the past and the times they had spent together. The friendship he had felt although they did not see things the same way. How important their mentoring time was to him and how he valued his insight. He expressed he’s hopes that his friend was enjoying his elevation and that life was good to him. Arturo went on to express that he’s life was much the same. That he had many like-minded followers and that they continued to do well. He wrote honestly, being most fortunate in at last finding his mate and blood bonding to her. And that it was his ardent wish that Clavius would be able to join their celebrations of their union and hoped that this would bring a better closeness for them both. Finally satisfied, he called for Jenson and sealed the document in the old traditional manner. He used melted wax, his blood and a seal. The letter was placed within a normal envelope and addressed. As he handed it to Jenson he told him. “I want it on the first flight out. You can retire now. Thank you.” Jenson bowed and left.

  Arturo retired to his office. Pierre, Gia and John were already waiting for him. “I suggest we make this good.” He told them. “I have a wife waiting on me and I do not intend to keep her waiting.” He took his seat. “Ok what’s first.”

  “We have a number of problems. Our borders are being crossed on a regular basis. Humans under attack. People disappearing. Our people are calling them in almost daily.” Gia told him. “Random or organised?” Arturo asked. “Organised I’d say. Interestingly, one of my people had contact with one of the Ware clans. They’re pissed. Not happy Vamps are crossing over into their territories and dumping bodies. Its driving some of the younger ones crazy. Picking up the kills scent. They want a meet.” Arturo nodded. “Ok set it up. Make sure it’s not a trap. The Kills?” Gia told him what she knew. “Packs of Vamps. Working together. Those that were spotted were acting like they had taken over the territory, were in charge. Little concern or regard for our presence. Till we took care of it. Then we appeared to be a surprise to them. From the info we’re getting. They are being told this is free territory for the taking. They’re being encouraged to come here.” Arturo leaned forward. “Well if we were trying to break into another territory and had soldiers to waste. It’s a good ploy. Cause chaos and dissention. The more they pick off the easier it becomes. Are they breaching any particular place?” He asked them. Gia put down her glass and turned to him. “Mainly from the west. I’ve got more people out.” Arturo nodded. “Ok. Next?” “I’m getting reports that there’s increased activity with drugs coming into the clubs. We’re dealing with it but it’s causing problems with the local police. There getting edgy. They want to start policing the clubs if it increases.” John told him.

  “Invite them in to check the clubs. We’ve got nothing to hide. Start checking people as they come in. Put on female and male security. No one gets in without a pocket or purse check and a pat down ok.” Arturo told him. James nodded. All three were quiet. Arturo looked between one and the other. “What?” “We got hit last night while we were on our way back. They took the Warehouse on 21st street. They were cleaning it out when we arrived. Human guards dead or taken. They pulled off the Vamps with a diversion. They’re gone but we did get a couple of them. They’re not saying much.” Pierre told him. Arturo struggled to hold onto his temper. “If I didn’t know better I’d say we were under attack.” He told them. They all grinned at each other. “So now we know how it’s gonna be. Everyone out on patrol. Double up on all security. Not just humans. Vamps too. I want to talk to some specialists in security. Find the best and bring them in. Find out where Marcus is staying. I want to push back. Take Jazel’s compound. No more fucking about. I want him gone. Get the word out to the other territory leaders. I leave them alone for a reason. They either want that and align with me or they can take their chances with Marcus if he wins. If they choose the wrong side I won’t forget it when I clean house.” There was a series of ‘ok boss’ as they stood and left him. Arturo reached for the decanter and a glass. Marcus had been busy. He had no doubt this was his work. Jazel didn’t have the balls. So this was how he was going to play it. Arturo had been playing this game a long time. He poured himself a brandy and leaned back in his seat. Marcus liked to get his hands dirty. Arturo raised his glass to his invisible opponent. “First blood to you.”

  Arturo made his way to bed. Regin had gone up several hours earlier. He entered their rooms and went to the bathroom. Showering quickly with his hair tied up, he finished and wrapped a towel round his hips. Walking to the bedroom he tried and failed to push all the information he’d been given tonight. Marcus was intent on coming for him, that was clear now and he would have to be dealt with. Regin was stretched up in the middle of the bed. Artruo smiled. She had on PJs with black sheep all over them. It made him smile. He’d come to love seeing what she would wear to bed. Arturo climbed in next to her and pulled her to him. He slipped his hand under the top fabric and up to her breast. Her nipples already erect begging for his touch. Arturo nuzzled into her neck. And breathed deeply as he caressed her breast. He ran his hand over the nipple. Grazing the tip with his fingernail. Regin moaned. “Arturo?” And turned onto her back reaching for him. Arturo caressed her breast squeezing. Regin arched her back pushing her breast into his hand. Lifting her left hand and running her fingers into his hair. “So beautiful.” She whispered. Arturo moved over her laying between the apex of her legs. His finger’s slipped through the button holes on her top and released the fabric. As he exposed her skin he leaned in and kissed it working his way down her body.

  Arturo opened her top and expose her body to him. He bent in search of what he wanted. Kissing around her breast and sucking in her nipple. He tonged it and played with it. Sucking it in and out. His other hand caressing in time her other breast. Arturo felt the stroke of her hands over him. He released the hand on her breast and ran his hand slowly down her body. And slipped his hand inside her PJ pants. Finding her mound hot and wet for him. Running his fingers round her slit in search of her clit. He rubbed at her hard. Regin cried out. “Yes Arturo. Yes.” Arturo slipped a finger into her. Regin moaned.

  Regin felt on fire. She moved her hands around his body and stroked along his back. Pulling him nearer to her demanding more in unspoken words. She pushed her PJ pants down. They were in her way and she needed to open to him. Give him better access. Arturo lifted off her and let her move them down. Releasing her nipple with a pop he moved over to the other one and sucked it in hard while his pumped her with his finger. Regin grabbed at him. Lifting her crutch to meet his
thrusts. “Arturo I need you.” She whispered to him. Arturo released her breast with his mouth and kissed down her body. As he reached her mound he looked up at her as he pumped her.

  Regin panted and watched him as he lowered himself to her, opened her flesh to him and felt his mouth on her clit. He licked it in time with his other hand pushing in and out of her. Regin called out to him. Her emotions bringing her to cresting. “That’s so good Arturo, don’t stop please don’t stop, I’m close so close.” Arturo sucked in her clit and rammed his fingers into her. Regin exploded. He rode her climax and pumped her through it. Regin tried to stop him. Too sensitive but Arturo kept going. Bringing her to climax again. Regin cried out. Arturo moved and pulled the PJ bottoms off her completely. He raised both her legs onto his shoulders and planted himself at her entrance. “Regin look at me. Look at our husband. I’m going to fuck you now and your going to love it.”

  He rammed home. She cried out again. The invasion hurt. He gave her a minute to adjust to his size. Then he fucked her. Holding her legs against his chest with one arm, he braced himself with his knees apart and slammed up into her hard. He wouldn’t be holding back any longer. Reaching out he stroked her breasts with the other. He fucked her hard and teased her breasts and nipples. Stroking, pulling, teasing, caressing, flicking, pinching. In time with his thrusts. Faster and faster he worked her. Bringing her ever closer to her climax. Her emotions crossing the bond. It was intense, it was deep, it was hard and she loved it. “Faster Arturo more.” He didn’t need telling twice. He increased his pace bordering on Vamp speed. He was out of control and in need of dominating his worth to her. His beast wanted her. Needed to spill in her. Take her.


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