Book Read Free


Page 21

by Jessie Rose Case

  “Brilliant.” Said Regin. “Alice what do you have in the way of food prepared?” Alice smiled at Regin putting down her cup. “As the theme is Afternoon Tea, we thought we’d go the whole way and have tea pots and cups and saucers, side plates, milk jugs and sugar bowls on each table with a table cloth and napkins and a small flower arrangement from our gardens in the middle. We’ll prepare most of it in advance on the day and prep the cake stands with sandwiches and cakes. Make up the clotted cream and jam. Warm up the scones etc. So when the time is right. We can just load the cake stands and off they go. Deliver the Tea and Coffee pots and provide extras on a standby table, along with juice etc, if they are needed. Most of the staff can then join in with their families and then help clear away after.” Regin nodded. “Sounds perfect.” Alice nodded. Regin turned to Jenson. “We ok with staff and seating for the event?” “Yes mam we are all ready to go.” “Excellent guys. I want to thank you for all your hard work. I’d like for Arturo to do a small welcome speech around 7pm, following that the Tea can be served.” There were nods all round. “Ok thank you.” Everyone got up. Alice helped Jenson take back the breakfast and coffee.

  “I’m off too.” Charlee told her. “Ok see you later.” Charlee followed Jenson and Alice out. It was going to be a good party Regin reflected. If nothing came up to spoil it crossed her mind. No. Not going to happen. This had to be a good event and maybe, the first of many for House Arturo. Regin walked over to the settee and put her feet up. She was still feeling tired. Working during the day and night was pulling on her reserves. She needed to find a balance. ‘Maybe a little nap’ she told herself. Regin move the cushions and got comfy. Closing her eyes, the last thing she remembered was that Arturo would be up in a few hours.


  Arturo came down looking for Regin. He’d hoped that she would have spent some time in bed and be there when he woke but no. She was long gone by the coolness of her side of the mattress. He was worried about her. He could sense her tiredness and unwillingness to give in. She needed more sleep and he’d make sure she got it. Arturo checked the clock. It was after five. He’d slept longer than he’d intended as well but then he had been up till the small hours. Heaving himself out of bed he stretched. He’d used muscles last night that hadn’t seen much action in a while. That reminded him. He needed to be on top form for the challenge. He’d need to up his training in the gym. All Arturo’s people spent time each day in the gym. They sparred. They trained in various arts. Arturo was a master in several. Arturo realised that he’d missed a lot of gym time between meeting Regin and getting back. He’d have to remedy that to be on top of his game. With more conviction, he made his way into the shower and got ready for the day ahead.

  Arturo descended the stairs, he’s hair still damp from the shower cascading down his back. He was casually dressed in jeans and T. He had a conference call to deal with and a meeting to discuss how the situation ended last night. Then he was all Regins. Tonight as much as possible was going to be just them. Catching up and talking. Maybe he’d cook something he mused. Walking into the reception room he spotted Regin asleep on the sofa. He walked quietly over and took out a throw from a cabinet behind her and placed it over her. Walking passed her he entered the dining room and picked up the house phone. Jenson picked it up. “Good evening Jenson Breakfast for one please in the dining room. Please use the dining room entrance as Regin is asleep in the reception room.” Arturo heard Jenson yes sir him and put the phone down. He’d let her sleep for as long as he could. Arturo looked out the windows. He still found it difficult to realise that a film covering the windows allowed the sun to come in and not hurt them.

  It had opened a whole new world to him and his people. It meant that they could walk around inside and enjoy the sun. It was amazing what could be done in these times. A soft knock of the door indicated Jenson coming in with his tray. He did not vocalise anything seeing that the connecting door was open. Jenson smiled and walked forward and placed the tray on the table. He laid out the Breakfast, coffee and paper. “Jenson no dinner tonight. I have business and then I think I will cook for Regin, so tell Alice she’s off the hook tonight. In fact, why don’t you all have the night off.” He told him smiling. Jenson nodded to Arturo and left. Arturo looked forward to the next hour in peace and calm. He knew it couldn’t stay like it and he needed information. Sighing, he picked up his knife and fork and dug in. Stopping only to turn the page on his paper and drink coffee.

  Something stirred Regin in her sleep. She realised she wasn’t in bed but on the sofa and remembered needing the nap. Regin rolled her shoulders as she pulled back the throw she had over her. She guessed that someone had placed it over her. She didn’t remember doing it herself. Sitting up she stretched. Hearing voices coming from the dining room she headed in that direction. Regin felt refreshed for her nap. Finger combing her hair she walked through the open double doors. Arturo looked up as did Gia. “Good morning.” She called to them walking over to Arturo and kissing him. Arturo held on to her. “You need to sleep more.” He told her sincerely. “Stop getting up so early.” He chided. Regin smiled at Gia and grabbed his coffee cup and took a much-needed mouthful. “Can’t, have too much to do.” She told him giving his cup back and taking a seat. Arturo didn’t look happy about that. “Then delegate to someone else.” He told her. Regin raised her eyebrows. “And who would that be exactly. I don’t have any staff to do that.” She told him a little annoyed. Arturo looked at her. “Then you need some. We will discuss it later. Would you like more coffee?” He asked her. Regin knew she liked this man for a reason. “That would be wonderful.” Arturo picked up his phone. “Coffee for three in the dining room please.” Regin watched Arturo turn back to Gia. “So from the reports we have, we cleared a lot of space last night. No one seems to have got away. But I’m banking on Marcus having a few in reserve last night who were there to keep an eye on things in case it all went pear shaped and be reporting back. I think we can assume he knows by now.” He told her.

  A knock on the door preceded a Vamp entering carrying a tray. Regin watched him approach the table and deposit the drinks. That was unusual. Regin turned to Arturo. “No Jenson?” “No. I gave the staff the night off. I’m cooking for us later.” Regin smiled. “Wonderful.” She told him and meant it. Regin poured herself a coffee and topped up Arturo’s and Gia’s. They both nodded their thanks to her. Arturo had dismissed the guard. “So how did last night turn out.” She asked him. “We took out the pass and swept it clean. They won’t be coming out of there again anytime soon. Rubin turned up not unsurprisingly. We got a confession from one of the Vamps. Marcus.” He told her. “No surprise there.” Regin told him. “No. But now Rubin has it officially.” “Any news from James and Sarah?” She asked him. “Not yet its early. I expect to hear something in the next couple of hours.” Regin nodded. “I don’t like it Arturo. James out there. On their own.” She told him. Arturo reached over and took her hand. “He’ll be fine and don’t underestimate Sarah. She’s a killer.” He told her. Regin took a deep breath. “I don’t doubt that but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Arturo squeezed her hand. “Marcus is not a fool. They might be going under the pretext of answering his invitation and a challenge but he won’t be happy to hear we wiped out more than 150 of his people. If he loses it when they show, it could be bad.” He told her honestly. “Then get them back. This isn’t worth it.” She told him angrily. “I can’t Regin. Vamp law is very clear on a challenge. We have to follow the procedures set in stone or I will be forfeiting and I can’t let that happen.” Regin slammed down her cup. “Vamp law, Vamp law. I’m tired of hearing that crap. It doesn’t mean anything until it does. You know that’s crap Arturo. Archaic and outdated.”

  Arturo didn’t know how to answer that. Regin was right. The laws governing Vamps were archaic. Centuries old. But it was all they had. He agreed with her. It wasn’t good enough and because it hadn’t affected him before now, he hadn’t been bothered with i
t. Maybe that needed changing. If he got through this, maybe it was time they looked into having their own laws. Arturo liked the sound of that. New laws for this new country. “I can’t do anything about it now Regin but I promise you, when this is over, I will look to change that.” Arturo knew she believed him. The rest was a matter of time. “Gia, how we doing elsewhere?”

  Gia glanced over at Regin. She sympathised with the female. Arturo could see that. “The report I have from Brandon indicates that they cleared out their side. The landslides were as expected. Rumour of minor earth quakes are circling. The explosions another matter. Brandon’s people have put it around that in order to prevent further landslides they had to put in a land barrier and the explosives were used for that. People seem happy to hear it. Its lucky that the local police in his territory are Wares. So he’s covered from that angle. No causalities from the civilian’s that we know of. Pete’s been out with his boys today and met up with Brandon’s and swept the area. A couple of traps didn’t go off and they disposed of those. We lost four of our people. Brandon lost five. It has rocked his community Arturo. He doesn’t regret it but the price has been high.” Arturo was pissed. So many lost over this mess. “Let Brandon know we’ll make restitution to the families. I know it’s not going to replace them but it will help to know that they won’t have to fend for themselves. And ours?” “Single mainly. Only one mated.” She told him quietly. Dam it. Marcus has a lot to answer for. “Make sure their wishes are carried out.” He told her. Gia nodded and left them.

  Regin had a lot to say but couldn’t bring herself to say it. She could see the toll that news had brought him. Picking up his phone Regin watched as Arturo dialled a number. “Brandon. I am very sorry for your loss. I hear you lost five good people.” Regin watched as Arturo nodded and agreed with whatever Brandon was saying. “I agree it was unavoidable in the circumstances but that still does not make it right. If you’d let me I’d like to make restitution to the families?” Regin watched Arturo as he listened to Brandon. “Agreed.” He said after a while. “We lost four, one mated.” Arturo told Brandon as Regin watched Arturo relived the pain of losing those people. He finally nodded. “Yes. I’ll expect you Monday evening. I should have a better update by then.” Regin heard the click off and Arturo put the phone down. She reached out to him. “Not an easy call to make.” She told him. “I’ll feel better when I hear from James and Sarah.” He told her honestly. “I’m going to work in my lab for a bit. Dinner at eight ok?” She asked him. Arturo lifted her hand to kiss it. Smiling at her. “Perfect.” Regin found it hard not to hold and comfort this male. She knew although he would love the connection, any form of pity would have only served to add to his current feelings. She could sense how raw they were. Regin left him then just as his warriors came in to report. She saw Arturo get up from the dining table and head to his office. As she closed the door she thought, a night on their own without the pressure of this war would be just what they needed.

  James and Sarah found themselves standing outside the blood boundary that Marcus had erected. To go further would invite retaliation regardless of their purpose. Protocol was clear. They could approach and would be unimpeded to delivery their message but only when they were received. And not before. There was no barrier gate so they had to linger and wait. If the receiver wished to keep them waiting that was their prerogative. It would piss off most masters and revenge for a blatant act of indifference could be deadly. But then the game they were playing was deadly anyway. To ignore an emissary from another master, you had better be dam sure you could defend yourself. James wasn’t surprised. They’d been working this end for several days. Putting plans in place. Marcus thought he could take Arturo. James turned to Sarah and nodded. She took off. James bit into his hand and smeared blood on two tree trunks. His and Arturo’s scent would carry on the wind. Any boundary guard would smell him and come to investigate.

  Sitting down James was relieved to have sent Sarah on scouting duties. She was unwell. He could see it. Arturo coming back and changing the status quo had affected her. She had used him as her anchor now it was gone. She was drifting and the cracks were starting to show. That was clear to him she wasn’t healing. It had been years and yet, she hadn’t been able to move on. It didn’t stop her being good at her job, just hindered her. Held her back from really living. Regin had been right he thought, when she had told Arturo that Sarah needed specialist help. He felt she did too. She had blocked out her history and cut off her emotions as a way of coping. Trouble was it was breaking her down from the inside out. There would come a time he realised, when she could no longer ignore her history and if she did not have the skills to deal with it….. He took a deep breath. He needed to talk with Arturo about that when he got back. Taking out his phone he sent a quick message. Gave location and time. James glanced at the night sky. And settled in for a long wait.

  James checked his watch. It had been several hours. ‘Bloody Marcus’ he said to himself. None of this was warranted. He didn’t need to push here. There were plenty of opportunities in Europe if that’s what he wanted. It didn’t make sense to him. But he remembered all too well what life was like under Marcus. Those first six months of his new life had been ‘enlightening’ he mused. He had been lucky to have survived it. Many he reflected had not. Marcus was a cold hard killer. No compassion. No feeling. No connection. Everything expendable depending on his goal. And that included his own people. Had Arturo not came along when he did, James was in no doubt he would have been gone. Breathing in he took comfort in knowing that Sarah would not come back to the boundary but would wait over in the next town having doubled back several times and covered her trail once she was done. If he didn’t show by approaching sunrise. She was to find day cover in the safe house and hunker down till sunset then high tail it back to Arturo. The last thing she needed was to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time by Marcus. A snap sounded in the distance heading his way. The whoosh of Vamp speed came to his ears. Unimpressed. James decided he wasn’t getting up. He’d give them what he was known for. Lackadaisical laid back James.

  James leaned back against the tree and looked in the direction of the noise. There were several Vamps heading his way. He held on to his blade just in case these were mindless and not real warriors. He doubted that Marcus would send an ambassador to meet him. He wouldn’t think them worth that. Taking out his gun he placed it in his lap. The ammo was curtesy of Regin. Liquid silver, nitrate and an accelerant with white oak. His gun was a fifteen-round repeater. He carried spare magazines. Not that he really needed it being Vamp but any advantage here could only be good. The Vamps stopped at the blood boundary and looked at him. There were three of them. “We are here on Marcus’s behalf. Are you injured?” One called out to him. “No.” James told him. “Just bored.” The Vamp took exception to that. “We could kill you right now/” He sneered. James shook his head. “If that were the case, you would have already tried and been ash.” He told him calmly. James pushed out a fraction of his power. Enough to tell them he could take them easily. That got the Vamps backs up. James thought it better to stand. He slowly got up and deliberately placed his gun and blade away. “I’m here as an emissary in response to master Marcus’s challenge to House Arturo.” He told them.

  The Vamps looked at him confused. “House Arturo?” James smiled. “My Lord has a vast empire that is far reaching.” He told them. Keeping them in his peripheral vision James lifted his hands and started picking at his nails. In a nonchalant voice he told them. “We are a family. My Lord has been on this earth for over 700 years and never been defeated. I am lucky that such a strong Lord leads our house. He battles with us and we never lose.” James finished it off with a shrug of his shoulders. “Are you ready to receive the letter of invitation on behalf of Marcus?” He asked them. The leader again looked confused. “Are you not worried about us coming for your master?” James laughed and acted to wipe tears from his eyes. “O good one. No. Your master’s not strong enoug
h and he knows it. Chucking weak Vamps into the field to be slaughtered as a distraction. Not honourable. But hay. That’s your choice I guess. Rather you than me boys.”

  James held out the invitation to the leader. “It doesn’t bite but I can’t speak for what Marcus will do when you give it to him.” James smiled. The lead Vamp moved forward looking decidedly uncomfortable and took it and walked backwards into his lines. “Well I gotta go. I’ve a date with a gorgeous blond and I don’t want to be late if you know what I mean.” James told them winking. “Aren’t you training for the challenge?” One of the other Vamps asked. James gave a laughing answer with a dash of incredibility in it. “No. Arturo fights his own battles and should he need his warriors there are thousands of us. I told you he needs no one.” James gave them a ‘see ya’ wave and legged it in Vamp speed. As he raced away he thought that had gone better than he’d expected. If any of that information gets back to the troops under Marcus, dissention in the ranks should break out. Job done he thought smiling heading his way to Sarah. Hoping she had the same good luck.

  Sarah headed for the safe house they have purchased several days ago. It was a solid concrete build. It was part furnished and more importantly had a sealed basement with no windows and all doors were steel. They’d had them all replaced. She and James had pulled a couple of the beds down there, it wasn’t perfect but at a push it would do. They would have normally gone for a modern high rise with a lock down but in rural America, two up and two down were all you got. Sarah automatically checked the horizon. Time was running out for her. She knew the sun was coming but it was an instinctive reaction. Part of her DNA. She’d make it but it was going to be tight. Sarah’s emotions turned off helped her. The fact that she had had to turn around and double back several times to avoid or loose someone tracking her was just like any other day but with her DNA screaming at her to haul ass. She kicked up a gear knowing she hadn’t far to go. Sarah spotted their SUV in the driveway of the house some half a mile across open farm land and heaved a sigh of relief. She pulled the clicker from her pocket as she ran at full speed. When within range she opened the garage door then jumped into the SUV driver’s seat and started the vehicle driving it into the garage fast. Clicking the shutter closed again as she slid to a stop. Sarah turned to face the rolling down door. Placing one hand on the window to steady herself. “Shit.” She said aloud. “That was close.” And blew out a deep breath as the shutter closed completely and locked.


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