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Karma Page 5

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

“It’s going great; I’m almost back to a hundred percent. Nada on the hot therapist. She’s been MIA for a few days.”

  “That’s weird.” Charlie shook her head. She glanced up and her eyes went wide. “I think I know why.” She motioned behind him.

  Olivia was walking hand in hand with a man. They were smiling at each other and laughing. Their eyes met and Olivia looked away. Steve turned back and faced Charlie.

  “Well. I guess since my therapy is over, it’s on to the newest case, huh?”

  “Steve, I’m so sorry.” Charlie held his hand.

  “No, now it makes sense why she always pushed me away.” Steve’s phone rang and he eyed it. “It’s Heath. Dude, what’s up?”

  “Hey, you coming home for Christmas?”

  “Yeah, parents want me home. Why?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just wanted to hang out,” Heath answered.

  “Uh huh. Looking forward to it, dude.” Steve hung up and cocked a brow. “That was weird.”


  “Don’t know. It’s Heath.” Steve shrugged and then smiled. “I get to see little Stefan, though.”

  “He is a charmer, isn’t he? God, I love that kid.” Charlie took Steve’s hand. “You’ll find the right girl, Steve.”

  “Yeah, well …” Steve grinned and squeezed her hand. She was in love and didn’t want to admit it. She was just like her father.


  The plane ride home was fun for Charlie. Even though she’d just been there for the wedding, she was excited about seeing her siblings and to finally be back in Fort Worth for more than a week. As much as she loved Boston, Fort Worth was home. Her fathers had insisted she stay at the house and since she knew they were suffering from empty nest syndrome, she agreed.

  “Thank you, baby. I miss kids in the house,” Stefan admitted.

  “Well, I missed my dads.” Charlie hugged Stefan.

  They watched as Morgan and Robert fussed over Michael. He took it in stride and just smiled. He knew he couldn’t change them; they had always been overprotective.

  “So what about the restaurant?” Morgan asked Michael.

  “I thought about opening one in Fort Worth. I think it would bring a lot of business to the entertainment district.”

  “That’s great, Michael.” Morgan felt better knowing Jordan, as well as Charlie, would be taking care of his son. He watched his son smile as he watched Charlie with her fathers. “You know you two were always together, every summer.”

  “Dad, stop trying to make a love connection,” Michael snickered.

  “Oh come on…a father can hope,” Morgan chuckled. Sparks flew as Michael watched Charlie.

  They finally landed and an ambulance transported Michael to Medical Center West. He was set up in a private room and Morgan made arrangements for twenty-four hour security.

  “I don’t want the media descending on my son, Jordan.”

  “I’ve got this, Morgan. Michael is safe here.”

  “I have to go back to LA for a couple of days, just to make sure I’m seen in public, but then I will come back and hide out. Robert will stay here with Michael. Please tell me my son’s going to be okay, Jordan. I can’t lose him.”

  “Morgan, you know there are no guarantees but I will do my best. The tumor is shrinking and I am very optimistic at his prognosis for a complete recovery.”

  “Well, if you’re optimistic then I’m relieved.” Morgan smiled and shook Jordan’s hand.

  “Take care, Morgan.” Jordan watched him leave. It still seemed odd to be genuinely friendly with the man who had come very close to keeping him and Stefan apart. But in the end, he had his soulmate and Morgan found his own true love. Time changed a lot of things. Jordan could only imagine how Morgan felt right now. If it were one of his children about to undergo brain surgery, he didn’t know if he could handle it.

  “Hey, Uncle Jordan!”

  “What is it, Michael?”

  “I need some Playboy magazines. It’s been a while.” Michael grinned.

  Jordan rolled his eyes. “No. Save your strength for surgery.”

  Chapter Five

  Dr. Casandra Trinnings had already taken the boys to the warehouse club during the day, and now she had them there at night. She wanted to recreate the atmosphere of the night of the attacks and evaluate each of them.

  Paul stood on the very spot where he had taken Daniel’s life.

  Mark’s heart thudded as he looked at the club’s outside wall. The blood was cleaned up long ago, but he could still imagine it there. He stood with his hand on the wall. Tanner stood beside him and Jay was behind them, slightly to the side.

  The imagery from that night flashed through Tanner’s mind and he kept himself there, reliving it and processing it. His hand began to shake. Josh started to move, but Casandra put her hand on his forearm and shook her head. They had to do this on their own. She kept them there for a half hour and then took them back to the office.

  She addressed Josh. “You need to let Tanner fix this on his own, and you need to get a hold of your rage as well. I know you felt powerless that night and now you are overcompensating.”

  “I know. I’m getting better since ...” Josh trailed off and took Tanner’s hand.

  “You are, and I’m glad you told me about the incident at the dorm. You need to get past your guilt, Josh. You almost killed that young man. I know you love Tanner, but your guilt will cause more damage in your relationship than you realize. Let it go, Mr. Reynolds. It’s time.”

  She scheduled them for one last appointment, then called Jordan.

  “Well, Mrs. Robinson, how’d it go?” Jordan laughed on the phone.

  “Jackass. One more appointment and they will have made all the progress I can help them with, I think. I’ve come a long way with Paul. That has a lot to do with you and Stefan. You gave him a family and a place to belong and feel loved, something which had been seriously lacking since he lost his parents. And Mark — well, Mark makes him human when his monsters appear.”

  “And Josh?”

  “I can’t discuss everything with you, but he is much better.”

  “Good. Thank you, Casandra. I owe you.”

  “I’ll take watching you and Stefan getting it on as payment,” Casandra teased.

  “Pfft, not in this lifetime.”


  Caleb pulled into the day care parking lot and looked around. It wasn’t a huge building, but there was a very large, colorful playground out back. This was his first time to pick up Stefan and he was ridiculously excited. He loved being a father.

  He walked into the facility and noticed a group of kids playing on the floor. He found Stefan right away, playing in a toy castle with a little boy his age. A low wall separated the children from the reception area.

  “Can I help you?”

  Caleb had been so intent on studying the day care, he missed the reception desk. A young woman with black hair swept up into a ponytail was smiling at him. She must have been the owner Heath had mentioned.

  “Yes. I’m Caleb Youngblood, I’m here to pick up Stefan.”

  “Daddy Too!” Stefan came running and tried to open the gate separating the children’s area from the front of the business.

  “I’ll need to see your ID,” Julia insisted politely. Jesus, he was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. Heath was a lucky man.


  “It’s for security. I’m sorry. It’s the only time I’ll have to ask.”

  “No, that’s good. I’m glad you’re so careful.” Caleb handed her his ID.

  “Daddy Too!’ Stefan was hanging onto the security gate.

  “Can I get him?” Caleb asked.

  “Oh sure, go ahead.” Julia watched as Stefan went crazy trying to get to Caleb; it was so adorable.

  “Daddy Too!” Stefan hugged Caleb tightly, wrapping his arms around Caleb’s neck.

  “Daddy Too, huh?”

  “Well my parents tried teaching h
im “This is your daddy, too.” But — well, you heard him.”

  “It’s cute. He’s a very loving child.” Julia tickled Stefan’s cheek. He seemed so happy with his dad.

  “Did you have fun, little man?” Caleb straightened Stefan’s shirt.

  Stefan giggled and nodded his head. He pointed to a little boy and smiled. “Lo.”

  “And you made a friend.” Caleb smiled down at Logan. He had his arms out and Caleb glanced at Julia. “May I?”

  “Sure.” Julia took Stefan from Caleb and she watched as Caleb picked up her son.

  “So, you’re my son’s buddy, huh?” Caleb mussed his hair.

  Logan smiled wide and put his forehead on Caleb’s.

  “Looks like you’ve been accepted.” Julia smiled and watched her son check out Caleb.

  “Would you consider having a play date sometime with the boys?” Caleb asked.

  “Sure, I think that would be fun for them and I haven’t had too many adult conversations in a while.”

  “Good, I think it would be good for Stefan. I also want to thank you for the way you have treated Heath and me. Most people wouldn’t be so accepting.”

  “It was one of the first questions your grandfather-in-law asked. I believe that is why he chose me.” Julia winked at him.

  “Well, here’s my card. Heath and I hope to see you soon.” Caleb grabbed Stefan’s little backpack.

  They got out to the car and Caleb put him in the car seat. He mussed Stefan’s hair and gave him a kiss.

  “Your daddies are up to no good, Stefan.”

  Stefan giggled. “No ood!”


  Damon and Tyler walked down the hospital corridor to Michael’s room. Damon knocked and heard Michael.

  “Unless you have double-D tits, drive on!”

  “I’ve got a big dick, does that count?” Damon stood at the door and smiled.

  “Fuck-face!” Michael grinned.

  “Shithead!” Damon walked in and hugged Michael. “How the fuck are you?”

  “Tumor. You?”


  “Hey, now!” Tyler reached out and shook Michael’s hand. “Hey, I’m Tyler.”

  “Well, no wonder you batted for the other team, Damon. You the catcher or the pitcher?”

  “Both.” Damon winked.

  “That is so fucking hot, dude,” Michael snickered.

  “So, what’s up really?” Damon sat on the bed and flipped through the copy of Playboy Michael had managed to get.

  “Waiting until your dad says the tumor is shrunken enough to operate.” Michael smiled as Damon flipped through the pages and then opened up the centerfold.

  “Yep, I’m gay.” Damon put the magazine down and smiled.

  “Dude, how can you not find this,” Michael opened the centerfold back up. “Sexy?”

  Tyler leaned over and looked. “Nope. Does nothing for me, either.”

  “Well, that leaves more for me.” Michael smiled and opened it up again. The magazine was snatched from his hands and he glanced up. “Uh oh, the warden is back.”

  Charlie stood with her hands on her hips. “Really, Michael?”

  “What?” Michael gave her his best innocent grin.

  “You know, some of the nurses have complained they can hear you moaning in here.”

  “They’re just jealous it’s Miss November instead of them.” Michael waggled his eyebrows.

  Charlie eyed Damon and Tyler. “Are you encouraging him?”

  “Well, they aren’t helping me. Although, I haven’t asked them to jack me off, yet.” Michael grinned and Damon laughed.

  “Okay, that’s it! You two, out!” Charlie pushed Damon and Tyler out of the room.

  “Aw, come on, Charlie. You know none of these women with giant tits and shaved pussies compare to your B-cups and untrimmed hedge.”

  “How do you know I don’t trim the hedges?”

  “I need proof.” Michael sat up in bed. “Turn the radio on and find a bow chicka bow wow station. A nurse down the hall has a stripper pole for sale on Craigslist.”

  “Eww! A USED stripper pole?” Charlie made a puking face.

  “It would only be used once, well … again, I mean.” Michael smiled and watched Charlie’s face.

  “I worry about you, Michael.”

  “Oh I know…you love me sooooooooooo much.”

  “Okay, you know what? I’m going to dope you.” Charlie took a syringe out of her coat.

  “Is it morphine? I love morphine.” Michael grinned. Charlie was becoming frustrated with him again.

  “Ugh!” She turned on her heel and walked out.

  Michael grinned. Charlie had gotten more beautiful over time. He hadn’t forgotten their first kiss. He had always wondered what it would be like and then she had asked — well, begged was more like it. She just wanted her first kiss over with and he had pretended to fight it. But in the end, he had kissed her. It was his first kiss, too, so he went by how it was in his dad’s movies and kissed her softly. Summer ended and he had gone home to LA, where photographers followed him constantly. He had finally broken down and asked to go to school in England.

  Now he was back in Fort Worth and back with Charlie. He was going to have to play her just right.


  Tanner sat in the car and looked into the parking lot. Bright lights illuminated the whole lot. The landlord had put in extra lighting after the attack; Tanner could see exactly where he had been that night. Josh’s hand crept into his.

  “We don’t have to, Tanner.”

  “No it’s okay. Let’s go.” Tanner got out of the car and they entered the club. Jason was working the bar and laughed when he saw them.

  “Oh shit, where have you two been?”

  “It’s Halloween. We were handing out treats in the children’s ward in the hospital.”

  Jason busted out laughing again. They were salt and pepper shakers and they looked absurd.

  “Where’s the rest of the group?”

  “On their way.” Tanner tried to sit down and couldn’t. The damn salt-shaker costume was too fat. He’d been able to force it into the car, but a stool was another matter.

  “I can help you out, babe.”

  “No, I’ll stand for a while.” Tanner took Josh’s hand.

  Paul, dressed as a pirate, arrived with Mark who had come as Gumby. Tanner laughed as Mark crossed the room, his gigantic green legs flapping back and forth.

  “I’m glad the kids liked this so much. And I’m glad it only happens once a year.” He balanced on the stool, his huge legs sticking straight out.

  Damon and Tyler came in and Jason almost choked on his drink. They were dressed as Raggedy Ann and Andy, with Damon dressed as Ann.

  “Oh, wow! Love the hair, Damon.”

  “I swear, the little girls pulled my hair all night.” Damon sat down and laughed. He had red dots on his cheeks, curly red yarn hair and the pinafore dress came down to his knees.

  “It’s only fair. I was a cheerleader last year and everyone pulled my pigtails.” Tyler smiled and kissed Damon’s cheek.

  Jay had come in with Greg. In a switch, this year Jay was the vampire and Greg was his meal.

  Mark smiled and hugged Jay. “How was it?”

  “Weird, but I’m good.” Jay smiled at Mark. He had spent a few minutes in the parking lot with Greg before he came in, the memories of that night on his mind.

  “I know what you mean.” Mark smiled and took his hand.

  The three of them stood off to the side and talked. Josh watched Tanner with Mark and Jay and smiled. They had come a long way since that night.

  “They’re tough, you know?” Paul had joined him while he was lost in thought.

  “I know. I’ve got Tanner back in the gym; he lost a lot of muscle.”

  Greg joined them and added, “Jay’s doing better. He hasn’t had a nightmare in a while.”

  “Neither has Mark. Now he just wants to bang me at every opportune moment.�

  “Oh, Paul, you poor thing!” Greg mimicked playing a tiny violin.

  “I’ve got him back at the gym as well, but it’s only for an hour right now. We’re working up to more,” Paul said.

  “Look at you three, so whipped,” Jason piped up, hopping up on a stool.

  “Yeah? When are you going to be whipped, Jason? When was your last boyfriend?” Paul demanded.

  Josh noticed Quinn enter at that moment. The young man scanned the room, smiled when he spotted Josh, and headed their way.

  “Well, g’day mate.” Quinn flashed his brilliant white smile.

  “And you are supposed to be?” Josh eyed him.

  “The board shorts and surfboard don’t give it away?”

  “Wow! That is one elaborate costume, Quinn. What did it take you, two seconds to pull it together?” Tanner eyed him.

  “Listen here, Salt, I took great pains to get this way.” Quinn flexed his biceps.

  “Oh, I wish I could be impressed, Quinn, I really do. But have you seen Josh’s body lately?” Tanner indicated Josh’s abs.

  “That’s not fair. Josh looks like The Hulk,” Quinn laughed.

  Jason had stopped breathing. The minute the surfer entered the club his attention hadn’t wavered. He just hoped he was single and he was smart.

  “So what can I get you?” Jason moved quickly back behind the bar.

  “I’ll take a Foster’s, mate,” Quinn replied.

  “We don’t sell alcohol here.”

  “Oh, I know. I just like saying it. It’s Australian for beer,” Quinn exaggerated his Australian accent and Jason laughed.

  “Great commercials. Do you eat at Outback?”

  “Do you?”

  “Not lately.”

  “Do you want to?” Quinn tilted his head, admiring Jason McKinley. Tanner had not lied; Jason was gorgeous. Quinn just hoped he had a brain, too.

  “I love Outback — the steak, the shrimp, the Bloomin’ Onion.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Are you asking me out?” Jason propped his elbows on the bar and leaned in. He wanted to throw Quinn onto the bar.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Then yes.”


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