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Karma Page 6

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Quinn watched Jason work behind the bar for the rest of the night. He had a body like Quinn couldn’t believe. He was particularly fond of the perfect ass in tight jeans. Quinn’s dick really liked the show. The guys caught eyes every now and then and both would smile.

  Jason needed more ice and Quinn volunteered to help. They went into the walk-in cooler and Jason opened the ice bin.

  “Aren’t you cold in here?” Jason eyed Quinn in his shorts and thin T-shirt.


  “Can I ask you something?”


  “I don’t know how to ask without sounding like an ass.” Jason shut the lid and propped against the ice bin.

  “Well, I could have gone to MIT, but decided to come here because I hate pretentious assholes. Is your question something along those lines?”

  Jason threw him up against the wall and kissed him. Quinn responded and wound his hands around Jason’s waist. Their tongues met and Jason moaned as Quinn explored his mouth slowly.

  Jason pulled away, panting. “Yeah, that was the question.”

  “Well.” Quinn exhaled slowly, white puffs of air filling the cold room. “Would you like to answer mine?”

  “Ask away.”

  Quinn turned him around and pushed his back into the wall. His lips found Jason’s in an explosive kiss. Jason felt his toes curl. Quinn’s mouth was exquisite and he knew how to work his tongue; his hands ran through Jason’s hair. Jason slid his hands up Quinn’s chest and loved the feel of muscle flexing beneath his palms. Quinn’s hand cupped his ass and then pulled him in closer, pressing their hard cocks together. Quinn pulled his mouth away after leaving a few soft kisses.

  “I love this line of questioning.” Quinn took Jason’s hand.

  “Me, too.”

  “You cold?” Quinn rubbed his hands up Jason’s arms.

  “Not anymore.”

  Tanner’s eyebrows rose as his brother and Quinn came out of the cooler. He nudged Josh. Josh looked at Jason and Quinn together and knew right away something had happened. Exhibit A: Jason’s hair was a mess. Exhibit B: Both had swollen lips. Exhibit C: A discreet look revealed each had hard-ons, too.

  “So, where’s the ice?” Tanner arched his brows.

  “Shit!” Jason turned and went back to the cooler.

  Quinn watched him walk away and then turned to find Tanner and Josh staring at him.

  “What?” He eyed them both with a sly smile on his face.

  “Uh huh.” Josh nodded to the cooler. “So?”

  “He’s — wow!” Quinn grinned. “He’s smart, isn’t he?”

  “Brilliant,” Tanner replied.

  “Well, McKinley, I owe you.” Quinn shook Tanner’s hand.

  “Just treat him right, okay?”

  “You bet your ass I will,” Quinn assured him.

  The rest of the night, Quinn stayed at the bar talking and laughing with Jason. They had a lot in common and Quinn really liked how Jason held his own opinions. They had little tiffs about politics and Quinn was impressed when Jason capably defended his argument. He was smart. He was very smart.

  Jason wanted to bang Quinn on every surface of the club. He was so damn sexy, and the fact that his IQ was through the roof made him want him even more. They debated politics and recent events. Jason loved having a verbal sparring partner; it was like foreplay. They talked about exes and realized they had that in common as well. Dating guys who were not as smart as them just so they wouldn’t be alone had never worked out. It wasn’t arrogance; it was just hard to sustain interest in someone who had no interests beyond sex and sports.

  “So, Outback on Saturday?” Quinn held Jason’s hand.

  “Saturday it is.”

  “Is it all right if I kiss you in front of everyone?” Quinn leaned over the bar.

  Jason grabbed his shirt and pulled him in, kissed him deeply and then released him.

  “Does that answer your question?”

  “Oh, I really like this question game. I’ll see you Saturday, Jason.”

  Jason watched him leave, a ridiculous smile on his face. He turned and found the whole group staring at him, their mouths hanging open.

  “Unless you’re catching flies, close your mouths!” Jason laughed and turned around.

  Everyone busted out with shouts and whistles.

  “Wooooo hoooo, big brother! Get yer freak on!” Tanner laughed.

  Chapter Six

  Little Stefan was running around in his Superman costume. The built-in muscles had Heath doubled over with laughter. He looked like a little boy on steroids.

  “Hey, Stefan, do you want a cupcake?” He smiled as his son made a beeline for the table.


  Stefan and Jordan walked toward them and grinned at the sight of their grandson. They were at Santorno Shipping’s Halloween party and Caleb was still working the haunted house room.

  “Wow, look at you!” Stefan grabbed his namesake off the floor and laughed when he shoved the whole cupcake in his mouth.

  “Trying to get rid of it so Grandpa Jordan can’t have it, huh?” Jordan smiled and wiped some icing off his face.

  “He looks worn out, Heath,” Stefan observed.

  “He’s coming down from his sugar high. As soon as Caleb is done, we’re going home.” He turned to Jordan. “How’s Michael?”

  “He’ll be in surgery within the week. I have the tumor shrunk, just need Michael to get his strength back.”

  “Are you letting Charlie assist with the surgery?”

  “I’m considering it.” Jordan eyed Stefan still trying to shove the whole cupcake in his mouth. “I recommend chewing, little one.”

  Caleb entered the room dressed as The Hulk and Stefan clapped his hands.

  “Daddy Too!”

  Caleb picked him up and kissed his cheek. “Look at those muscles!”

  Stefan giggled and hugged Caleb, orange frosting smearing his green face.

  “Okay, I say it’s bath time, huh?


  “Okay, you guys get home. We’ll see you soon. Don’t forget, Thanksgiving at the house.”

  “Dad, we’ll see you before then! And you know we wouldn’t miss it!” Heath took his father aside and cast a quick look around before leaning in and lowering his voice. “Dad, I need to know about the adoptive parents.”

  Stefan sighed. “Solitary confinement until I say stop, water and bread every other day and they stay in the dark at all times.”

  Heath shot a glance at his son. “Good. Justice is served.”

  “Well, I’ll have them moved to general population soon. Once word gets out that they’re child abusers, they’ll wish they were back in solitary.”


  With his knee healed, Steve was running the football every chance he got until he got bitch slapped by a nose guard and hit the ground extra hard. His shoulder dislocated and his ribs took a big hit. He stood up, his arm hanging, and walked off the field.

  “See the trainer.”

  “I know, Coach.” A trainer stabilized his arm and got him to the hospital. They popped his shoulder back in and took him for X-rays.

  “Two broken ribs on your right side. I think you’re out for the season, Mr. Soloman.”

  Olivia suddenly appeared in the doorway.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Seeing a patient. I saw you and I wanted to explain.”

  “Don’t bother, Olivia. I think we both know this wasn’t going anywhere.”

  “Look, when I saw you a few weeks ago I was with my ex. We dated for three years before we broke up and he wanted to work things out.”

  “Good luck. I would have at least liked a phone call instead of having to see it.”

  “I didn’t know what to say.”

  “Look, I wish you all the luck. I’m out for the season. I think I’m going home for a while anyway.”

  “What about your classes?”

  “I can switch to online.

  “Well, I wish you all the best, Steve. I hope everything works out for you.”

  “It will. I’m going home.”


  Morgan had finally gotten home, and already he was ready to leave LA and be back with his son. The public appearances were taking their toll. He hated having to stand there and smile when all he really wanted was to be with Michael. Now that his movie was in its second week of release, he was going to do just that. He got home and called Robert, Michael was doing better. He flipped through his mail and listened to his messages. The one from his lawyer caught his attention and he called him back.

  “She doesn’t want money, she just wanted you to know.”

  Morgan sat at his desk and drummed his fingers. “Okay, give me the details.”


  Heath picked up Steve from the airport. His arm was in a sling and Heath could tell his ribs were hurting him. They talked about Stefan during the entire drive and Heath told Steve they were going to pick him up at the day care.

  “So, Harvard at home, huh?”

  “I’m out for the rest of the season, Heath. I miss my family and now Mom is freaked out. She wants to take care of her son.”

  “Well, Stefan is going to be so happy to see you.”

  They pulled into the day care parking lot and Heath sprinted from the car.

  “Hey! What about me?” Steve tried to get out of the car using his opposite hand, since the right one was in a sling.

  “You’re a big boy!” Heath ran inside and found Julia at the front desk.

  “Hey, Heath, get your friend from the airport?” Julia beamed. She loved Heath and Caleb, they seemed so much in love and their son was just precious.

  “Yeah, he’s trying to get out of the car.” Heath jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the parking lot.

  Julia’s mouth dropped. Oh my God. Steve Soloman, local-boy-turned-Harvard-football-player and one of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen — besides Caleb — was getting out of the car. She had watched his games whenever they were televised and always loved it when they interviewed him. He was always well-spoken in his interviews, not like some jocks who either mumbled or said “um,” “like,” “ya know,” and “I mean” every other word.

  Steve Soloman was smart and he behaved as such. She watched the game during which he tore the ligament in his knee and was surprised to see him back on the field for the last game of the season. She knew he had healed, but from what she read the other day he was out for this season, too. He dislocated his shoulder and broke two ribs. He still looked hot. She had no idea he was friends with Heath Youngblood.

  Heath had been watching her face as her attention was fixated on his best friend. Oh, this was going to be so much fun!

  “Thanks for the help, Heath. I know I’m a big boy, but I am injured. Again.” Steve walked in and stopped short. The woman behind the counter was looking at him in fascination, her gray eyes pinning him to the spot. Good Lord, she was utterly beautiful. He was at a loss to describe it.

  “ʼEve!” Little Stefan ran up to the gate and was having a fit trying to open it.

  Heath picked him up and put him down on the other side. He ran into Steve’s legs, his little arms help up, begging to be held.

  “Hey, little buddy! Uncle Steve missed you!” Steve picked him up with his good arm and Stefan went about plastering his face with kisses.

  “I take it he knows you.” Julia laughed. It was adorable. Not only was he built like a Mack truck and smarter than hell, he was good with kids. She wondered if he cooked as well.

  “Oh yeah, Stefan and I go way back, huh?” Steve kissed his cheek and smiled.

  Logan was at the gate, crying because they had taken his little buddy and he wanted him back. Heath picked him up and smiled at him.

  “You miss your buddy already?”

  Logan put his arms out to Steve and Steve handed Stefan off to Heath.

  “And who are you?” Steve smiled as the child hugged him.

  “That’s my son, Logan.” Julia watched as her son latched onto the man she had fantasized about for the last year and smiled.

  “Well, he’s just adorable!”

  Logan put his forehead on Steve’s and smiled. Julia gasped and Steve glanced over at her.


  “I guess you’ve been accepted. That’s sort of his unofficial ‘welcome to the pack’ ritual.” Julia’s heart melted as her son hugged Steve tight.

  “Well, I’m honored, little guy.” Steve shook his little hand.

  Heath cleared his throat. “Well, we’ve got to go. How about you and Logan come by for that play date today?” He smiled as Julia kept looking at Steve with her son.

  “Oh. That would be great. Do you need me to bring anything?” she asked, as Steve handed Logan back to her.

  “Nope, just you and Logan.”

  They got back in the car and Steve watched Julia through the window. Heath looked at his friend.

  “Hello? Earth to Steve.”

  Steve shook his head and regarded Heath. “Please tell me she is not married.”

  “Nope. Single mom, no boyfriend.”

  “Oh my God, WHY?” Steve caught a glimpse of Julia behind the window, hugging Logan.

  “Why do you think?”

  “Because of Logan?” Steve shook his head. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Most guys don’t think like you, Steve. A kid means responsibility.”

  “Yeah but if you love the woman, you love it all.”

  Heath elbowed Steve playfully. This is why they had been best friends forever. Steve knew what was important in life.

  “So, you staying for the play date?”

  “Are you kidding?” Steve replied.


  Caleb was making dinner while Heath and Steve were engrossed in a TV show. Stefan was running around giggling and Caleb couldn’t believe how happy he was. Never in a million years had he thought when he met Heath that they would be married with a child one day. He loved it. They were waiting on Julia to arrive with Logan. Heath had given him a quick rundown of the “meet cute.” Steve had asked about Julia and it seemed that Julia was already smitten with Steve.

  “It smells good, babe. What are you making?” Heath peered over his shoulder from the couch.


  “Reheating from Taco Bell?” Steve asked.

  “No. I actually made the filling, smart ass.” Caleb walked by and smacked him in the head.

  “Hey! Injured guy here!”

  Caleb continued to the front door as the doorbell rang. Heath heard voices and then Logan ran in and tackled Stefan, the two giggling as they fell over. Logan sat up and caught Steve’s eye. He toddled over to Steve, arms outstretched.

  “Hey, Logan! How are ya?” Steve smiled and picked him up. “Ow.”

  “Logan, don’t hurt Mr. Soloman, okay?” Julia sat down nearby.

  “Oh it’s not him, just my ribs. Guess I shouldn’t be picking up kids.”

  Logan giggled and hugged Steve. He squirmed out of his lap and chased Stefan down the hall, their laughter echoing from the playroom.

  “Dinner’s ready if anyone is hungry,” Caleb announced.

  “I am.” Steve stood up slowly.

  “You’re always hungry, Steve.” Heath eyed his friend critically. He had taken a beating this time around.

  They talked as they ate, with Heath purposely asking Steve questions to get him to open up around Julia. When she asked a question about football, Steve was surprised she knew so much. He went into his explanation of his last injury and told them about Olivia.

  Julia’s jealousy reared its ugly head until Steve went on to say it had ended on a friendly note. Steve and Julia were talking football and Heath and Caleb quietly left the table.

  “That last game, when you didn’t get up, I knew you were hurt pretty bad. They should have thrown a flag on that play,” Julia sniped.

  “I didn’t realize you wa
tched so much college football.”

  “Any Harvard game they televise. Which isn’t nearly enough of them!” Julia blushed and played with her food. “Always plenty of Southeastern Conference games on, though.”

  Steve laughed. “So Logan’s dad is not in the picture?”

  “No, when I got pregnant he pretty much bailed. We don’t see him and that’s fine with us.”

  “He doesn’t know what he’s missing. Your son is very loving.”

  “He seems to like you a lot.”

  “Well, I like him, too.”

  Logan ran in with Stefan and they looked at the TV. Stefan grabbed a movie and ran to Steve. “What’s this, Stefan? You want to watch a movie?”

  Stefan’s head bounced up and down and he smiled. “Nemo!”

  “Okay, we will watch Finding Nemo.” Steve got up slowly. His arm and shoulder were aching and his ribs felt as if a gorilla had stomped on them.

  “Hey, do you need help?” Julia watched as he tried to adjust his arm.

  “I think the sling is sliding.”

  “Hang on.” Julia came around and found the problem. The sling snap was coming undone making it slide out of place. Her hand brushed his bicep and she tried to stay focused. He was so close right now.

  “Thanks,” Steve whispered. She was standing very close to him and he could almost hear her heartbeat pounding. They locked eyes and Steve had a sudden urge to taste her lips. Her gray eyes looked into his, and her porcelain skin was tinged with a delightful red flush.

  “ʼEve!” Stefan pulled his pant leg.

  “Okay, Stefan, Uncle Steve is coming.”

  The spell was broken. Steve put the movie in and settled in on the couch. Stefan climbed into his lap and lay back on his chest. Logan climbed up and crawled into Steve’s lap as well. Stefan made room for him and they sat back and watched the movie.

  Julia watched as her son nestled into Steve, and her heart ached. She did her best with him but regretted he didn’t have a male role model. Now she was worried he had formed an attachment to Steve — and Steve lived in Boston. She had no idea how long he would be in Fort Worth and she was worried Logan would be hurt at some point.


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