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Karma Page 17

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  It was on him the night Daniel had attacked him, when Paul had held him all night. The scent stayed with him from that night. Finding Daniel trying to rape Josh had sent him over the edge; he had wanted Daniel dead that night. At the time, Josh was frail and small and needed protection.

  Josh’s skin was so soft. Paul trailed his lips over Josh’s neck. Josh’s hands were sliding up his sides and his cologne invaded his senses, filled every part of him. He felt so much warmth and Josh’s arms circled him, pulling him closer. Their chests were crushed together as they tried to get closer, to ease the pain they both felt.

  Paul trailed his lips softly across Josh’s jawline, and kissed across his collarbone. Josh trembled under his touch and moaned softly. Paul pulled Josh’s shirt out of his pants and slid his hands under the shirt and across the warm skin.

  “Oh God, Paul.” Paul’s hands were caressing his chest and his mouth was on his neck. Josh knew it was wrong; they both did. But they couldn’t stop. This helped somehow to dull the pain, if for only a little while.

  Paul’s fingers made quick work of Josh’s buttons and he pushed his shirt was off. His hands explored Josh’s chest, his lips following their path.

  They were both breathing hard. Josh lifted Paul’s face to his. Their eyes locked and Josh leaned in and rested his forehead on Paul’s.

  “We have to get out of here,” he breathed.


  “My house.”

  Their foreheads still pressed together, Josh and Paul tried to control their breathing. Paul’s arms still held him and Josh felt Paul’s heartbeat on his bare chest. It was pounding. They were both lost in thought. They wanted each other, if for no other reason than to take away the pain they were feeling. This was comfortable, they had been friends for years, had seen each other through Josh’s molestation and Paul’s parents’ death.

  Paul wanted to move; he really did. But the urge to kiss Josh was so strong he couldn’t will himself to move. One hand was on Josh’s back; his skin felt as if it were on fire. The smooth skin felt so good under his hands. He knew if he moved, even an inch, he would kiss Josh. He knew it as surely as he knew the sky is blue. Josh had always been special to him, and he had always felt the need to protect him. They spent so many nights alone together after his parents died, just holding each other. No one knew that, not even Mark.

  Josh didn’t know what to do. He knew if they didn’t move, this could lead to trouble. They were both hurt beyond words and the urge to comfort each other was strong, only this time the circumstances were different. They were older and their significant others had apparently betrayed them in the worst way. But Paul’s arms around him felt so right. They had always felt right, even when they were kids. They shared a bond the rest of the group didn’t. They were drawn to each other from the day they met. Josh was small and bullied and Paul was stronger. He was younger but that didn’t deter him from pummeling anyone who messed with Josh.

  He felt the pressure on his forehead decreasing and he held his breath.

  “We’re not moving,” Paul whispered.

  “I … I can’t.”

  Paul’s face moved a fraction of an inch and his lips met Josh’s. They were barely touching, but it was there all the same. The feelings poured out and Paul leaned in and increased the pressure slightly. He heard Josh’s quick intake of breath when their lips touched. It took a minute for it to sink in. He was kissing Josh. It was a light kiss on the lips, but it had him in knots. This was Josh, his little, tiny, frail Josh, who was now all grown up and not so tiny anymore.

  Paul pulled away slowly and looked into Josh’s eyes. He could see the need there, the wanting. Here was Josh, right in front of him. Shirtless. He had been through so much and Paul didn’t want to push himself on him when they were both vulnerable, but he wanted him. Right now, he wanted Josh more than anything. He palmed his face and Josh leaned into it.

  That said everything.

  He pulled Josh into him and kissed him with everything he was feeling. Paul felt an absolute need to own Josh right now, the one person who had never hurt him, would never hurt him. The second his tongue begged for entrance, Josh took him in. It was their first kiss and Paul’s mind reeled. His hands reached for every part of Josh he could, he crushed him to his chest as his mouth devoured him. He could hear Josh whimpering in his arms and he pulled away.

  “I’m sorry!” Paul was trying to catch his breath. “I don’t want to push you.”

  His nose nuzzled Josh’s neck and then he kissed him gently at the base. A soft chuckle escaped Josh and Paul leaned back, eyeing him.


  “That tickles.”

  “What does?” Paul smiled in his neck, he ran his lips up to Josh’s ear. “This?” he nuzzled his earlobe and whispered in his ear. “Does this tickle?”

  “Yes! You know I’m ticklish.”

  “I thought you got over that?” Paul smiled, he kissed his earlobe and moved back down to the soft spot on his neck and kissed it softly.

  Josh’s head fell back and Paul took full advantage of having more accessibility to the neck he was having so much fun kissing. He ran the tip of his nose across the side of it and inhaled the cologne again.

  Memories came flooding back …

  He had looked everywhere for Josh. They had been at a party and somehow he had lost sight of him. It never happened before. He had always made sure Josh was with him. Now he was in a panic. He went to the bathroom upstairs and heard muffled noises, then he thought he heard Josh’s voice, and then what sounded like a muffled scream. Paul tried the handle to the bathroom. It was locked. He heard a voice inside and his skin went cold.

  “Busy in here.”

  Paul kicked the door in and found Daniel forcing himself on Josh. He had Josh’s hands pinned above his head and was making his way into his pants. Fury hit and he pulled Daniel off, threw him into the bathroom mirror and watched as it shattered all over the floor. Daniel landed on the floor and Paul was on him in a flash, hitting him in the face.


  People rushed upstairs and it took four guys to pull Paul off of Daniel. The only thing that finally calmed him down was when he heard Josh crying. He went to him and held him tight.

  “I’m here,” he whispered in Josh’s ear. “I’m right here.”

  He held him as his whole body shook, his sobs filling the bathroom. People were still standing in the bathroom door when Paul glanced up. He let go of Josh and walked over to them. Daniel was with a group of guys, wiping blood off of his face. He walked up to him, backing him into the wall.

  “I will kill you. Do you understand me?”

  “I ...”

  “Shut up. Don’t test me, Daniel. You ever lay your hands on Josh again and I will kill you.” He looked around at everybody. “You all get that? I just threatened to kill this piece of human garbage. Make sure you repeat it to him on a daily basis.” He leaned in close. “Don’t think I won’t, you fucking piece of shit — and, I’ll fucking enjoy it.”

  Paul pushed him into the wall and turned around. He got Josh and led him out of the house. The rest of the night was spent with Josh at Paul’s house, in bed, Josh wrapped in Paul’s arms.

  “I’ve never seen you like that.” Josh snuggled closer.

  “When I thought I heard you, and then when I saw …” Paul pulled Josh in. “I couldn’t stop myself.” Paul lifted Josh’s face up. “He didn’t … hurt you, did he?”

  “No, I was scared, though.”

  “I’m so sorry. I should have been there.”

  “Paul, you can’t be with me twenty-four hours a day.”

  “Watch me.” Paul smiled and pulled Josh in closer.

  Josh had fallen asleep and Paul listened to him breathe. He threaded his fingers through Josh’s hair and the smell of his cologne filled his senses. He kissed his forehead and closed his eyes. He thought about the first day they met. He had come down the hallway to find two older
kids picking on a younger one. He was short and small, and he looked scared. Paul got closer and noticed the kid’s face; he had brown hair and his eyes — there was no way to explain how beautiful his eyes were. He felt his anger build as they pushed him forcefully into the locker. He heard them call him a little fairy.

  That was it, Paul was officially pissed.

  “Why don’t you pick on someone my size, assholes?”

  They turned to look at him and one kid’s mouth dropped open. “Paul?”

  “No, it’s the pope. Now get your fucking hands off of him or I swear I’ll kick your ass up and down this hallway.”

  The two guys backed away from Josh and Paul moved in front of him. He looked at the two and smiled — really more of a baring of teeth.

  “Now, don’t mess with him ever again. Is that clear?”

  “Yeah, we got it, Paul.”

  “And apologize.”

  The two mumbled half-hearted apologies, turned and left.

  Paul turned to face the kid, who looked scared to death. He put his hand out.

  “Paul Greystone.”

  Josh eyed the guy in front of him. He was huge and he couldn’t believe this guy had just stuck up for him.

  “Josh Reynolds.” Josh shook his hand and felt something immediately. He could tell Paul had the same reaction.

  Just the touch of his hand had done something to Paul. He felt it down to his core. There was something about this kid that made him want to take care of him. They spent the rest of the day together and Paul had found out that Josh was actually older than him. They had a laugh about that. Paul took Josh home with him that day. They sat on the bus together and Josh was surprised when they got off in a well-to-do neighborhood. They walked down the street and stopped in front of the biggest house Josh had ever seen.

  “You live here?”

  “I think so.” Paul smiled and took his hand. “Come on.”

  They went inside and Josh met Paul’s parents. They were so welcoming and both hugged him. He stayed for dinner and then Paul asked if he wanted to spend the night. They ended up watching movies in the theater room. Paul held his hand the whole time and Josh was so happy. He liked Paul a lot. They finally headed up to Paul’s room and Josh changed into a pair of Paul’s sweats, laughing as he looked at himself.


  Paul turned around and smiled. “You look like someone shrunk you.”

  “Oh, ha ha.” Josh climbed in the bed and turned on his side to watch as Paul got in.

  They lay there looking at each other for a very long time. Neither one spoke. Paul palmed Josh’s face. He watched as Josh’s eyes closed, and the urge to kiss him was strong but he didn’t want to scare him.

  “Goodnight, Josh.”

  “Nite, Paul. Thanks for rescuing me.”

  Paul woke up to feel Josh’s breath on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw that sometime during the night, they had found each other and now Paul’s arms were wrapped around him tight. He looked down and saw that Josh was still asleep. He smiled and closed his eyes.

  Paul snapped back to reality. His hands were in Josh’s hair and he was kissing his neck.

  “Kiss me again, Paul,” Josh whispered.

  Paul kissed him, and as their tongues met Josh kissed him the way he had always wanted to. They broke from the kiss and their eyes met.

  “I think we need to talk,” Paul whispered.

  “Not now. Please.”

  “Soon, Josh. Very soon.”


  Heath was running late. He had stayed after class to get some extra work in and now he was on his way to Stefan’s day care. He pulled into the parking lot and entered the building. He swiped his key card and found Joann at the front desk. She eyed him curiously.

  “Heath — what are you doing here?”

  “I’m here for Stefan.”

  “What? Becky said you picked him up.” Joann skimmed over the sign-out sheet.

  “I didn’t pick him up. You sure she said me?”

  Joann re-checked the sheet. Heath’s name was not on it. “Nothing’s here.”

  Heath grabbed the book and thumbed through it, panic rising. He called Caleb immediately.

  “Babe, did you pick up Stefan?”

  “No, I’m still at work. What’s going on, Heath?”

  “He’s not here.”

  “I’m coming.”

  He turned to Joann. “Where is Becky? What’s her number?”

  He tried it but got not answer. Heath called everyone he could think of. No one had picked up Stefan. He walked around the center and found little Stefan’s blue blanket. He took out his cell phone and called his father.

  “Dad, someone kidnapped Stefan from the day care. I’m there now.”

  “I’m on my way.” Stefan hung up and looked at his associates. “We have a problem; my grandson is missing.”

  By the time Caleb arrived, Heath was sitting in the corner rocking back and forth while holding little Stefan’s blanket against his face.

  Trent had shown up and the elder Damon Santorno watched him with narrowed eyes.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I don’t want you going off half-cocked, Damon. My men and I will handle this.”

  “Good luck keeping my son, or anyone else in this family, at bay, detective. We will do what we have to do; you have my word on that. Try to stay out of my way. Work with me or we have a very large problem.”

  “Heath.” Caleb crouched down. “Look at me.”

  Heath glanced up, his eyes full of tears. “Someone took our son, Caleb.”

  “We’ll find him, Heath. I promise.” Caleb pulled Heath into his arms. His heart was breaking and he was scared out of his mind. Someone had taken little Stefan. Little Stefan was gone.

  Heath snapped out of his grief and got down to business. The first call he made was to Antonio. He and Trent went into the office and told Joann to take produce all employee records and play the video surveillance. Caleb watched Heath in awe; he was definitely a Santorno at heart.

  Stefan and Jordan had arrived a few minutes later. Heath talked to Damon as Stefan took Caleb aside. When they heard Heath shout from the office, they ran in and found him clutching an employee record.

  “That BITCH! She didn’t want him! She gave him away and now she takes him?”

  Stefan looked at the picture. It was Melisa Ridge. She had changed her hair and wore contacts, but it was her. She was using the name Becky Fletcher.

  “We got her.”

  Antonio called to let them know there was a signal on little Stefan’s tracking device. They had his location and were heading that way right now. Damon and Caleb were deep in conversation. They finished and Caleb headed back over to Heath.

  “Caleb!” Damon tossed him a gun.

  Caleb caught it and put it in the back of his pants. “Let’s go.”

  The hotel was on the outskirts of town. Heath shook his head. She was so damned stupid — and now she would pay dearly for a very long time. Some of Damon’s associates were across the street on the rooftop of the diner, high-powered rifles trained on the hotel room door. The group followed the red laser beams to the door. Heath could hear Stefan inside, crying.

  Caleb put his finger over his lips. He positioned himself, kicked the door in and they rushed into the room.

  “DADDY!” Little Stefan wiggled in Melisa’s arms, trying desperately to get loose.

  “How … how did you find us?” Melisa gaped at the men assembled in the room.

  “Give. Me. My. Son. Now.” Heath approached her slowly, his eyes never leaving her face.


  “He’s my kid, too, Heath,” she snapped.

  “Not a chance. You gave up your legal rights. Nice and airtight. Now hand him over.”

  “So he can be raised by fags? I don’t think so. I should have known you were gay. You couldn’t even get hard with me.”

  “I had to think of my now-husband in ord
er to do anything with you.” Heath motioned to Caleb. “Now, give me my son.”

  Melisa sneered. “The cops won’t shoot me with a kid in my arms.”

  “Those aren’t cops, you stupid bitch,” Heath laughed. “They work for my family.”

  A man came out of the bathroom at that moment and gasped at Melisa. She had red laser dots all over her face. He noticed Heath and Caleb and his eyes went wide. Heath put up his hand and now red dots lined the man’s forehead as well.

  “There are sharp-shooters on the building across the street. I’m prepared to shoot you myself if you don’t hand Stefan to me now.” Without taking his eyes off of Melisa, he put his hand out to Caleb who put the gun in it.

  “Daddy!” Stefan was sobbing.

  “I know, baby. Daddy’s here and you’re coming home now.” Heath walked closer and put his hands out. “Hand him over or I swear to God, Melisa, you will see a side of me you have never seen. The Santorno side.”

  Melisa didn’t like the look on Heath’s face. They were done for. She knew it was over. She also knew the Santorno reputation — at this point, she just hoped she was going to jail. When Damon Santorno stepped into the room, she knew that might not be the case. She slowly handed Stefan to Heath and stepped back.

  “DADDY!” Stefan clung to his father like a koala around a eucalyptus tree.

  “Oh God, baby! Daddy’s here! I’m here.” Heath hugged him tight, sniffing the baby shampoo in his hair.

  Caleb hugged them both tightly. “I love you so much, little man.”

  “I love Daddies!” Stefan hugged Heath and Caleb.

  Melisa inched back more and looked at the door, she might be able to make it.

  “I don’t think so, young lady.” Stefan smiled. “You have a lot to answer for.”

  “Mr. Youngblood, I —”

  “Save it. If you’re looking for sympathy, you really picked the wrong family. Heath, give me the baby so I can get him out of this nightmare.”


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