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Karma Page 21

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I did?”

  “Look, the way we ended was quick and I don’t think either one of us took the time to really process that. I went to Heather and you went to Paul. And I know you love him. I know you do because I love Josh. But when we were in bed, and I was holding you, you said ‘I love you, Tanner; I always have.’ I didn’t know what to do — you’re married.”

  Mark rubbed his temples. “Then I kissed you.”

  “Yes, and I tried to stop you, I really did. But when you said that —I…I don’t know. I finally admitted to myself that I do love you. So I kissed you back.”

  “Let’s be totally honest, then. When the two of us were attacked and we spent all that time in therapy together?”

  “You were the only person I wanted to be with. You knew what I went through; nobody else did. I knew then that I wanted you; I had always wanted you.”

  “Jesus, Tanner.”

  “I know I’m a dumbass, but now I can tell you.” Tanner pulled Mark in and palmed his face. “I do love you, Mark. I think I always did, I was just too stupid to realize it.”

  “Now what?” Mark sighed.

  “We follow it through like Casandra suggested. Let’s see if we can make this work. I know I’ve changed, and I have Josh to thank for that.”

  Mark pulled Tanner in. “Kiss me.”

  Tanner palmed his face, ran his thumb across his lips and kissed him softly. Mark parted his lips and responded. Tanner ran his hands down Mark’s lower back and pulled him in impossibly close. Tanner broke the kiss slowly, leaving light kisses on Mark’s lips before pulling away completely.

  Their eyes locked and Tanner grinned. “Ready to start over?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  Greg watched Jay. He meant everything to him and he’d be damned if they ever split up.

  Greg palmed his face. “Make love to me.”

  Jay pushed him back on the couch, kissing him while removing their clothing. He positioned himself and locked eyes with Greg as he entered him, slowly kissing Greg. Greg grabbed his ass and pushed him in harder.

  “Tell me, Jay,” Greg whispered.

  “I love you! I love you, so much.”

  Jay made love to him slowly. He wanted Greg to know how he felt, that he would always be with him and nothing would ever change that. They came at the same time, crying out and gasping for air. Jay wrapped Greg in his arms and held him tightly.

  “Tell me I’ll never lose you to your one great love.”

  “You are my one great love.”

  They were still wrapped in a blanket on the couch when Jeremy walked through the door.

  “Oh God, awkward!” Jeremy turned around and looked at the wall.

  “Dad!” Jay jumped off the couch and threw his sweats on.

  Anthony was right behind him and got a full view of his own son. “Jesus!”

  “Dad?” Greg, jumping on one foot trying to get his sweats on, lost his footing, fell and landed on Jay.

  “Can we turn around yet?” Jeremy bit his lip and tried not to laugh.

  Greg fixed his pants. “Yeah, we’re decent now.”

  The men turned around and took in their sons’ beet-red faces.

  “Do we even want to know what you two were doing?” Jeremy asked with a hint of amusement.

  “Okay, I’m here. What’s the big emergency?” Kyle came through the door and stopped. “Um, what’s going on?”

  “Okay, first off — hello??” Anthony put his arms out.

  “Oh, sorry, Dad!” Greg and Kyle hugged their father.

  Jay hugged his dad. “Josh is in New York?”

  “Yep. Paul is with him.”

  “Paul’s in New York with Josh?” Kyle looked from Jay to Jeremy.

  “Wait a minute, what are you two doing together?” Greg asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “That’s kind of why we’re here.” Anthony took Jeremy’s hand. “We’re seeing each other.”

  Kyle’s jaw hit the floor. “You’re gay?”

  “Well bi, but I’m in love with Jeremy. I found the one I was meant to be with.”

  Jay was silent. And confused. “But ... wait. I mean…”

  “You don’t approve, Jay?” Jeremy was surprised.

  “It’s not that, it’s just — what if you guys get married? Doesn’t that make Greg, like, my stepbrother or something?”

  Jeremy laughed. “Oh, Jay! Don’t worry about that. Look, Anthony and I want to make sure you guys are okay with this.”

  Greg hugged his father. “I’m so happy for you, Dad.”

  “I- I never thought …” Kyle stammered.

  “Are you upset with me, Kyle?” Anthony asked quietly.

  “No! Not at all. I just never thought in a million years you were gay.”

  “Are you okay with it?”

  “Of course I am, Dad, I love you.” Kyle hugged him again. “I need to talk to you, though.”

  “Anytime you want. How about dinner tomorrow?”

  Kyle smiled. “Sounds good.”

  As they chatted, Jay grinned as his dad and Anthony held hands; they were so cute together.

  “So. You two.” Anthony regarded Jay and Greg. “Still going strong, huh?”

  Greg took Jay’s hand. “Yes. I love him, Dad.”

  “I can see that.” Anthony winked.

  “I’ll tell you what, Anthony. The first time I saw Greg again, I didn’t even recognize him. He has grown so much,” Jeremy said.

  “Well, look at Jay! I wouldn’t have known it was you. And, my God, Josh is huge!”

  “So, Josh is okay?” Jay asked his father.

  “He’s very good. I left him and Paul at the apartment. They need time to talk. How’s Mark? This must be hard on him.”

  “He and Tanner are trying to figure out if they have a future.”

  “Oh, the ex-boyfriend, right?”

  Greg nodded. “Yes. Tanner has changed and Josh had a lot to do with that.”

  “You guys been okay with Mira gone? You need any money or anything?” Jeremy asked worriedly.

  “Dad, I think we have plenty of money. Thank you for the account.”

  “I want to make sure my boys are okay.”

  “We’re fine.” Jay took Greg’s hand. “Better than fine.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Little Stefan ran around the house, popping in to entertain everyone before taking off again. The entertained baby sitters were in the living room. Stefan and Jordan, Heath and Caleb and a cuddling Charlie and Michael were waiting for his next appearance. Charlie was nearly asleep when the doorbell rang.

  Stefan opened the door and invited Trent inside.

  Everyone’s attention was piqued as Trent sat down on the couch and dropped his clasped hands between his spread knees.

  “I just wanted to let you know that the prisoner transfer did not go as planned.”

  “It didn’t?” Jordan said in astonishment.

  “What happened?” Stefan asked.

  “Well, the prisoners’ transport was stopped on the highway by masked men. The prisoner showed up at a hospital a few hours later. He had been castrated.”

  “Oh, my God! Is he all right?” Heath asked.

  “He’s alive. I wouldn’t say all right.”

  “Does he know who did it?” Michael chimed in.

  “If he does, he’s not saying. Inmates beat Melisa nearly to death in prison. You guys know anything about that?”

  “We had no idea, Trent.” Stefan shook his head.

  “You know I have to ask where all of you were today between noon and five.”

  “Well, let’s see — Jordan and I were here with Heath and Caleb. We’ve playing with little Stefan. Charlie and Michael were with Julia Cunningham and Steve Soloman.”

  “And Julia and Steve can confirm this, I’ll bet.” Trent raised his eyebrows.

  “Oh, yes,” Jordan replied.

  Little Stefan began another trip through the living ro
om. “Trent!”

  “Hey, little man.” Trent picked him up. “You’re getting so big!”

  “I know.” Stefan bounced in Trent’s arms.

  “Did you have fun today?”

  “Played with daddies!” Stefan giggled.

  “Good for you.” Trent eyed Stefan and Jordan. “Well, I better get a move on. I hope you burned everything, Stefan.” He put the little boy down.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Trent.” Stefan crossed his arms.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Trent winked. “Night!”

  “Night, Trent!” Little Stefan hugged his legs.

  Trent left and Stefan sat down and eyed little Stefan. “You are a Santorno, aren’t you?”

  Little Stefan ran into Heath and laughed. “Daddy!”

  “Yes, baby, Daddy loves you.” Heath hugged him tight.

  “Um, not to rain on our little parade, but did anyone order Melisa a beat-down?” Michael asked.

  “Nope.” Stefan shook his head. “Prison justice has its own rules. You can kill your husband and you’re a celebrity. You hurt a child and they don’t play fair.”

  The phone rang and Michael answered it and handed it to Stefan. “It’s Paul.”

  Stefan took the phone. “Hey, Paul.”

  “How are you guys?”

  “Were good, Paul. How are you?”

  “With Josh in New York. I was calling to find out if I could use the jet, please. I’d like to take Josh to Greece for Valentine’s Day.”

  “You can take it and as much time from work as you need. Don’t forget we have a function the week after, though, okay? I need you and Caleb to make the rounds with the older women.”

  “Can I bring a date?”

  “If you’re bringing Josh I’m putting him to work, too,” Stefan laughed.

  “Will do. Thanks. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

  “Hey, you can use the jet anytime, Paul. You’re family.”

  Stefan said goodbyes rejoined Jordan on the couch.

  “Paul and Josh going somewhere?”

  “Greece, for Valentine’s Day.”

  “Wow, he’s going all out.”

  “Hey, what are we doing on Valentine’s Day?” Stefan elbowed him.

  “It’s a surprise.” Jordan kissed him softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Stefan looked at Charlie. She was asleep now and Michael was caressing her face.

  “She okay?” Jordan watched his daughter sleep.

  “She’s still frustrated. The words come out better now, it’s her arm she’s worried about.”

  “Well, she did an excellent surgery today.” Jordan winked.

  “I don’t think she cared whether her arm shook when she took his balls off.”

  “Nice visual.” Stefan almost choked.

  “Remind me never to make her mad.” Michael grinned at her sleeping face.

  “You bet.”


  Josh was trying to see where they were going, but Paul had gotten the Santorno jet so there was no way of knowing where they were. All he knew was they had been on the plane for about six hours.

  “A hint?” Josh smiled and took Paul’s hand.

  “Nope.” Paul kissed him lightly. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Okay.” Josh looked out the window.

  “Mr. Greystone, I need a word in the cockpit,” the pilot’s voice announced.

  “I’ll be right back.” Paul kissed him softly.

  Josh grinned as Paul strode up to the front of the plane. He had a distinctive walk you could spot a mile away. Paul had really packed on the muscles. Josh hadn’t noticed until he had seen him shirtless the other night. He smiled when he remembered how Paul had taught him self –defense when he was younger.

  They had been at the gym and Josh was finally gaining some height and muscle. Paul was working him for hours at the gym, and that day Josh had been so tired he couldn’t lift his arms above his head.

  “Paul, please,” he whined.

  “Come on, some wrestling moves and then we’re done, okay?”

  “Fine,” Josh huffed.

  “Okay, now remember what I taught you.” Paul got behind Josh and grabbed him around the neck.

  Josh tried to throw him over his shoulder and he couldn’t. “I can’t, Paul.”

  “Look, it’s not about how strong you are; it’s about the technique. Now, try again.”

  Paul grabbed him again. Josh grabbed his arm, twisted his body and threw Paul down.

  “I did it!” Josh fist-pumped the air.

  Paul took him out by his feet and jumped on him. “Now what?”

  Josh stopped breathing. Paul was on top of him.



  “Now what would you do?”

  “Kick your ass.” Josh smiled and bucked his hips.

  Their foreheads hit and Paul sat back up.


  “Aw, are you okay?” Josh ran his fingers over Paul’s forehead.

  “Yes. Okay, let’s go home and come back tomorrow.”

  “I hate you.” Josh laughed and hit him with a towel.

  “No you don’t. You love me.” Paul winked.

  Paul came back to find Josh in a daze.

  “Hey, you all right?”

  “Yeah, I was remembering when you took me to the gym and I threw you over my shoulder.”

  “I remember that.” Paul smiled. “God, I wanted to kiss you.”


  “Oh, yeah.” Paul pulled him over. “Now I can kiss you whenever I want.”

  Paul pulled him in close and kissed him. He pulled Josh out of his seat and into his lap.


  “Yes.” Paul smiled, kissing Josh’s ear.

  “Where are we going?”


  “Paul …” Josh ran his lips over Paul’s, his tongue licked his bottom lip and Paul pulled him in.

  “You’re not fighting fair,” Paul breathed.

  Josh straddled him in the seat. He caressed Paul’s face as he pulled him closer.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you,” Paul sighed.

  “Don’t want to know now.” He pulled Paul’s shirt up and splayed his hands across his chest.

  The pilot came over the loudspeaker. “We’re preparing to land, Mr. Greystone.”

  Paul didn’t hear anything else.

  Josh was looking out the window and he gasped suddenly and looked incredulously at Paul.

  “You brought me to Greece?”

  “Well, I figured you might want to see where your family comes from.”

  “I love you.”

  Josh had a vice grip on him. “I love you, too. I need air, Josh.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Paul dropped a kiss on his nose and smiled.

  They took a cab to the hotel and then changed for dinner. Paul took him to Sholarhio. They ordered and the waiter returned with a bottle of ouzo. Josh eyed him with a grin.

  “You want to go there?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Paul smiled and poured a glass.

  “Okay, you know I’ll drink you under the table.”

  “Yeah, you tried that in Ireland years ago, remember?”

  “I do.” Josh smiled.

  They had gone to Ireland for Christmas with Paul’s family. They were at the pub and Josh and Paul were sitting in a booth drinking pints.

  “How many is that?” Paul slurred.

  “Five?” Josh chuckled.

  “Okay, you two, are ya done yet?”

  “Nope, need another two, Angus.” Paul grinned.

  “Oh shite, Josh. Don’t ya be hurling in my pub.”

  “Paul will puke before me!”

  “Pffft!” Paul laughed.

  Jeremy was watching Jay, he was swaying back and forth.

  “Jay, did you drink?”

  “Nope,” Jay giggled and hiccupped.

  “Phoebe, I
’m going to get Jay back to the cottage.” Jeremy got up and picked up Jay. He looked at Mira. “You coming?”

  “In a bit.” Mira looked at him and smiled.

  “Keep an eye on Josh and make sure he makes it back okay.”

  “I’ve got an eye on them, Jeremy.” Colin smiled and mussed Jay’s hair. “Someone’s drunk.”

  Paul’s head was laying on the table now, and Josh was in the midst of a giggle fit.

  “You lost!” Josh took Paul’s hand.

  Paul looked up and smiled. “It’s a tie.”

  “Party pooper.”

  “Hey, you two, we’re calling it a night. Josh, you can come back with us, okay?” Colin looked at the two of them. They were drunk off their asses. He pulled Josh’s face up. “You hear me, Josh?”

  “Huh?” Josh’s eyes were half-open.

  “Yeah, come on, you two.” Colin pulled them out of the booth.

  They got back to the cottage and Colin put them in bed together. He let Jeremy know where Josh was. Phoebe smiled at the two of them. Within seconds, Paul pulled Josh into him and they slept.

  “You know Mira would have a coronary if she knew they were in the same bed,” Colin laughed.

  “Who gives a shit? That would solve some problems! I can’t believe the kind of person she’s turned out to be. How does Jeremy put up with that?” Phoebe shook her head.

  “Hey.” Colin pulled Phoebe in. “We’ll take care of Josh.”

  Phoebe went over to the bed, smoothed Josh’s hair back and kissed his forehead. She kissed Paul. “Night, boys.”

  Back in Greece, Paul faced Josh and they took another drink, both of them smiling.

  “How are you feeling?” Paul winked.

  “Oh, I’m fine. I think I outweigh you and I had a lot of food.” Josh patted his stomach.

  “Yeah, well I’m taller.”

  “I’m older ... HA!”

  Paul took Josh’s hands. “Are you happy?”

  “I am very happy. Thank you so much for this, Paul. It means a lot.”

  “I want to make you happy. I have the whole day planned tomorrow.”

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  “Not our first together, but definitely a first as a couple.”

  “I can’t wait.” Josh smiled.


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