Kisses for Christmas

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Kisses for Christmas Page 3

by Dana Volney

  Work at the bank, huh? Halle pieced together the few conversations she’d had with Blake. Oh, so he doesn’t just have strings to pull. Maybe that’s why he’s so grumpy. He’s a banker.

  Halle’s gaze pursued the crowd, landing on Blake. From her vantage point it looked like all eyes were on him, which wasn’t surprising. He was magnetic in a lone wolf kind of way. Halle tried not to stare, but it was hard not to. He looked dashing.

  The women’s laughter brought her back to the conversation she was attempting – poorly – to fit into.

  “What do you think?” The pointy nosed woman with all the questions asked in true form.


  “Blake in a suit and tie for the rest of his life?” The woman laughed as if that were a joke. “Can you even imagine him running a bank?”

  “Yes. I can.” Halle felt her anger start at the tips of her fingers and move its way up to her cheeks. For some reason she didn’t like these women laughing him.

  She was getting ready to launch another round at the pesky woman when a beautiful woman in a gray dress joined the group. She was all dolled up with rich, curly black hair that fell to her shoulders. Halle greeted her and then narrowed in on the irritating, Blake-bashing woman.

  “The bank would be lucky to have him. And whether he’s in a suit or otherwise,” she winked coyly, “he can wear anything… trust me on that.” She twirled on her bright purple open-toed pumps and headed toward the bar, leaving the women now sporting open mouths. Suck on that.

  She got her drink, another red wine, and decided to grace Blake with her presence… and another beer. She hadn’t spent much time with him since they’d arrived, and part of their deal was that she accompany him around as he schmoozed. Let’s see what your world is all about, Blake.

  She sidled up to the group, her arm touching his sleeve. Without looking at him, she offered him the new beer. He turned and set down his finished one. In one fluid motion he brushed his fingertips over hers as he accepted the beer while his other hand smoothed on her lower back. All too quickly his fingertips and palm were gone, leaving only the flutters in his wake.

  She scanned the group and recognized a face on the edge of the conversation. Ramona? Yes, that was Ramona Tillman. Society-party-throwing, volunteering to the max, charity-chairing extraordinaire. Crap. I should’ve figured I might know some of these people.

  Well, there was nothing to do except be proactive; it hadn’t been that long since she’d seen Ramona. She waited for a break in the conversation and let Blake blanket her introduction to the group.

  “Ramona, congratulations on the amount you raised for Military Moms. Amazing.” Halle knew she could sing praises and Ramona would eat it up, forgetting to ask Halle things she didn’t want to answer tonight or any night. She’d decided to give up the life of privilege because of the strings that came along with it. She was making a new way for herself now. There was no need to rehash her past… or for Blake to find out.

  “Thank you, Halle. It was an event to remember. It’s a shame you weren’t there.”

  “Here’s to next time.” Halle raised her glass and then took a sip. She hoped Blake would view Ramona’s statement as mere politeness. She’d been invited but had no interest in going – she understood Blake better than he knew. Halle just never had the foresight to strike up an agreement for a date to all the awful functions. He’s got better sense than I thought.

  Halle titled her head up to get a good look at Blake. His expression was a serene neutral until he turned to her. A smile played at his eyes and he fixed them on her. How does he look so happy? I know he’s not. But she did know it was time to get out of this spot, even if she wasn’t sure how to phrase their exit. They were supposed to be friends, so she had to keep her comments on the up and up to give off the correct vibe. What’s a friend-type thing to say?

  “I saw your sister over there.” She nodded her head to the left. “I know you wanted to talk with her…”

  Blake picked up quickly on the out she offered. He acknowledged the group and led Halle away by gliding his hand down her back, pressing the satin fabric onto her skin under his fingers, finally resting them dangerously low. Heat emanated from her lower back and she caught her breath. For a split second she thought his hand was going to keep going down… not that she would’ve hated that.

  * * *

  “You aren’t dating her?”

  Blake furrowed his brows at his sister, Candace. “No. I’m not. Why do you keep asking?”

  He pulled out her chair at the round table with dark green tablecloths, red ribbon, and a pine cone centerpiece with silver candles.

  “She stood up for you to Angela. You should’ve seen it. Angela still has something for you, you know.”

  Blake squinted at his sister and sized up her black hair and thin frame wrapped in a shiny gray dress. He knew when something was off. “Spill, Candace.”

  “She also kinda made it seem like you two were more than friends.”

  “Did she now?” Blake smirked and drank his beer.

  Candace’s enticing news aroused urges he’d been suppressing all night. Halle looked extremely alluring in the red dress tonight; very touchable. It took all he had to not sweep her up, kiss her, and spend the rest of the night… not at a Christmas party. It was getting harder and harder not to think about her. He was a confirmed bachelor. He wanted to be left alone.

  Blake had some serious choices to make about the bank presidency and where that left the ranch. He had no idea what he was going to do. And, really, it wasn’t a choice. He needed to come to terms with his destiny. Ah, hell.

  “I think you should date her. Mom already thinks you are.”

  His mother thought he was dating every woman he was ever seen with. “She hasn’t even met her.”

  “Yet. She will before the night is out.” Candace giggled and nudged him with her elbow. “Pretty ballsy, bro. You never bring anyone to these things and you expect everyone to think you are just friends.”

  “I think you misunderstood what Halle was saying.”

  “Yeah, sure, okay.” Candace rolled her eyes.

  “Hi,” Halle’s voice came from his other side.

  Blake swiveled his head to look up at her. “Hey.”

  She sat down before he could stand to greet her properly and laid her silver clutch in her lap.

  “Candace. Sister.” Candace nodded her head toward Blake but smiled wide at Halle.

  “Oh.” Halle’s cheeks started to redden as she diverted her eyes for a moment.

  Halle leaned forward, closer to him, and again he caught a whiff of cinnamon. By everything holy in this world, why does she have to wear that perfume? Blake was a man; he only had so much self-control. He clenched his jaw to squelch the heat rising in his body – he needed his blood to stay where it was.

  Halle spoke softly to Candace, “I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t like what they were saying. And, it seemed to really get under their skin that I came with this one.” She pointed her thumb to Blake. “So I saw an opportunity.” Halle sat back in her chair.

  Candace laughed. “Well done. They were pretty catty after you left.”

  Halle’s a little spitfire. He couldn’t help but like that about her.

  Still, he made eye contact with her and gave her his best stern look. “I thought the plan was to lay low.”

  “You’re welcome.” Halle glared back at him. “This is so unbelievably boring, Blake. It’s not my fault they made me triple bitchy.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at that convoluted reasoning. She was who she was.

  “Blake, you should dance with this beautiful woman,” Candace suggested.

  Blake slowly turned his head toward his sister, eyebrows raised. What in the hell possessed her to say that? Candace giggled. Dancing. He’d look like an ass if he didn’t take Halle out on the dance floor. He was almost mad he hadn’t thought of it himself. It was a sly way to hold her in his arms. And, if she’d alre
ady given the impression they were dating, this would just further that rumor. No need to squelch it now… it actually worked to his advantage. He started to rethink his original plan.

  “You mean to tell me that Blake Ellison two steps?” Halle’s question dripped with sarcasm.

  “With that attitude you may never know.” Blake matched her tone and even winked, using her own tricks against her. Ha.

  “This night just got a whole lot more interesting.” Halle stood.

  Damn. She’s taking me up on this.

  Blake took a healthy swig and set his beer down. Standing, he extended his hand to her. “Shall we?”

  Halle’s delight lit up her face as she took his hand. Her touch electrified every inch of him and tightened his chest. Blake wasn’t expecting that. For a moment, he stopped breathing. A woman had never had this effect on him. After the holidays I really need to quit drinking.

  They got to the dance floor just as Lynyrd Skynyrd’s version of “Christmas Time Again” started. Great. A slow song. Do we stand in one place? We could probably foxtrot to this. As Blake weighed his options, his question was answered: other couples were swaying to the beat. Dammit.

  Blake put his hand around her waist. Fleeting thoughts of pleasure danced to a different beat in his mind. What am I doing?

  * * *

  Halle relaxed into Blake’s embrace. His hands were strong and he held her close. She loved this song and Christmas; the ultimate feeling of hope. The restlessness she first felt during the holidays gave way to the dream of what the New Year would bring, and this year was going to be her best yet.

  The glittering decorations in the room twinkled in the background as she focused on Blake’s clean shaven face. She wasn’t sure where else to look. His brown eyes watched her, his hands held her, and the sporadic contact of their bodies teased her.

  Halle was surprised at the mixed emotions that heightened her senses. She kept expecting normalcy with him and kept receiving anything but. She wanted to know him. She wanted to talk to him. But, most of all, she wanted him to kiss her, to hold her closer.

  She looked away from him, not willing to let him see her longing. I’m in this for the money. No other reason. I don’t like him and I don’t need him. Pretending was easy… not believing it was going to be the hard part.

  Chapter Three

  “Wow, the snow just keeps coming.” Halle held tight to Blake’s arm as they trampled through the snow that had fallen during the party toward his truck. She was trying to follow in the footsteps of a couple in front of them to save her shoes from excess moisture and her toes from freezing.

  When they reached his black truck, Blake opened the door and helped her in. She expected him to close the door – a gentlemanly act she’d become accustomed to – but instead the door remained open and she heard, “You must be freezing. Are your feet okay?”

  “Um… yeah, they’ll be fine. When I get home I’ll dry them off and put some heavy socks on.” And sweatpants and snuggle with my heating blanket.

  She looked at Blake, but he was eyeing her feet. The sides of his jaw jumped slightly. Then, without saying anything, he opened the door behind her and started rummaging around.

  “Whatcha doing? Can I shut this door? I’m freezing.”

  Halle had weighed her options of outerwear but had settled on what best matched her red dress, and that option wasn’t insulated. The cold gave way to shivers and she started to rub her upper arms in a feeble attempt to warm herself. I should’ve worn a heavier jacket. This is stupid.

  She rolled her eyes and, not looking, reached for the door handle – she could shut her own door, for crying out loud. Instead of making contact with the bar, however, her hand grazed Blake’s cheek. Startled at the skin contact, Halle shot her head to the right just in time to see his brows furrow.

  “Sorry. I’m cold. I was shutting the door.”

  “I have socks for you.” Blake waved them in his hand. “Give me your feet,” he commanded.

  Halle didn’t know what to say. She could put on her own socks, but Blake surely knew that. The sweetness of his actions hit her. A lump sat firmly in her throat. There was something about the tenderness in his eyes. Something about the way he knew she was cold and he was making the situation better for her without being prompted or asked outright. She didn’t say a word; she couldn’t. Instead, she shifted in the cold leather seat, moving her feet toward him.

  Blake took off one shoe, and dried her foot with a rag she hadn’t noticed in his hand. He slipped a big, thick wooly sock on her foot and pulled it up her leg as far as it would go. The sensation of his fingers deliberately sliding along her skin made her entire body scream. She wanted his fingers to keep going, past her knee to feel his hands on her bare thigh… and higher. Halle resisted the urge to squirm in her seat, a seat that was suddenly sizzling. His fingers retracted down her leg and it was all she could do to not yell “no” or reach out for him. He sandwiched her foot in his hands and rubbed them together like he was starting a fire with a stick. It was an unnecessary action; Halle was already burning up.

  She was careful not to touch the wet floor mats with her newly dried foot as he moved on to the other foot. He repeated his steps and Halle’s entire body responded with the same intensity. She watched his fingers move up her leg, holding onto the sock. For a moment, just a moment, she thought he might keep going. Wishful thinking. Halle breathed slowly as Blake moved his hands gently down.

  Halle wasn’t sure what just happened. Was that a plain act of kindness or was there more to it? She watched him use the rag to wipe the water off the floor mat the best he could, the expression on his face matter of fact. He hadn’t looked at her once since she’d ran her hand into his cheek.

  Blake touched a button on the edge of her seat and a soft orange light appeared. “The seat has warmers. That should help.”

  Blake shut her door and went around to his side, tossing the rag into his backseat. He turned his key, and Halle took the opportunity before the diesel engine fired up.

  “Thanks,” her voice was low and breathy. She still wasn’t sure what happened. Did that mean anything?

  Blake was an even-keeled person, so it was hard to read him, but she was learning. On the dance floor tonight she’d thought she saw a spark in his eye, and then this…

  “Are you in a hurry to get home?”

  “Um… no.” All that was waiting for her at home was a pint of ice cream, her favorite holiday movie, and her sweatpants.

  He turned his head and their eyes locked. “Want to get some hot chocolate and drive around looking at Christmas lights?”

  The beauty of his brown eyes made her breath catch. “Yes,” she answered excitedly. She paused for a moment, her insides cart wheeling while she kept her face from reacting. That was too eager. Be cool. She didn’t smile, blink, or move a muscle. If she didn’t focus she may reach out and attack him with her lips and never let go. She cleared her throat. “Sounds like fun.”

  Blake nodded and focused on the road.

  Halle loved hot chocolate, she loved Christmas lights, and she really wanted to spend more time with Blake; especially now. She was going to cozy up with her heated seat and hot chocolate and enjoy the decorations of the season. If she happened to find out more about her date and share a laugh with him; all the better.

  * * *

  Blake pulled up to the closest convenient store for hot chocolate – the hot chocolate he was committed to as well as driving around in the pursuit of Christmas lights. He wasn’t sure what had come over him. One minute he was staring at Halle and her cold feet, the next he was drying them off and putting socks on them, and before he knew it he was asking her to basically stay with him a little while longer. Why did he crave this woman’s company?

  He wanted to have her on his arm at parties, nothing more. Their arrangement was gradually beginning to feel like a date. No. This was a business deal. I’m helping her – or I will, and she’s helping me. Unfortunately, th
e line he’d drawn in the dirt was starting to blur.

  He returned with the cups wrapped in their insulated sleeves. “It’s not gourmet, but it’s hot.” He settled in his seat.

  Halle shifted and drew his attention away from his outstretched hand holding the drink. She was sitting with her legs folded under the blanket he’d found in his back seat. Good thing he was always prepared… for winter and for warming up cold women. Well, for warming up Halle. He’d never done this sort of thing before. I actually want to take care of her. An unnerving chill swept his back. He wasn’t in control of his feelings. Damn that twinkle in her eyes.

  “Thanks.” She took a tentative sip. “Ooh, you meant actual hot chocolate. No additives, huh?”

  “That’s it. I’m checking you into that recovery place over on Durbin tomorrow.”

  “Hmm.” Halle giggled and took another sip, sighing as she snuggled more into the seat. “It’s the simple things that make life great.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  He fired up his diesel and headed toward the east side of Casper. The lights in those neighborhoods were usually hung by hand and imaginative, showing the Christmas spirit instead of where Blake grew up, all put up by professionals and usually all white. If he and Halle were going to ooh and ah, they were going to do it right.

  “Why did you start Just Dandy?” he crooked his head toward her.

  She held the insulated cup of plain hot chocolate in both of her hands and for a moment he was jealous. Being firmly in Halle’s grasp wouldn’t be such a bad thing – he’d sure enjoyed it when they danced.

  “Honestly?” She paused so long Blake was about to ask the question again. “I woke up one morning and thought there’s got to be more to life. So I made a list of things I wanted to do someday and things I like to do. The end result became a store of assorted fun items: handmade, Western things that aren’t found in a box store.”


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