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by Rajmohan Gandhi

  Deshmukh, C.D., The Course of My Life, Orient Longman, 1974.

  Das, Durga (ed.), Sardar Patel’s Correspondence, ten vols., Navajivan, Ahmedabad.

  Erdman, Howard, The Swatantra Party & Indian Conservatism, Cambridge University Press, 1967.

  Felton, Monica, I Meet Rajaji, Macmillan, 1962; & Jaico, Bombay, 1964.

  Gadgil, N.V., Government from Inside, Meenakshi, Meerut, 1968.

  Gandhi, M.K., Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, (CWMG) hundred vols., Publications Division, New Delhi.

  Ghosh, P.C., From Nagpur to Lahore, Abhay Ashram, Comilla, 1930.

  Glendevon, The Viceroy at Bay, Collins, London, 1971.

  Gopal, S. (ed.), Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Orient Longman, New Delhi.

  Hindusthan Publications, Madras, Rajaji, 1949.

  Irschick, Political and Social Conflict in South India, University of California Press, 1969.

  Iyengar, A.S., All Through the Gandhian Era, Hind Kitabs, Bombay, 1950.

  Iyengar, Masti V., Rajaji, two vols., Bhavan, Bombay.

  Jain, A.P., Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, Asia, Bombay, 1965.

  Khaliquzzaman, Choudhry, Pathway to Pakistan, Longman, Lahore, 1961.

  Krishnadas, Seven Months with Mahatma Gandhi, Ganesan, Madras, 1928.

  Lovett, Verney, A History of the Indian Nationalist Movement, John Murray, London, 1921.

  Masani, M.R., Against the Tide, Vikas, New Delhi, 1981.

  Mehta, Asoka, and Nair, Kusum, The Simla Triangle, Padma, Bombay, 1945.

  Menon, K.P.S., Many Worlds, Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1965.

  Menon, V.P., The Transfer of Power, Orient Longman, 1957.

  Menon, V.P., An Outline of Indian Constitutional History, Bhavan, Bombay, 1965.

  Merriam, A.H., Gandhi vs. Jinnah, Minerva, Calcutta, 1980.

  Mishra, D.P., Living an Era, two vols., Vikas, New Delhi, 1975.

  Moon, Penderel, Divide & Quit, Britain.

  Moon, Penderel, Wavell: The Viceroy’s Journal, Oxford, 1973.

  Nandurkar, G.M. (ed.), Sardar’s Letters, Ahmedabad, 1977.

  Narasimhan, V.K., Kamaraj, Manaktalas, Bombay, 1967.

  Nehru, J., A Bunch of Old Letters, Asia. Bombay, 1960.

  Nixon, R., Memoirs, Grosset & Dundlap, New York.

  Peerzada, S.S., Leaders’ Correspondence with Mr Jinnah, Taj Office, Bombay, 1944.

  Prasad, Rajendra, Autobiography, Asia, Bombay, 1957.

  Publications Division, New Delhi, The 1921 Movement, 1971.

  Pyarelal, The Epic Fast, Navajivan, Ahmedabad, 1932.

  Pyarelal, The Last Phase, two vols., Navajivan, Ahmedabad, 1958.

  Rajagopalachari, C., Articles in Hindustan Review, Patna, June & July 1907; ‘M.K. Gandhi: His Message to India,’Indian Review, Madras, May 1916; A Jail Diary, Rochouse, Madras, 1941; Indian Prohibition Manual, AICC, Madras, 1931; Chats Behind Bars, S. Ganesan, Madras, 1931; Plighted Word, Servants of Untouchables Society, Delhi, 1933; Upanishads, Hindustan Times, New Delhi, 1937; The Defence of India, Rochouse. Madras, 1942; The Way Out, Oxford, Delhi, 1943; Reconciliation, Hind Kitabs, Bombay, 1945; Ambedkar Refuted, Hind Kitabs, Bombay, 1946; Speeches (as Governor of West Bengal), West Bengal Govt. Press, 1948; Speeches, Governor-General’s Press, New Delhi, 1950; University Addresses, Hind Kitabs, Bombay, 1949; Towards a Responsible Press, Pub. Div., New Delhi, 1952; Mankind Protests, All India Peace Council, New Delhi, 1957; Rajaji’s Speeches, two vols., Bhavan, Bombay, 1958; The Voice of the Uninvolved, NBT, New Delhi, 1960; Satyameva Jayate, Bharathan, Madras. Rajagopalachari, C., and Rama Rao, Navaratna, Our College — Reminiscences, undated article about Central College, Bangalore.

  Richards, F.J., Salem, Government Press, Madras, 1917.

  Saiyyid, M.H., M.A.Jinnah, Lahore, 1945.

  Santhanam, K., The Trap of Words, Lalitha, Trichy, 1942.

  Shankar, V., My Reminiscences of Sardar Patel, Macmillan, New Delhi, 1974.

  Shiva Rao, B., India’s Freedom Movement, Orient Longman, 1942.

  Shukla, Chandrashanker, Conservations of Gandhi, Vora, Bombay, 1949.

  Sitaramayya, Pattabhi, History of the Indian National Congress, Padma, Bombay, 1947.

  Spratt, P., D.M.K. in Power, Nachiketa, Bombay, 1970.

  Stephens, Ian, Monsoon Morning, Ernest Benn, London, 1966.

  Tahmankar, Lokamanya Tilak, John Murray, London, 1956.

  Tendulkar, D.G., Mahatma, eight vols., Bombay, 1951.

  Vira, Dharma, Memoirs of a Civil Servant, Vikas, 1975.


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