Fated Kisses for the Omega

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Fated Kisses for the Omega Page 1

by Lacey Daize

  Fated Kisses for the Omega

  Book 2 of the Mountain Springs Omegas Series

  Lacey Daize

  Copyright © 2020 Lacey Daize

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing.

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  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, places, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Find out more about Lacey at http://www.laceydaize.com/


  This short story is intended for mature audiences only. If you are under 18 or the age of consent for your country, or are offended by adult material please turn back now.

  This story contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Andrew

  Chapter 2 - Carlos

  Chapter 3 - Andrew

  Chapter 4 - Carlos

  Chapter 5 - Andrew

  Chapter 6 - Carlos

  Chapter 7 - Andrew

  Chapter 8 - Carlos

  Chapter 9 - Andrew

  More Books by Lacey

  About Lacey Daize

  Chapter 1 - Andrew

  “Three… Two... One… Happy New Year!”

  I squeezed my eyes shut as the sound filtered in from the other room, but it didn’t stop a tear from escaping the corner of my eye.

  Behind me, my… no, the alphahole snored, his knot lodged firmly in my ass.

  “My resolution…” I whispered. “Take care of myself first.”

  I’d spent the past year lowering my expectations to meet whatever effort the alpha behind me felt like giving, and he hadn’t even managed the simplest request in the last hour. After he’d complained, and made me back off my desire to go to Times Square to see the ball drop in person, I’d asked to at least watch it on television with some champagne.

  Then, about a quarter past eleven he’d started bugging me for sex.

  I won’t knot you baby, I promise. We’ll still have plenty of time to come back and see the ball drop.

  I sighed, thankful he’d been drunk enough to not notice the condom I’d rolled on while I jerked his semi to full hardness. It was close enough to my heat that I couldn’t be careful enough, especially since the bastard was likely responsible for my suppressants being gone.

  I’d picked up a new pack a week before, knowing my heat was coming. They helped with the symptoms, and let my birth control work. But two days after I’d put them in the cabinet, they were gone.

  The piece of shit still knotted in my ass claimed to know nothing, but he was lying. He’d refused to look at me, and he was an insurance broker. He knew my policy wouldn’t cover another pack so soon.

  My guess was that he planned to breed and claim me during my heat, and I’d be so far gone without suppressants I’d agree to almost anything.

  His knot finally shrank enough for me to wriggle off.

  I didn’t even wake him.

  I slipped from the bed and grabbed my clothes as I made my way to the living room. I wanted a shower more than anything—to start the year free of his filth now that I had decided he wasn’t worth my time. But the shower would likely wake him, and that would make it harder to make a clean break.

  He was a garbage alpha, though a year with him had my omega side still wanting to please him. It was an instinct that needed to go, or I’d find myself bound to him with a bun in the oven.

  I had nothing against mating, or being pregnant. I honestly wanted it, and I was pretty sure he was counting on that. Find an omega who’d been raised a certain way, and they wouldn’t even notice how bad he was, because he was far better than what they’d left behind.

  I’d almost let it happen to me.

  I reached out and grabbed one of the glasses of champagne sitting on the coffee table, took a sip, and grimaced. It had gone flat.

  I carried both glasses, and the bottle, to the sink and poured them all out. He’d be mad, he’d have probably drank it flat anyway. But it didn’t matter.

  I grabbed my wallet, keys, and ordered a car to take me back to my apartment. I was about to walk out when I decided to do one last thing.

  I walked over to the table, grabbed a pen and piece of paper. I wrote a single word on the paper: goodbye.

  I shivered as I waited for the car, knowing the festive atmosphere likely had drivers working overtime. But it was better than being inside, where he could wake up.

  Finally a car pulled up to the curb. I checked the information against the app, and was soon on my way to my apartment.

  My lease was month to month. It came furnished, and I didn’t have much. Not to mention the landlord had made it clear there was a waiting list, and ‘why don’t I just move in with that nice alpha who came around so much?’

  Hell, they’d probably love to see me just up and leave. I wouldn’t fight over letting them keep the last month, though they’d likely have it rented in a matter of days. And I had the photos from move-in to prove that I was leaving it in better shape than I found it, which was usually enough to prevent a fight over cleaning and security.

  I decided. I’d pack my things into my beater car, and be on my way by morning.

  I didn’t know where though. I couldn’t go home, or my parents would try to force me into an arranged mating. I wanted a small town, somewhere similar to where I’d grown up, but nicer to omegas.

  The shine of the city had worn off, and it was time for me to go. I pulled up a map app on my phone, scrolled out to see the entire US, closed my eyes and jammed my finger on the screen. A couple zooms later, and I’d highlighted a single town: Mountain Springs.

  I grinned as location data came up. It was a town of about twenty-thousand people, nestled in the mountains in the west. It was about as far from New York as I could get in terms of population, and a fair bit across the country as well.

  I knew nothing else, but taking care of myself meant getting away from the alpha that was slowly trying to control my life, and finding a new place I could call home. Mountain Springs seemed as good a place as any to start.


  I was halfway across Pennsylvania when the alphahole finally called.

  “What’s this note mean Andrew?” he snarled.

  “Exactly what it says. I’m leaving.”

  “Just because I fucking knotted you last night? You know you wanted it.”

  I scrunched my nose. “No, you wanted it. I wanted to watch the ball drop. But what I want doesn’t matter to you anymore. That’s been clear for a while. The knot was just the final straw.”

  “Are you home? I’m coming over.”

  “See what I mean? I said I’m leaving, and you decide to barge in. Well good luck. I’m not in the city anymore, and once I stop I’m blocking your number.”

  “You’ll be back, bitches like you always come crawling back, and you’ll regret leaving.”

  I laughed. “If bitches come crawling back, then why was your lame ass single for so long? I’m done. Go find some other omega to fall for your shit.”

  “Whatever bitch. You weren’t worth my time anyway.”

  “The feeling’s mutual.”

  I hung up before he could try and form a response. I’d already given him more time than he was worth.

  I tossed the phone to the passenger seat and smiled. Taking care of myself started with getting the garbage out of my life, and I’d just kicked the biggest piece to the curb.

  Chapter 2 - Carlos

  I heard the squealing gurgle of a happy baby as I headed downstairs to my new living room. I smiled when I saw one of my childhood friends, Liam, sitting on the couch, playing with his infant daughter, Faith.

  “Hey Li,” I said as I stepped around a few boxes. “This mean Alex is around somewhere?”

  He grinned and nodded. “Yeah. He’s looking for a place to park. I figured you wouldn’t mind if we let ourselves in since it’s so cold out.”

  “Naw, you’re good. Can’t have that little one getting frostbite.” I leaned over to wiggle the girl’s foot.

  Even as an alpha I had to admit that she was stinkin’ adorable.

  “Nice place,” Liam said, looking around. “Decided renting in Mount Sable was no longer the best plan?”

  I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “Yeah. Papa’s not doing much better, but we clash when we’re together for too long. So spending nights with him for any length of time was out of the question. I decided to just get a place, since buying a house here was cheaper than renting there anyway. I’ll be closer at night, and I’m working with my bosses there to let me split my time between here and the office so I don’t have to commute every day.”

  “I’m glad you’ve got that flexibility, but sorry to hear your papa’s not doing better.”

  I shrugged. “Nothing you could do about it.”

  The sound of my front door opening, and stomping as Alex cleared the snow from his boots.

  “You couldn’t have moved in the middle of summer?” he griped.

  I laughed. “Consider it payback. I helped you move last summer. And you didn’t warn me before I caught you two knotted together making this little cutie,” I motioned to Faith. “Now you have to help me move in the middle of winter.”

  Liam laughed. “He’s got a point, even if he does demand to see Faith every chance he gets.” He turned Faith, smiled down at her, and spoke to her in a baby voice. “Uncle Carlos loves you more than he does us, doesn’t he? Yes he does!”

  “That’s right,” I said. “It was my plan all along. Get to know you two idiots when you were kids, put up with years of your pining for each other, all so I could play with your daughter when she was born.”

  “Did you hear that Faith? Uncle Carlos just admitted that it was always about you.”

  I rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  “Please,” shouted Alex.

  “Tea for me please,” Liam said.

  I paused, then poked my head out. “Liam ‘don’t talk to me until my third cup’ Jeffries, wanting tea?”

  “It’s Davis now,” Liam reminded me. “And yes, tea please.”

  “When’s he due Alex?” I yelled.


  “Hey!” Liam protested. “You spoiled the surprise.”

  “Should have thought about that before you became a known coffee addict,” Alex replied to his mate.


  “I’ll make you hot cocoa when we get home, ok omega mine?”

  “Ok,” Liam replied, tone placated.

  “Congrats on the new nugget,” I said, turning to put a mug of water in the microwave. “Tea will be a minute.”


  “Mint, like your last pregnancy?”

  “For now. You remember how these things are.”

  I laughed. “Your tastes changed constantly.”

  “Not mine, Faith’s! She had needs and demanded I fulfill them.”

  I shook my head and poured Alex a cup of coffee. I handed it to him as he took a seat next to Liam on the couch.

  “So you got your eye on a lucky omega?” Alex asked.

  I snorted. “Yeah, all the eligible hotties in town are falling over themselves, lining up to date the alpha who came home to take care of a sick papa.”

  “You were popular in high school,” Liam said. “None of them try to rekindle things?”

  I sighed. “A few. But I never connected to anybody, not like you two.”

  Alex leaned back and laughed. He took a sip of his coffee. “Yeah, like us. You do remember that we crushed hard on each other for a decade ‘cause we were both too scared to say anything.”

  I laughed. “I never claimed you were smart, just that you loved each other.”

  The microwave beeped, and I headed back to the kitchen. I rummaged through a cabinet until I found the peppermint tea from Liam’s last pregnancy. I dropped a bag into the mug, then carried it back to him.

  “Thanks,” he smiled.

  I sat in the chair across from the couch. “Thanks for coming over you two. The rest of the gang should be by later, but you know how they are. We’ll likely get more done just the three… well two of us.”

  “Hey!” Liam protested. “I’m pregnant, not incapable.”

  I shook my head. “Your mate would murder me if you slipped on the ice and got hurt, and that’s without you being pregnant.”

  Liam started to protest.

  “We’ll set boxes inside so we’re not tracking snow. You can move them once they’re in.”

  “Deal,” Liam replied. “You two alphas can freeze your nuts off. I’ll do the heavy lifting inside.”

  “You heard him,” I said to Alex. “Let’s finish our coffee, and maybe we’ll get this done before we have a literal case of blue balls.”

  Chapter 3 - Andrew

  My tires crunched over the melted and refrozen remnants of snow as I pulled into a parking spot in front of a row of old shops.

  It had been a week since I’d left New York, and I couldn’t be happier. I’d loved the thrills of the big city when I’d arrived, but I was a small town boy at heart and couldn’t wait to see if Mountain Springs would be my new home.

  And if it didn’t suit me, then I’d just pick somewhere else.

  I’d almost forgotten the sense of freedom that came with doing just what I wanted. I’d tasted it when I escaped my family’s clutches, but almost lost it when I fell in with that alpha. I was just lucky I’d seen what trash he was before he’d bonded and bred me.

  I stepped out of my car and took a look around. The town was packed, way busier than I would expect a small town to be the week after the New Year. I counted license plates from at least four states in just the cars I could see, not including my own. Up the street I thought I saw what appeared to be the antenna of a news van.

  I shook my head and grinned. It just meant I’d get to figure out what was going on.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the crisp and frozen mountain air. There was no hint of pollution, no overwhelming blend of smells of millions of people. My heart sang a bit at the pureness of it.

  I looked at the shops. They were elevated with a wide boardwalk in front of them. There was a small gift store, a bakery, a laundromat and the obligatory antique store, all lined up in a short strip that seemed to have housing units above the businesses.

  If I didn’t know better, I would have thought I’d ended up in some idyllic postcard from a road trip vacation: the little town you drive through between larger stops. Or the one trying to rebrand itself as a day destination for people looking to get out of the city.

  A part of me was already in love.

  I took another look at the shops, tempted to go inside, but the urge to explore was stronger now that I’d found what seemed to be a precious parking space in the busy town.

  I looked for traffic, then walked across the street to the marquee of a movie theater. The ticket booth for the single screen was dark, but posters for the newest releases lined the side of
the building.

  I kept walking down the street, just taking in everything I could. Past the theater was a busy diner, then a store that seemed to only sell cowboy boots.

  I laughed. I’d grown up in a place where nobody would have been caught dead wearing cowboy boots, and this small town needed an entire store dedicated to them.

  I hoped most of the attitudes were similarly far-removed.

  I heard shouting from behind me, and turned to see a display of bears in front of the gift store smoking. People were trying to put out the fire with extinguishers. I stepped toward the edge of the sidewalk, both trying to get a view and determine if I would need to move my car to make room for a firetruck.

  I couldn’t decide if they were going to get it under control or not and moved toward the row of shops.

  “Watch out!”

  I shifted to find the source of the voice, and felt my foot slip from under me. My arms pinwheeled as I tried to catch my balance, but my other foot lost traction on the ice and I knew there was no recovery.

  I braced myself for impact, but strong arms wrapped around me before my ass landed on the hard concrete.

  Then whoever caught me also lost his balance, and we both tumbled to the sidewalk.

  The first thing I noticed was the groan from the man I’d landed on, then the smell of alpha filling my nose. I had to squeeze my eyes shut to keep from being overwhelmed. I hadn’t even looked at him yet, and his scent alone had my entire body begging to be his.

  “Are you ok?” the alpha asked, voice rich, but a tad pained.

  I managed to turn and scramble off him, but not without dunking one leg in a puddle of slush. “I think so. Thank you.”

  I gulped as I got a good look at him, and tried to keep my cock under control. The alpha, who was currently rubbing his ass from where he fell on it, was gorgeous. His skin was a warm caramel color under dark brown hair. He looked at me with rich brown eyes and I was almost glad that I’d landed on top of him.

  It wasn’t the most romantic introduction, but I’d take what I could get if it meant getting to know him.


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