Risqué 3

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Risqué 3 Page 6

by Perri Forrest

  I knew the voice. I turned around to greet her, and the first thing I saw was a set of runaway bowling balls, busting through a tight black t-shirt. “Hey, Amber.” She was a hostess that had waited on me several times. “Lookin’ good. How’s it going?”

  “Going really good,” she gushed. “Just got engaged and all that jazz.” She smiled, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

  “That’s cool. Congrats on that! I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you. I was starting to think I was going to be single forever.”

  “Guess the joke was on you.”

  “Yep,” she chirped. “But enough about me. What can I get for you?”

  “Umm…” I scanned the drink menu to see if I was going to go another route, that wasn’t my usual.

  Amber chuckled. “I don’t know why I even asked. I should’ve just brought your gin when I—”

  “See now,” I said, wagging my finger, then smiling. “Shouldn’t assume.” I pointed to an item on the menu. “I’m going with this right here.”

  “Kavalan? Okay. So, from light to dark. That’s a switch.”

  “It’s always been dark for me. Just play around with the light every now and then.”

  “Tuh! That wasn’t subliminal at all.”

  I feigned ignorance. “What?”

  Amber shook her head. “You know what. But hey, preference is preference, right? No wonder I never stood a chance.”

  I smiled in response. “Also, Amber, let me get a box of Nicaragua. I got a buddy coming.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll get you squared away. You want to wait on the drink order until your friend arrives?”

  “Friend’s right here!” Lewis announced. He had just walked up dressed in jeans, a blue button-down, and grey fedora. He sat down on the lounge chair across from mine, then zoomed in on Amber. “Hey,” he greeted, sizing Amber up and down before turning my way.

  “S’up man. See you found the place.”

  “For sure. I’m an expert at finding hot spots. No navigation needed. How are you?” he asked Amber.

  “I’m absolutely wonderful.” She cheesed, poking her mountains out even further, the letters on her black tee expanding horizontally. She stuck her hand out in front of Lewis. “I’m Amber. And you are?”

  I didn’t make a sound as I watched the engaged girl, non-verbally state that she was down for whatever, with a stranger. I was enjoying the display.

  “I’m Lewis.”

  “Wow, Trevor. You’ve been keeping secrets about how good-looking your friends are.”

  “Yeah, Trevor…” Lewis cosigned. “Been keeping secrets about how fine your friends are.”

  “Well, let me make up for that right now. Lewis, meet Amber. Amber, meet Lewis. And once I get my drink, I will gladly get out of the way while the two of you get more acquainted.”

  “My bad,” Amber giggled. “Since you’re here now, what can I get for you, Lewis?”

  I shook my head, knowing what was swirling around Lewis’ dirty mind.

  “From the bar… or…”

  I raised my hand, laughing out loud. “Uhh, mine is from the bar. And I’d like it, please. I promise as soon as I get it—”

  “I’ll take a glass of Macallan 12,” Lewis offered, laughing.

  “Coming right up,” Amber stated. Her smile was spread wide—about as wide as she was ready to spread something else…

  “I’m sorry, dude,” Lewis said, laughing as he watched Amber walk away. “She was just too easy on the eyes to pass on.”

  “Trust me, I get it. Lot of beautiful women out there.”

  “And in here.” Lewis glanced around at all the activity of Davidoff’s. “This was a good choice.”

  “So, how’s the week been? How did last night go?” I asked Lewis.

  He had been hitting the circuit, and doing a few explicit ‘gigs’, that he had been paid handsomely for.

  Chuckling, he told me, “The week was cool. Started off with some bomb-ass triplets. That shit was spectacular. Last night… that was another story.”

  “Oh shit.” I sighed. “I need those details pronto.”

  “Let’s just say that I’m just now recuperating from the triplets, so the chick last night got less than half. But man, when I tell you that I might have to pass on all this shit.”

  I almost choked out my laugh. “Already?”

  “Hell yeah. Shit, I went from a triple-decker with a whole lot of ‘down for whatever’, nice-ass titties, and cute faces… to … maaan, I can’t even…”

  “It’s part of the job, man. Sometimes it’s all good and sometimes—”

  “Lady fuckin’ Eloise… Boomerang.”

  “Marrrcus!” I laughed, doing my best imitation from the movie.”

  “That’s not even funny.” Lewis shook his head. “Aaat all!”

  “But the money was good, right?”

  Lewis leaned a bit in his chair. “Can’t deny that. But damn. Did I have to walk away feeling like I just sold my soul?”

  “Look at it this way. You didn’t sell your soul; you just blessed another soul. You did God’s work. You’re a hero!”

  Lewis threw his head back. His laugh could be heard around the bar. “Get the fuck outta here with that shit, Joel Osteen!”

  “If I’m Joel, who are you? T.D. Jakes?! Out here blessing the needy!”

  Hanging out with Lewis was a good time. Made me realize how much I missed having a guy friend to chill out, and talk shit with. Although I knew a lot of people, I kept to myself for the most part. Learned the hard way that having too many ties wasn’t always the best thing. Friendships don’t come with loyalty, and unfortunately, they don’t come with realness either.

  I had my share of chillin’ with the fellas when I was coming up, but when my life took a different route, and I got in deeper with Cicely and the business, I let them go. They were pussy hounds, for the most part. I mean, what man’s not? I just knew that having them in the know, would have awakened a bunch of boy groupies. Some men knew how to handle an abundance of pussy; some didn’t. Our business would have been all over Nevada, and the surrounding states.

  So, rather than risk it, I chose being solo.

  But being able to kick it with somebody who knew the life, and had business of their own, was refreshing. Shit, I needed an outlet. As good as my life was, it could use a lot more, healthy trouble every now and again.

  13 | TREVOR

  “I see you guys are having a good time,” Amber acknowledged, upon her return. She handed over our drinks and the box of cigars. “Trevor, I have your Kavalan. And for you, Lewis… I have your Macallan 12.”

  Simultaneously, we thanked her.

  “You’re very welcome. Can I get you gentlemen anything else?”

  “I’m good for now.”

  “I’m good too,” Lewis offered. “Unless you wanna also give me your number to call you sometimes.”

  After taking in the scent of the malted barley, I drank down a shot-equivalent of the Kavalan, to feel the burn. I felt Amber’s eyes on me, but I ignored her. She was probably waiting to see if I was going to say something about the new fiancée she had just finished bragging about. Not only was it none of my business, but the way Lewis was lusting, he probably wouldn’t give a fuck. So, what’d I do? I sat quietly while Amber scribbled her number on a napkin and passed it to Lewis.

  Ha! But the masses will try to play it like men are the only ones doing the dirt! Women are just as much players as men… if not more.

  Lewis pocketed Amber’s phone number. “What’s that look about?”

  I smirked. “I have no look, man.” I reached forward to take one of the Nicaraguan cigars from its case. I opened and prepped it. “So, what’s up? What else you been into? First time we really got to hang out-hang out.”

  “Yeah, that’s my bad. Been on these ‘house calls’ you set me up with, but also been tapped into L.A. to check on things down there.”

  “Oh wow. Anything requiring your at

  “Maybe. But I won’t know for another week.”

  “Work is work…”

  “Yeah,” he responded. “Your parents reached out to see how things were. Did they call you?”

  I laughed, shaking my head. “They call you, like you’re some glorified babysitter, but never dial my line. What’d you tell ‘em? They know you got your own spot you’re staying at?”

  “Nah, we didn’t get into that. Told ‘em that everything was all good. That you were good.”

  I shrugged. “And I am; so, no lies there.”

  “How’s your sleep?” Lewis asked, changing the subject. “You went to a psych, right?”

  “One visit. Haven’t been back. Gettin’ in a few more hours than before.”

  “That’s cool.” Lewis sighed, taking a drag on his cigar. “Damn. This is good shit right here.”

  “Yeah, these are my favorites.”

  “I can see why. So, look here, man,” Lewis said, blowing out a cloud of smoke. “These clients are wild, man. Wild. You hear me?” He sat his cigar in the glass tray, then picked up his drink. “They’re not playin’ about getting what they came for. And look, they have a whole different vibe about ‘em, than a young girl. Aggressive. Not with the bullshit. It’s like, look… you came for the pussy, but I’m here for the dick. Let’s get it!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “You figured that out, huh?”

  “Hell yeah. Figured it out quick. But anyway, what’s up with your party, youngin’?”

  “Youngin’?!” I roared with laughter. “Man, I’ll be thirty in four years.” I took another drag of my cigar. “I’m a youngin’ because you’re almost forty?”


  “Pssh, fuck outta here with that age discrimination.”

  “Who’s age discriminating over here?” Amber asked, appearing out of nowhere. In her hands were two glasses of refills for us. “I may have to take these back…”

  “Please don’t,” Lewis flirted. He accepted the glass that was being offered to him.

  “Yeah, and if you do take them back, just take his,” I told her. “He’s the one over here with the remarks.”

  “Oh, really now?”

  “He’s telling half the truth,” Lewis corrected. “It was way more innocent than that. I was just asking about his upcoming birthday bash and somehow we got to this.”

  “Bash? Am I invited?”

  “Of course,” Lewis stated before I could say anything. “Right Trev?”

  I pulled back on my cigar, then shot Lewis a look. Initially, I was going to leave it alone, but the more I thought about it I couldn’t. A dude tried to kill me because of my involvement with his woman. And even though Lewis was capable of taking care of himself, keeping quiet about Amber’s relationship status, wouldn’t sit right with me. It was one thing with them exchanging numbers, but her trying to come to a function that I was throwing, hell no. She was asking for trouble; it just wasn’t going to be at our expense.

  “Yeah… right, Trev…?” Amber cosigned, shifting her weight to one leg, and placing her hand on her hip.

  With her boldly pressing me for an answer, I decided right then and there that I was laying it all out. “You just need one invite? Or are you bringing your fiancé with you?”

  14 | ALYSSA

  Alyssa had reluctantly taken the call from Dina Burris, her sister’s top event planner. She almost let her go to voicemail, because she just knew that the call was about facilitating some sort of mediation between her and Elise. A mediation, slash make-up session that Alyssa had zero interest in. Ultimately, her decision to answer the call, was based solely on one of pure curiosity. So, there Alyssa was on a Sunday afternoon, stepping off the elevator and into the M’s Studio B Buffet, after having dragged herself out of bed and into a shower.

  “She’d better not be with the bullshit,” Alyssa uttered quietly, as she headed in Dina’s direction wearing skinny jeans, a pink hoodie, a grey Raider cap over her short cut, and grey Ugg boots.

  “Look at you, looking all… like you always look.”

  “Okay, Dina, you got jokes. But it’s all good, though. Where’s the mimosa? It should already be on the table.”

  “Girl, sit down. Let me get out what I have to say, so you can get back to your regularly scheduled program.”

  “Whatever.” Alyssa plopped down in the empty chair, then slid her hands into her hoodie pockets. “What’s up?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “You already asked. I said no.”

  “Not that favor. I’m not getting in the middle of you and Elise, anymore.”

  “Good. Because the day that I go to her begging, is the day I die.”

  Dina shook her head. “How’s your boyfriend? He fully recovered yet?”

  “I’d prefer not to talk about him.”

  “Dang. There already? I didn’t even get to meet him. You move quickly.”

  Alyssa rolled her eyes in annoyance. “D, why am I here?”

  “Mean ass,” Dina mumbled.

  “Mean? Please. And where’s the food and drink? I just know I’m about to need it. And since you got me all up in this $41 per person-ass place, I’m taking full advantage.”

  Dina scoffed, then rolled her eyes. “We can look at menus while I talk. Good enough?”

  “Yeah…” Alyssa responded, already scouting the fancy laminated trifold.

  “I got this event coming up. An elaborate party.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” Alyssa asked, curiously eyeing Dina over the menu.

  “I want to wow the woman. For one, she and Sable were good friends, and two… she knows a lot of people. If I can get on her good side—”

  “Dina. Come on, now. I’m not interested in all that. Just tell me what it is you need.”

  “A banana pudding.”

  Alyssa’s brown eyes bucked in confusion, followed by a smirk. “What?!” she stated. “Girl, bye.” Alyssa pushed back in her chair preparing to stand.

  “No seriously, Al. I really want you to make it for me. You have Queen’s recipe, right?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Right. So… I figured since you’re not that busy right now.”

  “Bitch, is that shade?”

  “No! You know me better than that. I… look. I already got a really good caterer that’s going to bring the food. But when I started thinking about dessert, I thought of Queen’s banana pudding. I think it would be a nice touch.”

  “What kind of party is this? Since when does somebody want a banana pudding for an occasion other than Thanksgiving? And you said it was ‘elaborate’. How elaborate can it be if they don’t have some fancy-ass multi-tiered cake? Girl, you slummin’. This ain’t hardly no friend of Auntie’s,” she jabbed. “You tried it!”

  “I know. It’s weird. But that’s why I want to do it. Of course, there’s gonna be cake there. But I want a signature. Something they don’t expect.” Dina leaned back in her chair, and placed her hands on the table. “I just really want to make a good impression.”

  “Are you trying to get on E’s good side? Or are you trying to finagle your way into your own side gig behind my sister’s back?”

  “I would never do that. I’m loyal to A Queenz Plan.”

  When Alyssa saw sadness on the woman’s face, she did something that she rarely did—soften. “I’m sorry, Dina. I know you’re loyal. I think I just felt like saying something fucked-up.”

  “You and Elise should just talk. It has to be really hurtful for your auntie watching what’s going on with you guys. Thanksgiving is coming up. Fix that shit, Al. It’s not right. You know you were wrong. Just fix it.”

  “I was wrong?”

  “Yeah, you absolutely were. Do you understand how big that account is, Alyssa? It’s huge. The amount of money and power in that chain? It’s a huge deal. And maybe that part doesn’t matter to you because your heart isn’t in it like Elise’s and Queen’s, but you should’ve d
one right; if for no other reason than to honor Queen. I don’t know why you don’t see that.”

  “You ready to put your pom-poms down yet?”

  “Really, Al? At least I’m cheering for a corporation that treats me like I’m human. A company that values me, that pays me well. That’s more than a lot of people can say. And I’m thankful.”

  “Listen, Dina. I received all that you said. For real. I took it all in. I just need a minute. Me and Elise been at it. And I’m not gonna keep letting her son me like I’m not a whole two years older than her. I’m not built that way.”

  “Okay. I hear you. I just hope y’all work it out.” Dina fell into seconds of silence. “Okay, so about this banana pudding. You in or out.”

  “How big does it need to be? How many people? Is it an intimate setting or large?”

  “It’s at a mansion, so—”

  “Oh, hell no! You talking about a big-ass boat of pudding. Girl, I ain’t got that kind of time.”

  “It doesn’t have to be huge. I told you that I just want a signature piece. They’ll have cake, but then they’ll see that gem, and want more. Then bam, that might even be an opening for you to have a—”

  “Yeah… nah. I’m not interested in having a restaurant, a bakery… none of that shit. When do you need it by?”

  “It’s next weekend. Saturday night.”

  “Alright, I’ll do it.”

  Dina reached across the table and grabbed Alyssa’s hands into her own. “Yay! Thanks girl.”

  “But under one condition, though…”

  “What?” Dina asked, pulling her hands back to her side of the table.

  “I get to come to the party. Get me an invite. Anywhere there’s a mansion, there’s money and men. I want both.”

  “Lord, girl. You are something else.”

  “We got a deal or not? I figure, I get out for the night, get around some people and have me a whole new mindset. Might even call my sister and—”

  “I’m sold. We got a deal. You know, more than anything, I want you two to make amends. So, we have a deal. Invitations did go out already; however, it’s not invitation only. I got you.”


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