Risqué 3

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Risqué 3 Page 8

by Perri Forrest

  “A new lover?” Cicely kicked off her shoes, then tucked her feet under her. “Well now, this, I need to hear about.”

  Melody’s eyes lit up. “Took my ass by surprise. Went to put it on him, to get what we needed, and ended up with more than I came for.”

  “What we needed.” CiCi deliberated on the words for a few seconds, then her eyes grew wide. “Wait a minute.” She slowly erected, then planted her feet on the floor. “And you’re just now telling me this? Melodyyy!”

  Melody hunched, then let her shoulders fall. “Umm… sorry?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, right! Are we talking about the judge? The not-so-attractive judge up in Reno?”

  “Okay, so we don’t have to really go into that part.” Melody chuckled, then lowered her eyes. “There’s so much more to him, CiCi.”

  “Mmmm… she got it bad. I like it. Get yours, girl. He certainly took great care of us. Nothing wrong with you letting him take care of you. I ain’t mad at that.” Cicely started clapping her hands, and dancing in her seat. “Law & Order sitting in a tree… k-i-s-s-i—”

  “Not so fast. I will be indulging ever so often, but anything serious? No ma’am.”

  “You sure you don’t wanna come back into the fold? Just for fun every now and again?”

  Melody dragged in a puff of air, then released. “I would, Queen. But my days and nights are so full, that I just wouldn’t have the time.”

  “What woman doesn’t have time to get some happy for her willow?”

  “This one. But, hey… don’t weep for me. I now have a judge—a high court judge—who is all too willing to drive by, and drive through whenever the need hits. So, I think I’m good. And that little tryst set us up; because now we have even more power behind us.”

  “You’re bad, girl, Mel—in a good way.”

  “Says the baddest of us all!” Melody lauded.

  “Sooo, you have anywhere to be?” CiCi asked.

  “Nope. Came for the sole purpose of hanging out.”

  CiCi smacked her hands together and rose from her seat. “Perfect. Let’s grab something to drink and head out to the patio. I may have a situation brewing out in Reno, that I need to run by you.”


  “It’s not that bad,” CiCi said. “I promise.”

  “Ohhh, did I sound like I was complaining?” Melody asked. “I hope not. The badder the better.”

  Cicely smiled. “My girl,” she acknowledged, as they headed out of the room.

  19 | SKAI

  Oh, the Las Vegas skies.

  Home… dare I call it sweet… home.

  Well, for the next two weeks it would be. I should probably stop acting like it’s not a good thing. Vegas isn’t all that bad. The semi-sour taste came from my home life more than anything. Seeing my father do what he did to the family, and then my mother’s response to it, was what did me in. I mean, I know they created a life together, but I didn’t feel that my mother should have allowed that to be the reason that she…

  Never mind.

  Why am I even regurgitating something so damn ancient? It shouldn’t even take up space in my head anymore, right?

  So yeah, “Home, sweet home,” I whispered, staring down into the Valley from the plane’s window. The Delta Airlines flight attendant, had just started her spiel about Delta’s gratitude for us flying with them, and advising us that Vegas was clear skies, but chilly. And to tell the truth, I’d rather deal with the winter in this desert, than its summers. That heat… whew! I grew up in it, but I also grew out of it. Just plain ol’ abusive!

  My flight had begun its slow creep down JFK’s runway at 8:45AM. By that time, I already had the headset snuggly wrapped around my ears, my MacBook Pro plugged in, and working like the worker bee that I had come to be. Thank God, for business class. One of the first to board, all the amenities of my office—and without the interruptions. Hallelujah!

  Something in that moment had me thinking back on that time I played matchmaker and found my Mama a man named Zane Cabot. A smile so big, swept across my face. That was a proud moment in my life. I finagled that thing masterfully, and got me a sibling out the deal! Talk about knocking some shit out the ballpark! Yes, Mama scored, but so did this girl.

  And even though I wasn’t hooking folks up anymore, I loved my job. Every single part of it. I got to meet all kinds of amazing talent, from all corners of the globe. I loved being instrumental in getting them into their dream jobs. It gave me life, to breathe that life into their world. In fact, the two candidate files that I brought with me, possessed skills that I knew would be a perfect fit for HBO. I needed to pitch them sooner than later; thus, their presentation packets had to be perfection.

  If I could get both of my candidates in the top positions they were headhunting for, that would be huge. So, I was determined to make that happen. One was in Finance, and the other in Information Technology. Both departments needed a head, because they’d been running headless for months. I was pretty sure that the company’s employees would have a fit, when they found out that the potentials were from an external pool; but that was not for me to concern myself with. I attended to the business that paid me—and I was heavily compensated. Especially, with the bonuses that accompanied these stellar placements.

  That extra coinage was one half of the motivation.

  And even though Dionne adored my work ethic, she would’ve gotten on me good, had she known I brought work along on my vacation. But she didn’t know, so I was safe. Besides, getting these two presentations submitted was the only company-related energy I was giving to the cause.

  All this stuff: the laptop, the files… all of it would be tucked away for the next two weeks. That was a promise I made to myself. Skai’s program was about to be made up of squeezing in a few nights of full sleep, going to bed at whatever damn time she felt like, binge-watching a series or two, and then rising and shining whatever time I felt like it.

  Yes, ma’am…

  The light thud onto the tarmac came quickly. The bird had landed. As soon as I removed my headset, all the rustling around me came to life. Everyone had stood and was grabbing their things. We were all ready to exit the large compartment, after almost six hours in the air. I began packing up my technology, and all my paperwork, before loading everything into one of my few splurges—a Coach tote bag.

  Not long after, I was on my way to the connecter, but stopped to say, “Thank you for a safe flight,” to the pilot and the flight attendants, who stood nearby.

  “It was our pleasure,” the pilot replied. “Thank you, for flying with us.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I was yards away from the carousel that should have had my luggage. But that thing was not moving. Not even so much as a humming sound. I had purposely taken my time getting here to avoid a lengthy wait. I thought for sure that by the time I got there, the priority tags would be going ‘round and ‘round. But no.

  Good thing I hadn’t accessed my Uber app. Assuming that the timing would have been right, would have had my ass paying in duplicate.


  “Damn, she’s sexy. But her mouth is outta control.”

  I smiled and rolled my eyes before turning around to the familiar voice.

  “Trevorrr!” I mushed him in the chest before he pulled me into a hug. The cologne. The firm chest. I hated that his ass was so fine. “What are you doing here?” Then I pulled back and looked up at him and those pretty-ass green eyes. “Don’t tell me. You’ve flown some hooch—”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Are we really starting already?”

  “What?” I said, looking around the area for a woman that might fit the description of his type. “Don’t tell me this girl—”

  “I’m here to pick you up.”


  “You gave me your flight information two weeks ago.”

  “But then I told you that I—”

  “Was gonna take Uber. I know. But I’m here.”

p; “Dang, will ya look…” My voice trailed when the sudden movement of the carousel started. “Thank God. I’m so tired. Just wanna get in the shower, and lay down for a few hours.”

  “Well, let’s get your luggage so I can drop you off. I have to go to the barbershop. Where exactly am I dropping you off to? Unless you wanna—”

  “No way am I sitting in a barbershop with a bunch of men. Hell no. You can deposit me right across the street from you.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  “I just can’t get over how sweet you are.”

  “Don’t act like you didn’t tell me so that I’d come and get you.”

  “I really didn’t. I wasn’t going to bother any of you guys. I knew if I asked one of the matriarchs to come, they’d want to hang out, and talk for hours. I’ll have more than enough time to see them. But today I need to sleep off this jet lag. Need to be rested for this big-ass party of yours! I’m excited to play dress-up!”

  “Don’t get too dressed-up; you might get somebody beat the fuck up.”

  I side-eyed Trevor with a smirk. I laughed off his words, knowing full well he was dead-ass serious.

  Gotta love him…

  20 | TREVOR

  At three o’clock sharp, I was firmly planted where I was supposed to be—in my barber’s chair, ready to get the job done. Since I found him, four years ago, Kam was the only person I ever allowed to cut my hair. His cuts were immaculate. He left the volume that I wanted on the top, and faded it at the sides, like nobody else had ever been able to do. He was a magician with the clippers. He took just as much care with my facial hair. From day one, I had never left his chair dissatisfied.

  The thumping bass of Kam’s expansive Spotify playlist was blaring loudly in the open-floor space. I swear it was never-ending. And every one of the songs that he played was a good one. Whether it was from the 80’s, or from today, the selection never disappointed. The more the music played, the further it pushed me into party mode.

  Yeah, I was excited about the event. The main reason was because I knew that CiCi had put a lot into it. But a few times I still slipped into that place where I had to mentally prepare myself. It was never a doubt that I was going to celebrate. I had to. Because in actuality, I was lucky to be alive. What I was mentally preparing for, was being surrounded by a large crowd. Trust issues, I guess.

  Speaking of which, at the same time that I was thinking about trust, my cell vibrated under the smock. When I pulled it out to take a look, I saw that it was a text from my father. The way that him and my mother moved in my life had always been the cause of why I questioned loyalty in others. The text was three words, a comma, and a period: Happy Birthday, Trevor. And that was just the follow-up to the ten-thousand-dollar deposit into my checking account. It was better than what my mother did. I didn’t hear from her at all. I guess she figured she had spoken to the tune of 10,000 words.

  But shit, I didn’t complain. I let their love language be what it was. Besides, who couldn’t use an extra 10k as accessible funds? I sure the fuck could!

  Right after I responded with, TY… I heard Kam yell out to me from across the crowded shop: “Aye, Killa Trev! You want me to put on some Vanilla Ice for you?!”

  “What!” I choked on laughter. “Man, if you put that on, I’m outta here!”

  “Just playin’ with you, my guy,” Kam laughed, making his way over to the chair to get started. “So, what we doin’?” I turned around and looked up at him.

  “You’re jokin’, right?”

  “Yeah, I am,” he laughed.

  I turned back around, relieved. “You got jokes today, man.”

  “I know you want me to get you right for your shindig tonight. It’s about to be lit, I already know.”

  “You’ll be there, right?” I asked him.

  “Absolutely. Bringin’ my lady. She’s out shopping right now with my card.”

  “Maaan… I just don’t ever see me relinquishing my credit card to a woman. They seem to black out when it comes to spending cash. My mother used to come in the house with so many bags—after what she called retail therapy—that the cooks, and the housekeepers had to help get the merchandise inside. Fuck that.”

  “Cooks and housekeepers? Damn, man. You ain’t never told me that yo’ ass is royalty.”

  “Because I’m not. That’s all them.”

  “You the only kid?”


  “Then that’s all you, man!” Kam roared with laughter. “That’s all you!”

  While Kam laughed, I thought about how right he was. When they were no longer here, their riches would more than likely be mine. But how comfortable would I be, with being their beneficiary, when I don’t feel we benefited each other while in the living? Shit was something to think about. And not something I wanted to think about right then, so I changed the subject.

  “You already got your gear?”

  “Yep. I keep some white shit to wear. I don’t give a fuck about all that, ‘White ain’t for winter,’ and shit like that. I wear white whenever the fuck I feel like it.”

  “Who even thinks about that shit?”

  “Women apparently. When I told my lady about the party being an all-white affair, she started talking about how you’re not supposed to wear white after Labor Day. I told her ass to stay home then.”

  I laughed hard. “You did what?”

  “Yep. Sure did. Told her that must be some white people shit. No offense.”

  “Ha! None taken.”

  “Where that shit come from anyway? I know you know.”

  “Leave me out of that shit.”

  “Well, I figure since you come from cooks and housekeepers, you know all about that snob shit!”

  “Hold onnn.” I put my hand up, prompting Kam to stop what he was doing. I looked over my shoulder at him. “Says the guy whose house takes up space for two, on his block. You might know the answer better than me!”

  Kam stuck out his fist to dap me up. “Yeah, you’re probably right!”

  “See!” I cosigned. “Glass houses, man. Glass houses.”

  After leaving the barber shop, I felt brand-new, and ready to bring in twenty-six. I needed to get out, soak up the luxury of the night, and show God how thankful I was for another year of life.

  But first, I had a stop to make…

  21 | ELISE

  Dina stared at her iPad’s FaceTime screen waiting for her boss to pick up the line. It was on its third ring, and she wasn’t sure whether the video call would be answered. In the meantime, she dipped her forefinger into a small jar of Vaseline, then rubbed the slick gel across her lips for a little extra shine. While she was busy pressing her lips together to level the moisture, midway through the fourth ring, Elise’s big brown eyes and bright smile graced the screen.

  “Hi, Dina…”

  But despite the chipper demeanor, Dina recognized Elise’s reaction as faux excitement. As always, her eyes told the story. She didn’t have the same slanted, green eyes as Sable, but she did share a lot of the same characteristics. The tell-tell emotions in the eyes, was one of them.

  “How are you doing, Elise?”

  “I’m doing okay. Just getting some paperwork out the way, and resolving some emails. Nothing major. Life is good. How about you? You ready for the big party with Miss CiCi?”

  “I am. I really like her,” Dina gushed. “She’s all-business, but she’s a sweetheart.”

  “Right?” Elise agreed. “I can see why her and Auntie were such good friends. Elegant and boss.”

  “Exactly. And she really holds you in high regard,” Dina confided.

  “She’s been sweet enough to check on me a few times. In a strange way, I feel really comfortable talking to her.”

  “It’s her appeal. I’ve found myself very much at ease with her also, whenever we’ve spoken.”

  “That’s cool. Always good to establish healthy rapport with your clients.” Elise quieted for a second, then spoke. “But I’m sure you didn’t call
to have a Cicely McCall fan-out session.”

  The women shared in a chuckle.

  “I didn’t want anything major. Just wanted to update you, and let you know that everything is going perfectly, with the party. And that it’s all under control.”

  Elise guffawed hysterically, and shook her head. Then she wagged her finger at the screen. “Dina…”

  “What?” Dina squealed; her brows knitted in confusion.

  “Don’t what me, lady. You did not call here for that. You know, that I know… you have everything under control. Stop that.”

  “Okay, okay, you caught me. Although, I really did want to report that there’s nothing to worry about. I also wanted to check status on you and your sister. To see if there’s been a change—”

  “No changes. She’s still not taking accountability for what she did wrong. I don’t see that changing at all. It’s who she is.”

  “Hmph. I was just hoping that—”

  “Yeah, don’t. Hope is gone with that one. I can promise you that.”

  “And are you okay with that?”

  “I’ll have to be. Do I wish that my sister would act like she gave a damn? Enough to be one-half of all this? Yes. But is it getting to me, to the point that I’m about to jump from the nearest roof? No. I’ll be honest with you, Dina. I wish we could fight it out.”

  Dina’s eyes grew wide with astonishment, and she brought a manicured hand over her mouth. “Elise… nooo!”

  “Yes, Dina. I wish. Down and dirty. Because I think that’s the only way that woman—that grown-ass woman—will grow up, and become the adult that she’s supposed to be.”

  “But fighting isn’t the answer, Elise,” Dina pointed out.

  “It would be for me. And that’s because I know I can beat the hell out of her. Maybe after she took that ass whoopin’, she’d be about something. Because the way she’s behaving right now ain’t it.”

  “I hate hearing this. Sable has to be…” Dina paused on the rest of her statement. “I just hate that it’s come to this.”


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