Risqué 3

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Risqué 3 Page 14

by Perri Forrest

  I had a chance to stop things before they got too far.

  I meant to stop things before they got too far.

  I should have never played extra bold, and progressed forward, when he said, “Come here…”

  That was the fatal mistake.

  At first, it was the meat of his thick thumb probing and prodding… soft and sweet at first; then, with a little more pressure. That switch in motion was what brought forth my pussy’s first weep. I didn’t like that I had gotten so wet for him. It was too telling. It gave Trevor the upper hand. He now knew that he had what it took to arouse me.

  This won’t turn out too good…

  It was me that almost ended up asking him to go ahead and make his next move. He had me feeling so right, that I was wet and ready for what was next. And that was what he was building me up to. Making me want it enough to ask for it. But I wasn’t about to do that. If this episode was really going to air—and it seemed like it was—I had to let him lead us to the start and the finish line. Ego, I guess. Or maybe even the control freak in me.

  Get out your head, Skai.

  What’s the worst that can happen?

  It can be one and done…

  But I knew the exact moment that ‘one and done’ might not be good enough. That I might want more than just this one time. It was the moment that my eyes voluntarily rolled back, and a loud, pleasure-filled moan forced my lips apart.

  I gripped clumps of sheet in between my fists to serve as leverage. I gripped tightly, biting down on my bottom lip, as I forced my thighs open. I felt like I was trying to do full splits—on my back. My body had spoken, and it had sold the box to the highest bidder.

  Trevor’s lips made loud smacking sounds against the flow of cries from between my thighs. He drank me down, as his tongue swam laps around my oval-shaped pool. In my mind I was screaming, but in real life, only grunts and moans came from the pit of my stomach, and out of a mouth that I couldn’t remember ever being opened so wide. He was hungry for me. I could tell. His mouth felt amazing; especially, when his tongue slid in and out with unpredictable rhythmic patterns.

  Before long, I released the sheets and my hands found their way to any parts of Trevor’s hair I could grab, and hold onto.

  When I felt Trevor’s hands reach underneath the cushion of my ass, I had no idea what he was trying to do, only that I was suddenly on high alert. I didn’t want him trying to sneak a digit where it didn’t belong. I didn’t think he would, but in the heat of the moment, anything was possible. And if that happened, this sensation that was rippling through me, from the base of my feet, up through my pelvis… and all of the surrounding area, would come to a screeching halt.

  But I was alarmed for nothing. His plans for me had nothing to do with a violation. My cheeks were inside of his palms, being coddled, squeezed, and caressed. A hoarse, “Ahhhh!” escaped me in reaction to the tugging and pulling.

  And then he buried his face deep, sucking my pearl into his mouth. The bolt of lightning that ripped through my anus and out through my vagina, brought about noise from me, that was as foreign as Mandarin being spoken in the nail shop!

  There’s something about an orgasm that humbles you. And I came hard. I had lost the edge I was known to have around Trevor. Now, he had seen me at my weakest, my most vulnerable. I was any other female to him… at least that’s how I was thinking. What we had just done took us over the friend line, and into something else. If I was being honest, it scared me a little.

  I think one of the reasons I had never laid down with him, was to avoid possibly losing one of the closest people to me. Trevor was my confidante. He knew things about me that nobody else did. Since we met, he had served as my place of comfort on a lot of occasions. I trusted him all the way. But what would happen now?

  In the aftermath, I lay there wondering how I should feel. Wondering what Trevor was thinking. Wondering whether or not breakfast, brunch, or whatever… would be a good idea at this point. Wondering whether I should jump off my bed and run into the bathroom and lock the door, until he left. Wondering if my dignity would be intact once any kind of words were spoken between us…

  Woman up, I chastised. Stop trippin’…

  It’s done now.

  No take-backs.

  Then, Trevor broke through the noise in my head. “See…” he said, rising to his feet. “You know how animals have to be put to sleep once they’ve had a taste of humans? That might be me.” He licked his lips, then smiled. “That taste… man, it’s addicting.”

  I felt bashful as hell. Normally, I would have laughed, chuckled... something. Couldn’t do that today, though. I couldn’t say a word. Not shit. What could I even say to that? Especially given the fact that he was wearing the most arrogant smirk on his undeniably, beautiful-ass face. As much as I wanted to look away from him, I couldn’t take my eyes away when he dragged an open palm across his mouth to wipe away the traces of my excitement.

  “I’ll let you get yourself together and then we can cook that breakfast. Or we can go sit and eat, if you’d rather do that.”

  You mean like a date? I was tempted to ask. Instead, I told him, “Yeah… uhh… we can do that.”

  “Cool. I’ll lock the door behind me. Let me go and change, then you do what you have to do, and I’m ready.”

  “Copy that.”

  Nooo! Copy that, Skai? Really?

  Cheesy as hell!

  I could’ve said anything else!

  After hearing the door close, I waited a few seconds then ran to the window to see if Trevor was really gone. When I confirmed that he was headed into his house, I jetted back to the bed and grabbed my pillow. Once it was securely over my face, I had a screaming fit that nobody could hear, while pounding my heels into the mattress.

  “Copy that? Agghh!”

  Several minutes later, when I was all screamed out, I finally dragged myself from the bed and headed for shower number two…


  Oh shit.

  My head is… fuck.

  Oh shit…

  In his somewhat groggy state, or REM… or wherever he was… each time Raymond tried to move, his efforts were shut down. He felt like a slab of stone that was too heavy to even budge. An attempted stretch of his legs and arms failed him. An attempt to wrinkle out stiffness felt in his neck, failed him. He tried shifting to his left. When that didn’t work, he tried to do the same on his right. He failed. So, for now, he was confined to his back. Until which time he could freely move without so much effort.

  What’s that smell?

  What’s the noise?

  When he figured out that none of what he was feeling, was as a result of the sleep world, the detective tried to open his eyes. But just like everything else, they’d failed him as well. They felt pried shut! And that’s when the panic set further in. That’s when he sensed danger.

  His blood ran warm, his heartrate sped up, and he began to perspire. His body tensed, and his eyes shot open at the realization of his predicament. Because even being a man skilled to fight, restrain, and kill, fear was instinctive in a situation where you’d lost control—and he had.

  Raymond’s eyes darted around the room. It was cold. Dark. Small, rectangular windows that sat near the ceiling of the room. One door in the distance. A tall red door. There was a small glass window above the door. He squinted trying to figure out whether the door was open or close. Whether his predicament was real or an illusion.

  “Mmm!” He mumbled with as much force, and as loud as he could, through sealed lips. “Mmm!”

  Terror set in.

  Beneath the restraint, he tried to breathe, his nostrils flaring with each attempt. Now, in his state of distress, his chest began to contract due to the labored breaths that came fast, and with fury.

  “Mmm! Mmm!”

  Raymond’s mind raced through every case he had worked on. Raced through every file he had looked through, where the details of a murder had been outlined—particularly
, the ones where asphyxiation was the cause of death. He was being smothered. His attempts to stay alive were waning—and would be waning until he had no more fight.

  He was slowly, and surely slipping into unconsciousness.

  Then he recalled something. Pieces of something. Pieces of words.

  “Good evening, sir…”

  Thick woman with curves. Brown-skinned. Curly braids…

  “… Would you care for something to drink?”

  “… I wouldn’t want you left out, over in this corner of the world all by yourself.”

  “You got options…” she had said. Options.

  “What are the options?” he’d asked her. They’d flirted.

  “… They’re all equally amazing. All have gin and vermouth…”

  There was something about Brandy. What was it?

  “Or are you waiting for a young lady to join you?”

  I sipped the drink. The drink…

  “I think since you brought me such a tasty drink, that it’s only fitting that you come back and join me for another.”

  “I’ll be back shortly, with a refill for you, and a new one for me.”

  But she didn’t come back.

  And then…

  Oh shit.

  Raymond’s adrenaline rush brought about heart palpitations. He was convinced that this room, this predicament, was where his life would end.

  He felt a false sense of strength at moments, but then the truth of just how disadvantaged he really was, hit just as quickly. He was on the verge of hyperventilating, and didn’t know how to stop it from happening. Especially, when it became abundantly clear that the reason he could neither move, nor produce clear sounds, was because he was both bound and gagged!

  And then… the door opened.

  40 | SKAI

  Le Thai Restaurant, Downtown Las Vegas

  It was almost two o’clock in the afternoon when we found a parking space at Le Thai. My mouth instantly watered, and my stomach growled. I was ready. Ready to pounce like a lion in the jungle. It was like I already had the food on my tongue. The prior thoughts of soft scrambled cheese eggs, pancakes, and turkey sausage, quickly exited the stage of my mind. In its place was something textured and spicy. Besides, it was now the lunch hour. Breakfast had passed us hours ago.

  Trevor cut the engine then looked over at me. “Hold on. I just came without even checking. Did you want to come here?” he asked. “Or did you have a taste for something else?’

  “Maaan… if you don’t come on and get out this car so we can go eat.”

  He laughed. “Just making sure. I mean, I don’t want you to think I’m making all the choices. That you’re not in charge and all that. You did just seduce me and all, so—”

  “Yeah… okay.” I opened my door, and stepped out, blushing the whole time.

  When we got to the entrance, Trevor reached for the door, and for whatever reason, I looked up at him, perplexed. I don’t know why the gesture surprised me.

  As I stepped inside, he laughed out a second time. “So, I can’t be a gentleman too? Wasn’t I gentle—”

  “Trevor, do not even say it,” I ordered him.

  “I mean…” he said from behind me. “I’m just sayin’.”

  “Trevor…” I said again, as something of a warning shot.

  “Alright, alright,” he surrendered, laughing at me.

  Things felt slightly awkward, but not in a major way. Not in a way that I felt like shrinking away. It was just slight jitters that I didn’t all the way know what to do with. I wondered how we would interact when we sat down to eat. Or what fillers we would throw out in the way of conversation once our food orders were taken. How would we handle that? Better yet, how would I handle it? Trevor was cool as a cucumber. And on the outside looking in, I probably looked that way too. But that façade couldn’t be further from the truth. I usually had it all together. But right now, that wasn’t the case. But I was going to act like I did—to the best of my ability.

  “Party of two?” the hostess behind the podium asked us. She had saved the moment, without even knowing it.

  “Yes, please,” I told her.

  “Follow me.”

  With two menus in her hand, the small-framed Asian woman led us to seating at a corner booth.

  “How’s this?” she asked.

  “Perfect,” we stated in unison, taking seats across from each other.

  “Can I get you both started with anything to drink before your server arrives?”

  “Thai tea for her,” Trevor responded. “And I’ll take a ginger ale. Light on the ice.”

  “I’ll get those right out for you.”

  I folded my arms atop the table and chuckled at him. “Don’t act like you know me like that.”

  “But I do,” he said, scanning the menu. “Just like I know you’re about to order Pad Thai shrimp noodles, and a cucumber salad. Say I’m wrong,” he challenged, looking up from the menu.

  I cackled. “You’re not wrong.”


  Close to half an hour later, my deliciousness was placed on the table. Along with that, Trevor’s yellow curry and Thai fried rice blessed the table. The aroma had me ready to burn my mouth for the cause. But I patiently waited while some of the smoke died down.

  “So, how does the big two-six feel?” I asked Trevor, who had already dug into his meal.

  “I feel old.”

  “That’s just because you have an old soul. That’s all.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been told that. Guess it came with having to grow up so early.”

  “That’ll do it,” I cosigned, twirling my fork around a small mound of noodles.

  “At least the birthday was cool.”

  “Yeah, my Gran did that. It was a good time.”

  “You know what was better?”


  “My gift.”

  “Which one? Shit, you got so many.”

  “All the ones that have to do with you,” he stated matter of fact, almost causing me to choke on the food in my mouth. “Particularly, me getting the chance to finally taste you.”

  Oh shit!

  Why are you doing this to me, Trevor?

  His eyes were on me… chewing… studying… waiting.

  Fuck! I could be nonchalant about it. I could deflect. I could… I didn’t know.

  “Speaking of tasting…” I leaned in with my fork. “Let me get a little of this curry. Might need this the next time.”

  When Trevor smiled at me, it was different. Flirting wasn’t new with him. It was just that now, it felt different because… well, we were different. He had me flustered as hell. Was I being a big-ass chicken? The same one that said she wasn’t afraid of anything?

  Yep, seemed like.

  41 | CICELY

  Henderson, Nevada

  “Elise, I didn’t ever think this would be us. And I don’t know what kind of games you’re playing, but the waiting is over. I had a lot of time to think today. I’m not going to fight you over splitting the company or anything like that. Aunt Sable left it to both of us, and I won’t interfere with what you apparently, consider to be your life’s work. But what I expect in return is for you to do right by me, and get this money situation handled in the right way. You dismissed me weeks ago off of one mistake—a mistake that I hear you were able to rectify. Yet, here I still am without . . .” Her voice trailed. “You know what? Never mind. Just return the call. Or better yet, have your lawyer call mine with something tangible. I’ll give it a few more days; but my offer to play nice ends after that.”

  Cicely deliberately hung back, incognito, while listening to the messy voicemail that Alyssa was leaving for her sister. Cicely was one of five people that were on a shared ride in the elevator. One of five people with a front row seat to the ratchet. Shaking her head in disgust was all she could do. She knew Sable had to be turning over in her grave having left this ingrate as part owner of her legacy.

  Cicely had spoken
to Elise, after Alyssa’s display of ignorance, at the party; so she was well aware of the nature of the call. She knew that the egotistical, disrespectful, girl was out for a money grab. She wanted to put a dent in the company that her Aunt Sable had worked her whole life to build. Cicely had no respect for the girl. Not a single ounce. Not even enough to hire her to lay down for a paycheck. The women that were in Cicely’s employ, had manners, intellect, and dignity. Alyssa Brown possessed none of those.

  There were still others on the elevator with Cicely when Alyssa stepped off on the 11th floor. She decided to ride the compartment up to the top floor and then go back down. She thought about getting off when Alyssa did, but it would’ve been too obvious that she was being followed. The ignorant individual that she had proven herself to be, would have caused a scene; and a scene was the last thing that Cicely wanted or needed.

  She had a different plan, and approximately ten minutes later, she executed.

  At the shiny black door, Cicely pressed a gel manicured nail into the fold of the oval-shaped doorbell. She wore a thin, confident smile. Almost immediately, the sound of high-heeled shoes could be heard clacking against what sounded like marble flooring.

  Shame, Cicely thought. She’s got a good life and still doesn’t appreciate it enough to act right. Worse, is that all her stupid actions are because of a man.

  Tragic the way these young girls lose all sense of self, behind a piece of community property,

  The moment the women’s eyes met, Alyssa’s eyes grew dark as she scanned Cicely up and down. “I know damn well this asshole didn’t bring you to my fuckin’ house. What the fuck do y’all—”

  Without waiting for an invitation, Cicely pushed past Alyssa, and entered the residence.


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