Risqué 3

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Risqué 3 Page 18

by Perri Forrest

  I soaked up the breathtaking charm, in total awe. “This room is meant to dream in!” I told everyone. “I don’t think I would ever leave.”

  “Good!” my mother exclaimed, excitedly. “Then we’ll sit here until that happens. Right, Zane?”

  “Yes, baby. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “See there. What a mighty good man, I have.”

  “I agree. I’ll admit, y’all are my obsession. Aren’t they cute, Trevor?” Asking Trevor that question was my overt way of attempting to drag him into the conversation. He had been so quiet.

  “Yeah, for sure,” he answered, slowly.

  Because of his and Zane’s earlier encounter, I sensed that Trevor was leery, uncomfortable. I had to fix that. It was because I insisted, that he was even in this position in the first place.

  52 | TREVOR

  What the fuck made Skai think this would be a good idea?

  This dude, Zane, had a serious problem that made me not want to be in his fucking house at all. Kissing another man’s ass was never… will never be my thing. And because this was Skai’s mom’s new man, I bit my tongue. It wasn’t even so much the fact that I was in his house, but his attitude fucking sucked! I told Skai that it was a bad idea to begin with. The minute we got inside the dude’s house, I was this close to telling her that I’d come back to get her later on.

  “Trevor, how have you been?” Giselle asked, bringing me back from my disappearing act.

  “I’ve been great, Ms. McCall. Thank you, for asking.”

  “Oh, absolutely. We were all rooting for your recovery. It’s so good to see you up and about, and at 100 percent.”

  “I really appreciate that. Definitely at a hundred percent, and extra thankful.”

  “Happy belated birthday, by the way. I heard about your bash. Did you enjoy it?”

  “I did. It was a good time.”

  I felt her man’s eyes on me hard, as I was responding to the question. The urge to ask him what his problem was, was burning me up on the inside.

  “Yeah, good thing you’re all good now,” the guy said. “But do we know whether or not you’re really in the clear? That the person who tried to kill you, is done with you?”

  “I’m good,” was the simple answer that I gave.

  “Is she good?” he further challenged.

  The tension thickened once again. Skai’s mother was probably silent because she secretly had the same question. Understandably so. That’s her daughter; her only child. I wished she knew that I’d die before I let anything happen to Skai.

  “Zane, I’m fine,” Skai spoke up. “I trust that Trevor is safe.” She winked at me, then continued with, “…and that I’m safe with him.”

  Giselle’s eyes grew wide. “So, wait. Are you guys dating?” she asked. Her smile was faint, but it was there.

  “No…” we both answered in unison.

  “We’re best friends,” Skai offered. “Mama, you already know that.”

  “What I know is that you’ve been spending a lot of time at the house and refused to stay here.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I mean, I’m just asking.”

  “Well, the answer’s no. We’re friends.”


  The Zane guy looked over at Giselle, his face still tight. I didn’t know him personally, but I had already figured out his mannerisms and body language. He didn’t like me, and he definitely didn’t want me in his company.

  “There were no arrests made in your case, right?”

  This fucker refused to let the subject die. I wanted to tell him, Fuck no! There were no arrests made, and there won’t be any made because I killed the fucker my goddamn self.

  But there was no way I could, or would do that. I knew that the threat no longer existed, but this person, Zane, was insisting on pressing the issue.

  “Trevor, you can understand our concern, right?” Giselle asked. “We just want to make sure that Skai is… you know, safe—at all times.”

  “And she is, Ms. McCall. I promise you that.”

  “And Trevor has a bodygua—”

  “The threat no longer exists,” I said cutting Skai off.

  She was about to mention Lewis, who was not technically working as my bodyguard anymore.

  “And you know that how?” Zane pressed. “If there were no arrests made, how do you know that? Because the reason that Giselle originally ended up here with me, was because I didn’t feel comfortable with her being across the street from an attempted murder. I wasn’t on board with her being in harm’s way… just a few doors away. If I had more authority, I would’ve insisted that Skai not stay there either. But I don’t. So, since I don’t, I would really like to know how you know with certainty, that the threat no longer exists.”

  Internalizing was never a good thing for me. Because when I felt attacked, I normally struck. But since I needed to be on my best behavior, my hands were tied. All I knew was that if I treated him the way I wanted to in that moment, we’d end up in an all-out brawl. I also knew that if that happened, neither Skai nor her mother would speak to me again.

  And then I had to think about CiCi. She’d be pissed. And it mattered to me how she and Skai felt. So, although it was out of character, I decided to sit this one out. Instead, I chose to end my short visit. I stood to my feet. There was no way I was about to stay in that asshole’s house any longer.

  Skai reached out to grab my wrist. “Wait, Trevor,” she squealed. “Where you going?”

  “You have a lovely home, Ms. McCall. Thanks for allowing me in. Skai, if you want, I can come back to pick you up.”

  She tugged at me. “Nooo. You don’t have to leave,” she insisted.

  “Skai’s right, Trevor,” Giselle added. “You don’t have to leave.”

  “I think it’s better if I do. I didn’t come to disrupt Skai’s visit with her family.” I shot Zane a look. “And that’s clearly what’s happening.”

  I nudged lightly, loosening Skai’s grasp, and quickly made my exit.

  53 | SKAI

  My eyes bulged two sizes bigger than they were, when the front door closed behind Trevor. I couldn’t believe what was happening. By that time, Zane had vacated his spot next to my mother and made his way over to the bar to pour something to drink. He had gotten what he wanted—Trevor gone. My mother grabbed the remote and told Alexa to play some of that damn JazzHop she had been listening to; like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “I love when you wear your wand curls,” she stated nonchalantly, after her music began playing.

  “You’re not serious, right? You and Zane… are not serious,” I scolded.

  “Skai, it all came from a good place,” Zane said, reclaiming his seat; drink in hand. “They were only questions.” He hunched his shoulders. “I guess it all struck a nerve.”

  “Y’all didn’t have to do that. He didn’t come for an interrogation, or to have his nerves… struck. He came as my guest, and what you guys did was wrong.” I scooted back into the sofa, still in shock. I couldn’t even text Trevor at this point. What would I even say? I’d let him leave out by himself. He came with me, and I should’ve left with him. But leaving my mom wasn’t an option; so, there I was. “I just wish y’all hadn’t done that. You could’ve just asked me whatever questions or concerns you had.”

  “Had we known he was coming, we could have. But we didn’t,” my mother said.

  My mind was filled with chaos, anger, and embarrassment. I shook my head, then folded my arms across my chest. “Let me ask you this, Ma. Do you trust Grams?”

  “That’s a dumb question, daughter.”

  “It’s not dumb.” I looked from her and then to Zane, and back to her again. “Do you… trust… Grandma?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Well, she loves Trevor like he’s her own son. And she loves me to death. Do you think that she would ever allow me around him if she didn’t feel it was safe? She threw his party for him. At his party, she told that crowd that he wa
s the son she never had. That’s how close they are. I’m not saying that you and Zane have to be buddy-buddy with him, but I don’t agree with the treatment.”

  “I’ll own that,” Zane said. “I’ll own that. I guess just having him face-to-face and knowing that he was the guy across the street, brought it all back for me. That night on the phone with your mom… hearing the gunshots in the background… I couldn’t get to her fast enough. It took me back. I could’ve been more sympathetic to the fact that he almost lost his life. So, for that I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too, baby. I don’t dislike Trevor, at all. I know he’s a wild one with all the women and all that. I think that’s where some of my energy was coming from. Seeing you with him…” My mother paused. “… when we both know that he has more than enough women to keep him company. I guess… you know. I guess I was just a little concerned in that area.”

  “You don’t need to be, though. We’re not together. He’s just always been a really good friend to me. A really good friend. And uhh… let’s not forget that he was nice enough to put that box on your porch with all that lingerie in it. Y’all know the lingerie I’m talking about, right?” I leaned forward and gave them a look. “The lingerie that led to some thangs, that led to my baby sibling baking inside that oven.”

  “So, now you’re sharing credit for this beautiful union, with the bad boy next door?” Zane kidded.

  “Kinda sorta.”

  We all started laughing; and the mood instantly softened.

  “Okay, so I guess I need to give the guy an apology at some point. If he’ll hear it.”

  “He’ll hear it,” I assured Zane. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s not rough on the inside. Just guarded. But I’m sure he’ll appreciate an apology.”

  “Awww,” my mother gushed. “You’re a good friend, Skai. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Mama.”

  “I agree with your mom.”

  “Thanks, Zane. When loyalty is given, it’s pretty easy to give. And I guess since Trevor’s only real relationships are with me and Grams, I’m protective of him.”

  “What do you mean his only real relationships?” my mom asked. “He has plenty of friends.”

  “He has plenty of associates, Ma. Huge difference.”

  “Where’s his family?”

  “Doing their own thing. They didn’t even come to see him when he was in the hospital. They came the day he was discharged; paid security in tow. That was their show of emotion. No staying in town to be present. The same day they flew in, they flew out. They’re severely detached. That bodyguard was the extent of them being ‘there’,” I said, using air quotes to drive home the point. “It’s really messed up. But he’s a guy; so, of course, he acts like it doesn’t affect him. But it does.”

  My mother sighed, and shook her head. “Wow. And now I feel even worse,” she said, solemnly. “I don’t regret being concerned about my baby. But I do feel badly for Trevor. I didn’t know. But it explains why Mama is so taken with him. I’ll be more sensitive going forward.”

  “I appreciate that. I’m sure he will too.”

  “Why don’t you give him a call right now, Skai,” Zane offered. “We can invite him back to eat with us and I can extend my apology in person.”


  “Absolutely. I’m not above saying I’m sorry.”

  “Cool. I’ll give him a call…”

  54 | TREVOR

  “Stop right there, and take your clothes off.”

  She looked confused about the instruction, which immediately pissed me off. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “What part of take your clothes off wasn’t clear?”

  “We usually talk a little first and—”

  “Amanda, how much talking do you really need to do?”

  I understood that she was a neglected wife. She had been one of my top clients for a year now; but all the talking she insisted on doing every time… that shit made me realize what the issue was in her marriage. Talking didn’t need to precede sex. I wanted to tell her ass to buy a diary. Start a journal where she could jot her thoughts down and bore the hell out of herself. But I was trying to be as nice as I could. Even though I didn’t feel like being nice at all.

  “I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. I didn’t even think you’d return the call tonight. I was surprised when you—”

  “And you’re still trying to talk.”

  I lifted off the pillow and got off of the king-sized bed that Amanda shared with her husband, when he wasn’t travelling. I’d had enough of her trying to lead into another long-ass conversation. I needed to get dressed and get the hell out of there.

  “Trevor…” she started, still standing across the larger than life bedroom, near her double doors. “I’m the paying customer. This appointment should be what I—”

  “I think you need to call CiCi and get you somebody new,” I suggested, as I proceeded to unbutton the fly of my jeans. “Because this isn’t working.”

  She took short steps toward me. “Why not?” she asked, sounding pitiful. “I don’t want to be with anyone else. I just wanted to do things the way we always do.”

  At that time, I felt the need to offer some unsolicited advice to this person standing in front of me. She was an average-looking woman, who couldn’t necessarily be deemed a trophy wife. For starters, her hair was bleached way too blond. Pair that, with the fact that she looked like she had been drained of her damn blood, by both the Salvatore and the Mikaelson brothers. Her only real redeeming quality was her body. She was slim, with a solid physique, that she’d obviously put a lot of hard work into.

  “Always?” I threw at her.

  “Yes, Trevor,” she whined. “Always. We have a routine, remember?”


  The only reason I ended up at the appointment was because I was mad about that situation with Skai, her mother, and that rude fucker, Zane Cabot. It really had me pissed off in a way that I didn’t expect. I should’ve just taken my ass to the house. But no, instead of waiting for the light to change and be on my way, I stupidly took that opportunity to check customer requests on my app. And now, here I was with one of my most annoying, most needy clients.

  Talk about fucking regret.

  Fuck my life…

  “That whole, ‘always’ thing you mentioned. And that other one… what was it? Oh yeah, ‘routine’ … that might be why your marriage is a less-than desired space for your husband. You’re stuck in a place of not wanting to alter your state. That can be boring.”

  Just like I’m bored right fucking now.

  “Ouch…” she mumbled.

  Ouch what? I told you I didn’t want to talk, and you wouldn’t shut the fuck up. So, now here we are.

  I shrugged my shoulders, then walked to pick up my shirt off the floor. “It had to be said, Amanda.”

  “But it’s… harsh, Trevor. Did I really deserve that?”

  Did I deserve to not fuck, when that’s all I came to do?

  I brushed past her, eager to get the hell out of there. “Have a good night, Amanda.”

  “Trevor!” she called out. “I’ve already paid for this visit. Five figures, if you don’t recall.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said over my shoulder. “It’ll be refunded.”

  “Trevor! I’m sorry. Please don’t go yet.” I was already on the winding staircase, halfway down, when she ran to the railing and yelled, “I promise to make it right. I promise!”

  I really just wanted to make a quick exit into the night and leave this lady, and all her problems where they were. But a part of me also wanted to bang the fuck out of her so that I could relieve some of the tension and anger that sat on me, ultra-heavy. Since she was already there, and it was easy money, I decided to take her up on her offer. I mean, why not?

  So, I doubled back up the stairs.

  After I strapped up, foreplay didn’t come into play. There had been enough of that already. I
pushed my dick inside of her, and commenced to sexing her in the fashion that she liked, and the only way I was prepared to give it—rough, full throttle, and no fuckin’ brakes.

  55 | TREVOR

  Several days later…

  “Well, damn!” Skai screamed into the phone before I could even speak, “Hello.”

  “Hostility so early in the morning, Skai. Really?”

  “Yeah…really. What the hell, Trevor?”

  “What’s got your thong all in a bunch?”

  “Don’t play dumb. You’re almost thirty, maybe it’s time to grow the fuck up.”

  “Are you done?” I asked her.

  “No, I’m not done. So that’s the way we’re doing things now, Trevor? You ignore my calls and text messages? That shit was childish-ass behavior, man. That’s why we could never…” she shot.

  “Never what? I already had my mouth on your pussy. You even sat on my dick. And if memory serves me correct, you loved that shit. So, we could never what?”

  “You know what the hell I mean. You know what I’m saying ‘never’ to.”

  “Okay, cool. So, we could never. And that’s what you called me to say?”

  “No, it ain’t why I called! That’s only part of it.”

  “You wanna call me back when you’re not so enraged?” I teased.

  “I’m not calling back shit. Why did you leave the way you did? You saw that I had your back. What did you need to leave for? And then to go days without responding to me when you know I was only here for a few more days. Only reason I didn’t come and bang your fuckin’ door down was because I didn’t feel like having to punch one of your hoes in the face!”

  She was raging. As wrong as it was, I enjoyed every minute of it. In all the time I had known Skai, I had never seen her react with such emotion. It was sexy as fuck.


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