Exposure: Bloodlust Series Book 1

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Exposure: Bloodlust Series Book 1 Page 14

by L. L. Ash

  “How did you get alcohol?” I asked in surprise, watching him flex under the strain of the cork.

  “It’s so much harder as a human,” he grunted before the pop and fizz sound filled the room.

  Pouring the champagne into two flute glasses, he finally looked at me and said, “My ID says I’m 21. I have twt, actually. One saying I’m 16 and the other saying I’m 21. They both come in handy, depending on the circumstance.”

  “Wait, how did you get IDs?”

  “Money can buy you anything,” was his cryptic reply.

  Handing me one of the flute glasses he raised his an inch and said, “One glass to celebrate your birthday.”

  “And a little liquid courage, cause that never hurts.”

  Clarence laughed, sipping his own bubbly.

  “I almost forgot,” he mumbled, digging through his overnight bag pockets. “Mason gave me this to give to you. He says three things with it. ‘Thank you’, ‘I’m sorry’, and ‘happy birthday’.”

  Clarence pulled out a slim box for me and I looked at it, wondering what on this green earth a douchebag like Mason would have gotten me for my birthday.

  “He’s changed his mind about you,” Clarence smirked. “He sees my infatuation, now that he has proof that you’re ‘special’.”

  “So he’ll stop acting like an asshole around me?” I asked hopefully.

  Clarence laughed.

  “I think that might be a little like asking a chicken to fly, but why not? Let’s be optimistic tonight.”

  I grinned and opened the thin, book-shaped box.

  “Oh my GOD,” I groaned, putting the cover back on.

  “What is it?” he peeked over my shoulder, lifting the lid again.

  Inside was nothing but some lace scraps. Upon seeing what was obviously some kind of lingerie, Clarence started to laugh.

  “What the hell is so funny?” I snapped, trying not to laugh myself.

  “It’s just… what an incredibly inappropriate gift,” he burst into more laughs, the belly kind that erupted fully through him.

  I started to laugh too, before picking it up. Inside was not just lingerie, it was an incredibly flimsy bra and panty set. Each had lace so transparent they would obviously hold nothing for a very short period of time. Clarence fingered it as his laughter melted away, but his smile remained.

  “I think this is his idea of a joke,” he told me, setting it back in the box and closing the lid on it again. “I’ll chastise him when I get home. Assuming I can keep a straight face.”

  I rolled my eyes and turned to him. Suddenly we were very close, and my skin tingled like static electricity.

  “W-would you like some time...?”

  “No,” I stopped him, feeling the abrupt nervousness radiating off of him. “Are you nervous?”

  He let out a whoosh of air before giving me a weak smile.

  “I’ve never been with a virgin before, and I’m scared of hurting you.”

  “So? Go slow. I’ll tell you if it hurts too much.”

  Clarence chewed on his lip and I downed my glass of champagne before watching him do the same. We set the glasses down on the tray before he touched my shoulder.

  “May I get the zipper for you?”

  I nodded, turned my back to him and moved my hair to one side as I felt his fingers brush the back of my neck and down the line of my spine as the dress opened.

  Catching his fingers in the thick straps of my little black dress, he dragged it sensuously down my arms until the entire dress dropped to the floor.

  “I feel as though I can never quite explain to you just how beautiful you are,” he said with low, hungry words as his fingers traced over my hips and up to where lace from my bra wrapped around my ribs.

  “You don’t have to,” I whispered, turning so I could look into his warm, lust filled eyes. “Your touch tells me for you.”

  One hand dug into the smallest part of my waist, pulling me closer while the other hand brushed against my cheek and disappeared into my hair before his lips descended.

  Within that one second, all of my uneasiness and nervousness disappeared. Every touch, every caress reminded me that he would never hurt me. He would never use me or fake me out. Clarence loved me, and I loved him, with all my heart.

  The kiss deepened, our tongues danced and he pulled me closer, my belly rubbing against the soft cotton of his blue shirt.

  Not to be outdone, my fingers found the button near his neck and unlatched it, doing the same for every other one on the way down. Clarence shrugged his shoulders back and the shirt snapped back with the suspenders still around his shoulders. It dropped to the floor, leaving his otherworldly chest to be explored by my fingertips.

  Clarence pushed himself forward against me, our entire bodies in line with each other, touching from lips to toes until I reached the edge of the bed, the mattress pushed into my knees just so that I backed onto it, falling to a seated position as our lips tore apart from one another’s.

  He didn’t lose the opportunity of the moment and unbuckle the linen pants. I watched them drop to the floor, until only a thin layer of black cotton boxer briefs separated me from his raging erection.

  Once free of his pants, he bent down again to catch more of my kisses before laying me out on the bed. He climbed up beside me and we lay in exploration of each other. Hands wandered, lips gave up their chase and found new things to bite or suckle. My chest was a beating drum, and my breath unsteady and unreliable.

  His fingers slipped under the hip band of my lace panties, and his mouth devoured the pushed up cleavage framed with my demi-cup bra.

  My hands took their fair turn, exploring down every nook and cranny of his chest, aching to feel what was beyond those black cotton underwear, and how big the appendage was that was pushing into my hip.

  Clarence’s hand dipped from my hip down to my butt, squeezing and massaging as he almost imperceptibly moved his hips in yearning for the part we hadn’t yet reached. We’d been here yesterday. Clothed in our underwear, his hands and mouth on me, giving me pleasure while I just sat there.

  Not today. Today I took things into my own hands.

  I reached around my back and unhooked my bra before tossing it behind me somewhere. His mouth immediately attached to one stiff, aching bud.

  As his mouth was busy, I maneuvered around his hand and moved the lace panties down until I could kick them off. Suddenly I was naked but I wasn’t afraid or embarrassed.

  His hand moved from my butt back over my hip to smooth over the curvy joint, taking a thigh in his hand and kneaded the flesh. The insides of my thighs were slick and sticky with my already overworked center, but he still took his sweet time, touching every part of my body except the one I wanted him to.

  Minutes more passed by and I’d had enough. Popping his lips off of my breast, I pushed him over and took only one second to grab his underwear and pull with one mighty yank. The underwear made it down to the middle of his thighs, and what appeared to me choked me up all over again, this time in fear. Nestled in cute, blond little curls lay a monster of a beast that scared the holy hell out of me.

  “Holy shit,” I exclaimed under my breath before looking at his eyes. “How the hell is that supposed to fit in me?”

  Clarence grinned and pressed his hands to his face.

  “With patience, and skill,” he told me, tucking one arm behind his head as he let me stare at him, unabashed.

  “How is skill going to keep THAT from ripping me apart? Seriously, how?”

  “I’m not that big!” he laughed again, fingering his own appendage for a moment as I stared in horror.

  “Now lay back, please,” he told me, pushing at my shoulder and flipping onto his stomach again. “Have patience, I’ll take care of things. I promise.”

  I did as he asked, lying back and trying not to think that I’d finally seen my first real penis, and that it scared the shit out of me.

  Moving back to a breast, he playfully tugged on the
nipple as I felt his fingers brushing down into the thick curls between my legs.

  “Mmmm...” he hummed against my skin as he reached my wetness, dousing everything including the sheets underneath me.

  His fingers continues to stroke, circle and move around the outer lips for a long moment, shooting pleasure straight to my core. I started to wriggle and he shifted, half lying on me, one leg thrown over one of mine to keep my knees spread. His thumb took a moment around the little pearl where all my senses seemed to meet. Every brush of his finger caused electricity to shoot through my entire body until he put pressure and circled, one finger finally breaching my core.

  My eyes shot open, then shut quickly again as I couldn’t feel as well while trying to see everything around me. The sensations were so new, so pleasant I almost forgot about the monster awaiting its invitation.

  He pressed his finger into me, stretching me from the inside as I moaned and groaned like… I don’t know like what. My brain was too foggy to think.

  My hips shot up when I felt a second finger breach. The sensation of feeling so incredibly full as he prodded was heady, until he took his fingers back and left me deserted. Clarence climbed on top of me, his knees spreading mine wider and his hands pressing into the mattress on either side of my head. I saw his chest heaving above me, then his abs contracted and something was there, where his fingers and thumb had been.

  His length pressed between my lips, teasing my sensitive pearl for a moment before pressure appeared at my entrance.

  “Fuck,” I heard Clarence whisper the expletive as he backed away from me, standing up and moving away.

  My eyes widened in shock as he started digging through his bag.

  “I almost forgot,” he said sheepishly, holding up a condom.

  My head flopped back onto the bed and I groaned, begging him to hurry up.

  The packet ripped open, but he took a long moment to roll it on.

  Once he was secured, he resumed his position, but didn’t prod again right away. He took a moment to kiss me and run his hand down my shoulder.

  “Clarence!” I called to him impatiently and instantly that pressure between my legs was back.

  It took a moment as he pushed in, ever so gently, one centimeter at a time. When he reached my hymen, he paused, then he reared back and pushed all the way through.

  I shrieked, pinching my nails into his forearms until the pain subsided.

  Clarence was panting. So was I.

  Holding still for a long while, he waited until my nails eased up and my hips relaxed again. When he got his cue, he began to move again, only eliciting the smallest pain with each thrust. Soon, pleasure overcame the pain and I was bucking back up to him as he pressed into me, our hips dancing together in harmony until the flames licked up my thighs and into my belly.

  Moments later I was ascending into raw pleasure. My womb contracted around him and he grunted at the feeling until he jerked subtly and let out a stuttered breath. We stopped moving, and just laid there, frozen in our own ecstasy.

  Clarence pulled out and plopped down on the bed beside me, one arm splayed across my stomach as he landed face down on the sheets, heaving for breath.

  We didn’t say anything for a long time. Eventually he moved again, getting rid of the condom and using a tissue to wipe up before lying next to me again, curling around me as he held me against him.

  “I love you with all of my heart,” he whispered in my ear and pressed a kiss there.

  “I love you too,” I said back in a whisper myself, covering his arm that was wrapped around me with my own.

  “How do you feel?” he asked now, but I wasn’t sure if I had a real answer for him.

  Instead I gave him a very literal answer.

  “I don’t hurt at all. Just a little sore.”

  He pulled me tighter to him, saying no more.

  After cuddling like that for a while, we eventually moved up to the pillows and snuggled under the sheets until we fell asleep.

  No sun streamed into the room to wake us up, so we slept late, only waking when one or the other of us moved a little.

  Warm feet touched mine, startling me awake. My eyes flashed open and I caught sight of the dark room, not my room, but the hotel.

  Movement beside me had me freezing in place, listening to the warm masculine groan to my side. The events from the night before flooded back and I realized, just as a muscular shoulder came into view, who was beside me

  Shifting a little, I felt my still-sore muscles between my legs. Clarence sighed and turned onto his stomach, the sheets falling down his back and catching on the curve of his hips and his firm butt as he clutched the pillow beneath his head.

  I smiled, the sight of him absolutely adorable now that I wasn’t confused as to my surroundings.

  “Good morning,” his eyes opened slightly, face turned to me as he still hugged the pillow beneath him.

  The smile that spread across his face brightened the entire room. I grinned back at him, and we stayed like that for what had to have been close to a full minute.

  “You want to know something funny?” he asked me finally, turning toward me and slipping his arm around my waist, pulling my body toward his.

  “What?” I asked, biting my lip to keep from laughing in bliss as my skin connected to his, foot to nose.

  “This is the first bed I’ve slept in in almost a decade.”

  “You’re kidding me!” wriggled in his arms.

  “Not kidding,” he grinned, pulling me tighter to him.

  “Do you know what time it is?” I asked, looking around a little to see if there was an alarm clock on his nightstand.

  “Uh...” Clarence loosened his grip on me and rolled over to find the time before turning back over and gripping me again in his arms, answering, “9:43.”

  “What’re our plans today?”

  “I didn’t make any,” he said, digging his head into my neck. “I wasn’t sure how last night would go, and if you’d even be up to doing anything.”

  “You think I’d break up with you or something?” I giggled as his nights beard growth scratched against my shoulder and chin.

  “I’m not that insecure in my skills,” he chuckled back, nibbling on my neck now.

  I grinned at him, and shoved at his shoulders playfully. Clarence let me push him away and he rolled onto his back, sighing and stretching.

  “Is there something you’d like to do? It’s not your birthday anymore but nobody else needs to know but me.”

  “I’m fine staying right here,” I said, stretching myself. “I just want breakfast and maybe a bath. That sounds nice. I haven’t had a bath since I left Tucson.”

  “Then do it,” he tucked his arm under his head, looking at me.

  “This whole weekend has been amazing,” I told him, touching his fingers because I just couldn’t stop touching him. “Thank you.”

  “I’ve enjoyed myself immensely,” he smiled sweetly at me. “One would imagine it was my birthday and not yours.”

  “Well, I just want you to know I appreciate it. I mean, look at this place?”

  He looked around and shrugged.

  “It’s no more than you deserve, Love.”

  Clarence pushed himself up on his elbow and leaned over me, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

  “Now, go take a bath, and I’ll order breakfast,” he whispered before pressing his palm to my cheek and kissing me again.

  I pressed my hand into his hair, not letting him pull back as I returned his kiss with more eagerness than I’d really meant to, but I needed to feel it all over again. I needed to be possessed by him, and filled. Now that the nerves were over, I was ravenous.

  “You’re supposed to go bathe,” he whispered against my lips between frantic kisses.

  “I will once we’re done here. Do you have another condom?”

  “Aren’t you sore?” he asked, pulling back an inch to look into my eyes.

  “Do you?” I asked, scraping my na
ils against his shoulders.

  “Yeah but...”

  “GET IT,” I demanded, pushing at his chest.

  He didn’t need any more persuasion. Clarence moved off me in a flash, and was digging through his bag. He retrieved a box of condoms and dumped them out on the bed, ribbons of foil wrappers everywhere.

  “The one thing I’ll miss,” he groaned as he tore one off the ribbon and opened the package. “Is that one doesn’t have to use this to avoid pregnancy as a vampire.”

  “What did you use?” I asked, waiting impatiently for him.

  “Nothing. Vampires are sterile.”

  The idea shocked me so much I was again surprised when Clarence was above me again.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, poised and unmoving as he hovered.

  “Now, Clee,” I told him, fanning open my legs for him.

  “If it hurts… Just tell me and I’ll stop,” he said, shoving his knees practically under my butt.

  “Now Clee!” I demanded.

  He wrapped my legs around his hips before moving his hands to my waist, still sitting on his heels.

  Fingers grazed me and I guess he was happy with what met him because he was able to slide in easily, a grunt of effort escaping him when he had filled me completely.

  “You ok?” he asked as he stayed like that a moment.

  “I’m fine. I need you,” was all I said.

  His hands around my waist gripped me harder and his knees sunk a little further under my butt before I felt the gyration, and the friction slowly rendering me down. He held my hips aloft and pumped for a minute before his finger brushed over me again. I supported myself on my elbows, my back at an awkward but not uncomfortable angle as he filled and withdrew from me. Throwing my head back I closed my eyes and let the sensations rock through me as the top of my head gently bumped the headboard with every motion.

  This is what all the fuss was about. And I could see myself becoming very, very addicted as long as I shared it with Clarence.

  His fingers continued to stroke as heat waved through my body in response and I opened my eyes long enough to see the look of concentration and almost painful pleasure on his face. Shoulders and arms flexed with the weight of me in his hands, chest and abs moving in a synchronized wave as his hips pumped, fingers still rubbing.


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