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Love Page 10

by Lacey Weatherford

  I was mildly impressed. It appeared he really had thought of everything.

  “Of course, all this will depend on if anyone is hiring and if you decide you want to do it. It’s okay for you to stay close to your new residence, if that’s what you’d rather do. As far as housing goes, we’ve leased a fully furnished vacation rental on a month-to-month basis. So you won’t have to worry about furniture, appliances, or utensils. Everything will be provided for you except for personal items—you can purchase those yourself.”

  “That sounds good. How much do we have to work with in our bank account?”

  He glanced around before stepping a little closer, lowering his voice. “I actually pulled a few strings and was able to get a message to your parents. They contacted me this morning from New York. They’ve transferred one hundred thousand dollars to the police department and that money was withdrawn and placed in a new account for you at a different bank, so it shouldn’t be traceable. They said if you need anything else, they’d happily provide it.”

  “And my parents?” Cami asked, regret in her voice.

  “They’ve been contacted, as well. They said to tell you they love you. They’re praying for you both and want me to let them know if there is anything they can do to help.”

  Tears welled in her eyes immediately and I hugged her to me again, kissing the top of her head. “Don’t worry, Goody. We’ll get it taken care of.”

  “Camri,” Chris corrected me. “You need to start calling her by her alias, Hunter.”

  “Fine,” I replied. “As of this moment, Camri and Hunter are alive and going strong.”

  “Perfect. Let’s go. We have a long trip ahead of us. I’ll be driving you as far as Show Low, where we’ll stop and pick up a rental car for you to use. After that, you’re on your own. I’ll give you the rest of the directions you need to get to your final destination. Make sure you keep that gun and badge of yours somewhere safe and where no one will find it. It could blow your cover.” Chris stepped past us and began walking toward the exit.

  “Got it. Let’s get out of here. I’m looking forward to sleeping in a real bed and it’s going to be very late before we get there.” I gestured for Cami to go first. “After you, Camri.” She sighed and followed him. Neither of us was looking forward to this.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Oh, it’s a log cabin,” I exclaimed as the headlights hit the house when we pulled in the driveway.

  “A nice one, too, from the looks of it. Check out those big windows. I bet it has incredible views. Chris has good taste.”

  “It is a bit on the remote side, though.” I hadn’t seen any other houses for at least a mile or two.

  “I think he did that on purpose. This way when we’re home we can be us—together without prying eyes to watch us. I like it.”

  “Well, when you put it that way, I do, too.”

  “Do you have the code for the lockbox on the door so we can get the keys out?”

  “Yeah. I put it in my new phone so I wouldn’t forget it.”

  “Awesome.” Dylan parked our black, extended cab Chevy in the driveway. He totally looked like he belonged out here in the wilderness. “Let’s get you inside and check this place out,” he continued. “Then I’ll come get our things.”

  Before long, we had the front door open and Dylan fumbled for the light switch. Flipping it, two lamps illuminated the space with soft light.

  “Oh my gosh! Look at this place! I love it!” I said.

  “It looks pretty nice.” Dylan agreed.

  Vaulted ceilings with polished wood and beams gave the room and open, spacious feel. Two large leather sofas were angled facing the giant floor to ceiling windows that flanked either side of a great rock fireplace. A distressed wood coffee table with matching end tables, each holding lamps with shades in a material made to resemble cowhide, completed the living area. A very plush white rug covered the polished wooden floors.

  The kitchen, with custom cabinets and granite counter tops, along with a stone-topped table and wrought iron chairs also opened into this space. On the far wall, a beautiful staircase, made of the same polished wood, ascended into what appeared to be a loft area.

  “Come on. Let’s look,” Dylan said, offering me his hand. We went up the stairs found a king size bed, along with nightstand and a dresser, there. “I bet the view in the morning is great from up here,” Dylan said as he looked over the railing down to the living area below. Upon further inspection we found another bedroom with a king size bed and furniture, as well as a bathroom, located next to the laundry room.

  “Small, but sweet,” I said, feeling very comfortable and cozy. “I love the way they’ve decorated everything. It has a very chic country feel.”

  “So, you think you can handle being stuck with me here every day with nothing to do?” Dylan pulled me toward him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Oh, I can think of plenty we could do.”

  He laughed, looking more relaxed than I’d seen him in days. Even I felt the same, like we’d stepped out of one world and into another. “Well, if that’s the case, then I’m proud to be a country boy. We might have to be careful in front of these big windows. If the blinds are open, anybody who happens by would be able to see straight in here.”

  “So, we’ll close them if we need some privacy. We’ll make it work.”

  He gave me a quick kiss before releasing me and heading toward the door. “I’ll let you take the downstairs bedroom so you don’t have to climb up and down the stairs and it gives you more privacy.”

  “We’re seriously sleeping in separate bedrooms?” I asked, disappointed.

  “Hell no,” he responded with a laugh. “I meant just for the keeping up of appearances. I’ll keep my things upstairs and you can have the downstairs. I plan on using both beds, though.” He winked at me before disappearing outside and I relaxed. That was the husband I knew and loved.


  “Check out this view,” Dylan whispered in my ear; and I blinked rapidly trying to wake up.

  “Do I have to?” I mumbled into my pillow. “I think this bed is made of clouds from heaven. I swear I heard angels singing as I slept.”

  He laughed and leaned over, kissing me on the cheek. “I’m glad you got some rest. But I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  Groaning, I stretched my limbs out while yawning widely. I sat up on the loft bed so I could see what he was talking about. “Oh wow!” I exclaimed as I took it all in. The triangular windows, directly across the great room from the loft, revealed a lush green valley surrounded by tall pines with mountains behind them.

  “See that herd of animals moving out in the field?” he asked, pointing.


  “Those are elk.”

  “Really?” I said excitedly, throwing back the covers. “Let’s go outside and look closer.” I grabbed my robe, tying it as I descended the staircase, not even waiting to see if he was behind me. Flinging the front door open, I made my way out onto the wrap-around deck, going to where the view was the best. Dylan came through the door wearing only a pair of shorts, his hair tousled, but he still looked as sexy as ever.

  Moving behind me, he wrapped his arms around me. “Man, I wish I had some binoculars right now. I’d love to see the herd up close.”

  “Well, you know they’re here now, why don’t we go into town and get you some? There has to be some place that carries them.”

  “Good idea.”

  I shivered a bit in my silky robe. “Can you believe how cool it is here? It’s downright chilly this morning.”

  “I’m sure it will warm up more as the sun gets higher, but Chris was right. It’s much nicer than Tucson.”

  “What happens if we fall in love with this place and want to live here forever?” I asked, looking at him and he shrugged, chuckling a bit.

  “I don’t know. I guess we’ll cross that bridge when, and if, we come to it.”

g my head against him, I sighed. “I love how peaceful it is here, already. I could sit out here all day reading books and listen to the birds and the breeze blowing through the pines.”

  “Well, judging from the nice swing hanging on the end of the porch, it looks like you aren’t the only one who thinks so.” Letting go of me, he walked around the corner, disappearing. “There’s a built in barbecue and fire pit over on this side of the property,” he called to me and I went to join him.

  “Oh, I can tell already you’re going to love this, aren’t you?” A nice circular area, built out of what appeared to be sandstone, made up the patio, fire pit, and built in barbecue. In addition, a short wall of same material ringed the outer edge, providing plenty of seating. “Too bad we don’t know anyone. We could have quite the dinner party here.”

  “Yeah,” he replied. “Russ would love this place.”

  Russ. Just hearing his name made me instantly homesick and brought the reality of our situation crashing back down upon me.

  “Maybe we should’ve brought him with us,” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

  Dylan gave a small laugh. “I was hard pressed to leave him behind as it was. Russ was with me when Chris said he was going to put us in a protection program and I thought he was going to pitch a fit about not being able to come. He wasn’t very happy about it; but with the danger surrounding us, he knew there was no way we could remain in contact with him.”

  Hearing the regret in his voice, I moved to his side, wrapping my arms around him. “I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened, Dyl . . . Hunter.” He chuckled after I stumbled over his name in the reverse, and I couldn’t help laughing with him. “Would you please stick to one name so I know what to call you?”

  “I told you to keep calling me Hunter if that was the name most comfortable to you,” he reminded.

  “I know, but I thought it would be weird around your family. I was so nervous to meet them.”

  Sliding his hands behind me, he stared at me solemnly. “And now you know all that worry was for nothing. Just like I told you it would be. My family loves you a much as I do.”

  “I love them, too.”

  “Do you ever regret it, Cami?”

  “Camri,” I reminded him and he sighed.

  “How about Cam? That might be a little easier for me.”

  “I’m good with whatever. Now what did you mean, do I ever regret it?”

  “I mean do you regret staying with me through everything? I know you love me, but knowing me has brought so much heartache and danger into your life. I hate that.”

  A small pain stabbed through my heart at his words. “There are no regrets at all for me. I’d follow you through anything and everything. Don’t you know that?”

  Frustration appeared in his eyes. “I know you love me, but I keep wondering if your life would’ve been better off without me.”

  “Hunter, what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been around to stop Clay?” I asked. “He was sick, we know that now, but there’s no guarantee that things wouldn’t have happened just like they did, even without your involvement. I could’ve dated anyone and it would’ve produced the same results in his behavior. He could’ve raped me with no one to stop him. Then what?”

  “True. But then I pulled you into the whole thing with Ripper, and then Roberta went after you—now this. It’s seems like, despite my feelings for you, all I’ve done is put you in harm’s way.”

  “We don’t know who, or why, this is happening; so you can’t take the blame. It could be some random crazy person that targeted us because one of us is the first person they saw. You know, like a gang initiation or something. As far as the whole Ripper thing, I could’ve chosen not to come meet you when you contacted me. I put you in just as much danger, of blowing your cover, by showing up. We are equally responsible for that mess.”

  He shook his head. “Simply put, I wonder if it will ever stop? I left the force so we could live a safer life and now look at us—I’m suddenly a cop again and we are hiding out in the middle of nowhere. What kind of life is that?”

  “Look at this view,” I said, sweeping my hand across the scene in front of us. “I really wouldn’t call what we’re doing a hardship at the moment. Would you?”

  “Yes, because we had to leave everything else we love behind.”

  “Would you rather go back?” I asked.

  “No. Not until I know you’re safe.”

  I snorted. “You keep talking about keeping me safe. What about you, Hunter? You deserve to be safe, as well. This move is for both of our protection, not just mine. Quit singling me out.”

  “The reason I’m singling you out is because my life is nothing without you in it. Do you hear me? If something happened to you and our baby, I’d die a thousand deaths, everyday. I wouldn’t want to live without you. So yeah, I’m gonna put you first.”

  “Oh, so it’s okay for you to be killed or injured as long as I’m fine? That makes a whole lot of sense. I feel the same way about you that you feel about me. So, we are either in this together or not at all, got it? I’m tired of running and being scared. From now on you and I are on the offensive. We’re taking our lives back and we are going to enjoy living here for as long as we need to be here.”

  Dylan burst out laughing and he stroked a hand over my hair. “I love it when you’re feisty like this. It turns me on.”

  I shook my head. “You’re such a . . . man!” I spewed, walking past him toward the front of the house.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he called after me and I turned to face him, again.

  “It means you can take any conversation and turn it into something about sex! I want you to take me seriously, dang it!” I folded my arms, shooting daggers at him as he approached.

  “I get everything you’re saying, Goody, trust me, I do. And I don’t want you to ever feel like your opinion doesn’t matter. It does; and I hear you, loud and strong. Be happy, live our lives, don’t fear. Got it.” He stroked the side of my face, gently running his thumb over my cheek. “Sometimes I just feel like I’ve done you a horrible injustice by claiming you for myself.”

  My irritation with him melted away the moment he touched me. “Well, get over it, because you didn’t and it’s my opinion that matters. I love you and I want to be with you. When you talk like that, it makes me feel afraid—like you want to leave me or something.”

  He stepped closer, pulling me against him and enveloping me in his arms. “I’d sooner cut my own heart out than purposely leave you. You have my word on that. And, as far as my earlier comment, you’re just going to have to get used to the fact that there are certain things you do that turn me on. I can’t help it. If that makes me some insufferable man, then so be it; because I like it.”

  I sighed in defeat, shaking my head. “And we’re back to the sex.”

  “Yes we are.” He laughed. “What’re we going to do about that?”

  “What do you want to do?” I asked, refusing to give in so easily.

  “Well, I’ve never had a brunette wife before.” Grinning mischievously, he stared down at me with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I’d kind of like to sweep her off her feet and take her for a ride.”

  “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “A ride? That is so not romantic, Hunter.” It surprised me how easily I was reverting back to the name I originally knew him by. If he noticed at all, he didn’t comment on it.

  “What’s romantic then? How would you seduce me?”

  “Pfft. That is the easiest thing to do on the planet. It’s not even a challenge.”

  “Really? Then tell me. What would you do?”

  “Mmm . . . let’s see. I could brush my teeth, or my hair for that matter. Both of those have turned you on before. Washing dishes always seems to do it for you, too. Oh, and of course there’s sweeping, vacuuming, and any time that I need to change my clothes. And—,”

  “Okay, okay. I get it. I’m a horny bastard.” He was grinning from ear to ea

  “I wouldn’t exactly use the term bastard. Maybe a sexual zealot?”

  Laughter burst from him and he scooped me up in his arms and headed for the front door, continuing to chuckle the entire way.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, unable to keep the smile off my face.

  “Carrying you off to bed with sexual zeal,” he replied. “Is that okay with you?”

  “I see I can add talking to the list of things that turn you on.”

  He laughed again, kicking the door shut behind us as we entered the house. “Yes, you can. Face it, Goody. Everything about you turns me on. You’re just gonna have to learn to live with it.”

  “I thought I already had been. Hello? Got pregnant on birth control, here, unless you’ve forgotten?”

  Hurrying up the stairs as if I weighed no more than a feather, he lowered me to my feet when we reached the top and grabbed for the tie on my robe. “I haven’t forgotten.” As soon as the knot was loose, he moved his hands inside and slid the robe off my shoulders. It fell in a pile on the floor.

  “Then what are we going to do for birth control in the future?” I asked as he bent to kiss the side of my neck.

  “Don’t know,” he said against my skin, as his hands ran over my arms before dragging me flush against him. “Just have lots of kids, I guess, because I’m not stopping this.”

  My breath hitched as he tugged at my earlobe with his teeth. “Well, then. With the loss of our house, I’m predicting you will need to build a much bigger one after all,” I teased.

  His hands slid to the sides of my face and he stared at me seriously. “I’ll build you a castle to fill up with our children if that’s what it takes.” Pressing his lips to mine, he walked me backwards until the back of my knees hit the bed. Laying me carefully on the mattress, I released a moan as he continued kissing his way down my body.

  Tangling my hands in his hair, I gave into the sensations that followed. “I love you, Dylan,” I said, not caring that I wasn’t supposed to use that name.

  Apparently, he didn’t care either. “I love you too, Cami. More than you’ll ever know.”


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