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Addiction Page 10

by Brie Paisley

  That mixed with everything else he’s making me feel, my orgasm rushes through me, taking over completely. I cry out, as my body tenses up, but Sebastian never stops. He begins to suck on my clit, bringing out a loud gasp from me, as his fingers inside my pussy thrust deep inside of me.

  His finger in my ass slowly does the same.

  “Oh, fuck,” I scream out, and instantly, come again. It seems like wave after wave rush through me, stealing my breath, but I smile, as the intense sensations wash over me. I’ve never felt such satisfaction before, and I’ve never felt so completely pleased either.

  And I still want more.

  With Sebastian, he makes me realize how much my body can feel and endure in one night. Maybe, that was the reason behind his lesson on control to begin with. Either way, I’m flying on a high I’ve never reached before, and I find myself never wanting to come down.

  But I slowly do, as he takes his finger out of my ass, and then my pussy. But that tongue doesn’t stop. I bite my bottom lip, as my sensitive nub sends more pleasure through me, and I moan, as he gives me one final lick.

  Sighing deeply, I fall down onto my hands, panting harder than I thought possible. When his hand grazes my ass and moves up towards my back, I turn my head, seeing a smirk on his face.

  “I like the way your pussy tastes,” he claims, and I moan, loving the way he talks dirty to me. “Do you want more, milyy pitomets?”

  My answer is instant. “Yes, please, sir.”

  “Good,” he says, as he gets off of the bed, and then walks to the other side of the room.

  I watch, wondering what he’s doing, as he stops in front of a dresser I missed before. He pulls a drawer out, reaching inside to grab something. Once he has it, he quickly shuts the drawer, and then makes his way back to me with a smirk on his lips, holding something in each hand.

  He tosses whatever he’s hiding onto the bed, and then reaches for me. It’s easier to move, since he tied my hands in front of me this time, but I still find it hard to move on my own. My legs feel limp and heavy, but Sebastian patiently waits for me, as he continues to help me off the bed. Once I’m standing, he still holds onto me, as if he’s afraid I might fall.

  It’s a good thing he does too, because I sway forward. His only response is a smirk, and I get the feeling he enjoys seeing me this way. It’s his fault my legs won’t work right.

  When I find my bearings, both of his hands cup each side of my cheeks, and I suck in a deep breath, as he leans down, and then tenderly kisses me. At first, his kiss is so sweet and gentle. But then, as his tongue slides inside my mouth, it turns demanding and hard just how I’m beginning to love. I moan, as his taste fills my mouth, and as he moves a hand towards the back of my neck. All the while, my entire body starts to hum with an all too familiar tingle. The harder he kisses me the more I fall under his spell.

  But just as fast as the kiss starts, he pulls away, leaving me breathless. He doesn’t give me a chance to blink or even think, before grabbing both of my shoulders, turning me around, so that my back is facing him. Keeping my body relaxed, he slowly slides the hand that was on my neck down, to the middle of my back, and then gently pushes me forward.

  I know what the silent command means, so I lay chest down onto the bed, waiting for what is going to come next. Turning my head, so I’m more comfortable, I get why he wanted me to keep my heels on. The way I’m positioned now, gives him full control over me, while making sure I’m comfortable as well.

  With my heart thumping wildly in my chest, I swallow hard, wondering what he’s doing. I can’t see him, but I know he’s nearby. I can feel his presence, as if he’s gazing at me. The longer I lay on the bed, hands stretched out in front of me, the more my pussy throbs, wanting to be filled.

  “What a sight,” he praises, and I close my eyes for a moment, relishing his praise. I never knew how good it would feel to hear something like that from him, but it does. It makes me feel less insecure about having my entire body laid out wide open for him to gaze at. “There are so many things I want to do to you, Trixie.”

  A shiver runs through me, hearing the excitement in his voice. Snapping my eyes open, I let out a sigh, once his hands finally begin to touch me. They slowly start at my thighs, and then move up towards my back.

  “I need you to pick a safe word, before I begin,” he claims, as he still continues to pet me.

  He lets me think about a word for a moment, and once I finally have it, I utter, “Teal.” I don’t add that it’s my favorite color, but I do remember Kendra telling me to choose something that’s easy to remember.

  “Teal it is then,” he says, and then I feel his hands leave me.

  Moving my head, I watch, as he reaches forward, grabbing whatever he tossed on the bed earlier. My mouth goes dry, as my stomach clenches, realizing what he now holds in his hands. As if he can feel my entire body tense, he drops the bottle of lube, and then begins to rub my back again.

  “Relax, Trixie, and trust me.”

  Swallowing hard, I do so, but I’m a little worried. Not only do I notice the bottle of lube, but I also notice the butt plug as well. One thing about me being so open with sex, I’ve searched a lot for different varieties of toys, and anal play was never on the top of my list. But I’m going to trust that Sebastian knows what he’s doing, and that he’ll make me feel nothing but pleasure.

  As I relax once more, he uses both hands to spread my legs out further. I hear the rustling of clothes as well, and my heart pounds away, as I lay there for him, waiting for what’s to come. Once the rustling stops, he leans down, and I moan, feeling his body heat. God, I wish he would flip me over, so that I could admire him. Either way, I’m grateful to be able to feel him.

  “You’ve been such a good little pet,” he praises, as he runs his fingers through my hair. I turn my head more to the side, relishing in the sweet gesture. With his other hand, he runs it up and down my ass cheek, and once again, I’m wet and ready for him. “Don’t forget to use your safe word, if you need it,” he calmly states. Even though I didn’t forget about it, it’s nice to know that he’s still thinking about me and my needs.

  It still shocks me at how thoughtful he is, when it comes to being with him.

  As his hand on my ass starts to move towards my aching core, my breath begins to race, waiting and wanting him to touch me, where I crave most. “Is your sweet pussy wanting more, milyy pitomet?”

  My answer is a loud moan, especially when he slides a finger down the slit of my pussy. “Fuck, you’re always so wet and ready for me,” he groans, as two of his fingers easily slip inside me, and my breath hitches.

  With his weight on top of me, I can’t move, even if I wanted to, but at the same time, I’m starting to love having to stay still, letting him have his way with me. It’s also becoming easier to do, especially as his fingers begin to thrust in and out of me slowly. I moan, savoring all the sensations he’s already bringing out of me, and I know he’s only getting started.

  His light touch with my hair changes as well, turning into a tight grip with his fist. “Sebastian,” I cry out, as his thumb starts to rub on my clit.

  It doesn’t matter that I’ve just had an orgasm. It wouldn’t matter, if he fucked me all night long and gave me a million orgasms. I’m always going to want more from him, and that’s the case now. I feel the familiar urge to let go coming up fast, but I clench my walls around his fingers, hoping to stop it from consuming me.

  “Let me feel you, milyy pitomets,” he demands, surprising me more than anything. And let go I do. It only takes one more thrust, before I’m calling out his name. My orgasm rips through me, completely and utterly stealing my breath from my lungs.

  As the waves of pleasure slowly dissipates, Sebastian lets go of my hair, and then slowly moves up, taking his skillful fingers out of my pussy. I hear the crinkle of a condom wrapper, and just like the last time we were together, he lets me see the empty wrapper, once he’s gotten the condom out.

heart beats hard in my chest, as I feel him at my entrance. Sucking in a deep breath and then licking my lips, I will myself to calm down. It’s crazy how much I want him inside of me. It seems insane that I crave this part the most.

  It’s like his hard cock is my brand new addiction, and I’m impatiently waiting to get my fix for the night.

  Feeling him slowly pushing inside, I moan, loving how my walls stretch for him. It’s such an intoxicating sensation, and even more so, as he uses my hips to hold himself up. “You may come as much as you want tonight, milyy pitomets, but only for tonight,” he states, and then slides all the way inside of me.

  He stills, as I catch my breath, getting used to the feeling of him inside of me. I’m still reeling over the exquisite pleasure of his cock, and I’m shocked he’s given me so much freedom with my orgasms.

  Either way, I breathlessly say, “Thank you, sir.”

  My response earns me a deep thrust, and I almost come right then and there. “Such a polite pet,” he says, and then thrusts in deep again. He’s slow about it too, and it’s hard not to lose myself with all the sensations. “Next time, I think I should fuck your polite mouth to dirty it up some.”

  “Oh, fuck,” I moan out, as he begins to really fuck me. He’s still so controlled, as he does so, but at the same time, his thrusts are hard and punishing. All I can do, is let him fuck me however he wants and enjoy what he’s giving me.

  It’s not too long, before I feel the cool liquid of the lube, being poured on my ass. At first, I start to wonder what he’s doing, but then, his finger is on my clit, making me completely forget about what’s going on. He never loses his pace, as he rubs my swollen nub.

  I’m starting to drown in pleasure and lust, but I don’t care anymore. All I want is for him to keep fucking me with abandon, as if there is no reason in the world to stop. I even welcome his fingers, as they begin to massage my asshole.

  “Please, sir. Please,” I beg, and a part of me doesn’t want to say what I want.

  “Say it,” he demands, as his finger slowly slides inside my hole. I moan and bite my lip, as he starts to slide that finger in and out, but I still can’t say what he wants. “Say it, Trixie,” he commands again, only this time, he removes his finger, and then adds the plug in its place. “Tell me you want me to fuck you in the ass, using this toy. I want to hear you say you want it,” he claims, as he thrusts his cock deep inside of me, and then holds still.

  The plug is barely inside of me, but it’s in enough that I want more. That and the fact that his thrusts have stopped, along with his rubbing of my clit. He’s holding still, waiting for me to say the forbidden words.

  Naturally, it doesn’t take me very long to get over it.

  “Please, sir. Fuck me in the ass with the toy.”

  “Good girl,” he praises, as he thrusts in hard and deep. At the same time, his thumb starts back to rubbing my clit, but the one thing that sets me off, is that toy.

  He slowly slides it inside of me, and the sensations are too much. Before it’s all the way in, I cry out, as my orgasm tares through me. Tears even fill my eyes, as so much pleasure is being forced onto me, but I relish it. I’ve never felt something so intense before, and as I slowly come down, Sebastian doesn’t even give me a moment to rest.

  “One more,” he states, and begins to fuck me harder and faster. With each of his thrusts, the plug mimics his motions, too. If I had to guess, this would be similar to what it would feel like, if he was fucking me in the ass, instead of using a toy.

  But I’m not complaining. I’ve never felt something so damn good before, and I don’t hold back my orgasm, as it barrels right to the surface. It comes on so fast, that it shocks me, but it’s still as powerful, as the others.

  I even start to see black dots in my vision, as it takes over.

  Sebastian allows me to ride it out, before taking away the plug, and then his rubbing on my clit. His thrusts even start to slow, and I realize he’s reached his end as well. With one final thrust deep inside of me, I hear the addictive sound of his groan, and I smile.

  Even if I can’t see his face, hearing that groan, is enough for me.

  Once he’s spent, he slowly slides out, bringing out another moan from me. I lay halfway on the bed, and honestly, just too strung out to move. Is this what people on drugs feel like, once they get their high? If so, it’s no wonder most people can’t shake the habit.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Sebastian leans over me and quickly unbinds my hands. Now that my hands are free, he helps me move up on the bed, so that I’m not laying half off of it anymore. As I roll to my back, I turn my head to admire the man before me. His shirt is untucked and looks wrinkled. I smirk, seeing he didn’t bother to fully undress again. His pants are hanging off of him, and even though his length isn’t hard anymore, it still looks impressive.

  I want to ask him why he prefers not to show off his body, but I decide against it for now. This moment is too perfect, and the last thing I want is to come off needy, or as if I’m nagging him with questions. Instead, I take in what I can, and only hope, one day he lets me see him underneath all the clothes.

  And I enjoy watching him, even if he’s not naked like me. My eyes track his every movement, even when he takes off my heels and quietly places them on the floor. I watch, as he turns to walk towards a small room on the other side of this room, and once he turns on the light, I realize there is a bathroom in here. I wonder if all the rooms come with one, too. It would make sense and be more practical.

  As Sebastian takes care of his needs in the restroom, my eyes start to close, and I realize suddenly how tired I am. Shutting them for a moment, I tell myself that I’ll just rest, until he comes back out.

  I’m sure he’ll wake me, once he’s finished.

  Four months later

  Sitting on the couch with Ava, I take a sip of wine, while she nurses a glass of apple juice. It’s been a couple of months, since I’ve been able to come see her, and at times, I wish she didn’t live an hour away. I can’t be upset about it, though. Viktor bought her a very nice home closer to her parents, and a ballet studio right down the road. It’s everything she wanted, so of course, Viktor had to give it to her. I tell her on more than one occasion that he spoils her. She always laughs, and then blushes, so I know he makes her happy.

  “So,” Ava starts, giving me a look that I know isn’t going to lead anywhere good. “What is the deal with you and Sebastian?”

  It’s not a secret that we’re a thing, but I haven’t said anything about it, mainly because I’m not sure what we are. Since the night at his club, we’ve been spending a lot of time together, and I’ve even spent a few nights with him at his place. It seems strange, when I think back to that one night that started it all.

  After our wild night of fucking, I passed out from being so pleasured, and when I woke up, there he was right beside me. Since then, he’s not far away. Well, except when we’re at The Gentlemen’s Club.

  Now, that might end up being a problem for us.

  Not wanting to over think it, I take a sip of wine, before I answer her. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  She gives me a pointed look, as if she doesn’t believe me. “Trix, come on. It’s me, so you can tell me.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to tell you. It’s because I can’t. We’re together, but I’m not sure what we are. I haven’t tried to press him for labels.” Ava frowns, and I get the urge to spill everything that I’ve been thinking about for the past few months. “Sebastian is so open about certain things, but others stuff, he’s so closed off. Some nights, I forget all about labels, because he’s so great to me.”

  “But you’d like to be more,” she adds.

  “Yeah, I would. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the sex is phenomenal, but I really don’t know that much about him. Every time I ask about his past or something personal, he shuts me down.” I usually don’t make a big deal out of it, because he uses my overzealous sex drive against me.
  Ava rubs a hand over her belly, and I get a pang in my chest, as I watch her do so. She’s eight months along in her pregnancy now, and she’s literally glowing with love. I sometimes wonder, if I’ll ever feel love like that.

  “You know, Vik used to be the same way with me. There was a time that he wouldn’t even talk to me in English, if he didn’t want me to know something.”

  “Jesus, what’s with the Matvei men? Sebastian does the exact same thing, and it drives me insane.”

  She laughs, as she says, “That’s why I wanted to learn Russian.”

  “That’s a good idea, but I wish he wouldn’t do that. Is it so bad that I wish he would open up to me?”

  She reaches over, grabbing my hand, before stating, “No, it’s not a bad thing at all. With Seb.” She stops for a moment, and then sighs, before saying, “He’s got a lot of issues that he doesn’t want to see. I wish I could tell you, Trix, but this is something he needs to work on himself. All I can offer you is to be patient with him.”

  My stomach drops, hearing her advice. It’s not something I wanted to hear, but nevertheless, I didn’t come over here for her to lie to me. I know he has issues, but I don’t know how deep those issues run.

  “Thank you for being honest. I’d much rather someone be honest with me, versus letting me sit and wonder what in the world is going on.”

  Sighing deeply, I glance at my wine glass, and begin to swirl the liquid around, as I ponder on what I should do about Sebastian. A part of me wants to demand more from him, but the other part, is just afraid. What if I push him too far, and I lose him?

  But … what if that’s what he needs me to do?

  “I can literally hear what you’re thinking, Trix,” Ava interrupts, and I snap my gaze to her. “I can’t tell you not to ask for more, but I just want you to be careful. When I first met Seb, he was such an ass, but I finally figured out that it’s all an act. Somewhere deep down, there is a really good man, waiting to come out.”

  Nodding, I add, “I see it, too. I’m not sure why I only get bits and pieces, but I know there is more to him.” He practically shows me that part of him every single time, when we’re together, which makes me believe he cares for me, even if he hasn’t said so. Actions always speak louder than words, and his actions paint a very clear picture for me.


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