When Fate Unravels

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When Fate Unravels Page 11

by A. K. Koonce

  * * *

  It surprises me how close the secret community of mystics is to my camp. Weeks passed when I traveled from the camp to Asher’s grandparents’ house. The mystics are faster than humans. All it took was a quiet statement from Kaino about how much faster it would be if we all ran to the camp.

  “I could always carry you,” Declan says to me with a playful smile that gains him glares from everyone in the group.

  “Not a chance,” Asher says, stepping between Declan and I as I fasten my backpack around my stomach, my fingers fumble, the clasps falling from my hands when his hard body presses against my side.

  “Kaino’s right, though, we’d make better time if you let me help you,” Asher says in a whisper as he takes the clasps from my hands, his fingers brushing against my bare stomach. My shirt is short and reveals soft flesh to him, making my breath catch with every movement of his hands. He buckles my pack around my midsection but his hands slip over my sides, almost holding me against him, but not quite. My palms land on his forearms, but I don’t dare move another inch.

  We’re on the outskirts of the community, at the edge of the forest. No one can see us here, other than the three others traveling with us.

  “Let me help you,” he says in a gravelly whisper, his mouth pressed against my ear, sending shivers across my skin with every hot breath he takes.

  I clear my throat and nod, my heart beating wildly in my chest as my mind fills with inappropriate thoughts. My eyes dart around to the others. Luca’s eyes are wide as she watches us intently with a smile.

  Declan starts off without a word, running into the forest in a blur of blonde movement. Asher smirks and I push his shoulder lightly as I roll my eyes. He bites back his amusement as he lifts me in his arms, our eyes meeting once I’m held safely against his strong chest. All humor is gone. His eyes dip to my lips for only a second before he begins running.

  I yelp as my hands cling around his neck. My stomach drops with a sense of diving as we run at a speed that I can’t even imagine. I try to focus on the person running next to us but my stomach twists uncomfortably as my eyes strain to see clearly.

  I bury my face in his chest, breathing in his warm scent as I wait for the ride to be over. Praying I won’t be sick before we get there.

  It takes two long days for us to make it to the camp. I only puked once. It’s something I take pride in admitting. The others don’t consider it an achievement like I do…

  “Okay, Declan you know the drill. Stay hidden,” Asher tells him with a smirk.

  “Why would I hide when you’re going to be walking around in plain sight?”

  “I’m a friend of a friend. We don’t want to send in every hybrid the Wanderers have, it’ll look like a revenge ambush for our fallen ancestors,” Asher says, dripping sarcasm into every word. He bumps his shoulder casually against Declan’s as he passes.

  A long sigh passes my lips as I trade a glance with Luca who shares my annoyance.

  “Both of you will be in hiding,” I tell them, stopping Asher in his arrogant tracks. He pauses at my side and slowly nods, his now shaggy dark hair brushing against his ears with the movement. “Stay here in the tree line, don’t draw attention to yourselves. I’ll gather a crowd later tonight after the patrols have left the village.”

  The village guards don’t linger within the camp after curfew. They’ll survey the homes and keep the wealthier people safe and monitored but they can’t be spared to keep our camp under watch during the night.

  Asher reaches out to me, his warm fingers slipping against mine. “I’ll do whatever you ask, Fallon. Just say the word and I’ll do it.”

  My heart flutters and I have to look away from him as his words from the other night trail through my thoughts.

  “So we’re ready?” Kaino asks as he takes a step toward the camp that is bustling with work in the midday sun that burns down on us.

  “Not you. Just Luca,” I say, moving closer to my friend.

  Kaino’s dark brows lower, shading his amber eyes.

  “Luca isn’t brooding with emotion. The people will like her.” The people are also less likely to guess that she’s a wolf…

  The three mystics that I have fully pushed away are now staring down at me. I’ve never been in charge before and for a second I’m flooded with authority. A feeling of power almost and the idea of using it against them crosses my mind for an instant before my passive mood returns.

  “I’ll meet you back here at nightfall.”

  I remove the belt at my waist, the Crimson Sword swaying in the wind as I hand it to Asher. He stares down at it for a few moments, the sword that was once his but is now mine. I know it’ll only cause more questions and that I should leave it behind, but I feel too light without it resting protectively at my side.

  Luca and I walk out into the opening, a few men close to the edge of the woods stop and stare at me, pointing and whispering with shifting eyes as I walk toward the center of the camp.

  It takes everything I have not to look back for Asher.

  * * *

  The camp’s cook, Mrs. Hollis, watches me the entire time that Luca and I eat the sliced apples and the half of a ham sandwich that she was able to spare us. The woman’s mouth hasn’t closed since I walked through her kitchen door. She holds her hands tightly together, the knuckles turning white as she brushes her fingers back and forth, worrying the thin lines and sun spots that grace her hands.

  “Where did he take you, the monster? Everyone’s heard, all the surrounding villages, we searched for months…”

  The breath catches in my lungs at the use of the word monster. I take a small sip of warm water as I think about her question.

  I look over my shoulder, only the kitchen staff and about a dozen intrigued people from outside have wandered into the small room. No guards are in sight. I look to Luca hesitantly, the questioning eyes of the room follow her movements as she weaves around bodies until she’s standing at the door, the sun blazing against her smooth caramel skin.

  Once Luca is standing watch, I lean over the table prepared to tell Hollis in a hushed tone what happened. Then I think better of it. My story can’t be told in a quiet voice, the voice I used to own, the unsure girl that required her mother’s guidance. My mother isn’t here anymore, it’s just me.

  “He isn’t a monster.” I stand and turn, taking in the dozens of dirty faces that stare back at me. My stomach dips from their attention but I swallow the nervousness down and continue saying what I know has to be said. “The hybrid-vampires are more human than vampire. They’ve been painted as the villain of our world. They’re not. The people oppressing us are.”

  My voice raises in a commanding and confident tone that I didn’t know I possessed. Whispers begin circulating the room as I continue speaking. “The mystics are good and kind. Just like you and me they have their flaws.” I pause, realizing how often they celebrate with heavy doses of alcohol and promiscuous behavior, then I shake it off and focus on the people around me. “The mystics are free. They reside in a community just like ours, except the government doesn’t interfere with their lives. They’re free to unite with whoever they like, they’re free to live how they like, with jobs that they enjoy and with as many children as they deem fit for their family.”

  The women of the room have fallen silent, no more speculating whispers grace their lips. They stare with pain-stricken eyes as they listen to me speak of freedoms they’ve never experienced.

  “We could have that, too. The mystics want us to have that. They want to help us.”

  “How?” Mrs. Hollis asks, her hands now fisting a dirty towel.

  I think about what Raske wants me to sacrifice for all these mystics to have the lives they deserve. Deep down I know I won’t, I won’t live a life of complacency. I’ve lived that life for years and it isn’t meant for anyone.

  “By being informed. By spreading the word. Our government hides the mystic’s freedom from us. They abuse us as well as them.
Neither of us should be hiding from the other. Information is something we don’t have, that’s why the hybrids have been misconstrued for generations. Because information comes solely from the group of people that is meant to help us. They aren’t helping us. They’re controlling us. We need to help ourselves.”

  A few dazed looking individuals nod back at me and a few remain impassive to my words.

  “I’d like you to meet the person that saved me from my life here.” Ky’s face flashes through my mind as well as Asher’s. As well as my mother’s… “Meet a mystic just like Luca.” The room shifts as a single unit, all bodies turning to stare at the beautiful werewolf, seeing her for what she really is for the first time.

  She smiles at them, a look of kindness touching the curve of her lips.

  “With the help of many, Luca saved me. Tonight, I ask you all to tell those that you trust, that you care about, that a change can happen in their lives. If they’re strong enough to allow it.”

  I glance to Mrs. Hollis, the woman that shows compassion and strength with her every breath. “I’ll arrange a meeting place with Mrs. Hollis. She’ll only reveal the location if the person asking is trustworthy of the information.” Sweat begins to appear at the woman’s brow and she wipes it hastily away as her darting eyes meet mine.

  I lean over the hardwood counter now, resting my hand on hers. “Say you’ll help us. Say you’ll help them as well as yourself,” I whisper.

  She swallows and adverts her eyes toward the flour-dusted floor. “When I was your age, I wanted kids. Loads of them.” Her lip quivers as she takes a big breath, her chest heaving wide with the movement. “I was told I wasn’t qualified but my cooking skills were above average. They assigned me to cook for the local school instead.” My hand tightens on hers, my chest growing heavier with every word she confesses.

  Her breath catches but she continues. “I ran away. I just couldn’t let someone else live my life. They found me though and brought me back to the work camp. Sentenced me to live my life here alone, without my unity partner or family or any children. And I’ve done it. For fifty-six years, I’ve done nothing but live the life I was told I was qualified to have. We’re done with that lifestyle.”

  She releases my hand and looks to the overflowing and stifling room full of people. “For those of you that are tired of not having a say in your life, come to me and I will tell you the time and the place for a change.” Her voice booms over the heads of the listening audience. “A change that will promise your children a better life. A life of freedom!”

  Anxious smiles greet the cook that everyone knows and respects. My heart leaps at the sight of the responsive community. I whisper a location and hour to the beaming woman and then as quickly as possible, Luca and I scurry back to the woods. Like two mice plotting a secret revolution…

  Chapter Sixteen


  Asher slips his fingers through mine, his palm squeezing a jolt of reassurance through me. The five of us stand in the camp’s shed. Half a dozen tractors are lined against one wall, outdated and twisted metal shine against the dim lighting in the room. It’s as much light as we’re willing to risk at this hour of the night.

  Kaino stands with his arms folded across his wide chest, a look of impatience filling the commander’s stern face.

  Luca brushes her arm against his. “Relax your posture. These people have never met a mystic before, they don’t want to walk in here and come face to face with a scowling wolf. Smile a little.” She nods to her brother.

  He thinks for a moment and then uncrosses his arms, she gives him another reassuring nod. Slowly the most conflicting and tense smile fills his face. A smile that makes my stomach drop. A smile that appears false and a little sadistic.

  “Don’t smile,” she says in a rush. “Just, stand toward the back and maybe they won’t notice you too much.”

  Declan smirks and joins me at the center of the room. “You sure this is a good idea? What if they decide to just burn this shack down instead? Get rid of the few mystics that are creeping into their territory.”

  I turn to him, the shadows hiding his feelings from me. He stuffs his hands into his pockets as he waits for my response. He wants to leave. He doesn’t trust these people. Maybe he’s afraid they’ll reject him. All Declan’s ever felt is rejection, he’s used to it, he anticipates it. My emotions cloud my chest as I look at him.

  “They won’t,” I tell him. “They’re trusting us. We have to trust them, too.” I touch his arm and he looks at me, his silver eyes catching the light and holding it in his gaze. He stares at me for a long curious moment before nodding slowly and walking away, back into the shadows.

  Footsteps echo through the high rafters—hundreds of footsteps—so many my heart begins to race faster with the sound of each new person walking into the room. Asher squeezes my hands once more before stepping away from me and joining the other three mystics behind me.

  Mrs. Hollis stands at the front of the overflowing crowd. They’re a mass of black clothing, dignified clothing assigned by the government to keep them cool in the ever rising heat. I glance back at the shirtless men and the cropped shirt that Luca wears that matches my own.

  I cross my arms nervously over my stomach, hiding the exposed skin there, feeling more different than these people I grew up with than ever before. I can feel myself beginning to sink to my own self-doubt.

  What if we’re too different? What if they don’t want to work side by side with the mystics? What if they really do just want to burn this place to the ground?

  A palm brushes my elbow, I turn, almost expecting Asher but I’m met with the warm eyes of a wolf. Luca smiles at me as she subtly shifts our stance toward the crowd again.

  “Thank you all for joining us tonight,” she says in a smooth and confident tone. Her capturing voice and assured movements reminding me of her father in this moment. “Fallon appreciates your support and we’ll start by hearing her journey. A journey that many of you, in a strange way, might find you relate to.”

  I stare out at the watchful eyes of the audience that I asked to come here. And I can’t think of a single word to say.

  Why didn’t I write something down? I can physically feel the labor my lungs are putting into guiding air through my chest. Heat begins to flame my face, creeping slowly up my neck and cheeks.

  I swallow as I rack my mind for what to say.

  “My-” A pause fills my mind as I begin speaking without thought. “My mother was just like you. Just like all of you. She obeyed when she wanted nothing more than to run away. She wasted her life away in the confines of this camp. She watched the one man she loved from a distance, never actually feeling love the way you should.” I glance back at Asher as my nerves wash away.

  “For those of you who don’t know, Charlotte died last year.” My voice catches, still echoing around us, and I realize it’s the first time I’ve admitted that she’s dead… “She died trying to save me from the life she led. A life that isn’t really a life at all. Is it really living if you’re emotions are scheduled by the government? Love and family and employment are all dictated to us like animals. We’re not animals. The mystics behind me are not animals. We’re the same, them and us.”

  I scan the crowd for an instant. “Except they’re free. Hidden but free.”

  Whispers crawl through the room. Shifting eyes try to decide if I’m lying or not.

  “I was raised by mortals, two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet,” Asher says as he walks to my side. “My mother was human. I’m half human. My friends,” He hesitates, the word friend seeming odd in his tone. “they’re half human. They’re from a society that your government created. A nice little community where people live as they please without magic and without shifting. Kaino is a strong warrior but he hasn’t turned into his natural wolf form since he was a child. Because that was the condition of the agreement between the mortals and the mystics. They aren’t raging beasts. They can control it. Just
like humans can control their temper.”

  “Until they can’t and someone dies!” an unseen voice shouts. The man’s anger and hatred carries through the room and gains nods and glares from the others.

  Asher shifts on his feet, his arms crossing for an instant. “I could say the same for you. Anyone can lose their temper, man or mystic. The government is breeding hostility among us all.”

  “If you joined with us, if you let us help you,” I tell them, “your lives can only improve. You’re worried about death but your people are dying every day. They’re being imprisoned for petty, ruthless reasons. Your loved ones, your friends, are not safe here.”

  I’m met with silence and blinking eyes as my heart begins quivering in my chest.

  They don’t want our help…

  Mrs. Hollis steps forward, the community watches the large and captivating woman’s every step. “When do we leave?” Her question hangs in the air like the stifling black sweater that hangs from her shoulders.

  My lungs shake as I take in a breath, assurance bubbling within my chest as I speak, “Soon. Really soon.”

  * * *

  Our journey home feels different. I should be bursting with hope but instead, tension fills my body. Declan keeps catching my eye as we walk into the forest, just on the outskirts of the camp. His silver eyes reflect the moon as they shift through the dense shadows.

  “Did you hear that?” he asks, stopping abruptly in his tracks, his head tilting as he listens to the silence.

  Nothing is heard, not even the wildlife dares make a move with the mystics that surround me.

  “I don’t hear anything,” Kaino says.

  “Me either,” whispers Luca, her shoulders stiff as she scans the area.

  In a flash of movement, Asher is at my side, his hand gripping the sword at his hip.

  “We should check it out just in case,” Declan tells us.

  Asher nods, his jaw strung tight as he follows the other hybrid into the clearing. Kaino and Luca move with hushed steps, their tawny eyes judging every angle of our surroundings.


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