Memory Seal- Volume 1

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Memory Seal- Volume 1 Page 18

by Insane Mooncake

  He glanced at her and sent a message back. “Same reason you listened to the other guy’s stories. I find the kid interesting, and I want to know more about what he knows.”

  Charlotte looked away. “Hmph.”

  Charles rolled his eyes, then turned his attention back to Wesley. “Depending on the gem used, as well as the seals drawn on each layer, the armor will provide the user with different capabilities. Well, that’s the basics.”

  Wesley nodded.

  “How much do you know about ice magic?”

  “Quite a bit.”

  “Well, did you know…”

  Wesley went on to basically recite his entire knowledge base regarding ice magic, but every time he asked “did you know that”, Charles nodded.

  By the time Wesley had finished, the sun had reached its peak in the sky, and stomaches in the carriage, as well as around it, were starving.

  “Mack, halt the carriage.”

  “Yes, young miss!”

  The carriage slowed to a halt, and those inside jumped out.

  The guards set a perimeter, while Charles and Charlotte pulled some ingredients out of their Rings of Holdings to cook.

  Seeing the things the twins pulled out, Gust began drooling almost immediately, even though none of it was cooked.

  “Do either of you know how to cook?” He asked.

  Charles and Charlotte looked at each other. Being nobles, they’d had their food cooked for them since birth. Of course neither of them had learned how to cook.

  Similarly, for those who went through Knight training, cooking would have been regarded as a waste of time, so, none of the guards had cooking experience either. They usually just poured a bunch of spices on top of cuts of meat, and hoped for the best.

  With the ingredients they had, the results were usually not the worst, but definitely nowhere near the results that could be had, had they known what they were doing.


  Gust gestured toward the ingredients the twins had spread out.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Yeah, go ahead.”

  Charlotte was more than intrigued. Could this mysterious storyteller also cook?

  As if on cue, Gust explained himself. “Some three odd years ago, I lived for a few months in a city in your Larwin Kingdom, and worked as a line chef for a small restaurant.”

  What Gust didn’t tell them, was that he had only been responsible for a single dish, and didn’t really know how to cook otherwise.

  But when in doubt, wing it! By being the one cooking the dishes, it’d be easier for him and Wesley to pig out, instead of just being freeloaders.

  Thankfully, the dishes turned out okay, and the smell intoxicated not only the twins, but their guards as well.

  Wesley’s nose actually recognized one of the dishes. “I smell golden duck!”

  The fourteen of them, guards included, sat around in a circle and virtually inhaled the food that had been prepared, prompting Gust to prepare more.

  Of course, he didn’t forget to “flavor check” quite a few more times than needed for each dish.

  After the meal, fourteen round bellies could be seen, prompting some of the guards to laugh at each other, and even at Wesley.

  Just like it always had after a large meal, Wesley’s stomach jutted out fairly significantly, and he looked almost as if he could be rolled down a hill.

  In the midst of all of the laughter, everyone let their guards down a bit and simply enjoyed the moment.

  After the meal, Gust and Wesley elected to walk by the carriage for a bit to stretch their legs, and so joined the guards in a rough circle around the carriage. The two walked a few steps behind the carriage.

  “So, what’d you think of them?” Gust asked Wesley.

  “They’re rather nice.”



  “Hm. I don’t quite know what to think of them yet. They’re kind of arrogant, if you look at how they treat their guards, and they bought themselves a carriage, for crying out loud. It’s a week’s walk.

  “Also, they’ve been clearly trying to figure out our backgrounds. Good job on not telling them much, by the way.”

  “No problem, turns out Charles already knew everything I told him about magic, anyway.”

  Meanwhile, in the carriage, a similar conversation was going on.

  “What did you think of the kid, sister?”

  “He’s cute, but not worth our time. Why do you keep talking to him? You even gave them our food. At least the older one is useful, he cooked for us, but the little one is a waste.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, sis. Didn’t you listen to him talk? The kid’s knowledge regarding magic is extraordinary for someone his age.”

  “Is it? I thought it was fairly normal.”

  “Did you really know so much 8 years ago? You would have far surpassed anyone in our grade.”

  Charlotte thought back. “Hm, I don’t remember.”

  “Well, believe me.”

  Chapter 31

  As the days passed, not only did the four youngsters grow closer together, but the guards appreciated Gust and Wesley more and more, as well.

  At the twins were under their protection, as part of their job, it wouldn’t be quite right for the guards to socialize with them. Besides, the twins were more than a little uptight, and were uncomfortable for them to communicate with.

  Gust and Wesley, on the other hand, gave them no such reservations. As such, it became a common sight to see guards joking around with Gust and Wesley.

  By the time they reached Lumient City, they’d all become friends.

  Which leads us to the current situation.

  Just outside the western gate of Lumient City, Charles and Charlotte exchanged hugs with Gust and Wesley, who then did the same with all of the guards, including even Mack.

  “Well, like I said, we have to report to the academy. Charlotte and I hope that everything goes well with your extended family. Goodbye, Wesley, Gust.”

  “See ya.”

  Gust and Wesley watched the carriage roll away, then looked at each other, and shrugged.

  “At least the food was good.”


  “Well, let’s go find your family, shall we. You nervous?”


  The two looked up at the city walls, then craned their necks to look farther up in order to the see the very top of the castle walls.

  “Those are very high.”

  “Higher than the ones back home.” Wesley still remembered the castle walls around Blue Wind City, but even those weren’t as high at the castle walls here.

  “Well, the Conarite Kingdom is big, but they’re not really known for much. Lumient City is the capital city of the Reiniad Kingdom, the holy land for mages, some of the richest people on the continent. So of course, Lumient City has to be the fanciest of them all.

  “Speaking of, your family should be filthy rich… after all, they’re in charge of the entire city.”

  “So, where should we go to find them?”

  “City Hall, I guess.”

  The two walked around the city, asking those around them for directions all the while. As they walked, Gust noticed that this really was the holy land of mages - normally, the population of mages vs. ordinary people was perhaps about 1/100, but here, he could see people wearing mage robes everywhere.

  After half an hour of walking, they finally made it to a tall, administrative looking building. People with harried expression poured in and out of the building in an endless stream.

  Gust and Wesley joined the flow, and entered the building.

  Inside, a large number of clerks stood behind counters, assisting the endless stream. Several lines led to these clerks, so Gust and Wesley joined one.

  “You’d think they’d have some kind of VIP line for stuff like this.” Gust grumbled.

  He hated lines.

  “I don’t mind. It’s been months, I
can wait another while.”

  Gust continued to grumble, but more quietly this time.

  After a long wait, they finally reached the front of the line, and were waved over by a clerk.

  The clerk, a middle-aged man, addressed Gust. “What can I do for you today?”

  “Hello, sir. I’m here to bring this boy to the Lumient family. He’s a relative of theirs.”

  “Oh, another one? Well, you’re aware of the situation, yes?”

  “Uh, what situation?”

  “All you people dragging fake relatives here has pissed the Lumient family off, so anyone who isn’t verified by the family to be a relative will be immediately killed, along with whoever brings them.”

  ‘Yikes’, thought Gust.

  “Uh, I have a real one here.”

  “As they all did. Well, who am I to disagree? Anyway, in the scenario that you’ve brought a real one, your prize will be 10 million gold coins, validated by the royal crown itself. Is this acceptable?”

  Gust’s eyes nearly bulged, but the clerk didn't bat an eye.


  “Alright, well. I will contact the Lumient family for you, please wait here. Ben here will show you the way.”

  A gentleman in formal wear waved Gust and Wesley over, then led them into a VIP room. Inside was an incredibly large round dining table that could seat thirty, and a table on the side with numerous delicacies.

  “Please, help yourselves.”

  Wesley’s nose twitched, and he moved forward, but Gust held him back, and squeezed his hand.

  He whispered to Wesley through the side of his mouth. “You’re here as a relative of the Lumient family. Don’t embarrass yourself.”

  A few minutes later, a man who looked to be thirty to forty years of age rushed into the room, and looked around.

  Seeing Gust, he instantly rushed up. “Are you the relative?”

  “Uh, no. Here.” Gust pointed at Wesley and prodded him forward a bit.

  “Ah.” The man looked down, struggling to keep disappointment from showing on his face.



  “Last name?”


  “...Mother’s name?”



  The man stared at Wesley for a few more seconds, then straightened up.


  “Ben!” The man shouted.

  The man who’d led Gust and Wesley to the room earlier entered.

  “Ben, give this gentleman here his money.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Before Ben could leave, however, Gust quickly stepped forward. “Actually, could I ask for a different prize?”

  Ben turned around, intrigued. He’d never heard anyone turn down cash before.

  “I know the Lumient Family has an incredible amount of influence in the Reiniad Kingdom. Is there any way you could get me a spot in a prestigious Knight Academy?”

  Ben looked Gust up and down. The kid didn’t look like the type to become a knight. He was too thin, and his demeanor was too… casual. But, his request was indeed something that could be fulfilled.

  “Are you familiar with any weapons?”

  “Kukris, or other knives. I can also make do with short swords.”

  “A knight, probably not, but I can get you in a great Hunter school. They specialize in things like reconnaissance, assassination, and the like.”

  Gust thought about it for a short while, but he knew the answer in his heart.


  “Alright then, Ben, please write up something for this gentleman to sign, it should state that he forfeits his 10 million gold coin prize in exchange for an undetailed request.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Well, kid, you might as well come along.”

  The man grabbed Wesley and Gust, then jumped out the room’s window and flew into the air.

  In the air, the man calmly spoke to Wesley and Gust. “We’re a short way away from the family estate. I’ll bring you to the patriarch for further verification, but I’m fairly sure you are who you say you are.

  “Although, if you’ve shown up here with this kid over here - “ He shook Gust a bit. “Then I suppose everyone else is dead? We received the letter from Patricia but hadn’t received anything since, so we’d assumed the worst… hence our listing at City Hall.

  “Still, everything will depend on what the patriarch thinks of you.”

  With that, they landed in front of a giant gate that was surrounded by a 20 foot wall.

  “Welcome to Lumient family estate, Wesley.”

  Chapter 32

  With a small tap from the man, the gates opened wide opening the way for the trio to enter the expansive family estate.

  The estate was enormous, multiple times larger than even the Gia family estate in Blue Wind City.

  Two lines of guards “welcomed” the trio in, standing at rapt attention as the trio walked past.

  “Wesley, do your best to impress the patriarch. He’s… a bit bitter. As for you, what’s your name?”


  “Alright Gust, well, try not to say much unless you have to. The patriarch appreciates those who value silence.”

  “Sound gravy to me.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  After a bit, they walked into a large building that housed but a single room - thousands of square feet of empty space gave the place a stifling atmosphere.

  A lone, elderly man sat in a throne-like chair at the far end.

  The man led Wesley and Gust forward until they were about ten feet from the man.

  “Arthur greets the Patriarch. I’ve brought Wesley Gia, son of Patricia Gia, along with his helper, Gust.”

  With that, he motioned toward Wesley and Gust, and stood to the side.

  Patriarch Lumient looked down at Wesley and Gust, then focused on Wesley.

  “You’re her son? How old are you...Wesley?”

  “Im eight, almost nine.”

  “Almost thirty years ago, my son died in battle against the Clairmont Kingdom. Since then, my granddaughter, your mother, had been the jewel of my eye.

  “Until your idiot of a father brought her away.”

  Patriarch Lumient sighed. “Thirty years, with only the occasional letter, occasional messenger as a reminder that she was alive and well. Fine, I accepted it. Birds are destined to one day leave the nest.

  “But a few months ago, we received a plea for help from Patricia. Can I assume from the lack of messages since, and your… individual arrival here, that her fears detailed in the letter were correct? Has the Gia family been destroyed?”

  Wesley began to speak, but the Patriarch shook his head.

  “Come.” He beckoned with a hand.

  Wesley walked forward, until he was right in front of the Patriarch.

  “Calm your mind.”

  The patriarch reached forward, and put his hand on Wesley’s head. With his other hand, he drew a magic seal, then activated it.

  Concentrating, he shifted his way through Wesley’s memories. In a matter of moments, he’d shifted through Wesley’s birth, and some moments of his childhood.

  After his initial shock at what was happening, Wesley noticed that the patriarch seemed to linger on scenes where Wesley had been with his mother. Her smiling, loving face, her “angry” outbursts when he wouldn’t eat his vegetables, and on and on.

  Then, came the fateful night.

  Again, he saw his mother bring him out of his room in the night, saying that they were heading to the Reiniad Kingdom, when she shoved him into the carriage to protect him, and finally, when she and Dean had perished together.

  At this point, however, a powerful force suddenly attacked Patriarch Lumient’s mind, forcing him to withdraw his consciousness from Wesley’s mind.

  ‘What was that?’ The patriarch was shocked.


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