The Bosun: A Military Romance (Love is Blind Book 3)

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The Bosun: A Military Romance (Love is Blind Book 3) Page 5

by Harlow Layne

  The girls all perked up at Owen’s question and started talking excitedly to each other.

  I waited until Owen had on his lifejacket before I started up the boat and set off to our destination. Keeping my gaze on the horizon, I missed Stella getting up and moving to stand beside me. Her soft words and light touch filled me with a feeling I hadn’t felt since I was in the war. Purpose. “How do you know where we’re going?”

  “I have a GPS that I put in the coordinates to where we’re going.” I pointed to the dash.

  “But you haven’t even looked down to see.”

  Had she been watching me the whole time?

  “I know my way for the most part, but I put it in just in case. Once we get closer, I’ll be using it more,” I explained, looking down at her. “If you want, you can stay here, and I’ll show you.”

  Breaking our gaze, Stella looked away and then ducked her head. Everyone was watching us— even the guys.

  “I better not. I don’t want to be the reason we get lost and stranded out at sea.” She laughed her comment off.

  “That would never happen. All the watercraft have tracking locators on them, and if we’re gone too long without reporting in, the Captain will send out a search party.” I wasn’t sure why I told her that, but I felt the need to reassure her. “You’re safe with me.”

  Raising her hand, one finger trailed down my forearm until it reached my hand. The tip of her finger traced the veins in my hand. I wasn’t sure how a simple move could be so seductive, but it was. “For some reason, I believe you.” She spoke the words in a breathy whisper. Clearing her throat, Stella shook her head. “I’m going to go back over there before I do something that...yeah, I’m going over there.”

  Even though I wanted to tell her she could do whatever she wanted, I kept my thoughts to myself. I knew Scout and Owen would keep their mouths closed, but no matter how crazy attracted I was to Stella, I didn’t know her or her friends. All I could do was watch her walk away and remember she was going to be gone just as quickly as she came. I couldn’t let my feelings get me in trouble and fuck up my life.

  Half an hour later, we arrived at the perfect spot for snorkeling. The water was clear and not too deep. Whoever stayed back would be able to see us.

  Owen stepped to me as I set the anchor with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Do you want me to stay back?”

  Unconsciously, my gaze went to Stella as she leaned over the side with Penelope and ran her hand through the water. “I can stay if you want.” Owen wanted to stay back, likely to smoke, and so he didn’t have to deal with the ladies. They were more than likely going to be a handful going by the shrieks.

  “I’ll let you be with your lady love,” Owen said quietly but then started to crack up. While I was happy to have crew members who weren’t serious all the time, sometimes it got old. Like now.

  “Don’t make it into something it’s not,” I growled.

  Owen rolled his eyes and shrugged it off. “Dude, I’m just giving you shit because I’ve never seen you like this. Take advantage while we’re not on the boat and the girls aren’t around. You know if Ophelia gets word you’ve got the hots for one of the guests, she’s going to freak.”

  “She was a mistake. One I don’t plan to make again and a good reminder as to why I shouldn’t fuck anyone on the boat.” My tone suggested he take it as law for himself as well.

  Turning his back on the guests, he leaned close. “So maybe you can get a room tomorrow night when we’re docked.”

  Of course, Owen wouldn’t take what I said seriously.

  “That’s not going to happen, and you know it. We can’t stay off the boat when we have guests. What’s wrong with you?” I furrowed my brows as I looked him over. Owen was acting a little strange, and I wasn’t sure why. Did he want to dock so he could hook up? Because that so wasn’t happening.

  “Nothing,” he said defensively. “Is it wrong that I like seeing you happy for once?”

  I tried to decide if what he was saying was all there was to it, but I couldn’t get a read on Owen. Maybe it was just that I’d been less of a hard-ass the last two days. Whatever it was, I didn’t have time for it.

  “Put the ladder down in case anyone wants to use it instead of jumping in,” I ordered. Pushing past him, I walked to where the ladies all stood with their snorkels in hand. Scout had given them out while I was listening to Owen’s bullshit.

  “Are you ready?”

  “More than ready,” Zelda said as she eyed Scout up and down. He’d taken off his shirt and was putting his lifejacket back on.

  “Great, you can either jump in, or there’s a ladder in the back that you can take to get into the water.”

  Stella looked toward the back.

  “Come on, Stella, don’t be the stereotypical black woman who doesn’t want to get her hair wet. Jump in,” Reagan said in the snottiest tone I’d ever heard.

  I looked to Stella at the comment. She was black? Not that I cared, but I had no idea.

  “You can fuck off right now, Reagan. Don’t bring up my race ever again, or I’ll bring up what a slut you are.” Her voice was hard with what sounded like hurt in her words.

  Stella stepped onto the seat, looked back at Reagan, and flipped her off before she jumped.



  That fucking bitch. Reagan knew that I didn’t love to get my hair wet, but who the hell did? I hated spending the time washing and drying it only to then either have to straighten it or curl it. It was a waste of time. Plus, with three hot guys around, I didn’t want to look like a wet dog when I came out of the water. It had nothing to do with being black.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Pen asked, panting after she made it over to me.

  I’d swum a good distance from the boat and everyone on it. I hoped Reagan got the hint to stay the fuck away from me, or I might push her under and hold her there.

  “Why is she trying to push my buttons?” I asked, not taking my eyes off the boat where Scarlett and Zelda looked to be chewing her out. At least, I hoped so.

  “Probably because she doesn’t have any of the crew members drooling over her, and she knows she’ll never live up to your beauty.”

  I loved the way Pen tried to build me up, but it was also annoying. There was no way in hell Reagan was jealous of me. She went from sugar daddy to sugar daddy to support her and her plastic surgery addiction.

  Scarlett, Zelda, and Reagan turned to look our way, but they were too far for me to see the expressions on their faces. “She needs to stay the fuck away from me, or I’m either going to drown her or push her overboard.”

  Pen’s hand came up out of the water and landed on my shoulder. “I agree, and if you need an accomplice or an alibi, I’m here for you.” Pen always knew what to say to get me out of my funk and to start laughing. Now was no different. We laughed and talked until our group was in the water and started to make their way toward us. “Ignore her and enjoy the day. When else are you going to be on vacation in Spain on a chartered yacht for free?”

  She made a good point.

  “Never. I’m going to hang back, so I don’t do or say something stupid.”

  Pen’s eyes creased at the corners. “Do you want me to hang back with you?”

  “I’ll be okay. I think I need this time to myself, you know.”

  “If you want any company, you know where to find me.” Pen swam their way, leaving me to myself. I watched as she talked to them for a moment before all eyes were back on me, and then the guys helped them adjust their masks on their faces so they could go underwater.

  Putting my mask on, I placed the mouthpiece in and immediately felt like I could barely breathe. My breath picked up until it sounded like I was about to hyperventilate or Darth Vader, but at least I was breathing. Not about to let Reagan ruin my vacation, I dipped underwater and tried to make sure I kept the tip of my snorkel above water. I didn’t need to be saved a second time this week.

  The moment I saw
all the tiny fish swimming along the rocks, all my troubles drifted away. There was a sense of peace floating along in the warm water. When I spotted a tiny octopus hiding in the swaying grass, I popped up to find I was alone. Where the hell did everyone go? Looking around, I found the boat with Owen on it, so I wasn’t lost. As far as I could see, there was only the cove we were in and the beautiful blue water.

  Unsure of how long we’d be here, I went back to exploring my surroundings. I swam up to the beach, noticing there looked to be a natural walkway that went up to overlook the area. Taking my mask off, I walked along the beach and up the stairs, letting my toes dig into the sand as I went. The sun warmed my slightly chilled skin from the breeze. At the top, I found there was another cove on the other side. The white crests on the waves indicated it was rougher over on that side, so I decided to stay on the side where it was nice and chill.

  After a few minutes, I headed back down. I wanted to spend my time in the water and see if I could find any more octopi or maybe a colorful fish. I didn’t think we were in the right location for anything colorful, especially since I hadn’t seen any yet, but it didn’t hurt to keep my eyes peeled.

  Once in the water, I moved a little further away from the boat. I loved the way water always made me feel so weightless. Floating along, I noticed a dark shape moving my way. Lifting my head above the water, I saw it was Remy. The tattoos on his left arm stood out in the clear water, with the sun making them shine.

  Treading water, I watched his body glide along the surface with grace. The way the muscles in his back rippled with each movement of his sculpted arms. Damn, he was fine. Too bad I’d be gone in a couple of days, and I’d never see him again.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Remy asked once he made his way over to me.

  “I’m pissed, but I’m fine. I’ve lived with the stereotypes all my life, so it’s nothing new.”

  Cocking his head to the side, he gave me a tight smile. “I’m sensing there’s more.”

  There was always more. Taking in a much-needed breath, I decided to open up to this gorgeous stranger. “I’ve never belonged. With my dad’s side of the family, I’m too light-skinned to be a proud black woman. Do you know what it’s like to have your family treat you like an outcast?”

  I hadn’t spoken to my dad or his side of my family since I graduated high school. When they didn’t bother to show up to my graduation but had gone to every single one of my cousins and half-siblings, I was done letting them make me feel like shit about the way I looked. Something I had no control over.

  “Not that way, no.” His hand found mine underneath the water and linked our fingers together. His dark brown eyes looked me over.

  “I know I don’t look like I’m half black. Not unless I spend a decent amount of time in the sun. Most would probably think I’m Italian or something,” I laughed humorlessly. “I’m the product of a one-night stand that never should have happened.”

  Moving closer, Remy took the hand he’d linked his finger with and placed it on his shoulder. “I, for one, am glad it happened. There’s no one I’d rather be here with.”

  “Do you say that to all your guests?” I moved closer until our lips were only an inch apart. I could feel his minty breath skate across my face. His hands moved to my hips and held firm.

  Remy shook his head as one hand skated up my ribs until his thumb rested underneath one breast. My breath caught at the move. I craved the soft touch more than I knew. It had been too long since someone had touched me like this.

  “Believe it or not, I don’t interact with guests all that much. Especially not to this level. You’re the exception, Stella.” Dipping his head down, the long hair on top fell into his eyes. “I want to kiss you.”

  “What’s stopping you?” I asked breathlessly, moving a fraction of an inch closer.

  The hand on my hip moved to cup the side of my face. “The fact that anyone could come around the corner at any second and catch us. I don’t want to lose my job.”

  I didn’t want that either.

  “Maybe we should go back to the boat and wait for the others,” I suggested.

  “Owen’s on the boat. We won’t be alone.”

  “Exactly. It will keep us from doing anything that will get you fired.” I tilted my head back to look into his dark eyes.

  “I like being alone with you,” he said on a soft exhale. “And I’m not sure I can hold back much longer.”

  “Then don’t. Kiss me, Remy. Show me how much you want me with only your lips,” I dared him.

  With a brief quirk of his mouth, Remy captured my lips with his. At first, it was soft and slow as we got to know the other’s touch. Our bodies fused together as he moved us to where he could stand underneath a little bluff with an overhang to shield us from prying eyes.

  Strong arms held me to his muscular body as his mouth demanded more from me. Remy’s tongue slipped inside, tasting me, and I did the same to him. He tasted of mint and honey, a strangely alluring combination. I groaned into his mouth that seemed to spur him on. Wrapping my ponytail in his fist, Remy moved my head to the side to give him better access.

  The way he took control sent a shock wave through my system. I loved it and the slight bite of pain that accompanied the tight hold he had on my hair.

  My legs wrapped around his waist, and I started to grind my slick heat against the bulge in his swim trunks. One hand found purchase in the long, dark strands of his hair while the other ran along the muscles of his back.

  Remy broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. “Fuck, Stella, you make me forget where I am.”

  “Don’t stop,” I whined, even though I knew we couldn’t go any further.

  “We have to. At any moment, we could be spotted. Tonight, I’ll find a way to be alone with you and finish this, but we have to stop now.”

  My lower lip stuck out in a pout. I knew he was right, but that didn’t mean I liked it.

  “Fine, but you better figure out a way for that big dick of yours to give me one epic release.” My lips brushed his before I disengaged my legs from around him and was standing on my own two very wobbly feet.

  A sexy smirk spread across his face before he said, “Challenge accepted.”

  “I think we should ask all the crew guys to eat dinner with us. What do you think?” Scarlett, our normally quiet friend, spoke up.

  “Yes, then there will be a guy for each of us,” Reagan looked to me as she spoke. I only ground my molars together. I’d decided I wasn’t going to speak to her unless it was absolutely necessary. It may have been childish, but it was better than me saying something I might regret later.

  “Who’s getting the Captain then?” Zelda cackled.

  Captain Dan wasn’t bad, but he was quite a few years older than the rest of the guys. He looked like Richard Gere when he was in Pretty Woman. Swoon. It took everything in me not to say she should take him, but I kept quiet since I still wanted my free vacation.

  “I’ll take him,” Pen piped up from beside me. I had no idea what expression was on my face when I turned to look at her besides shock, but one look at me, and they all started to laugh, with me right along with them. “What? We all know you’ve claimed Remy and he, you, so I’ll take the Captain. Maybe he can teach me a thing or two.”

  I knew without a shadow of a doubt, Pen had zero interest in Captain Dan. In fact, she didn’t seem to be interested in any men lately, making me wonder what was going on with her.

  Had Pen taken a vow of celibacy, or did she have a guy on the side I didn’t know about?

  ‘What?’ she mouthed.

  “When we get back home, we’re going to have a little chat,” I said, only loud enough for her to hear me.

  Crossing her arms, Pen tilted her head in my direction. “About what?”

  “Oh, I think you have some idea, but we’ll discuss it then.” I didn’t want to get the whole group involved, especially if Pen was hiding something from me.

  “Fine,” she sh
ot back. Turning to look at the rest of our group, Pen asked. “Now, who’s going to demand their presence?”

  “I will.” Zelda pushed her chair back and stood quickly. She was too excited by this idea. She was gone before anyone could talk her out of it.

  I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to sit across from Remy at dinner after the heavy make-out session we’d had earlier while snorkeling.

  A few minutes later, Zelda came back with a cat that ate the canary smile on her overly Botoxed face. “All set,” she chirped.

  “Yes,” Reagan cheered. She was too much. Did she really think she was going to get lucky with one of the guys?

  Reagan’s gaze caught mine. “If you frown anymore, you’re going to get wrinkles.”

  “Then I’ll wear them with pride,” I shot back. I wasn’t going to be like her and Zelda and get some new procedure or ten done to my body every year. No how, no way. I was going to let my body grow old gracefully and not look like a freak show. Did they really think no one knew they were getting facelifts? They were starting to look like something out of a horror movie.

  “Is that how you want it to be? Because if so, I won’t hold back, Stella.”

  She said my name as if it left a bad taste in her mouth. What had I ever done to her? Maybe Pen was right, and she was jealous of me.

  Instead of answering her, I stood and looked at the table as a whole. “I’m going to go get freshened up for dinner. I’ll see you when it’s time.”

  I thought Pen might ask to join me, but she kept her mouth shut and her ass firmly in her seat. She knew if we were alone right now, I’d be asking about why she was so eager to take Captain Dan.

  Turning on my heel, I went inside, but instead of immediately heading to my room, I took the scenic way in the hopes I might see Remy. With my luck, I didn’t see him, but I did find the chef in a panic, having to now cook for four extra people without much notice. He was banging everything around while he said every swear word in the dictionary and made up a few while he was at it. Damn, I’d have to mention it to Zelda, so she gave them all a good tip.


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