Keep Still

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Keep Still Page 13

by Janet Gillooly

Silence is the time to empty your mind.

  It is the time to feel the peace of God. It is the time for a transforming union. You enter another world.

  It is this prayer that sustains you. You leave everything to God.

  You become nothing and God is everything. You know surely that God will change you.

  You cannot wait to be alone with God. He gives you rest like nobody else can.

  You need this to sustain you through your days. You feel you will go mad if you do not

  have this time.

  Silent prayer reaches beyond words.

  It is his spirit that unites you to himself. He touches you deeply, beyond the norm. He is all love, understanding and mercy.

  He is the one constant comfort. He will not go away.

  He is always there to teach you.

  He reveals his will while you pray.

  He unfolds himself to you in this time of silence and throughout the day.

  He moves slowly on a soul letting

  them move at their own pace and then suddenly as thunder, he takes the reins and the soul has changed quickly and profoundly .

  This soul has been attacked in the fires of intensity. The flames were at first warm, and then hot was the touch of God to the soul. The soul did not see it coming and did not know how quickly it would get there.

  The soul knows God's power is real. He will not deny a burning desire.

  The soul is united to God. God will not deny his own.


  Loneliness is the greatest cross I bore. It is the most deep wrenching pain possible. My death was the cruelest, but the loneliness of my death was the greatest.

  I was lonely in the desert with many temptations . One of those temptations was to be with a special woman to love. It is terrible to feel so unwanted.

  In the garden I wept bitterly. I was bleeding on the outside, but nothing like the inside. My heart was bleeding bitterly. My apostles when I needed them the most were off sleeping. I understood their weariness, but mine was so much the more terrifying, knowing I was to die a horrible death.

  My death was total rejection by all the people I ministered to and I bore my heart to each one of them. I only had a few that stood by me, but most were shouting loud obscenities. It was the total rejection at my death that hurt the most. No one knows the ways of man better than I, but it did not stop my heart from wrenching in pain.

  Those servants who have shared this cross with me will be truly blest. I have no greater love for a cross such as this one. It is beyond explaining to those who have never known such a deep seated pain. How can you find words for such a price.

  People keep so busy that they never take the time to reflect and be with me. Busy is the in thing, but it does not lead anywhere. If your life is too busy for contemplation, then something is wrong. Yes, so wrong that most do not even think it is wrong. I am your maker and I should come first.

  There is so much I offer, but most will never know. I feel my cross of loneliness never ends, for still so many reject me. So many do not have time for me, nor do they visit my body in church. I payed the ultimate price by dying, but still I am so unappreciated. This life is not more important then I am.

  I will not be indifferent to so much ingratitude. How can I forget being ignored by my own children? How can I forget being put to death for a people who never seem to grasp my love for them. Hobbies are more important to you and other people, who may not be there for you tomorrow.

  I am always here. I never give up on a soul loving me and reaching for me like the grandest prize. I am the most precious pearl. Why do you trample on me and never think twice about it? Still I wait for that soul and I am so willing to forgive and give my whole heart to that soul,that comes to visit my body in church or just wants to be with me anywhere, as much as possible.

  I know who is good. Don't think you know any heart like I do. What the world thinks is good, I do not. Do not make me weep over and over for all who will not come to me

  for what they truly need. They need my love, for nothing else will give them peace. I have spoken and will continue to speak until all hear me. I love all of you.


  Jesus The only truth and real love!


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