Dark Secrets

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Dark Secrets Page 6

by Doug Pountain

  “I am sorry I missed you this morning, but I had a phone call and had to go out to meet a man from the security service and the Junior Minister who were here the other evening, I informed them of the operation and apparently without informing us or anyone else they confirmed that they are also watching the money, but not from the inside, and so it looks like a joint operation which makes things a little different, and as such I am not putting you in Joyce, it’s far too dangerous”.

  “But I want to go in, I know I haven’t had much training but I can do this, I know I can”. And Graham looked at her.

  “It’s not the fact whether you can or cannot do the job, it’s the fact that the security forces are involved at all. Trust me, they wouldn’t think twice about throwing you to the wolves if it saved their own necks, and even if it goes well they will want all the glory, and so there is very little in it for us only a pay check”.

  David now joined in the conversation by confirming that. “He with Carol and Joyce would make a good team, so let’s do it just to prove a point and let’s use them as our backup”.

  Graham now thought long and hard before he replied. “Alright I will let them know we are going to take it on”.

  He picked up the phone, and a few seconds later he confirmed that it was all good to go and he told Carol go and pack what she needed and that they would take his car.

  David turned to them and said that he and Joyce had something to do first and that they would meet them at their apartment in docklands that evening, but they would go to his place in Chiswick first and start setting up. Joyce and David went back over to the barn and collected their things before putting them into David’s car and driving away.

  “I have never been in a Jag before, it’s bigger than I thought”.

  “Are you referring to the car or my willie”? Asked David with a look of anticipation at a positive response from Joyce.

  “Well they are both a good size, so please yourself”. And they burst in to laughter.

  Joyce gave him directions to her old house, and as they got closer David quickly became aware of a shift in her confidence and her mood, and instead of precise directions they were now becoming slightly jittery as fear and apprehension set in.

  “Look don’t be scared, according to theory he won’t even be there so we can get your watch and leave and that’s the end of it”.

  David finally pulled up outside the small terraced house just as it was starting to rain, and so they sat in the car and watched as best they could as the rain trickled down the windscreen and obscured their vision slightly.

  “Shall I go in and get it for you”? Asked David.

  “No, it’s something I need to do for myself”. She replied,

  “Well alright if you are sure, but I will come with you anyway”. He said.

  They both got out of the car which looked so out of place in this dark and dingy area of Leicester and Joyce opened her small handbag and took out her old front door key before sliding it very slowly and quietly into the old Yale lock, and then turning it the wrong way at first through nerves at going in, but now she slowly opened the rotting wooden door.

  “Where is your watch anyway”? Asked David.

  “It’s upstairs in the bedroom”. She replied.

  At the bottom of the stairs they could hear music quietly playing and also the unmistakeable sound of someone having sex, and this sound immediately scared the shit out of Joyce.

  “Who could it be”? She said.

  David led the way as they climbed the bare wooden stairs up to the dark narrow landing, and he pushed the bedroom door open and he and Joyce went in to find her husband John having some kind of sex with his sister. The look of shock on their faces was priceless. She was on all fours while he was trying to do something to her backside, and he immediately looked up.

  “Who the fuck are you”? He asked.

  It was very obvious that even after this very short time that he hadn’t recognised Joyce with her new hair style and wearing her new and very stylish clothes.

  “You dirty bastard, your shagging your sister, no wonder you always wanted to come in my mouth and degrade me you fucking piece of shit, you fucking dirty bastard”.

  It then suddenly dawned on John and his Sister who had actually entered the room as they finally recognised Joyce as they quickly tried to cover themselves.

  “Your right Joyce, he does only have a little dick, no wander he can’t get it up. But then again looking at that hairy old pussy of hers who would want to anyway”. Said David.

  John got off the bed very quickly.

  “You fucking dirty bitch, I will give you something for leaving me”.

  John moved very quickly forward to hit Joyce but with very little success, David hit him with a well-timed blow to the stomach which winded him, but again he stepped forward and this time it was Joyce who landed a perfect right hook to his chin which sent him flying back against the wall. He lay there on the floor very confused by what had happened, the woman who only a few days earlier had been afraid of him and his sister had now turned.

  “That just about sums you up as a man, you can’t even shag a normal woman, it has to be your sister, you twisted lump of shit. I ought to kill you, but you’re just not worth it”.

  Joyce turned and grabbed her watch from the cabinet at the side of the bed and David applauded her as she left the room.

  “Go near her again fuck face and fanny and I guarantee that you will both never wake up, do I make myself clear”? Said David.

  David and Joyce made their way back to his car but she was shaking quite badly, not with fear anymore but with rage and anger at herself for not doing what she had just done many years ago, this was now a new woman with purpose in her life. She had been given this opportunity out of the blue and there was no way, absolutely no fucking way that she was going to let it go. As they drove away from this very depressing area of the city she opened the window of the car and screamed at the top of her voice to anyone who would listen.

  “My name is Joyce, and I am my own person and not a fucking doormat”. And she threw her old door key out of the window.


  It was raining heavily as they drove out of the city and joined the motorway which on any normal day would have been very busy, but today it was unusually quiet as they drove along with David just keeping to the speed limit as other cars went speeding by.

  “Tell me about yourself David, if you don’t mind that is”?

  “What would you like to know”? He replied.

  “Well are you married”? She asked.

  “Ok, so you would like to know a bit of everything”?

  “Only if you don’t mind”?

  “No, I don’t mind really. I am 41 years old and I am an only child, my Dad was a miner in Yorkshire and my Mum was a nurse and they were great parents. Being the only one I had everything as a child, but when I was in my early teens my dad was taken very ill and suffered very badly for some considerable time before he eventually died from pneumoconiosis which he contracted from working in the mines. Mum never truly got over it, but she put on a brave face just for me. I did well at school, in fact looking back, I think I did it for them as a way of saying thank you to them”.

  “I eventually went to university, which was a pretty unique thing to do if you are from a mining town. I studied psychology and got my degree and joined the police, but I realised straight away that it wasn’t what I really wanted to do, and so I applied to join special branch and past all my tests and did very well”.

  “Everything was fine until my Mother was taken very ill with cancer, and then I looked after her until she died about a year later. Eventually I went back to work and I was transferred to a section that was dealing with cyber-crime, and this time it was right up my street. The amounts of money these people were making was ridiculous, we also worked with some brilliant hackers who could break into anybody’s systems, even without them knowing, and that’s where I met G

  “You mean he is a hacker”? Said Joyce.

  “Yes he is, and possibly one of the best in the business. He helped us bring down some very big people and organised crime gangs, he also had a price on his head for several years, but he always covered his tracks very well, and that’s why he and Carol take security very seriously. A few years after they met, they got married and he branched out on his own with her, and they have never looked back since, he offered me a job and the rest is history as they say”.

  “Are they that good”? She asked.

  “As a team it doesn’t get any better and that’s why they work all over the world. They can save governments from falling and given the right circumstances they can with approval also bring them down by manipulating stocks and shares, and again if they wanted they could make banks bankrupt, and that’s what I do today, I am a hacker who works for Graham and with the security services and also with government’s approval”.

  “But where does that leave me in all of this”? Asked Joyce.

  “Well as a group of talented individuals everything works fine, but the only woman we had was Carol, and because she is brilliant in her own field, Graham likes to keep her out of the way doing what she does best which is trading”.

  “And now we have you, and your present progress points towards you possibly having what Graham is looking for which would be a field operative. You are very pretty, you are very sociable and you are also very intelligent, and he realises that with more training then you will fit in very well, plus you have something else that we lack”.

  “Now you have got me very interested, what do I have that you lack”? She asked.

  “You look fabulous naked”.

  “Oh, and don’t forget my husband is shagging his sister, what more could you want out of life”. Replied Joyce and they both started to laugh.

  The rain was starting to ease as they eventually arrived in London, and it soon became very obvious that David knew his way around, by driving down many side streets. Joyce sat in David’s “F” type Jaguar looking out of the window with many unanswered thoughts still in her head before he eventually pulled up outside a block of apartments.

  “This is it, we are here, Chez Nous”. He said.

  “Wow, this looks very swish David, how long have you lived here”?

  “About five years, but I am not here all that often, it’s quite often hotel rooms somewhere. Come on let me show my “younger sister” around”.

  David entered his code into the key pad at the side of the very elegant glass entrance doors to the apartment’s and they very gently opened automatically.

  “I am on the 8th floor” He said.

  They got into the lift and seconds later the doors opened onto a corridor with a glossy marble tiled floor, and along the walls there were many beautiful paintings and superb photographs. They walked a few yards further before arriving at a shiny black panelled door which David opened to reveal a beautiful apartment.

  There where thick carpets on the floor of the hall that led into a large lounge with an open plan kitchen complete with granite worktops and lots of cupboards. Down a short corridor off the lounge there were two bedrooms and a large shower room, Joyce was also very impressed with the view from the lounge window.

  “I assume this is your room David”?

  “How did you guess”? He replied.

  “Well it was possibly because of the pictures of cars and naked women that gave it away”. Joyce opened the door to the other bedroom which again compared to what she was used to in her previous life was pure luxury, the king size bed even had satin sheets.

  “How do you keep it so clean”? She asked.

  “I have a lady that comes in twice a week to do whatever is required, so it’s never a problem”.

  Joyce couldn’t stop herself from looking at her surroundings as she unpacked her case and hung her new clothes in the wardrobe, she put the watch her Mother had given her on a cabinet at the side of her bed and looked at it for a few seconds, and as she did so a small tear fell from those lovely green eyes, but this was not a time for sadness. David made some coffee and they sat on the sofa looking out of the window over all the rooftops.

  “Right I am going to have a shower if that’s alright with you”. Said Joyce.

  “Not a problem, do you mind if I shave at the same time”? Replied David.

  “No not at all, it’s your home”. She said.

  Joyce went into her room and undressed and walked to the bathroom before she realised that being naked with someone was actually quite good fun and this only added to the sparkle of her new life.

  As she stood in the shower she could see her bruises were now disappearing rapidly, which was something for which she was very grateful, and then a moment later David walked in also completely naked and taking no notice of Joyce in the shower he started to shave.

  “There’s a bottle of wine in the fridge when we have finished and then I will knock something together for dinner if you like”. He told her.

  “That would be nice and also a novelty, a man who can cook and so I would enjoy that a great deal”. She replied.

  “Well, when you have finished in the shower leave it running and I will have one as well”. Joyce looked at him through the mirror, and as she did so her natural playfulness took started to take over.

  “Well you could join me in here if you want, there’s plenty of room”.

  David didn’t need telling twice as he quickly finished his shave and stepped in the shower.

  “Would you like me to scrub your back”? He asked.

  “I would sooner you scrubbed my front” She replied with a glint in her eye.

  There was nothing sexual about this event, and even though they had only known each other for a very short time, this was just two friends having fun, but to Joyce the playfulness meant everything. David kept on pressing her nipples and making bell noises, while Joyce kept pulling and twizzling his penis, they were just like any other couple. With their shower and fun now over they dried off, but they also stayed naked. David went to the kitchen and started to prepare the food and Joyce came through and got the wine out of the fridge and poured the drinks.

  “You know I could get quite used to not wearing clothes”. She said.

  “I normally don’t bother anyway when I am on my own, there is no one to see you anyway up here, apart from one couple who you can sometimes spot in the block opposite, and so I sometimes stand at the window on purpose”. Replied David.

  “Honestly, do you do that”?

  “Yes, why not”. He said.

  “It seems to work for them because sometimes when I look back at them you can see them having sex on their sofa against the window, look, let me show you”.

  David looked out of the window to check, and the couple were indeed watching his apartment.

  “Come over and stand here with me here in the window”.

  Joyce did as she was asked and walked over to the window and stood there in full view, and she could see that the woman at the opposite window was indeed looking back at them, and then as the woman continued to watch David and Joyce, the man with her slowly undressed her until he finally removed her knickers. He fondled her for a few minutes before, as David had said, they had sex. Joyce continued to watch as this couple who looked to be in their mid-40s made love, she stood there observing all their actions, and it was very obvious how much they enjoyed being watched.

  Joyce had never dreamt that such things could happen, but she found that the longer she watched them, that she herself was also slowly becoming very excited and sexually aroused by what she was seeing.

  “I wonder what it is like to be watched while you are having sex”. She said to David.

  “Why, do you fancy it”? He asked.

  “I don’t know, everything in my new life in the last few days seems so different, I feel that I have missed out on so much in life, apart from being punched that is”.

ell if you want to give it a go, that’s fine by me. We could let them watch us if you like”. He said.

  Suddenly Joyce had that warm feeling between her thighs and her desire increased very rapidly to the point where she realised that she did indeed want that so very much.

  “Oh David come over here and do things to me in the window”.

  He didn’t need telling twice. He and Joyce kissed as he fondled and kissed her breasts and made his way down to her pussy which was by now already very aroused and he continued to kiss it as she got more excited. She turned towards the window as he continued to kiss the cheeks of her bottom before making love to her from the rear. It didn’t take very long before she orgasmed and also until David could last no longer and he let go deep within her. He slowly withdrew and they held each other closely after which they kissed many times. They both agreed that they had never experienced anything like that before, it was so exciting. They turned and looked out of the window and saw the couple in the opposite block looking back and applauding them, it was very obvious they too had very much enjoyed the spectacle as well.

  Even though they were both still very excited, they both cleaned themselves up and returned to their glass of wine. But Joyce was shocked that for someone who had never really been a sexual creature even when she was younger, that she now found herself as totally the opposite and quite happy for strangers to watch her, well at a distance anyway. David finished making the food and they sat down to eat with no mention of their recent experience.

  “I will phone Graham and tell him we will see him in the morning when we are fresh rather than go over this evening, and then we can plan what we need to do”. Said David.

  With their meal over and the wine finished David suggested they have an early night and they went to their own rooms. Joyce lay there for a while in her large bed in this beautiful room that was lit only by the light of the moon shining through the window and also still very overcome by her new life and her new lover. She had just had sex in full view of others and really enjoyed the experience, what more could the future hold for this newly discovered young woman.


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