Dark Secrets

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Dark Secrets Page 24

by Doug Pountain


  A few hours into the flight and everyone was sat with their own thoughts wondering what the future held for them. Graham and Sir Richard were discussing their options when a member of the flight crew came back and gave Richard a note, and which as he absorbed its contents made him very afraid for the future. He turned and looked at Graham and his team.

  “The Director is dead, he was stopped as he drove into his car park and he was just killed there and then, the other man who was working with you, Phillips, sent us the message. He also says that the replacement fake bombs have also now been discovered and the country is in total chaos and that there are road blocks everywhere. The Army has surrounded the White House and the president has been arrested and Senator Dixon has been sworn in as the new president just as we thought. The army is now also dropping off thousands of tents in the public parks of all major cities that are to become detention camps and also the army are patrolling the streets”.

  “The police are arresting or shooting drug dealers and villains they know of without any questions being asked, this also includes any corrupt officers that are also known of. The heads of the Mafia Families all over the country have also been killed and they are arresting all known militants including religious ones of all faiths and they are being taken to the detention camps, there are many old scores being settled in America today. He says a woman with Diplomatic Immunity managed to enter the Russian Embassy and started shooting at the staff, apparently she kept shouting, Aslinov murdered my Father, before she was herself shot dead, her name was Fermi. Well we don’t have to worry about her anymore do we?”

  “So we achieved absolutely nothing, all we did was to steal some money, but then again what use is that if it cannot be put to good use. So this is to be the New World Order, a totalitarian government for the whole world, and so it looks like now everyone will work for the state, and God help anyone who strays from the path, no more free thinking, no more choice, and no more individuality. I am not going home to that kind of life”. Said Graham.

  As they sat sombrely reflecting on the new information, Sir Richard received a further note from the captain with an update of the proceedings from Phillips.

  “It gets worse, apparently Russia has now invaded the Ukraine and they also intend to take back the whole of Eastern Europe that was lost when the USSR collapsed, also the French army have now all returned to their barracks without a shot being fired, so nothing new there then, they have more reverse gears than the Italian’s. So that’s it then, Europe is now effectively under the control of the Russians, but to make things even more frightening is the fact that China has entered North Korea without a fight and they are now pointing the Korean missiles at Japan and the other territories who they consider belong to them”.

  A few seconds later Richard received more information from Phillips.

  “The attack on Iran has been brought forward, it’s taking place as we speak and the U.S. navy is entering the Gulf in large numbers ready for the invasion of the Gulf States. Nothing now stands in the way of the UNs New World Army which is under the control of those three countries. Phillips also tells me that MI6 in our own country have details of our flight and are monitoring us ready for our landing where we will all be arrested, and we know what that means. I am going to tell the captain to drop down to just above sea level to avoid radar, but bear in mind that we will have to land somewhere, but at the moment I don’t have a clue where that will be, we need to be safe. We haven’t come this far just to be murdered as we land in our own country, has anyone got any ideas”?

  For the first time the group now realised the enormity of their present situation, even their own country had to now be considered as hostile. But they were not prepared to give in to the demands of this New World Order without putting up some kind of a fight. It was now light as they were nearing the English coast, when Carl said.

  “I know where we can land without too much notice, but it is only a very short strip of grass, I don’t think a jet aircraft has ever used it. It belongs to an old friend of mine who owns a small industrial park, and he has a light aircraft that he uses for business purposes, it’s in Kent near to Faversham, at least it’s worth a try, no one will be expecting us there, I will go through and speak to the captain, I hope he has big balls”.

  A few minutes later Carl returned and joined the others. “He has found the strip on the map, but he says it will be a shit landing, he actually called it “crashing with style” but he is going to give it a try, we have about thirty minutes, so if you feel the urge to pray then now is the time”. The comment raised everyone’s mood just a little.

  At least with this option they had a window of opportunity of getting into the country without being discovered, even if it was only a very slim one, but the decision was made.

  “When we crash, I mean land, we are going to try and get to our safe house in Stanmore, and we will not be able to use the car that we left there as we would soon be picked up by ANPR cameras, but at least we will be fairly safe while we regain our thoughts. The easiest thing to do will be for us to steal a car locally and make our way there”. Said Graham.

  “Right, if you are going to do that, then I am going to try and make some kind of sense of what is happening back in London, I hope I have enough friends left who may know more than I do. But also be aware that there are people out there whether they are religious or otherwise who will not take very kindly to the New World Order, including some cranks who always come out of the woodwork in a situation like this and could be a major problem, I’ve been dealing with those for years and some are very dangerous. But more of that later when I have made contact with certain people, now let’s prepare for this so called landing”.

  “We are just about to land so I suggest you fasten your seat belts very tightly and hold on to something”. Said the Captain.

  Seconds later they all looked out of the windows and a sense of fear took over as the plane flew very low over this very small piece of England’s green and pleasant land as the Captain did a quick flyover before he turned the plane around and made a very fast descent with the wheels brushing the top of some trees as he virtually dropped about thirty feet to hit the ground very hard whilst at the same time throwing the engines into reverse thrust and braking very hard. This landing strip was never intended to take aircraft such as this. The wheels dropped into ruts and holes in the soft grass causing one of the tyres to burst as the aircraft finally came to a sudden halt wedged between two trees and throwing everyone on board about very violently. The captain quickly left the cockpit and opened the door and lowered the steps, everyone on board quickly got up and exited the plane as fast as they could for their own safety.

  The area where the plane had landed was completely deserted as they all, including the crew ran for the cover of a small wooded area about two hundred yards away. Suddenly as they looked back they could see the aircraft smoking badly just before it burst into flames and exploded, it appeared the landing had split the fuel lines dripping its contents onto the hot engine. In seconds the plane was just a mass of flames that would be seen miles away, it was now time to get as far away as possible before they were all discovered with whatever consequences that would entail.

  Graham and his team made six, plus two aircrew, and Sir Richard made nine people in total, even though they were all a little shaken by their experience, they realised that getting away from the immediate vicinity was all important. No one was actually dressed for a walk through the early morning and damp Kent countryside, but they couldn’t take the chance of being seen as a group of nine people walking down a country lane, and so with that in mind the group decided it was time to go in their own various directions.

  Sir Richard was going to head for Faversham with the crew and try to make their way back to London on a train if that were possible and then decide what to do from there, but Graham as he had said was going to head for Stanmore and the relative safety of his safe house. As
they made their way through the fields they could hear the sound of fire engines in the distance obviously making their way to the plume of flames and smoke that was rising into the morning sky from the plane. The group were now about a mile away from the air strip as they reached a crossroad signposted for Faversham.

  “Five miles, I don’t suppose that’s too bad”. Said Richard.

  The two groups said their good byes and wished each other well as they went their separate ways not knowing each other’s fate. It was a very sad parting not knowing if they would ever see each other again, but there was nothing more that could be done. They were still very shell shocked from all the events that had taken place. But they were also ignorant of the current situation, it could be far worse than they had imagined, but staying safe was the only thing on their minds. They left the lane and decided to follow a footpath sign showing one mile to somewhere called “Boughton under Blean”. The name sounded as good as any when you are lost, and about twenty minutes later they arrived in this small village adjacent to a pub. Roger surveyed the car park and decided on an old white Transit van that was parked in one corner furthest away from the building.

  “This is as good as it gets for looking anonymous, I will go and borrow it, you all make your way down the road and I will pick you up in a few minutes”.

  Roger kept out of sight and gave the others a head start before he approached the van, he took out his phone from his pocket and input a code and then pointed the phone at the van. The lights flashed and the doors unlocked and he quickly got in, from his pocket he took a small tool and put it into the ignition and a second later the van started. Roger drove away as quietly as he could and a short distance down the road he stopped and picked up the others before he made his way out of the village in the early morning light and onto the M2 heading for the M25.

  “What are we like for fuel”?

  “Not enough to get us to Stanmore, so the next filling station is a definite stop”. Replied Roger.

  “Who taught you how to steal cars”? Asked Joyce.

  “When you grow up in a neighbourhood such as I did in Rome you learn many things very quickly otherwise you cannot survive, I have been stealing things since I was four. Actually I am quite good at it, plus I also enjoy it. I know it’s a change of subject, but I just wonder how my cousin is in New York, he must have been taken by surprise when the CIA took out the heads of the families, and they would not have suspected that was going to happen. It just goes to show that no matter how powerful you think you are, there will always be a way to take away your crown. Let’s hope we can come up with something to stop this New World Order, but with the three biggest super powers working together using the UN as a front I don’t see many opportunities for that”.

  They eventually pulled into a service area on the motorway and Carol went to pay, and a few minutes later she returned with a newspaper.

  “Look at this, there is going to be a curfew from 8pm this evening until 6am tomorrow, anyone caught breaking this curfew will be arrested and detained in one of the camps they are setting up all over the country. It also says all state benefit payments and pensions are to end at midnight and that medical treatment must be paid for on the spot and also that any criminal activities no matter how minor will be punishable by death. Courts are going to sit 24 hours a day without juries and all punishments are to be carried out immediately. Apparently the authorities are going through every prison and removing anyone who has been convicted of murder and some other crimes and executing them in the prison grounds. So this is the brave New World Order, power taken away from elected Governments and replaced by authoritarian rule, a one world order, God help us”.

  The journey from there was quite surreal as there were very few vehicles on the road as the group made their way to Stanmore. Graham drove around the area of the house several times before he thought it was safe.

  “I am going to drop you all off at different locations fairly close to the house, just make your way there and go in the house through the back door, I will dump the van somewhere”.

  One by one they left the vehicle and walked in different directions to the house, after all, this wasn’t now the same country that they had left only a few days previously, their lives were not under threat then, but they certainly were now. But this time the threat was coming from a much different and bigger force, the New World Order. Eventually they were all reunited in the relative safety of the house totally exhausted by their recent activities, they hadn’t really slept properly for days and this was a concern for Graham, he knew this is when you make mistakes and he and the others realised that rational thinking was required just to keep them alive.

  “I realise that it is still quite early but you girls go and get a takeaway and then I suggest we all catch up on some sleep, remember there is a curfew at 8pm and so let’s make tomorrow a new start, we have no idea what it holds for us, but I truly hope Richard is alright, he is our only real link to what’s going on and truthfully right now he is our only friend”.

  A few hours later and their meal consumed everyone went to bed, mentally and physically exhausted, but still so many things were going through their minds, not least Joyce. She had no experience of what was happening, but the abuse that she had suffered for so many years had made her a much stronger person and her personal confidence had grown so much since working with her new friends, but she realised that the rest of the world must also be as frightened as she was.

  It was 4am as Grahams phone rang and disturbed what little sleep he had managed to fit in, it was Sir Richard, “Have you seen the news? If not switch on the television, marshal law has been declared and anyone found without identity cards are to be arrested. Everyone has to attend their local council offices for photographs to be taken and official documents obtained, there are queues starting to form now and they already stretch for miles in some areas, there are even Russian and Chinese troops on the streets of London and they are brutal. I don’t know how true it is, but I have been told there have already been many rapes and shootings by these troops, so stay indoors”.

  “Are you safe Richard”?

  “For the moment yes, London and the rest of the country’s major cities are in total chaos, believe it or not I am in the American embassy with the ambassador who is doing his best to find out exactly what is happening, but he and his team have been completely frozen out from any power that they once had, he is just as scared as anyone else, remember he was very close to the now deposed U.S. President. But he has already been told that there have been mass shootings of citizens who went out onto the streets to protest all over America, and he has also had it confirmed that Iran no longer exists, it was totally destroyed by Israel.

  But I have another reason for calling you, remember what I said about cranks coming out of the wood work when conditions are right for them, well I think I may have underestimated what I meant by a crank. A few years ago we had a scientist who was working at Porton Down biological research centre, he had been working for years on a virus that he named “The Satan Bug”. He always kept things very close to his chest, but he had managed to create a synthetic virus that was airborne and could be passed on through normal speech with an infected person or just by passing someone in the street who had become infected.

  He claimed that if you were to release the virus in an airport, then the whole world would become infected within 36 hours, or it could be released anywhere and the wind would do the rest. Nowhere would escape, and the virus would completely encircle the planet in the right conditions in less than 72 hours, the death rate of the bug is over ninety nine percent with death occurring within 4 hours of infection”.

  “I am told that the new authorities were going to arrest him at Porton Down as he returned for work as they knew of the existence of the virus and what it can do, but apparently he has gone missing and so have two flasks of the virus. I have a very strange feeling this New World Order could be over very quickly if they don’t find
him soon. The scientist in question has a reputation of being fairly unstable, and if his claims for the virus are correct and he released it then none of us has much chance of a future, but let’s hope he is wrong or he regains some form of humanity. Look Graham, don’t call me. I will contact you later, I don’t want our calls traced and compromise your location, plus I suspect they will pause the internet and all phone communication very soon”.

  “Thanks for that Richard, I think we will stay here for a few days, call me when you can”.

  With that the line went quiet and Graham had so much going through his mind that he decided to make a drink, but just as he was about to turn off the television a British army general appeared on the screen with an emergency broadcast.

  “The leaders of the New World Order now control the whole of the united states, the soviet union, china, Europe and all of the Middle East. You have nothing to fear from us. It is not our intention to remove the freedoms and privileges that you have lived with for so many years, but this world with so many different factions must now come together under the control of our New Order to prevent the chaos of many differing views of how the world should be controlled, and until further notice marshal law and curfews have been put in place for your own safety and protection and any violation of these rules will be met with severe punishment including the death penalty”.

  “Any crime of any description no matter how minor will carry a minimum term of ten years in a labour camp regardless of your age or your sex, any show of dissent or demonstration will be ruthlessly put down. You must register for your ID card at council offices with photographic evidence of your identity, failure to carry this ID at all times when issued will see you interred for a term of five years. All places of employment will now come under state control as will the ownership of all property, if you work hard you will survive in this New World, if you choose not to work for any reason then you will be of no further use and the state will not keep you, the decision is yours. There will be more information to follow for your guidance and safety. You have been warned”.


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