Her Billionaire Secret Romance

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Her Billionaire Secret Romance Page 8

by Sophia Summers

  “Have you considered cutting your hair?” The beautician brushed out the ends.

  “No not yet, I love having this thick, nice hair.”

  “It must be so hard to take care of, even brushing it out.”

  Eliza looked at her through the mirror.

  “I have Marie do it so it’s not hard at all when I am home, but at school I basically keep it in a nice braid or ponytail.”

  The countenance of the beautician changed, and she raised her eyebrows. “Well if I had a Marie to take care of my hair, I would grow it long too. Good for you. Your hair is stunning, and if you ever do get it cut make sure you sell it. This hair is healthy and gorgeous. Or if you don’t want to sell it, at least donate it to wig makers for cancer patients.”

  “Oh, I would do that for sure. What a good idea.” Eliza felt wonderful as she took the elevator to her floor and spent the rest of the night in her room, reading. Just before she turned out the light, she thought, my own life is as exciting as any book right now. I wonder how this will turn out. Eliza shut her book and turned off the light. Tomorrow would be a good day.

  The next morning, Eliza was up and down for breakfast at 6:45 a.m. Breakfast was already set up, and she got a plate and walked through the buffet. Just as she sat down, Vinny came in. “Good morning, Eliza! How was your sleep?” Vinny snickered and looked at her boldly.

  “Fantastic. I’m excited to get started on our training. How about you?”

  “Yeah, I know everything there is to know about racing as a jockey, so I don’t expect to learn much, but my boss told me to take this course just to get the credentials from it.”

  “Hmm, well I’m sure this will be valuable training for me.”

  “I have some tricks I could show you sometime that can make the difference between winning and losing.”

  Eliza gave him her full attention now. She needed to know all the tricks she could, even if they came from Vinny.

  “How about we meet up after class today and I’ll show you?” Vinny looked earnest.

  “Okay, where do you want to meet?” Just then she looked up and noticed Charles was listening to their conversation. “Hi, Charles.” She gestured outside. “It’s an exciting day.”

  “Yes, it could get a lot more exciting as the day progresses, too.” Charles gave Vinny a look. What was going on with these boys? She was happy that Charles was building more of a relationship with her. She had relived that kiss many times since yesterday. But she wasn’t going to let him determine who she talked to or what she did.

  Both Charles and Eliza finished breakfast at the same time and headed over to the stable together. “Do you think Carson is going to say anything about yesterday?” Eliza asked, looking over at Charles.

  “I don’t think so, he seems to be a pretty cool guy. Besides he doesn’t know what happened. I could have been showing you how I walk on my hands for all he knows.”

  “Can you walk on your hands?” Eliza was intrigued.

  “Yes I can, and it’s not easy. That pile of hay would have been the perfect place to practice so when I fell I could have a soft landing.”

  “Ah, so the story is that I then fell over watching you?” She laughed. “It might be best if we say nothing.” Eliza rolled her eyes.

  The camp participants walked over, and everyone congregated at the corral. There were seven beautiful horses stomping and prancing around looking like they were ready for action.

  “Look at these horses, they’rere amazing.” Charles reached out his hand, and a beautiful palomino stallion came over to him. “Hey, boy, good boy.” He gently scratched the stallion’s forehead.

  “He is beautiful, and he likes you, Charles. That is quite the compliment.” She looked around for the larger black stallion. Vinny was calling to him, but he ignored Vinny and came over to Eliza.

  “Oh, thank you, boy. I need to find out your name.” It was so thrilling to be around so many beautiful horses. She looked over at Charles, and he smiled with excitement too.

  Carson came out and called everyone to order. “These are your horses. I see two of my stallions have already chosen their riders. Charles and Eliza, take them to the fence post and go choose your saddles and tack.”

  Eliza noticed Carson’s frown as he checked out all the others. She wondered what he was thinking. Walking out, she looked over at Vinny, who smiled and winked. Eliza didn’t really like Vinny, but if he knew any good racing tricks, she was willing to at least listen to him. Carson paired up horse and rider for the rest of the class. “When you all get your horses saddled and ready, we will ride down to the practice track in the back pasture over the river bridge.”

  Charles helped Eliza mount her horse. “Thanks, Charles, but I really think I am supposed to do this by myself. I want to be just as able as the rest of the class.”

  “You may need to carry around a step ladder, then, if you plan to get on this horse without help. The shortest person here is riding the tallest horse in these stables. You could have asked for a pony.” Charles raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

  “Whatever, Charles, and besides, I can’t help it if he likes me best.” Eliza smiled, but she knew she needed to figure out a way to get on this horse. How high can I lift my foot to these stirrups?

  Carson rode out; his horse was gorgeous. It was silver-white with black circular stripes on each leg and a black mane and tail with silver-white stripes. The horse looked like a Spanish mustang but was much bigger.

  But her horse was definitely the largest. It would give her an advantage as his stride would be longer. They all went through the gate to the track. Carson road over to her and handed her a couple stirrup straps. “Keep these around the saddle horn. They will come in handy for getting back on your horse.”

  “Oh, great idea, thank you so much!” I can just tie these to the stirrup and then put my foot in the loop. Perfect. Charles rode over, and she showed him the straps. He gave her a thumbs-up.

  “Okay, everyone line up at the starting line. We are going to race around the track once so I can evaluate where you all are in your skills.”

  Wait, we are just going to race just like that? Her heart started beating much faster. She took a couple deep breaths as she rode her horse over to the starting line. Vinny settled his horse next to hers. Charles was down the line somewhere. When they were all settled, Carson shot off a starter gun and the race was on.

  Eliza was in the middle of the group, but she leaned over and spoke to her stallion. “Go, boy, this is important.” Her heart was racing, and her desire was at peak level as she tried to communicate that to the stallion by squeezing her thighs and leaning forward and low. He responded immediately and really took off. Wow, now this is flying! “Wahoo!” The joy of riding and passing other riders was just so exhilarating she couldn’t stop smiling until she saw Charles coming up on her left side. He obviously loved this race, too, judging by the smile all over his face. But she was determined to stay in the lead.

  “Don’t let them pass us.” She urged her horse to go faster. He didn’t seem to want to be passed either. They were racing neck and neck around the track and both crossed the finish line at the same time.

  Eliza reached down and patted her horse as they slowed to a walk. “Great job, thank you so much!” She turned and rode back to where Carson was sitting with his stopwatch in the center of the track. The others gathered around him as they finished.

  Carson called everyone to order. “You all did fine. Most of you are here pursuing a career in professional horse racing.” He looked over at Charles and Eliza, who were next to each other. “Some of you are not.” He didn’t need to make it so obvious. “That being said, notice who won the race. Why is that?”

  One of the men raised his hand. “They have the best horses?” Everyone laughed.

  Carson chuckled. “They do have great horses, but any one of you could have beaten them if you had wanted it bad enough.”

  Eliza remembered her coach’s training. “The h
orse has to feel how much you want to win.”

  “That is exactly right. Anyone can ride, but the good jockeys communicate their desire to win with their horses.”

  “It looks like most of you are here for flat racing. I will set up some jumps for any who want to try it.” He looked over at Charles and Eliza and said. “You two are free until after lunch. If you go out the side gate, you can ride back along the river.”

  He turned to the rest of the class. “Okay, now line up and we are going to run this race again. Let these horses know you mean it.”

  Eliza walked her horse to the gate and got down. She opened the gate and tied the stirrup strap to her stirrup and used the strap to give herself a lift up. She looked up at Charles with a smug look of satisfaction.

  “That works great,” he said. “You should probably get yourself a permanent set of those.”

  “I don’t need it at home. Tandy is not this tall, and I always have plenty of places to get on.”

  Charles shut the gate after they both went through. “We have three hours before we go back for afternoon training.”

  “This is great. Look how beautiful this is.” She loved this tunnel of trees. It wasn’t the White Way of Delight, but if there were some blossoms it could be. “The river looks inviting.”

  Charles shook his head. “I read up, remember? That river has been known to have alligators and water moccasins.” Eliza cringed.

  “How is it you have read the Green Gable novels?” Now that was something she really wanted to know. It changed her whole perspective on Charles Harrington.

  “I volunteer at the pediatric ward where Rachael works, and I had one patient who wanted me to read that book to her.” She noticed his countenance fall.

  “Is she okay now?”

  Charles turned his head away, clearing his throat. “No, not really, her prognosis is not good. She may not make it this time.”

  “I’m very sorry. That is so hard.” Eliza sighed. “I admire Rachael so much. I love that she went after her dreams. You might laugh, but I have considered a medical career too.”

  “You’re kidding. So am I. My parents don’t know anything about it, though. I have procrastinated bringing it up. I got accepted to medical school and the deadline to send in my acceptance letter is next week.” Charles raised his palms up and gave a wry grin.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I think I’m going to accept and become a doctor.” She looked out over the water. “And tell my Dad later.”

  She laughed with him. “I haven’t gone that far, but I plan to go regardless. I haven’t mentioned it to my parents either.”

  Charles stopped and got off of his horse. He came over to help Eliza down. “Let’s walk some.”

  As he reached up to help her, she slid down into his arms and stayed put, looking way up into his eyes. He stopped and smiled, looking down at her. He seemed to make a decision, and then he lifted her back up to his lips and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and melted into his arms. She felt herself falling in love with a Harrington. The forest smelled fresh with mint and cypress, and the birds were singing. As he started to back away, she pulled him closer. I don’t want this to ever end.

  Charles set her down a little breathless. “So, Miss Stanton, you seem to have made a study of our first kisses. How was that one?” He was flushed and smiled down at her, looking a bit hopeful. She loved that he helped at a hospital. The character she was discovering in Charles was drawing her closer to him. And as she looked into his eyes, she realized that she was in love.

  “Mr. Harrington, that was perfect.”

  Charles sighed. “Well that is great news because I thought they were all perfect.” His cell phone rang.

  “Hey, Dad, what’s up?” His eyes widened. He looked over at Eliza. “You’re here?”

  Eliza’s eyes widened as well. What in the world? He can’t know that I am here. I am going to have to hide. If her parents or his parents found out they were together, they’d never hear the end of it.

  “Okay, I will be right there. We can have lunch together.”

  “Good grief! What are we going to do?” Eliza turned pale.

  “Do you think he will believe the truth? That we accidentally signed up for the same camp?” Charles helped Eliza back onto her horse.

  “Well, since I barely believe it myself, why don’t you go ahead. I will go sit with the puppies while you have lunch with your dad. Once he leaves, just meet me back at the stables and bring a sandwich if you can—I’m starved.”

  “Are you sure? This could work.” Charles looked relieved. He looked back and smiled conspiratorially at her.

  She laughed and gave him a thumbs-up. He raced ahead on his palomino. Eliza had no idea where this would go, but she was hoping for the happy ending she found in her books.

  Chapter 9

  Charles knew this week was a turning point in his life. He would have to decide for certain if he was going to act on his acceptance to medical school and what he would do about Eliza. Both decisions, if he chose what he wanted, would severely disappoint his parents and could damage the closeness he had with them. He looked at Rachael’s example. She had gone her own way, and he could feel the distance between her and their parents. They loved her, for certain, but they were not as close as they once were, and, as the only daughter, that had to be hard on Rachael’s relationship with Mom.

  He slowed down and walked the palomino. He was not anxious to face his father. Why was he here anyway? Charles needed time to think. As he came out of the woods, he saw his dad standing by a limo close to the corral. He waved and trotted toward him.

  “Hey, Dad, this is a surprise.”

  His dad looked worried. His father rarely made a point to see Charles. He started getting a knot in the pit of his stomach.

  “I was in Houston on business and decided we could use this time to talk.”

  Oh great, time to talk, that meant time to be lectured. “Do you want to have lunch with me? Maybe we could go in and get a plate of food and then bring it to the covered bridge to have some privacy.” Charles got off of his horse and walked him into the corral. The knot in his stomach twisted. He looked back at his father. “I‘ll be right back.”

  Charles and his dad walked over to the ranch house. His father started coughing and choking.

  “Dad, that’s an awful cough. Have you seen a doctor?”

  “Yes, I’m taking meds.” They got their lunch, and Charles looked at his dad and saw lines of concern in his face deepen. Something was very wrong. Walking to the bridge, his father reminded him of the fishing trip they took to the Florida Everglades. That had been a wonderful trip for a ten-year-old boy. His older brothers came, but they had wanted to head to the beach, so he and his father enjoyed a whole day together. He had never felt closer to his father. It wasn’t often he found himself alone with his dad. They both sat down on the bridge bench.

  “This food is good, Charlie. I guess you’re not starving here.”

  Charles laughed. “I am getting quite the reputation as a big eater.”

  “I can imagine that.” His dad looked down, fidgeting.

  “Dad, what is it?”

  “Well, son, your mother is the only one who knows this so far, but I have a rare disease I picked up in South America that could take my life.”

  Charles’s heart jumped into his throat. “Dad, how long have you had it? What do the doctors say?” He couldn’t help it, his eyes filled with tears.

  “They caught it early, but the prognosis isn’t very good. News of this cannot get out. The stock would plummet, and the merger I am working on would leave us at a big disadvantage.” The fear in his father’s eyes was something he had never seen. Charles’s heart was beating faster. He was having trouble catching his breath.

  “Dad, what can I do?”

  “Charlie, I knew I could count on you. Your brothers are immersed in their own careers, so I haven’t told th
em yet.” His father started choking.

  Charles was alarmed and feeling helpless, handed him a water bottle. “I will do anything I can.” Charles saw his life’s plan slip away as he looked into his father’s pleading eyes.

  “I have a plan, Charles. If we do the Jolander merger, it would give you time to finish school while interning at the company before you had to take control. I don’t know how long I will last, but five years is not unreasonable. I can teach you everything I know and you will be ready.” His father wiped his mouth and stifled a cough.

  The light went out of Charles. Of course he would reassure his father. Of course he would move forward with the plan to head the company. What else could he do but agree? There was his life, planned out before him, dull and monotonous, with a boring wife beside him. He surprised himself with the realization that the most disappointing aspect of his new life centered around one beautiful young Stanton. Those sparkling violet eyes of Eliza’s would never be his.

  His father put his arm around his son as Charles’s tears dropped onto his plate. Not all the tears were for his dad. His mind was desperately trying to see a way out as he looked over the lake. He could see Eliza’s smiling eyes looking up at him. The happy vision was interrupted when his father stood to leave.

  “Well, son, I better get going.”

  Charles walked his father to the limo and hugged him goodbye. “You should at least tell Rachael. She will know all the latest.”

  “Not yet, Charlie.” He shut the door and the limo drove off.

  Charles turned to walk toward the stable. He slowed his pace, reluctant to do what he had to do. The trees were beautiful and the birds were singing. Looking out over the lake with the canoes at the shoreline was inviting, but none of this touched Charles as he walked inside and joined Eliza with the puppies.

  “Whew, that was a close one.” Eliza laughed and looked up into his face then stopped. “What happened?”

  Eliza was the first girl that Charles had wanted to stay tied to. He didn’t know how to break away from his feelings for her. But he knew he had to. “Let’s just hold the puppies and be together right now.” Charles picked up a couple puppies and held them close. “I think I am going to take this one home with me. Which one do you want?”


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