Laidlaw, Lord, 252
Lama, Gita, 72, 74, 551
Lamont, Norman, 42–3, 364, 403, 632; DC as spad for, 33, 40–6, 48, 49; and ERM, 33, 41, 44–5; pre-election Budget (1992), 40; post-ERM economic policy, 43–4; fall of, 44–6; and EU referendum campaign, 44, 673; personality, 44; ‘Threshergate’ affair, 45–6
‘Lancaster House Agreement’ with France, 148
Landale, James, 567
Lansley, Andrew, 10, 33, 509, 518; as health secretary, 137, 228–30, 233, 583
Larry (Downing Street cat), 199, 693
Latvia, 639
Laws, David, 139, 182, 185, 240
Lawson, Nigel, 35, 36, 41, 42, 227, 673
Leach, Rodney, 292
Leadsom, Andrea, 689, 690
Leave campaign: ‘Breaking Point’ poster, 619–20, 674; initial disarray of, 658–9; toxicity, 659; Gove’s personal attacks on DC, 660; mendacity of, 660, 668–9, 687; ‘Project Fear’ accusations by, 663; problems in setting out post-EU world, 664; and emotional arguments, 667; £350 million-a-week claim, 668, 674; Gove’s claims over Turkey, 668–9; and anti-Muslim sentiment, 669, 674; Tories criticise manifesto they were elected on, 670–1; as alternative government, 671
Leave.EU, 658–9, 674
Lebanon, 278, 447, 617
Lee, Ruth and Arthur, 246
Legal, Hubert, 337
Legend, John, 342
Legowski, Michelle, 551
Lehman Brothers collapse (2008), 111
Leigh, Edward, 235–6
Leslie, Charlotte, 364
Letta, Enrico, 157, 516
Letwin, Oliver, 5, 59, 138, 192, 367, 506, 575; negotiates with Lib Dems, 6; and DC’s leadership campaign, 82; in 2010 election team, 121; Covenant Reference Group, 176; influence on DC, 205; and ‘progressive conservatism’, 205; and Drug Strategy, 208; and environmental policy, 214; and phone-hacking scandal, 263–5; and AV referendum, 292; and fuel-strike preparations, 355; favours EU referendum, 404, 408; and Syrian conflict, 451; and EU referendum, 654; and EU exit plan, 684–5
Leveson Inquiry, 250, 259–61, 359, 666–7; recommendations, 262–6; Report of (2012), 262, 266
Li Keqiang, 160
liberal democracy: and foreign policy objectives, 145, 146, 268–70, 272–3, 285–6; and ‘strongman’ leaders, 270, 272, 703; pragmatic foreign policy judgements, 272–3; and DC’s post-political life, 703; decline, 703
Liberal Democrats: and 2010 election, 2, 5, 128–9; coalition negotiations, 6–12, 14–15, 288; loss of seats at 2010 election, 131; and joint Policy Unit, 135; coalition cabinet posts, 138–40; consulted over cuts, 140–1, 185–6; tuition-fee pledge (2010), 225–6, 348; and abolition of PCTs, 229–30; as coalition partners, 241; and phone-hacking scandal, 259, 263; and electoral reform, 289; and Fixed Term Parliaments Bill, 289; EU referendum policy, 321, 399–400, 700; and personal tax-free allowance, 348–50, 353–4; and mansion tax, 350–2; and Lords reform, 360–4, 366–7; Lords reform linked with boundary review, 362–7; and civil liberties lobby, 426; and Autumn Statement (2012), 432; and Tory plan for 2015 election, 497–8; and 2014 European elections, 511; and Scottish independence referendum, 550–1; and March 2015 Budget, 565; coalition ends, 568; losses in 2015 election, 577, 578, 580; and EU referendum campaign, 672. See also Clegg, Nick
Liberia, 483, 532
LIBOR scandal, 177
Libya: post-Gaddafi problems in, xiv, 285–6; and Italy, 157, 175–6; and Arab Spring, 268, 271, 273–85; critics of intervention, 268, 285–6; UK response to crisis, 268, 273–86; Britain slow to evacuate citizens from, 273, 274; Muslim Brotherhood, 274; National Transitional Council (NTC), 274, 276, 283–4, 448; Gaddafi’s advance towards Benghazi, 275–80, 286; no-fly zone, 276–7; NSC(L), 276, 281–3; Paris Summit, 280; coalition war against Gaddafi, 281–5; Parliament approves intervention, 281, 461; cash sent to NTC, 282–3; Libyan Oil Cell, 282; ISIS in, 285
Liddell-Grainger, Ian, 476
Lisbon Treaty, 119–20, 320–2, 326, 332, 404, 514–15, 629–30
Lit, Tony, 105
Lithuania, 521–2, 639
Litvinenko, Alexander, 522–3
Live Aid, 479
Livesey, Tim, 462
Llewellyn, Ed, 5, 13, 200, 202, 253, 411, 418, 501, 554; negotiates with Lib Dems, 6–7, 11; in ‘CRD clique’, 36; and DC’s leadership campaign, 81; in DC’s opposition team, 99, 102, 108; and Libya, 274–5; and Eurozone crisis, 335; and 2012 reshuffle, 390, 392; and conference speech preparations, 396; and Syrian conflict, 456; and 2015 election, 576; EU renegotiation role, 637; and EU referendum, 679, 681
Lloyd George, David, 361
Lloyds Bank, 192
loan sharks, 565
Loans to Ireland Act (2010), 309
local government: finance, 35–6, 351; Poll Tax, 35–6; ‘Section 28’, 64, 438; decentralisation and localism, 211–12, 502–3, 699; and Tory modernisation, 211–12; central government cuts, 212; council tax bands, 351; Tory base maintained under DC, 498
Lockerbie bombing, 275
Lockinge school, 16
Loyau-Kennett, Ingrid, 420
Lucas, Caroline, 563, 677
Luff, Peter, 82
Luxembourg, 640, 642
Lyburn, Rosie, 195
McDonnell, John, 621
McGuinness, Martin, 311, 312
McGuinness, Paddy, 419, 428
McInnes, Mark, 548, 554
McKinsey, 32
Macleod, Iain, 33
McLetchie, David, 548
McLoughlin, Patrick, 10–11, 14, 239, 366, 694; appointed chief whip, 137; as secretary of state for transport, 386–7, 391; and equal marriage, 441; and EU referendum, 656
Macmillan, Harold, 26, 205, 488
Macmillan nurses, 229
McNally, Tom, 139–40
McVey, Esther, 505, 509
M&C Saatchi, 566
Maastricht Treaty (1992), 84–5, 119, 322, 334, 363, 403; UK’s single currency opt-out, 403, 632; and ‘Danish Model’, 628, 638; ‘subsidiarity’ principle, 630; and freedom of movement, 633–4
Macedonia, 669
Maitlis, Emily, 565
Major, John: and DC’s coalition decision, 4; as practical Conservative, 38–9; recruits DC to PMQ team, 38; and 1992 election, 39–40; and ERM decision, 41; ‘doublespeak’ on Europe, 84; soapbox, 126; and PM’s ‘letters of last resort’, 143; outlaws disability discrimination, 205; evidence to Leveson Inquiry, 260; in Kuwait (2011), 271–2; EU opt-outs, 322, 326, 403, 632, 701; opposes Lords reform Bill, 364; and National Lottery, 375; attempted coups against, 444; and European Commission presidents, 514; and EU referendum campaign, 672–3; letter to DC after he leaves office, 701–2
malaria, 100, 485
Malaysia, 147, 587–8
Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, 526–7
malnutrition, global, 381
Mandela, Nelson, death of (2013), 494
Mandelson, Peter, 224, 658
Mann, Laurence, 13, 444
Mann, Scott, 569, 578
Marks & Spencer, 127
Marley, Kate, 13
Martin, Chris, 200, 241, 590; death, 621
Matt (Telegraph cartoonist), 248
Maude, Francis, 34, 138, 212–13, 253, 355–6, 498, 505, 508, 583
Maudling, Reginald, 33
May, Theresa: supports DC’s coalition decision, 10; DC first meets, 50; as shadow home secretary, 110; as home secretary, 137, 226, 236, 298, 300–1, 419, 428, 507, 581–2; personality, 137, 445, 554; and police reform, 226, 300; 2017 general election, 289; and 2012 Olympics, 376; and Extremism Task Force, 424–5; ‘Contract for Equalities’, 439–40; and equal marriage, 439–40; mudslinging with Gove, 445, 507; ‘wide-ranging’ speech (March 2013), 445; avoidance of TV debates (2017), 563; and immigration policy, 632–3; Br
exit negotiations, 680; leadership election (2016), 686–91, 695
mayors, elected, 36, 386, 503; referendums on, 357
media: briefing before interviews, 34; and Norman Lamont, 45–6; DC at Carlton, 49–50, 53; Guardian Comment is Free webpage, 58, 251; and Michael Howard, 62; Paxman interviews, 87–8; television debates, 87, 127–9, 132, 563; ‘Hug a Hoodie’ speech, 96–7, 252; DC as vlogger, 102, 251; Telegraph and expenses scandal, 116–17, 240, 504; Eurosceptic press, 120, 326, 338, 665–7; Coulson and DC, 121–2, 252–4; cycle, 125–6; and election campaigns, 125–6; DC’s approach to, 250–4; press–politician relationship, 250–4, 258–63, 266; DC’s focus on broadcast media, 251; Tory press and modernisation, 252; News Corporation bid for BSkyB, 254–6, 259–60, 262; Sun switches to Tories (2009), 254; cross-media ownership rules, 255; decline of newspaper industry, 255; strong media groups as good thing, 255; regulatory failure, 257–8; poor practices by newspaper industry, 257–8; Operation Elveden, 257; statutory press regulation, 262–5; Leveson’s recommendations, 262–6; regulation of broadcasters, 263; Letwin’s Royal Charter idea, 264–5; independent self-regulatory press bodies, 265–6; and the internet, 266–7; ministers’ rules for transparency, 266; and prime-ministerial holidays, 295; and ‘Omnishambles’ Budget (2012), 353–7, 359; and Andrew Mitchell incident, 393–5; Guardian and Snowden material, 428; right-wing press and overseas aid, 480; local and regional, 501–2; RT, 525; DC’s ‘at home’ broadcast (2015), 567. See also phone-hacking scandal
Medvedev, Dmitry, 523
Mellor, David, 257–8
Mercer, Johnny, 578
Mercer, Patrick, 240
Merkel, Angela: personality, 99–100, 148–9; political style, 99–100, 149; sense of humour, 99, 149, 247, 529–30; and Eurozone crisis, 100, 329–30, 332–6, 338–9, 342, 431; and EU budget cut (2013), 149–50, 339, 414, 415; at Toronto G20, 149, 151; and Sarkozy, 149; at Muskoka G8, 150; on European Parliament, 151; and election of Juncker, 198–9, 515–18; in Downing Street kitchen, 198–9; at Chequers, 247; and Arab Spring, 270, 279; and European Council meetings, 328; and Bloomberg speech, 413; and Syrian conflict, 449–50, 467, 614–16; ‘half-life of a Merkel promise’, 518–19; Ukrainian crisis peace initiatives, 531; ruthless streak, 581; and migration crisis, 614–16, 638; suspends Dublin Regulation for Syrians, 614–16; Palestinian girl questions, 614–15; and DC’s renegotiation, 636–8, 640–1, 644, 646, 648; on emergency brake proposal, 636, 646, 648; and February 2016 Council, 644; and EU referendum campaign, 673; and Brexit, 688
Messina, Jim, 566, 576, 678
Mexico, 153
MFI, 114
MI5, 142, 298, 419, 420, 426
MI6, 142, 345, 419, 452
Michel, Charles, 640
Middle East Peace Process, 150, 155, 533–6
Middleton, Catherine, 371, 382, 590
migration crisis: and Libya, 285; impact on EU referendum, 447, 609–10, 619–21; and Syrian conflict, 447, 608–9, 611, 614–16; Mediterranean route, 608–10, 618; countries of origin, 608, 611–12, 615; causes of, 608, 611–12; Alan Kurdi photograph, 608, 615; Calais ‘Jungle’, 609–10; and Channel Tunnel, 609sa–11; Lampedusa sinking (2013), 609; western Balkans route, 609; DC’s policy towards, 610–20; UK as largely immune from EU failures, 610, 614, 618–20; UK exemption from Schengen, 610, 614, 618–19; arrival countries, 612–13, 616–17; EU’s Dublin Regulation, 612–16; people-smugglers, 612, 618; need to turn boats back, 612, 614, 618; EU relocation programme, 613, 617; and Merkel, 614–16, 638; Merkel suspends Dublin Regulation for Syrians, 614–15; Daily Mail on, 615; ‘Refugees Welcome’ march in London, 615; borders spring up across Europe, 616–17; Cologne incident (New Year’s Eve 2015), 616; Syrian Vulnerable Persons Scheme, 616; lesson for UK over EU membership, 618–20
Miliband, David, 291
Miliband, Ed: and Doncaster, 51; becomes Labour leader, 234, 291; and PMQs, 244; media policy of, 259; and phone-hacking scandal, 259–60, 263–5; and Leveson recommendations, 263–5; at royal wedding (2011), 371; and data retention powers, 428; opposes austerity policies, 435; and Syrian conflict, 462–5; qualities as leader of opposition, 462; and ‘cost-of-living crisis’, 469–72; DC more popular than, 473, 499; calls for boycott of 2013 CHOGM, 490; Labour membership reforms, 498, 589; and Palestine, 536; and air strikes against ISIS, 543–4; and Scottish independence referendum, 552; and 2015 television debates, 563, 573; and 2015 election campaign, 565–7; forgets to mention deficit (2014), 565; Scotland problem at 2015 election, 566–7; last PMQs, 568; ‘the EdStone’, 574; resigns as Labour leader, 579; magnanimous in defeat, 580
Miller, Maria, 390, 440, 504, 509
Mills, Nigel, 464–5
Milton, Anne, 583
Minckwitz, Ed de, 241
minimum wage, 53, 468, 565, 569–70, 585–6
Mitchell, Andrew, 55, 105, 489; as international development secretary, 137, 282–3, 387, 480–3, 486; as chief whip, 387–8, 393–5; ‘plebs’ incident, 393–6
Mitting, Mr Justice, 395
Modi, Narendra, 620
Mogherini, Federica, 614
Moldova, 521
monarchy, 369–70; and phone-hacking scandal, 253; royal wedding (2011), 369, 371; royal finances, 370; Charles’s letters to ministers, 374–5; end of primogeniture rules, 382; and Scottish independence referendum, 547–8, 553, 555–6. See also Elizabeth II, Queen
monetarism, 25
monetary policy: under Lamont, 43; and public spending, 44; and financial crash, 112–13, 182; under Osborne, 150, 191–2; in Eurozone, 323, 329–30, 332–3, 431
Montenegro, 669
Montevarchi, 295
Monti, Mario, 157, 342
Monzo, 213
Moody’s (credit ratings agency), 434
Moore, Michael, 485
Mordaunt, Penny, 364, 582–3, 669
Morgan, Nicky, 504–5
Morris, Colonel Jim, 172
Morsi, Mohamed, 606
Moss Side, Manchester, 124
Mossack Fonseca leaks, 661–2
Mossbourne Academy, Hackney, 220, 221
Mother (creative agency), 381
‘Mounts of Wasing’, 25
MRSA, 227
Mubarak, Hosni, 269, 270–1
Mulcaire, Glenn, 253, 256
Mumbai terror attack (2008), 424
Mumford & Sons, 342
Mundell, David, 10, 582
Munich Security Conference (2011), 422–3
Murdoch, James, 261, 262
Murdoch, Rupert, 251–2, 254–6, 259–61
Murrison, Andrew, 392
Muscat, Joseph, 595
Muskoka, Ontario, 150–1, 168
Muslim Brotherhood, 271, 274, 605–6
Muslim Council of Britain, 606
Mussolini, Benito, 287
Myerson, Tussie, 69
Napoleon III, Emperor, 287
National Citizen Service (NCS), xvi, 97–8, 124, 127, 211, 570, 697
National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, 450–1
National Health Service (NHS): failure of flagship reforms, xiv, 233–4; and dementia, xvi, 231; targets and bureaucracy, 3–4, 92, 218, 227, 228, 233; Blair’s policies, 54, 218; Ivan and, 70; compassion and hard work in, 71, 227; navigating the system, 72–3; Tory policies at 2010 election, 125; falling budget in 1970s, 184, 227; ring-fencing of budget, 186, 228–9, 233, 668; Churchill endorses, 205; Stafford hospital scandal, 227–8; cancer survival rates, 227, 697; as ‘national religion’, 227; mixed-sex wards, 227, 230, 697; Patient Passports policy, 227; Trust Hospitals, 228–9; GP commissioning, 228; DC’s structural reforms, 229–32; ‘Foundation’ Hospitals, 229; GP purchasing role, 229; Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), 229–30; DC’s policy successes, 230–3, 697; lottery of cancer drugs, 231; and Olympic opening ceremony, 378; and Scottish independence refe
rendum, 550–1, 553; DC’s second-term plans for, 583–4, 621; pay of junior doctors, 583–4; ‘seven-day NHS’ pledge, 583–4; Leave’s £350 million-a-week claim, 668, 674
National Lottery, 375
National Neurology Hospital, 354
National Security Agency (NSA), US, 345, 427–8
National Service, 97
National Union of Students, 224
NationsBank, 17–18
NATO, 54, 145, 148, 157, 168; 2 per cent allocation commitment, 174, 530, 698; and Libya intervention, 281, 283–4; and Syrian conflict, 464; and Russian Federation, 521–2, 524–6; and Ukraine crisis, 526, 529; UK hosts 2014 summit, 528–32, 698; Ismay on, 529; common standards for armed forces, 530; DC’s final summit, 690
Nelson, Fraser, 495
neo-conservatism in US, 59, 100, 346
Nepal earthquake (2015), 486
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 344, 534
Netherlands, 336, 641; PVV in, 330
Neville-Jones, Pauline, 142
New Zealand, 147
Newbury Bypass protesters, 19
Newlove, Helen, 124
Newmark, Brooks, 558
News Corporation, 254–6, 259–60, 262
News International, 251–2, 254, 256, 261–2
Newsnight, 87–8, 389
Newton, Robert, 34
NICE (health regulator), 231
Nicholson, David, 229
Nicholson, Jim, 306
Nicholson, Brigadier General Larry, 167
Nigeria, 397, 486, 545–6
Norman, Jesse, 364, 367
Northern Ireland: republican terrorism, 275; G8 summit in (2013), 285, 455–8, 487–90, 698; and devolution, 303, 308–12, 698–9; DC’s first involvement with as leader, 304–6; New Force in, 305–6; political system, 305–6; Good Friday Agreement, 305; Orange marches, 305, 310; peace process, 305; Bloody Sunday (1972), 306–8, 698; Saville Inquiry, 306–8, 698; DC’s policy, 308–12; Hillsborough Castle Agreement (2010), 308–9; 2014 talks, 310–11; Stormont House Agreement (2014), 311; and Brexit, 312; Fresh Start Agreement (2015), 312; renewable heating scheme crisis, 312; and EU referendum, 659, 672; Major and Blair in during EU referendum, 672; votes Remain, 684; power-sharing agreement, 698
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