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Hibiscus Page 19

by Sarah Pond

Tina decided to leave it for now. 'Would you like a coffee?'

  'Thank you, that would be great. Let's open the biccies, too!'

  Tina was angling to find out firstly, whether Rachel was single, and secondly, whether she might be interested in women. It was so difficult to tell, and Rachel didn't seem to give much away. Also, Janine didn't seem to know much, either.

  Lea arrived home after work at the cafe, to see Rachel working on her laptop. 'Hey, babe. How are you?'

  Rachel looked up, and smiled. 'All the better for seeing you.'

  Lea walked over to kiss Rachel. 'How's Tina settling in at the gallery?'

  'Really well, I think. Janine seems pleased with her, too. She's very eager to learn, asking lots of questions. How was your day?'

  'Busy. I'm definitely ready to chill out this evening. Have you nearly finished working?'

  Rachel closed her laptop. 'Yes. Do you fancy going out for dinner this evening?'

  'Yes, that would be lovely. It will be good to have someone else cook and clear up, that's all I've been doing all day!'

  'You know, you don't have to work at the cafe any more if you don't want to. With the galleries doing well, and me not living in London, things are pretty comfortable.'

  'I do love working at the cafe. It's so fun and vibrant, and I get to meet lots of people. I'm also quite a good tourist information when needed!'

  'You certainly helped me find my way around.'

  Lea laughed, 'Is that a euphemism?!'

  'Actually, it wasn't, but you're quite right. I got one hell of a tour guide when I met you!'

  Lea's eyes were twinkling, 'I'm not sure that you needed showing that much, you seemed to know your way around pretty well!'

  Now they both knew that they were talking about something else. Rachel looked into Lea's eyes, 'You know, you're very easy to love. I love you so much.'

  If Lea had had the breath to speak, she would have said the same. Instead, she kissed Rachel.

  Rachel and Lea really enjoyed their meal, and having a chance to catch up properly with each other. After dinner, Lea suggested going to the pub for a couple of drinks, something they didn't do very often. It was a Friday night, and they wanted to let their hair down. After a couple of hours, Rachel had had rather more to drink than usual, and Lea decided it was time to take her home. 'Come on, let's get you to bed.'

  'Ooh, promises, promises!' Rachel giggled.

  Lea couldn't help laughing, and taking Rachel's hand, they headed out of the pub, into the fresh evening air. Rachel stopped, and looked at Lea. 'What?'

  Rachel looked into Lea's eyes, 'I love you so fucking much.' She pulled Lea towards her, and began kissing her.

  Tina was just walking home when she caught sight of a familiar figure. Rachel. Her heart started to beat faster. It was dark, but Tina could see that she wasn't on her own. They were around the corner from the pub, and mostly in shadow. Then she saw Rachel pulling someone towards her, kissing them passionately. Another woman. Right, well that answered her biggest question. There was a shaft of moonlight shining down, and spilled some light onto the couple. As she watched the kiss getting steamier, Tina found that she couldn't tear herself away. Rachel pulled the woman closer, and as she lifted the woman's thigh to her hip, her denim skirt rode up high, revealing her bare leg between the knee high boot and the hem of her denim skirt. Tina watched, mesmerised, as Rachel ran her hands along the woman's thighs, and around her backside. Then Rachel's hand was inside the woman's pants, and the woman responded to Rachel's touch, throwing her head back, and holding her closer. Tina knew she really should leave now, but her body wasn't listening to her brain. Oh, how she wished that was herself in Rachel's embrace. She would never have imagined how assertive and sexy Rachel could be.

  Lea was breathing heavily, 'We can't do this here, someone might see us.'

  'It's dark, it's late. And all I care about is you. I want you to come in my mouth.'

  'Oh my god, you're wild when you're drunk!'

  Rachel pulled her hand away, and suddenly dropped to her knees. 'I want to taste how sweet you are.'

  Lea was helpless against her wanting, and closing her eyes, gave into the ecstasy, 'Oh my god, Rach.'

  Tina could hardly believe her eyes. This was hotter than any film she had ever seen. Rachel was on her knees, reducing the woman to putty. As she watched, the woman tensed, cried out and leaned heavily into Rachel. Tina came to, chastising herself for watching, and headed towards home. When she got into bed that night, Tina replayed the whole scene, it was as sexy as hell. Rachel had looked so hot, and Tina wanted her more than ever. Tina was feeling so turned on, and her hand started to wander, she needed a release from the throbbing between her legs.

  On Saturday morning, Rachel went to sit up, and groaned before flopping back on the pillows. Lea smiled at her, 'Morning! How are you feeling?'

  Rachel smiled a crooked smile, 'I've been better!'

  'You were quite well gone last night. Shall I get you some orange juice or a coffee?'

  'Juice please.' Rachel closed her eyes again.

  When Lea returned, she handed Rachel the juice, and got back into bed. 'I thought you might want a quiet day today. Maybe we could go for a little walk later, it's a beautiful day.'

  'Sounds good. Thanks for this.'

  They lay side by side for a while, then Rachel said, 'Did we, last night... After the pub. Outside. Or did I dream it?'

  'Yep. You were most insistent.'

  'Oh my god, what if someone saw us?'

  'It was late, no one was around. It was incredibly hot!' Lea gave Rachel a sultry look.

  Rachel couldn't help laughing, then held her head, 'Ouch.'

  'Why don't you get showered, then we can have some breakfast and walk off your hangover.'

  'Sounds like a plan. Maybe just a few more minutes in bed first,' and Rachel pulled the duvet under her chin, and snuggled up again.

  Tina walked into the gallery on Monday morning, and was expecting to see Janine. So when it was Rachel who greeted her, she was surprised. 'Hi Tina, Janine's off today, so it's just us.'

  All the images from Friday night flashed into Tina's head, and she flushed, 'Great. Shall I make some drinks?' She quickly darted off to fill the kettle.

  When Tina took a mug of tea to Rachel at her desk, Rachel asked, 'Did you have a good weekend?'

  As Tina's mind was answering, Yes, I saw a hot live porn show Friday night, she managed to get her mouth to say, 'Yes, thank you. Pretty quiet, really. How about you?' She blushed as soon as the words were out. Rachel was sipping her tea, and didn't notice.

  'Yes, very nice, thanks.'

  'Okay, well I'd better get on, then.' Tina disappeared downstairs to get on with her work.

  Tina found it quite hard to concentrate. Whenever she looked at Rachel, the images from Friday night entered her mind unbidden. Tina told herself to snap out of it. As the day wore on, she managed to be able to look at Rachel without blushing. Later in the afternoon, Tina was doing some work at the computer. Rachel walked up behind her to ask her something, and Tina jumped a mile. 'Oh, sorry. I was lost in what I was doing, I didn't hear you.'

  'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump.' Rachel placed her hand gently on Tina's shoulder. Tina was thankful that she was facing away from Rachel, at least she wouldn't see her blushing madly. She just hoped that Rachel wouldn't feel that she was shaking. 'Can I get you a drink?'

  Tina drew a breath, 'Tea please, thank you.'

  Rachel went off towards the kettle, and Tina made her shoulders relax. When Rachel returned with the drinks, she thanked her. 'Are you okay, Tina?'

  Tina kept looking down as she replied, 'I'm fine, thank you.'

  'Okay, well, if you need anything, you know where I am.' Rachel headed back downstairs.

  After work, Rachel and Lea were chatting over dinner. 'Tina was in a strange mood today. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I'm sure something was up. I wasn't sure whether to say anything.'
br />   'See how she is tomorrow. Maybe she had a heavy weekend like you!'

  Over the next few days, Tina found it was easier to be around Rachel, but she still had a massive crush on her. She wished she didn't, she found it embarrassing that she fancied her boss. She still didn't know whether the woman she had been with the other Friday night was her partner or just a casual fling.

  At the end of the week, Rachel was working at her desk when Tina came into the office to get her bag to go home. 'Thanks for your work today, Tina. Are you enjoying it here?'

  'Yes, I love it.'

  'You know to ask if you need any help or there's anything you want to know.' Rachel went back to what she was doing.

  Tina nervously pushed her blond bob back over her ear. 'Actually, I was wondering how you got started with your gallery in London. It's quite an achievement.'

  Rachel put her pen down, and looked up at Tina, smiling. Rachel's face lit up as she began talking about Tom, and how they had the idea originally. Tina was fascinated, hanging on every word, as Rachel talked so lovingly about the gallery, and she felt a desire to move closer to Rachel. When Rachel had finished talking, Tina said, 'It must be a bit of a culture shock moving down here, where you don't really know anyone.' Her heart was banging hard in her chest and her ears, but she couldn't stop herself, and like an out of body experience, she heard herself saying, 'Although, you did seem pretty friendly with that woman the other night.'

  Rachel looked up at Tina, and it wasn't a pleasant look on her face. 'Sorry?'

  Tina thought, shit, this is really not going how I hoped. So much for seduction, I'm pissing her off. 'I didn't mean, I just... I wondered whether you knew many people here.'

  Rachel voice was as hard as her face, 'What are you getting at?'

  'I just meant. I mean...' Shit, in for a penny... 'Haven't you guessed?'

  Rachel looked very wary, 'What are you talking about?'

  Tina looked intently at Rachel, 'Do you really not know?' In her mind, Tina was saying, Do you really not know that I have a massive crush on you. You make my heart beat harder every time I see you, and I want to kiss you so desperately, that I want to scream!

  Rachel looked bemused, but she didn't seem angry now, which Tina was relieved about. 'Apparently not.'

  Tina was so nervous, but she steeled herself, and began to say, 'I've been wanting to say something, to ask something...' She took a deep breath. 'This is really difficult...'

  Rachel looked at Tina for a moment, then the penny finally dropped. Rachel's heart started beating furiously. Shit, I don't believe this. Just then, the door downstairs opened, and Lea called out, 'Hi, Rach. Are you in the office?'

  Rachel breathed a sigh of relief, 'Yes, come up.'

  Tina was cursing the bad timing. She had eventually plucked up the courage to say something to Rachel, and now this. As Lea walked into the office, she couldn't help but be a bit amused by the expression on Rachel's face. She also recognised the look on Tina's. 'Hi.'

  Tina looked disappointed to see Lea. She recognised the blond wavy hair, and when she saw the way that she and Rachel looked at one another, she knew that this was the woman Rachel was kissing the other night. 'Tina, I don't think you've met my girlfriend. This is Lea.'

  Tina smiled tightly, a smile that didn't reach her eyes, and flushing, she said, 'Hello.'

  'Hi, Tina. Rachel says you're getting on really well here.' Lea was in a playful mood, and couldn't help adding, 'So, do you enjoy having Rachel for a boss?' Tina's face went bright red, and Lea felt bad for teasing her.

  'Tina was just asking me about the gallery, and how I got started.'

  Lea thought, Yes, I bet she was. Still, she couldn't blame her. Lea had been captivated from the moment she had set eyes on Rachel. 'Okay, well, I was just on my way home, so I thought I'd see if you were ready.'

  'Yes. Hang on, I'll just pack my bag up.'

  Tina said, 'Okay, I'll be off. See you tomorrow.' She left as quickly as she could.

  'Bye, have a good evening.'

  Rachel kissed Lea, 'I am so glad you came in when you did.'

  'Was I interrupting something? I think Tina may have rather a crush on you!'

  'Unfortunately, I think you're right. She started saying things that didn't make any sense, something about seeing me with a woman.' Something seemed to suddenly dawn on Rachel, a creeping realisation like fingers on the back of her neck, 'Oh god, do you think she saw us after the pub? Shit, this is really awkward, I have to work with her.'

  'It will be fine. Carry on as you are, she won't say anything about it, not now.'

  'How do you know?'

  'I just know. Now, let's go home and have some dinner.'

  Tina walked along the road, feeling down hearted. Then as she replayed in her mind what had happened, she realised that it could have gone really badly. Did I really try to make a pass at my boss? I must be crazy. Fuck, I could have lost my job. It's just as well Lea walked in when she did. I hope she didn't know what I was thinking. From now on, no more crazy crush.

  A couple of days later, Tina was having lunch in one of the local cafes. She saw Lea coming out of the kitchen, and her face coloured up immediately. Wondering what to do, she quickly went through her options. She realised there really weren't many of them. She could leave, but she had ordered her food and not paid yet. No, she couldn't do that. Anyway, if Lea was with Rachel, she was going to end up bumping into her sooner or later. She would just have to brazen it out. As Lea walked over, she knew there wasn't time to do anything other than go with it. 'Hi Tina, how are you?'

  'Good, thanks. And you?'

  'Very well. Here's your panini. Enjoy!' And with a smile, Lea was gone again.

  When Lea was clearing some of the tables a bit later, she smiled at Tina, and could see that Tina looked awkward. Lea asked, 'Do you mind if I sit for a moment?' Tina nodded, wondering what on earth Lea wanted to say to her. Lea sat down opposite her. 'It's okay. About Rachel, I mean.'

  Tina's head shot up, and she looked so embarrassed, blushing profusely. 'Did Rachel say something to you?'

  'No. When I came into the office, it was written all over your face.'

  'Oh, I feel so bad. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. I promise I won't say anything like that again. I didn't realise that you two were a couple.'

  'I get it. When I met Rachel, I fell for her almost instantly. You can't help who you're attracted to. We're going to be seeing each other at the gallery, and I want you to know it's okay. Most importantly, I don't want Rachel feeling awkward about it. She's quite unaware of the effect that she has on some people!'

  'You really love her.'

  'Hopelessly!' Lea grinned a soppy grin.

  'Thank you. For being so lovely about it.'

  Lea looked right into Tina's eyes, 'Just relax, and stop giving yourself a hard time. You'll be fine.'

  With that, Lea got up and disappeared into the back of the restaurant. Tina was glad that Lea had spoken to her. She seemed lovely, and very understanding. Boy, did she have the most beautiful eyes. Tina inwardly groaned at herself.


  Rachel and Lea were packing for their holiday in Naples. Lea said, 'This is exciting, our first proper holiday together.'

  'Actually, living here, I feel like I'm on holiday all the time. It's wonderful.'

  Lea kissed Rachel. 'Right, I'm all done now. Are you ready?'

  'Yes. When we get back from Italy, I'll have to go to London for a few days, in case Tom forgets who I am!'

  When the plane touched down, they were soon off, and breezed through customs. Lea called a cab to take them to the villa. She spoke excellent Italian, and gave the address to the cab driver. As she sat back in the seat, Rachel was looking at Lea with smoky eyes. 'I didn't realise you spoke Italian.'

  'I learned some for when I was in Sicily. Also, it comes in handy with the tourists at home sometimes.'

  'Mmm, just when I think you couldn't be any sexier.'

  'Ti amo tanto.'

  'What does that mean?' Rachel was all gooey eyed.

  'I love you so much.'

  Rachel repeated the words, letting them roll off her tongue. Before either of them could say anything else, the cab driver took off down the street at an alarming rate, and Rachel held on for dear life. Lea laughed, she remembered how frantic the driving was around Italy.

  Once they had arrived at the villa, and safely disembarked with their luggage, Rachel breathed a sigh of relief. 'Do they have traffic laws here, or is it a free for all?'

  'I know, I was rather shocked the first time, too. Amazingly, I never saw any accidents, though. That reminds me. When we get back home, I think it would be good if you learned to drive.'

  'I'm not sure if I want to, especially after the drive we just had.'

  'Well, have a think about it.'

  'In the meantime, I think my nerves need calming. Maybe you can speak to me in Italian again?'

  'Andiamo dentro la mia cara.'

  Rachel walked over to Lea, kissing her tenderly. Her voice was breathy, 'Come on, I need to get you inside.'

  'Oh, so maybe you do speak Italian!'

  Rachel unlocked the door, and it opened into a large, tiled hallway. The walls were a pale peachy colour, giving the place a warm and cosy feel. There was an archway to the right that led to the kitchen, which had blue floor tiles, and straight ahead was a lounge and dining area. They left their cases in the hallway so that they could explore. The view from the lounge was beautiful, across the olive trees, an expanse of clear blue skies. They walked back into the hallway, and up the stairs. The bedroom had the same view as the lounge. Lea said, 'This is perfect. Is was so kind of Tom's friend to let us stay here.'

  Rachel took Lea's hand, pulling her towards her. 'Now, talking of perfect, how about some more Italian?'

  'Baciami amore mio,' and then Rachel's lips were on Lea's.

  It was sometime later that Rachel and Lea unpacked their cases. Tom's friend Benni had given them some suggestions for places and restaurants to visit. There was one place not too far away, but they would still need to get a cab. The restaurant was family run, and at the top of a hill. It was quite a steep climb, but well worth it. The owner welcomed Rachel and Lea, and sat them by the wall, with a view right over the sea. It was stunning. The wall was broken with railings, which had flower boxes on them, full of flowers with soft red petals. Down at the shore, there were small boats moving gently with the flow of the water as it kissed the rocks, and off in the distance was a boat with its white sails catching the late afternoon sunshine.


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