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Hibiscus Page 21

by Sarah Pond

  'I don't think you get it, do you? I was very clear about how I felt. What you did was a massive invasion of privacy. What makes you think you can just waltz in, and smooth everything over with a simple phone call. It's none of your business.'

  Ann looked hurt, 'I just want you to be happy.'

  'Rather than you doing what you think would make me happy, how about you ask me. Or do you know what makes me happy more than I do?'

  'I'm sorry. It's just that you got on so well with my parents, and I would love to meet yours. We could all get together...' Ann trailed off at the dark look on Lea's face. It was the first time she had seen Lea upset like this, as if a storm was rolling in.

  'I think you should go.'

  'I'm sorry. Please, can we talk about this?'

  'I really don't think there's much to talk about. You went on about my parents after I met yours. When I told you what happened, I didn't want you to fix it, I wanted you to leave it alone. I know you'd like it to be all sunshine and roses, but unfortunately life can't always be like that, and that's okay.'

  'But it's not okay, not with me.'

  Lea sighed, looking at the sad expression on Ann's face. 'Sit down. Look, I don't want to do this anymore, it's exhausting.'

  Ann started sobbing, 'No, please don't do this. I'm really sorry.'

  Lea put her arm around Ann's shoulders, 'I'm sorry too. But it's over.'

  Rachel respected Lea's decisions, and that meant the world to her. And that first time that Lea had laid eyes on Rachel, she had seen the freedom in her. Sure, it got covered up from time to time, but at her very being, was a freedom that Lea identified with on a deep spiritual level. It was one of the reasons that their love making was so passionate, a complete letting go. Lea had experienced it that first time at the cove, and she knew then that Rachel was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

  Rachel walked into the gallery, to be greeted by Janine. 'Hi, did you have a good holiday?'

  'Wonderful, thank you.' Rachel smiled broadly. 'How have things been here?'

  'Good, nothing to report.'

  'Okay, I'll be in the office, then.'

  Tina came in to offer Rachel a drink. 'Thank you, a coffee would be great. I got a bit of a taste for it on holiday.'

  When Tina returned with coffees for both of them, they chatted for a while about the holiday. Then Rachel said, 'I'll be going to London soon for a few days. You know, I think it would be good if you came with me. You can meet Tom, Lisa and Eric. What do you think?'

  Tina was delighted. 'That sounds great, I'd love to.'

  Rachel called Janine in to discuss it, and they all agreed that it would be a good idea.

  Just before closing time, Lea arrived at the gallery. She greeted Janine, who told her that Rachel was in the office. Walking upstairs, she called out to Rachel.

  'Come on in, I'm nearly finished.'

  Lea's face appeared at the door, beaming, 'Hey babe, I couldn't wait any longer to see you.'

  Rachel smiled back, and slid her swivel chair back, making room for Lea to sit on her lap, and giving her a kiss.

  'This is a nice surprise. Give me a couple of minutes, and I'll be with you.'

  Lea got up, and moved to the chair in the corner. Tina walked in, and when Lea smiled at her, she smiled back, blushing. 'Hi Tina, how are you?'

  'Very well, thank you. And you?'

  'Excellent, thanks.'

  Rachel said, 'Oh Lea, we thought that Tina could come with me to London, to meet Tom and Lisa, and see the gallery.'

  'That's a great idea. Tina, you'll have a great time.'

  Over dinner that evening, Rachel asked how Lea's day had been. 'It was good. All the guys were at the studio, it was great to catch up with everyone. They were all impressed with how you bought the gallery and moved down here.'

  'Well, I knew I wanted to be with you, so it seemed the best way.'

  Lea looked at Rachel across the table. 'Do you miss London?'

  'Not really. To be honest, it's been so busy, I haven't had time to think about it. Getting the Mermaid Gallery sorted, training Tina, and our holiday, it's been quite a whirlwind. Once I get back from London, it will probably slow down a bit.'

  'You don't do the crazy hours you used to. This way, we get plenty of time together.'

  'Well, I've got something to look forward to, having you to come home to.' The way that Rachel looked at Lea made her heart flutter.


  Arriving at the London gallery, there were hugs and smiles all around. Tina had spoken to Tom, Lisa and Eric by phone, but this was the first time that she had met them. Tom said he would come to visit the Mermaid Gallery soon.

  Eric took Tina on a tour of the gallery, while Tom and Lisa caught up with Rachel. 'It's so good to see you again.' Lisa hugged Rachel tightly. 'I really miss you.'

  'I miss you, too. London seems so mad after Cornwall.'

  Tom asked, 'How's Lea?'

  'Really well, thank you. We had an amazing time in Naples, it was so kind of Benni to let us stay.'

  'How is everything, now you're settled in?'

  Rachel beamed, and Tom and Lisa knew that look. 'Wonderful. It's all wonderful, the gallery, Kingsand, Lea. Especially Lea!'

  'I'm so pleased for you.'

  'You know, you can both come and stay any time, just let me know.'

  'Thank you.'

  'So Lisa, how are things with you and Gary?'

  'Actually, we're moving in together. In a couple of weeks.'

  Rachel hugged her friend, 'Congratulations.'

  Tom playfully raised his eyebrows, 'First, we had you all love struck, now it's Lisa's turn!'

  'Well Tom, I seem to remember a similar thing with you and Jeremy!'

  Tom smiled, 'Yeah, it's great, isn't it!'

  Eric really enjoyed showing Tina around. She was very sweet, and eager to learn. She chatted to him a lot about the Mermaid Gallery, and asked him lots of questions about his work, and working with Rachel. At lunchtime, as they were chatting, it turned out that they liked the same kind of music and films.

  That evening, they all went to dinner in Covent Garden. Tina hadn't been to London in years, and was taking everything in. Tom had wanted Tina to feel a part of the team, and relax, and consequently had been plying her with drinks over the course of the evening. By late evening she was getting a bit tipsy. Rachel said, 'Right guys, I think I had better get Tina back to her hotel. We have a bit of a slower pace back home, you know, it's harder to keep up with you!'

  Eric said, 'Shall I come, to give you a hand?'

  'Thanks, but I'll be fine. We're at the same hotel, so there's no need to come too.'

  'As long as you're sure, it would be no trouble.' Eric would have liked to have walked Tina back. Still, Rachel was there, and he would be seeing her again tomorrow.

  Rachel said, 'Really, we'll be fine, thanks. Goodnight, see you tomorrow.'

  Outside in the cool air, Rachel hailed a cab, and helped Tina into it. Once they had arrived at the hotel, Rachel steered Tina towards her room. As she leaned into Rachel, she could smell the alcohol on Tina's breath, 'You are so lovely. You are the best boss ever.'

  'Thanks,' said Rachel, laughing as she slid the keycard into the door.

  Once inside, she got Tina to sit down on the chair, and bent down to take Tina's shoes off. Then Rachel slid Tina's jacket off of her shoulders, and draped it over the chair. She pulled back the covers on the bed, and helped Tina to get her trousers off. As Rachel lay Tina back on the bed, Tina slurred, 'Ooh, what's going on here. Looks like I'm in for a fun night!'

  'I think you've already had enough fun for tonight!'

  'How about a kiss goodnight?'

  Laughing, Rachel pulled the covers over Tina, 'What you need is to get some sleep.'

  Rachel was thinking that she was glad it wasn't her rather worse for wear for a change. Tina closed her eyes, and promptly drifted off to sleep.

  Back in her hotel room next
door, Rachel rang Lea. 'Hey babe, how's London?'

  'Good. Everyone sends their love.'

  'Is Tina enjoying herself?'

  'Yes, she's getting on really well with Eric. We went out for dinner, and Tom got Tina rather tipsy. I managed to get her into bed, though.'

  'Not a sentence I expected to hear from you!'

  'You know what I mean. She was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.'

  'I miss you.'

  'I miss you, too. Still, only a couple of days, and I'll be back home.'

  At breakfast in the hotel the next morning, Tina was feeling a bit under the weather. Sipping on orange juice, she said, 'I'm so sorry about last night. I don't usually drink much.'

  Rachel smiled at her. 'No need to apologise. Tom kept topping up your glass, he's very naughty.'

  Tina hesitated, not making eye contact with Rachel, and then plucked up the courage to ask, 'I didn't do anything... silly, did I? When you took me back to my room last night?'

  'Of course not. I just took off your jacket and trousers, covered you over, and you were out like a light.'

  Tina was relieved. There was also a part of her that would have loved to remember Rachel undressing her, and getting her into bed.

  Rachel noticed a distracted look on Tina's face. 'Are you okay?'

  Tina mentally kicked herself, 'Um? Yes, yes fine, thanks.'

  Rachel thought that Tina looked a bit worried. 'I promise you, you were fine. If it makes you feel any better, I'm very good at embarrassing myself after a few drinks. I shall spare you the details, but it seems I become a bit of an exhibitionist!'

  Tina smiled, she would love to know the details. Suddenly she remembered that evening when she had seen Rachel with Lea, outside the pub. Her face flushed, then she saw a look of horror and recognition on Rachel's face. 'Oh my god, you saw me outside the pub that night, didn't you?'

  Tina felt really awkward, 'No. Not really, it was dark.'

  'That's what you were talking about, that time in the office. Just before Lea arrived.'

  Tina started to panic. 'Please, I'm so sorry.'

  'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you see me like that. Or anyone else, for that matter.'

  'If it's going to be difficult, I can always leave. Find another job.'

  'Don't be silly. I was the one behaving unprofessionally.'

  'It was the weekend, you weren't working. You can do what you like in your free time.' I wish you could do me. The thought flashed through her mind before she could stop it, and she rapidly chastised herself.

  'You're very sweet, thank you.' Rachel suddenly looked so young and vulnerable, and Tina felt a wave of affection for her. Rachel didn't seem like her boss any more.

  'Well, I can hardly talk. I did try to hit on you!'

  Rachel looked at Tina, her face as hard as stone. Tina was thinking, Shit, now I've really put my foot in it. Then suddenly, Rachel burst into laughter, and the two of them laughed so much, that their ribs ached and tears ran down their faces. From that moment on, they became friends, and there was no more awkwardness between them. Sure, Tina still found Rachel very attractive, but she knew that there was never going to be anything between them.

  The rest of the visit went very well, and Tina felt a part of the team now. Eric had really enjoyed spending time with Tina, and wished she could stay and work in London. They had got on so well together, and exchanged numbers. Tina thought that Eric was very sweet. When Tina and Rachel left to head home, they hugged everyone goodbye. Eric said to Tina, 'Will you call me, to let me know you've arrived safely.'

  'Yes, I will. Thank you for showing me around and looking after me.' As she smiled at him, she realised that she was really going to miss him.

  Tina had offered to drive for this trip, which had worked out really well for Rachel. She had a few more things at Tom's place to bring home, and they had loaded up the boot of the car the previous evening. Driving along, Rachel said, 'Thank you for driving, it's been so helpful.'

  'It's a pleasure. I'm glad I got to see the gallery. Also, Eric was really helpful.'

  'You two seemed to really hit it off.'

  Tina smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear. 'He's very sweet.'

  'You know, maybe we could do a sort of exchange trip, and Janine could visit London, and Eric could come to Cornwall for a few days.'

  Tina's eyes lit up, 'Ooh, that would be great.'

  Rachel smiled at Tina, who was keeping her eyes on the road. 'I hope Janine is managing okay on her own. Lea said she'd check in, and would help out if she was needed. When we were first together, sometimes she'd help out at the gallery. Lea's an amazing artist, you know.'

  'Is that how you met, at the gallery?'

  'Funnily enough, it wasn't. I didn't even know she was an artist. I went to Kingsand for a holiday, and Lea was looking after the cottage where I stayed. She was also working at the cafe when I went for breakfast. I kept bumping into her.'

  'Life is funny like that. You meet the people you're meant to, and sometimes it happens a few times before you get the message.'

  Rachel was thoughtful for a moment, 'You know, I hadn't really thought about it that much, but you're not the first person to say that. After the holiday, I thought that was it. I didn't want a long distance relationship. Then, a few months later, Lea turned up at the gallery. Tom had booked her in for an exhibition and she'd used her full name, so I had no idea. She just walked in, and it was as if no time had passed at all.' Rachel was sounding wistful.

  'That's so romantic.'

  Rachel cleared her throat. 'Unfortunately, it wasn't as romantic as it sounds. I was dating a guy by then.'

  'Oh. So what happened?'

  'Long story short, I eventually got myself together, ended things with Max, and went to look for Lea. She had gone abroad for a couple of months, and I thought that was it.'

  Tina was engrossed in the story now. 'That obviously wasn't the end, though.'

  'No, the following spring, she turned up at the gallery again, and we decided to make a go of it. It's not been plain sailing, but things are great now. Lea's such an amazing person. She's so kind, and doesn't hold on to negative stuff. She deals with it, and moves on. I'm trying to be more like that myself.'

  'Well, what you've got looks pretty special to me. You're lucky you found each other.'

  A couple of hours later, Tina pulled into a service station so she and Rachel could get something to eat. Sitting with their drinks, Rachel said, 'It's good to be able to stop off for a break. I usually catch the train.'

  'It is convenient, having a car. I guess you didn't need one in London so much. Do you think you'll learn to drive now you're in Cornwall?'

  'I don't know. Lea suggested I do. I'm not sure that I want to.' A look passed over Rachel's face, and Tina wondered what was going through her mind.

  'Are you okay?'

  Rachel nodded, but Tina could see that she wasn't okay. Rachel's eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  'Sorry, I... Last year, Lea was knocked down by a car. She's completely recovered, but at the time, I thought I was going to lose her.'

  'Hey, don't be sorry. That's terrible. But she's okay now, that's the important thing.'

  'I know. Sorry, sometimes the thought of it catches me off guard. I love Lea so much, the thought of it scares the life out of me.'

  'Well, that's natural. It was quite recent, it will get better over time.'

  'Yes, I know. Thank you.'

  As Tina looked at Rachel, she remembered that evening when she watched Rachel with Lea, how hot and passionate she had been. Now she could see that the passion was so much deeper than something merely physical.

  It was early evening when Tina pulled up outside Rachel and Lea's cottage. Rachel was hardly out of the car, before Lea was at the door. 'Babe, I've missed you so much.'

  Lea flung her arms around Rachel, then kissed her passionately on the lips. Tina took her time before she got out of the car. When she did get out, Lea said, '
Hi Tina, how was the drive?'

  'Pretty good, thanks.'

  Tina opened the boot, and Rachel said, 'We've brought the rest of my things back from Tom's.'

  Between them, they unloaded the car, putting the things in the lounge. 'Thank you so much for your help, Tina. Would you like a tea or coffee?'

  Tina considered it for a moment, then as she looked at Lea and Rachel, she thought that they would probably like some time alone. 'Thank you, but I'll head off now.'

  Rachel thanked Tina again, and both she and Lea hugged Tina goodbye. The energy between Rachel and Lea was palpable, and as she left, Tina couldn't help smiling to herself. She decided that when she returned home, she would ring Eric.

  As soon as Tina had left, Lea's lips were back on Rachel's. In between breaths, she said, 'It seems like you've been gone forever.'

  'It's only been three days! Everyone asked after you. I'm glad to be home, though.'

  Rachel would never have dreamed that she would be calling here home. It was now so natural to her, and as she looked at Lea, her heart swelled with love. Lea, her mermaid, her rescuer, the love of her life. Then there were no more words, as they started to undress. It was early March, and the fire crackled gently, filling the lounge with the smell of woodsmoke. They undressed in front of the fire, and Lea lay down on the rug, pulling Rachel towards her, 'I want you so much, come here.'

  Their mouths connected again, tongues entwining. As they kissed, Rachel's hand traced down Lea's body, and as it reached between her thighs, she could feel how ready Lea was, which in turn increased her lust. Lea caressed Rachel's breasts, then slid her hands down, her fingers entering Rachel, causing her to gasp with delight. Their love was so intense, their visceral need for the other rocketing their passion sky high. As their orgasms shuddered through their bodies, they cried out, holding one another tightly. As they lay on the rug, Rachel softly stroked Lea's hair. Lea looked into Rachel's deep smoky eyes, 'I love you so much.'


  It was late in March when Lea received the email. Marcella had contacted Tom via Benni, and in turn, Tom had forwarded the message to Lea. When Rachel arrived home from work that evening, Lea was really excited. 'Babe, you'll never guess. Marcella has been in touch.'


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