Jett (Savaged Souls MC, #3)

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Jett (Savaged Souls MC, #3) Page 2

by KJ Dahlen

  Gunner went on and on and the whole story finally came out. Everyone listened as he explained the events of the past. He told them why DeeDee left the club and what happened when his babies were born and what happened next. He told his brothers about how Blacky left her to bleed to death after Dana was born. Then he told them how DeeDee found Winona and how she found her way back to the club.

  When he was finished, every man sitting there knew what happened. Including the fact DeeDee had taken his ill gotten money that he’d received from Yeta.

  Gunner opened the package and the diamonds spilled out on the table. “Blacky is already under a death sentence for his actions against the club. Yeta is probably already dead but now we have to decide what to do with the money he accepted to betray us.”

  “That money is mine!” Blacky shouted. “Mine... not yours. You don’t have to worry about it at all. It doesn’t belong to you or this club.”

  Moose slapped him upside the back of his head. “Don’t worry bastard. You can’t spend it in hell anyway.”

  Blacky turned his head and glared at the other man. “It still don’t belong to you.”

  Gunner nodded. “He’s right. It doesn’t belong to us but as his only living relative, it could pass down to DeeDee. By law, she could prove her right to collect it after his death. She even suggested a use for the money he betrayed us for.”

  Dana snorted but with one look from her sister, she shut her mouth.

  “What does she want to do with it Boss?” Gypsy wanted to know as he turned uneasy eyes on the woman.

  “She suggested opening up a club for kids. Give them somewhere to go other than the streets. That way, the club isn’t involved and doesn’t have to claim it. I’m sure no one here wants anything to do with this money and this gives us a way to do something positive with it.”

  “You have no rights to that money!” Blacky screamed at them.

  “Who’s gonna run this club?” one of the brothers asked.

  “With that kind of money we can offer the town something decent,” another brother chipped in.

  “Her idea ain’t half bad.” Tate nodded. “I know I got no say in any of this but if the club ran it, you could turn that money into something good.”

  Gunner looked at his men. “It’s up to you guys. Blacky and Arizona are facing Tribunal justice today. We got time to think about it. I just wanted to get this out to you.”

  “Can I say something here?” Tate called out.

  Gunner turned to face him. “What is it?”

  “If you guys do this, and if you need some help please keep us in mind. The Lost sons would love to help with something like this. There is no better way to build an alliance then to work together and this is something we could do together.”

  Gunner nodded. “It’s up to the men. But you’re right, we could do this together and it would benefit both clubs.”

  The men began to talk amongst themselves and one by one, they got to their feet.

  Gunner looked at them all. “What say you all?”

  “Aye, we all agree to do this and we all agree to join with the Lost Sons.” Gypsy nodded.

  Gunner sat down and took DeeDee’s hand. Turning his head, he smiled at her and brought her fingers to his lips in silent salute.

  Time would heal their hearts and time would lessen the betrayal of what Blacky had done to the club.

  Chapter One

  Dana sat back and watched along with everyone else as Gunner explained what happened twenty five years ago. When he spoke of what Blacky had done in chasing DeeDee away and then leaving her to bleed to death after she had Gunner’s babies.

  Dana shivered as she stared at the bound man and she realized she could believe it. She often thought there was something evil about Blacky. Turning her head back to look at her father and the woman who claimed to be her mother, she caught another pair of eyes watching her.

  His eyes. The man they called Jett. His cut said he didn’t belong to the Lost Sons but instead his said Soldiers of Hades, San Antonio Chapter on it. He was one of Cobra’s men but they had come here to collect Becky. He had also rescued her.

  Then he kissed her and blew her away. Her fingers went to her lips and at her slight touch, she remembered the feeling of his mouth on hers. Looking back at him, she saw him smile slightly. She ducked her head and her cheeks colored slightly.

  Her movement caught the eye of Cobra and he frowned, as he looked first at Dana then at Jett. Shaking his head, he turned his attention back to what Gunner was saying.

  The idea of the club for the kids sounded great to Dana and she wondered why she even cared for a moment or two. They certainly had enough money to do it she supposed.

  The men sat there thinking about the proposal and the more they discussed it, the more they seemed to like the idea.

  Looking around, Dana could see the idea was brewing in the Lost Sons head’s as well. Her eyes again stopped on Jett. Damn, they seemed to look right through her? How did he do that? Make her feel like she was sitting here naked?

  Jett was watching Dana’s face as her father told them about what happened twenty five years ago when DeeDee was forced to leave the club. He’d seen the slight sneer on her face like she hadn’t believed a word being said.

  He knew she had an attitude but he was alpha enough to know he could change that. Shaking his head he thought, why the hell, of all the women in the world it was her that made him want more? But he’d felt the connection between them when he touched her back in that shack and this was the only woman he’d ever felt it with. His grandfather always told him he would know when he found the one woman that was meant to be his.

  He looked over at Blacky and could feel the hatred pulsing off the man. Greed and hatred emanated from him like an invisible wave of a dark bitter feeling. He had almost killed his cousin DeeDee and her daughter Winona. He had done the right thing for Dana but that was only to look good to the men he’d betrayed in the first place.

  Jett had seen the look on Dana’s face when Gunner explained who DeeDee actually was and Dana didn’t seem to believe it. Or maybe she just hadn’t wanted to believe it. He’d heard what the brothers thought about her, so he understood she was a spoiled little bitch but maybe she could change. He knew she would have to change for a couple of reasons. One, she now had a mother and a sister to share in being a part of Gunner’s family and from what he’d seen of Gunner, the man wouldn’t tolerate her so called snits any longer. And two, if that wasn’t a good enough reason, Jett wouldn’t allow her to be a brat and still be with him. He couldn’t and wouldn’t put up with that behavior, not from his woman anyway. She would have to prove herself worthy to be with him. Was this egotistical thinking? Maybe. But he would not be shackled to a bitch in heels. She could be sassy and that wouldn’t bother him none. It would be her selfishness that he would draw the line at.

  He sat back in his chair and watched her for the rest of the meeting. He wasn't making up his mind. No. That wasn't really an option to him. He already knew he needed to pursue this woman and make her his own. It would take some effort, this he knew, but the feelings and the fire they could have between them, would make it worth it.

  At the end of the meeting, Cobra called both him and Thor over. “I think if there is going to be an alliance between the Lost Sons and this group, we should get in on it as well.”

  Thor nodded. “I agree. A club can’t have too many alliances. Whether you come back to San Antonio or not, this group and the Lost Sons are both worthwhile MC’s. And something like this club for kids? That’s just golden isn’t it?”

  Cobra nodded. “I think so. Maybe if it works here, it will back home too. We all know there’s enough kids on the streets with nothing better to do than cause trouble. If we can get them into something like this club? Well, that will benefit them won’t it? Make them into better human beings.”

  “You don’t think sponsoring a club like this would ruin our MC image?” Thor wanted to know.

>   “Fuck no.” Cobra shook his head. “This would tie us to the community and show them our strength.” He paused and looked around the clubhouse. “I’ve been watching the Lost Sons and Gunner and his men. I like what I see here. From what I’ve seen, these clubs are totally legit, just as we are, but our rep still has a long way to go before people would accept us. They think we’re outlaws just because of our pasts.”

  Thor chuckled. “Yeah, they thought we were bringing drugs and guns through the town. We got the bad rap most MC’s have. We were tough but for a different reason.”

  Cobra nodded. “We’ve kept quiet for reasons the community wouldn’t understand but I’m beginning to think we should clue them in.”

  “I think if we’re going to be part of this, one of us should be here from the get go, starting with the planning, all the way through the opening,” Jett commented.

  Cobra looked at him for a long moment before he asked, “And you want to be that person, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do believe I want that.”

  “Because of Dana?” Cobra wanted to know.

  “Maybe.” Jett didn’t commit one way or the other. “Damned if she doesn’t have a lot of growing up to do first.”

  Thor kinda snorted but asked quietly, “And you think you are man enough to handle her?”

  Jett turned to look at his friend and brother. “Yes, I do,” he stated emphatically.

  “Well, good luck with that brother.” Thor shook his head. “I hope for your sake, you can find that spark in her.”

  “Just be careful as she still thinks of herself as club princess,” Cobra warned him. “She hasn’t seemed to realize yet that she will have share the title.”

  “I would never disrespect Gunner or this MC,” Jett answered. “You know this Boss. At least I hope you know that.”

  Cobra nodded and watched as Tate joined them. Cobra turned to him and said, “Jett wants to stay here and get in on the planning from start to finish.”

  Tate nodded. “As do my boys. We had planned to leave already, but Annie doesn’t think Becky should be moved yet. Even though we’re only five hours away, she wants her sister to get a little stronger first. And I imagine this Patriot agrees with her.”

  Gunner joined the conversation as the men were talking, and the three men in charge of their own MC all grinned.

  “Indeed, and Patriot has taken a liking to little Becky,” Gunner said, then turned to Jett. “And just what are your intentions?”

  “I’d like to know if you are serious about what you said, you know about building a club for the kids?” Jett stared at Gunner.

  “I am.” Gunner raised a brow at him.

  “Then I’d like permission to stay and see it through from beginning to end. The Pres and I were just talking that if this works here, we might take it back to San Antonio and do it there too.” Jett straightened his shoulders and stated, “I also think you should know I am interested in your daughter Dana.”

  Gunner paused and stared at him. Then he shook his head. “Boy, you might be biting off more than you can chew with that one. She’s a spoiled brat in case you didn’t know it. I love her dearly but even I know that much.”

  Jett nodded. “I know, and she’s got a lot of growing up to do but I believe I can work with that if you will allow me to. My methods might just teach her a thing or two. Only problem I can see is if you or your men might interfere with my methods.”

  “Long as you don’t hurt her, I’ll hold my tongue, but if you raise your hand to her in anger, I will beat you within an inch of your life.” Gunner just stared at him.

  “Only a coward hits a woman in anger,” Jett stated.

  “Make sure you remember that,” Gunner said in his quiet tone.

  “I’m not that kind of a man. I have honor,” Jett told him. “I was raised by a single mom and she taught me respect for all living creatures. I also served my country and they taught me that there are other ways to make a point and I learned those lessons well. But I’ll tell you right now, should you accept my terms, she will be mine to protect, mine to teach and mine to reshape.”

  With that, Jett moved away from the group.

  Gunner watched him leave. Then he turned to Cobra and asked, “Is he a good man?”

  Cobra smiled. “Jett is one of the best men I know and that says a lot in itself. I trust all my brothers but I’m beginning to expand that thinking.” He paused then told Gunner a bit of his own story, “I had me a woman when I was younger. I loved her but not well enough. I was a brash young man come to find she had betrayed me and my club. But only much later, I learned the truth. Someone lied to me about what he’d done and she took the blame for it. I didn’t know she was carrying my kid when she left, pretty much the same story of your woman, only I caught up with my woman five years later, and I still believed the lies my brother told us. My woman died because of those lies and I didn’t know whether to believe her or not about the daughter she told me, I had. It took me twenty years to find her and she was full grown by then. She flat out told me that I was too late to make a difference in her life and that her need for me as her daddy was gone.”

  Gunner shook his head and looked troubled by this sad tale.

  “It’s a hard road to travel getting to know my daughter but I’m willing to put in the time and effort. You and me we’re sort of in the same boat but not quite. Your daughter wants to know you and you got your woman back. That’s something I can never change.” He shook his head. “Maybe I’m getting too old for this kind of life but I ain’t willing to give it up just yet. Take the time while you can, get to know your woman again and get to know your girl. Jett will take good care of Dana. It is like this...who knows what the future holds for any of us?”

  Gunner thought about the other man’s words for a moment then nodded. “I guess it’s time to end one chapter and begin another. Blacky and Arizona need to be dealt with. You and Tate are welcome to stay for that if you like. I’m not sure how the Tribunal has decided or what they will do but the ending will be a fitting one for both of them.”

  “You aren’t sentencing them?” Thor asked.

  Gunner shook his head. “I can’t. This is their decision. When Blacky sold us out, he put not only my life on the line but theirs as well. This has to be their decision. Me? I’d like to string them both up by their balls and let them hang but it was my family he destroyed so the club has to find a solution that’s fair and just. I can’t override them. What kind of president would I be if I allowed my own anger to override club law?”

  Cobra looked a bit stunned by this as he wished he would’ve had the same fairness all those years ago.

  Gunner shrugged. “After justice is served there will be a vote as to whether or not they feel confident in my abilities as President. I wouldn’t blame them if they voted me out. That’s club justice too.”

  Cobra nodded. “It is isn’t it?”

  Gunner shrugged his wide shoulders. “I’m not sure I want my woman to witness this but that’s her choice too.”

  A few minutes later, the club got to their feet and a judgement was made toward Blacky and Arizona.

  Tate had decided to stay and see justice for everything this man had done to this MC.

  Winona and DeeDee went to the kitchen and Dana went to her room.

  When Dana left, Jett walked down the hall behind her and just after she closed her door, he opened it and walked inside. Shutting the door behind him, he turned and stared at the wide eyed girl in front of him.

  Without saying a word, his hands went to his belt. He unbuckled it and drew it slowly through the loops in his pants.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered as she watched his every move.

  “You and me are going to have a come to Jesus meeting or maybe you could call it a come to righteousness meeting.”

  “We are?” She watched him as he took another step toward her.

  “Yup we are and this is gonna hurt you more than it will hurt me but this
is me setting some rules.” He stared at her. “Rules, you are gonna have to learn and learn them you will.”

  “Why? Why do I have to learn these rules?” she brashly asked him.

  Jett stopped about three steps away from her and watched the vein in her neck as it pounded with anticipation. “Because your dad didn’t discipline you right. You’re a brat and I can’t tolerate brats. You owe your father and every man here an apology for your bad behavior and you owe your sister and your mother one too. Hell, you owe the whole town one probably.”

  “I do not.” She tried to state this with a stern voice even though she knew he was right.

  Jett smiled. “Yes, sweetheart you do but this one time I’ll give you a choice, the belt or my hand. You will take your punishment either way but I’ll give you a choice this first and only time.”

  She sucked in a breath as his words finally set in. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh, I dare. The question is will you be a grown woman and accept it or a spoiled brat and fight me all the way? One thing you should know, there is no one here that will protect you except me. I’ve made that very clear with your dad. He told me that neither him or the brothers will interfere, so I guess you’re on our own here.”

  With her eyes rounding in her face, Dana took a sudden step back.

  Jett took a quick step forward.

  Her gaze met his and she knew he spoke the truth.

  He stared at her with hard eyes as he spoke clearly, “I’m not going to beat you but I am going to give you a spanking. One that I am sure you have never received in your childhood. After all that you have said and done, I figure it’s the least you deserve.” He moved in closer.

  Looking shocked, Dana could no longer deny what he was actually going to do. She began to tremble as he took the last step that separated them...

  Jett pushed right up against her shaking body. “So which do you prefer?”


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