Dragon's Claws

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Dragon's Claws Page 21

by Bri Sailor

  “There’s more.” Said Atreyis quietly. “She took a vial of my blood. Ehren’s as well.”

  The king arched an eyebrow in confusion.

  Cora nearly fainted. “By the Goddess!” she clamped a hand over her mouth.

  All eyes were on her.

  “It is as I feared.” She said breathlessly. “She is going after the Seal. This is what I was telling you about, what I’ve been trying to piece together for the past few months. Things have just been falling into place just as it was foretold and…”

  Ky interrupted her. “What are you talking about? What Seal?”

  “Silence!” roared Toran. “This does not concern you!” he pointed at the warrior.

  “Yes it does! The Goddess manifested before my very eyes and revealed it to me! You know the prophecy, Toran!” yelled Cora, her eyes started to glow.

  “M’hé Vvéáról ól m’hé Thóhhém m’hámm dé dórl ílsär’läsë ól Núíl Móyumm. M’hé Ólé vvímm déár m’hé nárh ól m’hé Thóhhém álh vvíémh hér Móyum. D’móóh álh m’hé Thé’úém órélm m’hé vváth só m’hé Híhhél, álh Hárh’léms hám ló róvvér. M’hé lílám dárríér átháílms Námísé, Éwér Dárh, míém íl m’hé Sén’rmé. M’hé M’rírín ól m’hé Lámmél vvímm dé m’he Róthám M’yul álh Nóól. M’hé Réámn yulíném m’hé Móyumm. Héálh ór m’hé M’rírín órélm m’hé vváth lór m’hé H’ráthól.”

  Everyone but the king looked at her as if she were a woman possessed. The priestess continued.

  “The Weapon of the Goddess shall be born incarnate of Twin Souls. The One will bear the mark of the Goddess and wield her Soul. Blood and the Jewel opens the way to the Hidden, and Darkness has no power. The final barrier against Malice, the Ever Dark, lies in the Temple. The Spirit of the Fallen will destroy the Royal Sun and Moon. The Realm unites the Souls. Death or the Spirit opens the way for the Dragon.” She recited cryptically.

  “What are you talking about?” Atreyis and Ehren questioned in unison.

  Cora ignored them and turned to the king. “You know of what I speak. We must ensure that the Seal is unbroken.”

  Toran took a deep, albeit painful breath and rubbed his face. “What are we to do, High Priestess?” he looked pleadingly into Cora’s eyes.

  Chapter 17

  The throne room was deadly silent. Atreyis, Ehren, Ky, Taryn, and Cora all stood side by side in their finest attire and faced the king and queen, their wounds bandaged and healing. Atreyis had positioned herself as far away from Ky as should could. The room was tense. Toran was cleaned up and wearing his crown, he had refused healing from Cora. His wound was healing fine and he didn’t want to drain the already weary girl. Arainya was looking regal as every by his side, the blood and dirt covered warrior from the battle was replaced by the refined and gracious royal.

  The king cleared his throat. “I’m sure you are all aware of why I summoned you. I have matters to attend to here and am awaiting report as to the fate of Saebic. So I am sending all of you on a mission. At the behest of the High Priestess, as much as I disagree, you are all that is necessary to ensure that the witch Lusha is stopped.”

  He eyed them, no one moved.

  The queen spoke up. “The stories you were told as children are not just fairy tales, but truth. The Seal is a barrier that was created long ago by the Goddess’ children, the dragons. There were five in all, but one turned against the Goddess and wanted to rule over the realms of men with Darkness and Shadow. This dragon, Béloneras, rallied demons of the Ever Dark and fought back against the Light. After centuries of fighting the remaining four dragons had defeated their fallen sibling. With the ancient gods’ power spent, the dragons were the only ones able to ensure that Béloneras would never arise to power again. So they sealed away the great white dragon.”

  Toran picked up. “My research into the ancient texts raised my suspicious initially. It was only when Cora first came to me, did it confirm. I believe that someone, somehow, or something, has attempted to break the Seal.”

  Atreyis interrupted. “But, father, if it is as you say, why only us? Why not send the entire army after her?”

  Cora stepped up and faced the group. “Because I requested it. If there is any trouble with the Seal, then I believe that you, Ehren, and you, Atreyis will be able to help restore it. Ky and Taryn will serve as part of our protection, the smaller our numbers, the better. If our enemy realizes that we know what they are trying to do, it may be too late. We are to move as swiftly as possible. Avoiding as much as we can. Ky has informed me that Lusha has many spies at her command and they are everywhere. We are to leave at once, she already has a four day head-start.”

  Everyone looked at each other questioningly. The queen cleared her throat.

  “There’s another reason as well.” Began the queen, she looked at Cora and Atreyis.

  “Atreyis, there is so much more that occurred when you were born. Cora, you have more power than you could ever imagine.”

  Cora and Atreyis exchanged glances.

  The king took a breath. “My daughter, it was Cora that saved you that day, not the Goddess. Yes, Atreyis, Ehren. You both had met Cora five years prior to the ‘first’ time you met as children. That is because shortly after your meeting the priestess was whisked away to the temple.”

  The throne room was deathly silent.

  “Cora,” the queen locked eyes with the priestess. “You don’t know this but your mother had been my head handmaiden and confidant for many years before she met your father. We actually became pregnant around the same time, but you were born early, nearly a week before Ehren and Atreyis. The night before the day my children were born your mother was given a vision from the Goddess. In her dreams she saw two newborns in the palace. One had a strong cry and was moving its limbs with such ferocity.” The queen fought back tears. “The other was silent and unmoving. Your mother then saw herself carrying a glowing ball of golden light towards the unmoving child. From the light a small hand reached out. The light then surrounded the stillborn and brought it to life. The moment your mother woke up she realized that the dream was about the children I was about to give birth to.”

  Tears started to flow down the queen’s cheeks. She stopped to gather herself but couldn’t. The king comforted his wife and continued the story.

  “Cora, your mother raced to the palace with you in her arms. She arrived the moment that Atreyis was born. Ehren was screaming loudly and moving his limbs wildly while his sister…was not. The midwife wrapped Atreyis in a blanket and laid her on the bed next to her mother.” The king looked like he was going to cry as well. He looked at Cora. “Your mother laid you next to a lifeless Atreyis. From your swaddling you reached out a small hand and placed it on Atreyis’ forehead. Her hair turned white from the touch. It was a miracle. Her color came back and a strong cry rang out in the room. Ehren immediately calmed down the moment he heard his sister’s cry. It was in that moment that everyone realized how special the three of you were going to be. That is why we have protected you the way that we have all your life, Atreyis. And why Ehren is so protective of you. And why you, Cora, were whisked away to the Temple of the Dragons; you have been truly touched by the Goddess, High Priestess.”

  Atreyis and a wide-eyed Cora exchanged glances.

  The queen gathered herself. “That is why we trust in you, Ehren, Atreyis, and Cora. That is why it must be you. Taryn and Ky have more than proven themselves capable and have gained our trust.”

  The king stood up. “However, there is to be one more added to your party.”

  Atreyis froze and her eyes grew wide as the tone in the entire room changed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, she pleaded silently to the Goddess.

  “Hello, my Sapphire.” Came a small whisper behind her.

  Ehren grinned and the princess hung her head in defeat.

  “Hello, Riker.” She mumbled to the floor.

  The lanky, red-haired young man slipped around her and bowed to
the king and queen. Riker was the prince’s best friend and promising up and coming ranger. No one had ever escaped his keen eyesight. However skilled he was, the princess couldn’t stand him. To her, he was more of a jester and a prankster, and Ehren’s eccentric best friend. He preferred the company of himself to that of people, but when he did surface he was nothing but a menace.

  Atreyis turned to the king and begged with her eyes. “My Lord, is it completely necessary for him to be a part of this? Aren’t his talents better suited for finding our missing General?”

  The king shook his head. “While he would be the best person for it, your mission is far more critical. That is why he is going with you.”

  “But—” she protested.

  “That is my final word. You are all dismissed to make your preparations to leave at once.”

  Toran waved his hand and the group dispersed, Riker thankfully tagging along with Ehren. The princess stormed up to her room in a huff. Not only was she going to have to endure whatever Riker was planning to throw at her, she was going to be stuck with the one person she couldn’t stand and one that she longed to be near. It confounded and frustrated her. She slammed her door hard and the resulting boom echoed throughout her room. A large bag sat on her bed. The princess had been packed since the moment they arrived back at the palace. She knew that something was going to happen. The ominous tone in the tent had tipped her off. She leaned against the balcony and took a deep breath. The fresh air helped clear her mind and relax her a bit. The blue-green waters below sparkled in the sun. There was a knock on her door. She ignored it and basked in the sun. The door creaked open and she frowned.

  “We need to talk.”

  The princess sighed and turned around. The solemn face of Ky greeted her.

  Atreyis crossed her arms. “What do you want?”

  “I need to explain my actions.”

  “As if that will make anything better.”

  Ky nodded. “It is true. I was initially sent here by Lusha to try and lure you to her. I had no idea what she had planned, only that she wanted you two. My only concern at the time was getting my rank back and taking control of my army once again. Perhaps even get my chance with her. Though when the time came I had no idea that she would be capable of what she did.”

  “If you are trying to convince me that you are the victim, save your breath.”

  “I’m not. To tell you the truth I’m not even sure why I am here in the first place. I should be going after Lusha myself. I don’t believe in much in this world, but I believe that I will be the one to end that witch’s reign of terror.” She stepped towards the princess. “Look, we are going to be spending a lot of time together, and it would make it easier for everyone if we could just get along, even if it’s just in a civil manner.”

  The princess dropped her arms and put her hands on her hips. “Fine. I think I can manage.”

  Ky looked at her feet. She was out of sorts.

  “I’m sorry that I lied to you. That I lied to…well… a friend. You see, I’m not used to having those. Friends, that is. I have comrades and a few officers that I can tolerate, but outside of that I only have one true friend back home.” She rubbed her face, as much as she tried to fight it the words just poured out. “I was orphaned when I was four. My grandmother raised me.”

  Atreyis sat patiently and listened.

  “Then she passed away suddenly. I’ve been on my own since I was seven. I’m not used to having to depend on other people, much less anything else.” Ky scratched her head in frustration. “I’m not good at this.”

  The princess raised an eyebrow. She had never seen this side of the warrior and it intrigued her. The blonde was just as awkward as she. The brunette took a secret delight in watching the warrior squirm. The general couldn’t believe herself. Why in the world did she even come up here to talk? Why was her friendship suddenly so important?”

  “Look,” said the exasperated blonde, “you’re a decent fighter and we seem to get along well enough…and I just want to see if we could be friends.”

  There. She said it.

  Atreyis was taken aback. What just happened? The princess nervously cleared her throat.

  “Well, it might take some time, but I don’t think it would be the end of the world if we were friends.” She glanced sideways at Ky.

  Both girls were relieved to let their feelings out but didn’t let it show. The air was thick with tension.

  Ky nodded. “Okay.”

  She started to back out of the room. “I guess I better see to the horses.”

  The warrior tried to reclaim her cool exterior and stoic sense as she left the princess’ chambers.

  Atreyis grinned to herself. She just knew that she was in for it, one way or another.

  Chapter 18

  Her heart was pounding faster than the hooves of her horse. That was too close. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off and her injuries were screaming. She did her best to ignore them. The injured woman pushed on until her horse couldn’t go any further. She dismounted and began tending to her wounds as best she could. She cursed the warrior and the brats. If she hadn’t been so badly injured she could have healed herself by now. She leaned painfully back against a tree. Reaching into her belt she pulled out two vials of blood and smiled. At least her backup plan worked and she got what she came for. She would get those brats eventually, but now it was purely vengeance that drove her. Soon it would be all over. All of her planning and patience would be rewarded. Her dreams come to fruition.

  As soon as she and her horse were rested they would press on to where her men waited for her. The rendezvous point wasn’t too much farther away. The witch sighed. At least the blonde bitch hadn’t given chase, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t close on her heels. Lusha smirked to herself.

  “She will be the first to go. Diitsk!”

  The witch had calmed her racing heart finally, but blood loss and fatigue caught up with her and she passed out. The sun was beginning to set when she awoke some time later. Her horse was grazing on some grass and appeared ready for the rest of the journey. The witch stood up slowly. She was very stiff and sore but fortunately she had stopped bleeding. Prior to falling asleep she tried a small spell to jumpstart her healing. She checked her bandages, the spell seemed to be working but she still required medical attention and something to eat. The moon was high by the time she reached her camp in the woods. Even with the light of multiple fires in the camp, the black tents blended into the darkness, securing the camp and hiding their numbers. The moment Lusha entered she was surrounded and immediately tended to. In minutes she was cleaned up and resting in her tent.


  “My queen.” Said a deep male voice.

  It roused the sleeping woman. She slowly sat up and squinted in the daylight that flooded her tent.

  “Yes?” she croaked.

  “How are you feeling?” the looming male figure kneeled by her cot.

  “Better.” She sat on the side of her cot. “Status?”

  “The battle is over. We suffered many losses. Toran remains alive. I have not heard back from my assassins as to the fate of the queen and the prince.”

  “They’ve failed.” She growled. “And what of my spies? What more have we learned about our northern front?”

  “My apologies, my Queen.” The man crossed his fist over his heart and bowed. “One of my lieutenants has returned from the Xaemox kingdom. They have captured the rebels’ leader but at a great cost.”

  “Excellent. And as for the assassins all is not lost, my General,” purred the witch, “for where they have failed I have succeeded, ni Mövë.” She reached into a bag on the ground and produced the vials of blood.

  The man smiled evilly. “Forgive me for ever doubting you.”

  Lusha stood up and smirked seductively. “Come.” She gestured with a finger. “I wish to inspect my troops. And never fear, General Saebic, your faithfulness shall be rewarded, Shö’möwër.”

bic proudly followed Lusha out of the tent. The camp was busy with activity. They were packing and preparing to leave.

  “Fall in!” boomed Saebic.

  Immediately all activity ceased and the men and women lined up. Lusha carefully inspected them. There were one hundred in total, each wearing her black armor, each with a tattoo on their neck; black dragon claws.

  “Losing Ultrek’s men is of no consequence to me. And I have seen to it that he is out of our way.” Lusha said confidently to Saebic.

  She gestured to the soldiers. “This is the beginning of my army. Once we take over the Temple of Ages…”

  Her eyes flashed with excitement and she went back to her tent to prepare.

  “Fallout!” boomed Saebic once more. The general followed his queen to her tent as the troops returned to their duties.

  “What waits at the temple?” he asked.

  She turned to him with exhilaration, a dark energy radiated from her.



  Lusha stepped carefully over the rubble and writhing bodies. Her silky black robes trailing behind her. The temple guards proved to be a force to reckon with but were now incapacitated. All of the priests had been rounded up and now it was all up to her.

  The cavern seemed to open up for her. The entire wall that faced her was covered in runes and hieroglyphics. She could feel the power that radiated from it, and it made her hair stand on end. This is what she had worked so hard for, what her soul ached for. It almost took her breath away. It towered over her, stretching at least thirty feet from floor to ceiling. She slowly walked up to the very center of the wall; her eyes zeroed in on a tiny crack in front of her.

  “Curious.” She mumbled. “Seems I’m not the first.”

  With a shaky hand she retrieved the vials from her belt and ceremoniously poured the blood into her hand and let it mix. She took a deep breath. The time had come. Saebic stood as still as stone and held his breath. She took her bloody hand and smeared it deliberately on the wall and backed away. A few tense seconds ticked by and nothing happened. Lusha stood patiently. Saebic took a step forward. He stopped suddenly. A low hum filled the room. The wall began glowing brighter than the sun and he shielded his eyes. The earth began to quake. Then it all suddenly stopped. The wall returned to stone once more and the air was deathly still. Lusha stood still as stone, her hands closed into tight fists. They were clenched so hard that her knuckles were white and her nails began to draw blood.


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