Twin Shift

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Twin Shift Page 6

by Amara A. Minx

  He put his arm around her waist. “Time to go.”

  Emily sat down on her tattered couch. “I didn’t think I’d see this place again.” They hadn't spoken a word on the way back to her old apartment.

  “I just want to make some calls without Madeline around,” Gideon said.

  “You don't trust her?”

  “She believes what she’s saying but her cryptic bullshit is getting on my nerves.” He picked up the phone.

  Emily watched Gabe lay down on the carpet in front of the television. Out of curiosity she got up and turned it on, clicking through the channels she’d never had when she lived there. She put on the music channel, hoping it would sooth Gabe as he slept. Rest was the best thing for him now.

  Gideon put down the phone and joined her in the living room. “Donovan didn't pick up. I got his voicemail.”

  Emily crossed her arms. “Someone hooked up the cable in this apartment.”

  “I thought Beth may want this place back someday. I've switched the utilities into my name so I can maintain it until we know what she wants to do.”

  Emily put her arms around Gideon's waist. “I know Beth, being a vampire, will be difficult for you but she would never hurt me.”

  Gideon’s jaw twitched. “I know what she did to protect you and I am forever in her debt but you have to realize that what she has gone through could change her. She may not be the woman you grew up with.”

  Emily let the impulse to refute Gideon's claims pass. “I Know she looks and speaks a little differently but her heart is the same.”

  “Except that it no longer beats.”

  “Give her a chance Gideon...please.”

  He ran a hand down her back. “I will, for you.”

  Emily’s wolf stirred. A restless surge she had never felt before was over in a flash, leaving her with a perplexed look.

  “What is it?” Gideon’s tone was concerned.

  “I don't know...nothing really. My wolf is restless.”

  “We haven't taken her running for a while. She probably wants the forest.”

  “No, I don't think so. I know when she wants to run. She wants to be with you and Gabe. Maybe she senses the disconnection between us,” Emily said.

  Gideon pulled her closer to his body. “There is no disconnection between us.” He pressed his lips against hers.

  Emily felt dominance in his kiss. Primitive. Primal. It sent heat blazing through her body looking for something else to consume. She pulled back, feeling her vision waver, knowing her wolf was close.

  Gideon tightened his grip. “Where do you think you are going?”

  She smiled slyly at him. “I thought I would see if I had anything sexy to wear, here.”

  Gideon pulled her shirt over her head in one motion. “There is nothing sexier than you naked.” He undid her jeans, pushing them down her hips. “Take your clothes off."

  She felt her juices flow at his command. She unclasped her bra, slipping out of her panties. She stood before him completely naked as his eyes roamed her body. His perusal enflamed her further.

  “Sit on the couch and spread your legs.”

  Emily did as he asked. She started to rub her clit as it glistened in the light. She could see Gideon's cock pressing against the confines of his pants as he watched her rub her slick lips.

  He undid his zipper, springing free as he knelt before her. He grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips, licking her cream from every finger. She felt a fresh gush as his mouth tugged on her ring finger. “I am going to lick that sweet cunt of yours until you have given me every drop of honey it has to offer.”

  He leaned down and sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She gasped as his tongue stabbed into her entrance repeatedly before flicking over her swollen bud. She grasped his hair, attempting to force him to apply more pressure. He continued at his seductively slow pace, driving her to the brink of orgasm. When she thought she had reached the apex he pulled back. “No!” she cried.

  He looked directly into her eyes. “Put your hands on the couch. Don't move them.”

  She did what he asked. Desperate for him to continue.

  He pushed two fingers into her, moving in and out slowly. When her eyes threatened to close he growled.

  “Keep your eyes on me.” He pushed deeper, quickening his pace.

  When she was on the brink again he removed his fingers, grabbing her legs and bringing them to the edge of the couch. He placed her legs on his shoulders, exposing her further as he guided his thick cock into her. When he had seated himself, he began to move in an easy rhythm, driving her crazy. Her whole body begged to come as he took his time, rubbing her nipples, looking directly into her eyes.

  “Please,” she begged.

  He thrust deeper. Harder. “When you come I am going to fuck you in the ass until you scream my name.”

  He angled his body, pumping into her with such force she clutched the cushions to stay rooted in place. He finally allowed her to look upward, gripping her legs to get more leverage.

  She felt the fire racing under her skin, settling in her core. She moaned loudly as her orgasm consumed her.

  Gideon pushed her knees into the cushions, forcing her ass into the air. He ran his cock between her wet lips before thrusting deep into her ass. She moaned at the sting of combined pleasure and pain.

  “You are mine,” he grunted as he thrust deep and hard into her.

  She wanted to agree. The sensation of his thick length penetrating her was too much. She screamed his name as she came, clamping down on him, milking him as he came with her.

  She held him to her as Gabe gave a loud whine.

  She tapped Gideon's back when he didn't move. “Gideon.”

  He slid out of her, pushing away immediately.

  She looked at Gideon. He had his hands on his hips as he looked away. “Is Gabe alright?”

  Gideon turned, flicking a glance at Gabe. “I'm sure your mutt is fine.”

  Emily felt the coldness between them instantly. She was looking at her mate yet she didn't recognize him.

  “You mean Gabe.”

  “Listen, lady. I don't care what his name is.”

  “Lady? I'm your mate.” Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing. There was no warmth in Gideon's tone.

  “Mate? Just because I made an exception and fucked you in the ass doesn't make you my mate. Who uses the word mate anyway?” he zipped up his pants. “I always fuck the crazy ones,” he muttered turning away.

  Emily felt nauseous. She couldn't be hearing this. It had to be a nightmare created by the Bokor. “You love me. You love Gabriel.”

  Gideon huffed. “You’re deluded lady. I don't love you. I don't love your mangy dog and I detest your pitiful excuse for an apartment. I don't even know your fucking name,” he walked out slamming the door.

  Chapter 7

  Emily sat crying in the same chair she had when Julius had come for her. She would give anything to face the vampire again instead of the soul-crushing predicament she found herself in now. She needed to call Beth. Donovan. Madeline. She needed help, yet it all seemed pointless.

  She touched the stick hanging from her neck. The oppressive feeling lifted immediately. This is what the Bokor is doing to Gideon. The feeling of alienation had been overpowering but she trusted Gideon to hang in there until she could figure out a way to get through to him. She went over and sat beside Gabe, needing the touch of his fur. The reassurance that she wasn't alone.

  He opened one eye, licking her hand before returning to his slumber. “I love you and I won't let this monster take you or Gideon from me.” She was thankful Gabe was regenerating as it would give him a temporary reprieve from this mess.

  She called Donovan, turning to put on the kettle when the door opened and both him and Beth appeared. The accompanying rush of wind blew her hair to the side.

  She told them everything that had transpired as she set out a rooster teacup, pouring her tea.

  Donovan p
ut his hands on his hips. “He doesn't know he's your mate?”

  “He doesn't seem to know who I am at all.”

  Beth hugged her. “Thankfully we still have the apartment. I will stay with you until we get this sorted out.”

  Donovan looked at Beth “You can't. Even if I could convince the council to allow you to complete your probation off-site. I have to be with you at all times in the coming months.”

  Beth turned to Donovan, giving him a murderous look. “Then I guess you’ll be moving in here.”

  Donovan looked around the pathetic apartment. “I have never stayed in such a shit hole in my entire life,” he said in disgust.

  Beth's teeth lengthened. “Then it's about time you got off your high horse and saw how the rest of us live.”

  “What about her safety. You are newly turned you can have...unstable spikes in appetite. Two wolf shifters in direct proximity are like leaving cocaine out for a drug addict.”

  “I have no desire to bite Emily or Gabe. You on the other hand...”

  The staring contest lasted over thirty seconds before Donovan looked away. “I will make the arrangements to stay here but I will be making some upgrades to the...decor.”

  Beth shrugged. “I don't care what you do as long as you don't touch my rooster collection.”

  Donovan walked into the living room, mumbling under his breath.

  Beth poured the hot water into the teapot. “Why don't you try Gideon again. See if you can get him to talk to you.”

  Emily dialed the number. Her heart squeezed when the badge popped up on her phone. “He's blocked me.”

  The next couple weeks dragged by. Donovan, had made an arrangement with the council to allow them to live in the apartment. He replaced all the furniture, including two single beds in Beth’s room. Blackout blinds were on every window.

  Though the paint and furnishings were new, the apartment seemed dark and oppressive. Emily rubbed the stick at her throat, hoping the feeling would dissipate. It didn't.

  She had made repeated attempts to contact Gideon. Knocking on his door had concluded with her being escorted out by security and subsequently barred from the building. He wanted nothing to do with her. She couldn't help but feel that part of him never wanted a mate to begin with.

  Donovan had tried to see Gideon as well, only to find that some form of spell prevented him from entering the building. When the same thing happened to Beth, they surmised the spell was directed at vampires since Emily was unaffected. He had offered to contact a more powerful vampire but Emily refused. Given Gideon's past with ancient vampires she knew he would never forgive her if she inflicted that on him again.

  Gabe was sleeping more and more, barely getting up to go for his daily short walk in the nearby park. When he had trouble opening his eyes, she called Madeline. “Gabe barely woke up today. Is there anything you can do?”

  Madeline sighed. “No child. He has used all his strength to give his brother time to fight. He holds his brother’s soul. He will never give it up...and it will kill him.”

  Emily's hand tightened on the phone. “There has to be some way to save him.”

  “You already know what will save him,” she said softly.

  Emily scrunched her eyes. “No. Anything but that.”

  “I know it is difficult but the choice is yours. Choose wisely child,” the line went dead.

  Tears ran down her face. She couldn't do that. Not even to save Gabriel. She couldn't kill Gideon.

  Emily gently shook Gabe awake. His new eye was now perfectly formed but both were dim, rimmed with grey. She could see the strain. He continued to battle but he was losing.

  She watched him struggle to get to his feet. His fur clinging to his skinny frame. She led him to the door, knowing Madeline was right. Gabriel was dying.

  She took him to the same park every day. The short walk was becoming difficult for Gabe. He always panted by the time they returned. She sat on the old green bench, facing the rusty playground, wondering how her life fell apart.

  Gabe wandered away, sniffing a bush when her wolf stirred. Angry. Surprised by the quick outburst she surveyed Gabe’s surroundings. Nothing was amiss, he was oblivious as he circled behind the shrub out of site.

  Female laughter made her turn, looking back toward a couple.

  Emily's heart stuttered as she watched Gideon smile down at the tall slim blonde linked on his arm.

  The blonde looked around. “This is perfect for the new development.”

  Gideon nodded. “I think so. The land was so cheap I was able to purchase this entire block. Demolishing the existing buildings will be costly but when we convert this area to an upscale neighborhood we it more than make up for it.”

  The blonde ran a hand down Gideon's face. “I’m very lucky to have such a brilliant fiancé.”

  Emily dry heaved. The weight of the woman's words crushing the air from her lungs. Her wolf growled. She was unable to keep the sound from escaping her lips as she stood up.

  “Goodness. What was that?” the blonde said.

  Gideon looked at her in disgust. “It's nothing, Sandra.”

  Was her name Sandra? His fiancé? Her wolf struggled to break free, its fury like nothing Emily had ever experienced before. It had been betrayed and it wanted blood. “Gideon don't do this,” Emily pleaded.

  Sandra looked surprised. “You know her?”

  “She is no-one. Just that tramp I told you about,” he said.

  “The one who’s been stalking you?” She looked Emily up and down. “Too bad she's crazy. She's cute, we could’ve had fun with her,” Sandra said seductively.

  Gideon looked away. “She isn't worth the aggravation.” He led Sandra away.

  Emily didn't know how long she stood there. Gabe whined, licking her leg. She looked down at the wolf, realizing he hadn't even recognized his brother. He would die for a man who no longer cared about him. She couldn't let that happen.

  In the brisk midafternoon sun, she let the tears fall for the mate she had lost. She felt her wolf retreat, struggling with the accompanying feeling of loneliness. She ran.

  She could hear Gabe struggling to keep up to her as she bounded up the apartment steps. She ran to the bathroom, closing the door before collapsing to the dingy linoleum floor.

  Choked sobs erupted from her throat. As the cold seeped into her bones she realized this was the moment Madeline had foreseen. She had to choose.

  She was going to kill Gideon.

  Beth's eyebrows scrunched from worry. “Are you sure?”

  Emily attempted a reassuring smile. “It's the only way to save Gabe.” The hole in her soul was already spreading. She didn't know how she and Gabe would go on without Gideon. She only knew she wouldn't survive the loss of both. Her wolf’s determination to protect was intensifying. She assumed Gabe's deteriorating condition was the cause. “Besides, Gideon is only a shell of the man he once was. If he knew what was happening he would want it stopped by any means necessary.”

  “It shouldn't be you, Emily,” Beth said.

  “You and Donovan can't get near Gideon. Madeline is in her seventies. I am the only one with protection from his spells.”

  Beth's shoulders dropped. “I know. I just hate this. How are you going to get to the penthouse?”

  “Madeline says that George is going to let us in.”


  “The Doorman. She said it's his last day working for the hotel.”

  “That woman knows everyone,” Beth remarked.

  “I thought it suspicious too but George has worked there for years. Anyway, he’s escorting me up.”

  Emily hugged Beth. “Take care of Gabe for me.”

  Beth smiled. “I will pet him and feed him if he wakes up...I don't want anything to happen to Gabe. I adore him.”

  “Because he watches chick flicks with you,” Emily teased, attempting to lighten the oppressive mood.

  “I bribe him with raw meat and he sleeps through it but yeah...I
will miss him when he is gone,” she smiled wryly.

  Emily stiffened. “He isn't going anywhere.”

  Beth touched Emily's arm. “I meant when you move back into the penthouse.”

  Emily shook her head. “I’m never moving back there. Everything belongs to Gideon. On paper Gabriel no longer exists.”

  “Gabe could pretend to be Gideon,” Beth said.

  “No, he couldn't. They may look the same but they are so vastly different. I didn't realize how much until now,” she sighed. “Gabe and I will be starting over.”

  “Well, you won't be doing it alone. As it turns out, my vampire daddy is rich.”

  Emily pursed her lips. “You don't call him that do you?”

  She smiled. “Of course I do. He hates it.”

  When Emily failed to return the smile, Beth continued. “He’s begging us to move in with him. He has a huge property. I told him I will if you do.”

  “Let me get Gabe back to normal. We can discuss it then.” She didn't want to think about what that entailed.

  She left without another word.

  The taxi ride was short, and George opened the door for her when she arrived, then led her up to Gideon's penthouse.

  “The blonde who’s staying here has left for the day,” George said as he tipped his hat and left.

  Emily entered the immaculate penthouse that she once called home. The door swung closed as she surveyed the place. Nothing had changed. The same photos were on the walls. All of Gideon or Gabe. Not one of them together. Only she knew the difference in the smile. Or lack of in Gideon's case.

  He exited the bathroom wearing only a towel. He stopped when he saw her. “If you don't leave immediately I will call the police.”

  “I never expected you to be such a pussy,” Emily said.

  He huffed. “You break into my house and I'm the pussy.”

  “I didn't break in. I was let in,” she replied.

  “By whom?”

  Her voice cracked with heartbreak. “It doesn't matter. You’ll never get the chance to report it.”


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