by Texe Marrs
Prophet’s vision is recounted in a 345-page book entitled My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord, touted as “Mother Mary’s New Age teachings and rosary with a challenge to Christendom.” 11 According to Prophet, this demon spirit, who comes to trick and deceive as the Mary of the Bible, claims to be the great I Am. Prophet’s “Mother Mary” states that before Abraham was, she (or it!) was. 12 Blasphemously posing as “the bride of the Holy Spirit” and pretending to be “Queen of the Universe,” the New Age “Mary” solemnly declares war against the cancerous Christians who oppose New Age unity:
He that is not for me—the Cosmos that I am—is against me... Therefore, we mobilize to exorcise the cancer of self-apartness that is eating away at the Body of God. 13
Chapter 41
Is the New Age “Mary” a Member of the Holy Trinity?
She is one of the Ascended Masters, explains Elizabeth Clare Prophet of the false Mother Mary who appeared to her, “who has reunited with the Trinity.” 14 Prophet states also that this Mary is the same Mother Goddess the Hindus call by Kundalini, Kali and other divine names:
The Hindus have meditated upon Mother and called Her the Goddess Kundalini. describing Her as the white light, or the coiled serpent... The Hindus have (also) called Her the Divine Shakti—the Great Counterpart, the Conscious Force of the Trinity. 15
The spirit known to her as “Mother Mary” gave Prophet a brand new rosary for the Age of Aquarius, the New Age. She stipulates that this rosary is to be used by the whole world. Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Speaking in glowing terms about the Lords of Karma in the spirit world and of Count St. Germaine, “Mary” praises Buddha as well as her “son,” Jesus. But, exalting herself above them all she encourages people everywhere to seek “Divine Selfhood through the adoration of the Mother flame.” 16
“Claim your divinity,” she implores readers. 17
Chapter 42
The New Age “Mary” and the Children
This “Mother Mary” obviously is clued in on the Plan by her hellish master from the pit. She gave Prophet special instructions and teachings to pass on to parents and others about children and the New Age, instructions that she said are the work of “Lord Buddha:”
Mothers, teach it to your children. Fathers. speak it to your sons and daughters... I have seen how little children are receptive to this truth.
And so at the request of the Lord Buddha, the Lord of the World, a program has been initiated for the incoming souls... until the day when... they can tie into the God within, until the age of reason when they can choose the godly way on their own. 18
This demonic being evidently well understands the Biblical principle in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Her instruction to New Agers is to reach kids early, before they reach the age of reason, so that they can grow up and later take part in the “Plan:”
For up to the age of seven, Mary stresses, there is great opportunity of sealing them in the fires of Christ. Whatever is impressed upon the clay of consciousness during the period of formation and the first seven years is most important. 19
Chapter 43
What the Bible Says About “Mary” and Other Spirits
Catholics are the principal targets of the New Agers now bringing the “New Gospel of Mother Mary.” But there are also today a large number of Protestants attracted to the many apparitions of Mary now appearing and spreading a New Age gospel. Mary, as the saintly and chaste mother of Jesus, certainly is worthy of honor and reverence. But she is not the Mother of God. Though she is in heaven, Mary cannot communicate with those on earth. God’s Word clearly warns us against communication with the spirits of the dead.
The Bible stresses that Jesus alone is our intercessor and mediator with the Father (I Tim. 2:5). Moreover, Deuteronomy 18:10-12 warns:
There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
So it is clearly an abomination to the Lord for us to even attempt to speak with spirits from the dead, even with those in heaven. For further guidance from God’s Word, I refer you to: Luke 16:19-31, John 8:21, I Thes. 4, I Cor. 15:35-38, and Isaiah 8:19-20 and 47. For example, we read in Isaiah 8:19-20:
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God?
Chapter 44
Lord Maitreya, the New Age “Christ,” and His Plan for Our Kids
This same Bible admonition should be heeded by those persons being sucked in by the smooth words of “Lord Maitreya.” Lord Maitreya is the lying demon spirit who comes to New Age teacher Benjamin Creme as well as many other New Agers proclaiming himself to be “the Christ” and “The Great World Teacher.” Like his New Age spirit counterpart, “Mother Mary,” Lord Maitreya brings special instructions regarding the Plan for kids. How horrifying that Alice Bailey, head of the Lucis Trust, identifies Maitreya as the “Nourisher of the Little Ones.” 20
Just what types of teachings does this Lord Maitreya seek to impart to our kids to “nourish” their spiritual development? Bailey lists such standard New Age occultic teachings as reincarnation, evolution, self-as-divine, the return of the Ancient Mysteries, open and frequent communication with Ascended Masters in the spirit world, and the oneness of all religions (except Biblical Christianity). 21
The “Lord Maitreya” spirit supposedly visits often with Benjamin Creme of California and London’s Tara Foundation. He continually expresses a keen interest in teaching our children New Age concepts. Children, in fact, are key to his Plan. Thus, Maitreya is quoted as exclaiming:
My Plan is that My teaching should precede my Presence and prepare My way... My Plan is to save these little ones. 22
To aid his Plan, Creme’s Maitreya encourages all to follow him and to find the divine light that resides within each person. “Find that,” he says, “and know that you are gods.” 23
Chapter 45
The New Age Lie to Our Kids—“You Are Gods”
It is entirely understandable that the New Age would seek to convince our children that they are “little gods.” This, of course, is an ages old lie of Satan, first told no doubt to the angels that he persuaded to join him in his fruitless and tragic rebellion against Almighty God. Later, on earth in the Garden, he successfully cajoled and pleaded with Eve to go ahead and eat the forbidden fruit. That she could become a god was Satan’s seductive lie (Gen. 2:5). Satan is perhaps craftier today, but his lies remain the same. He convinces by appealing to man’s carnal and selfish nature and by puffing men and women up with flattery.
The Bible prophesied that in the last days, Satan would train his final World Ruler, the Antichrist, to use the same technique. “He will win his kingdom through flattery” (Daniel 11:21,32). What greater flattery than to tell people they are gods? Even little children—precious yes, but sometimes disobedient and in need of correction—can be seduced by such flattery.
One treacherous flattery to our kids is that they have been “chosen” to see the promised land—the coming of the New Age Kingdom. As Vera Alder states:
This tremendous event will take place during the lives of those who are already born. We can look upon the little child of today with awe and envy because he will live to see the greatest event of the new era—the “second coming of Christ.” 24
When Alder and other New Agers speak of the “second coming of Christ,” they do not refer to Jesus’ second coming. No, their reference is to the coming of the great man-god, the World Teacher. He is often called Lord Maitreya, but also by various other names. Whatever name he is identified by, he will not be the
Jesus of the Bible. Alder makes this point crystal clear when she describes the new occult era of scientific prowess to come after her false “Christ” takes the reigns of world power:
The transition from the era of mystic emotional religion into the coming era of occult or mental religion will show Christ and His words in a different light. He will at last be understood as a profoundly scientific and practical Teacher. Religions will have to be remodeled to suit growing public intelligence... Occultism, mysticism, and the barriers between them will be seen to be absurd. 25
Chapter 46
The Coming Governmental Control of Parenting and Childcare
Alder says, too, that other momentous changes will be required in the fast approaching New Age Kingdom. For one thing, parents will have to give up control of their kids to the social welfare people whom, she asserts, know so much better how to raise and nurture our kids. She proposes that large institutions and clinics be set up nationwide, even globally. These government institutions can be called Healthhouses, Alder suggests. 26 It will be mandatory for children of all ages to be checked into a healthhouse once a year, once in six months, or sooner if ordered to do so, to be subjected to a complete physical, mental, psychic and spiritual assessment.
“Experts” at the healthhouse, writes Alder, will maintain a record, file, or dossier on each child. Periodic visits to the healthhouse will continue throughout the lifetime of the child. Alder anticipates that the experts will make sure that children develop as they should spiritually as well as culturally and recreationally. Government psychological standards must be met.
This wonderful system, Alder believes, will result in a remarkable change both in the child and in society at large:
If this regular supervision is given to a person from babyhood upwards, inhibition, repressions, and bad habits of living and thinking will be largely eliminated as soon as they appear. 27
Chapter 47
Loyalty to Family and Country Will Have to Go
Just what “inhibitions and repressions” do Alder and her New Age colleagues have in mind? What “bad habits” of children are to be eliminated by the psychologists, human resources and social welfare “experts” of the radiant New Age society just ahead in man’s future? Well, for one thing, the child’s loyalty to family and to country will have to go. This is supposedly necessary, Alder explains, because:
People have been brought up with a set of taboos, ideals and ideas automatically stamped upon them. Firstly, he was coloured by the tradition and attitude of his family... family pride, exclusiveness, greed, possessiveness, ambition, and narrowmindedness.
Secondly, he was given into... a somewhat blind “patriotism” in the interests of the state. 28
Far better, insist the New Age planners, is the idea of Unity—for example, the achievement of a One World Government and the concept that “All the world is my family.” Alder complains that the child “has been firstly educated to regard himself as a member... of his family, then as a member of his country. He is never represented to himself as a member of a world humanity.” 29
What a glorious world—a “Utopia”—it will be, suggests Alder, when national patriotism and ties to family are superseded by world citizenship. 30 Then, she writes, the children, as world citizens, shall be subsidized by the World Government. This will bring true freedom, for “government subsidized children will do away with much of the parental possessiveness and tyranny.” 31
Chapter 48
Outmoded Christianity Will Have to Go
Another “inhibition” or “bad habit” that New Agers plan to eliminate in our children is the “outmoded” teachings of Christianity. In her startling but popular book, New Teachings For an Awakening Humanity, Virginia Essene, a well-known New Age lecturer and author, includes the instructions she says she has received directly from the New Age (or Golden Age) “Christ.” A number apply to parents and teachers of children.
For example, Virginia Essene’s “Christ” suggests that all parents and teachers learn to say to their children something like, “Until now...” or “We have believed until now...” 32
“This will mean surrendering the past ideas you were taught about Christianity,” Essene’s New Age “Christ” explains. 33
Also, once the New Age concepts are put in place, parents must not teach a child that “we are worms in the dust and God will get us for our sins.” These types of comments, Essene emphasizes, are false and limiting. 34
Chapter 49
Your Child is to Communicate with the Spirits
The demonic entity masquerading as the New Age Teacher, or “Christ,” further proposes that children learn from sources in the unseen, spiritual dimensions:
It is not I, dear ones, who has created the Plan. However, it is I, and others in heaven, who have totally accepted and participated in it. Your task is the same. For the sake of the Golden Age children, you should encourage them to experience contact with what you may not see and hear yourself. 35
It will therefore help tremendously, the New Age “Christ” told Virginia Essene, to help your child to communicate with the spirit world, to the “wise ones beyond the veil.”
“Not only are they willing to teach the little ones,” this false “Christ” assures us, “They are willing—by the process of mental telepathy—to teach you more of the truth of this universe and your place in it.” 36
However, the help of the “wise ones” does not come, says the “Christ,” except to those who use meditation to summon them and who are grateful to the spirits for their assistance: “You must be grateful for the Divine Plan that God has given humankind.” 37
Chapter 50
Your Child Should Be Sexually Active
Another way in which the New Age seeks to poison our children’s minds is by the promotion of free and illicit sex and immorality. Homosexuality and bi-sexuality are accepted, even encouraged by the New Age teacher. The unholy doctrine of reincarnation and the principle of yin/yang are perfect excuses and rationale for homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality. If you are a homosexual or a lesbian in this lifetime, New Age teachers believe that it is probably because you were a person of the opposite sex in a previous incarnation or past life. The residue and influence of that past life is simply retained within your brain and consciousness.
The yin/yang principle, also called unity, integration or polarity, holds that a person is born with both masculine and feminine traits. A man supposedly could have been a man 250 times and a woman 250 times in previous incarnations, and the memory of those past life experiences are said to remain as indelible traces of consciousness. Thus, we are each a combination of male and female, masculine and feminine. The New Age encourages children and adults to appreciate and practice the harmony of opposites, teaching the individual to merge the two selves, man and woman.
Chapter 51
Reincarnation and Incest
The regrettable reincarnation doctrine also encourages incest. Edgar Cayce, the famed “Sleeping Prophet” of the New Age, frequently gave psychic readings that would rationalize and explain away incestuous behavior. For example, if a father had sex with a young daughter, or a mother with a son, it might be explained away that the two human entities were husband and wife in a previous lifetime. The implications of this teaching are both monstrous and monumental. Yet, Herbert Puryear, Ph.D., a devoted admirer of Edgar Cayce, while not advocating incest, nevertheless gives a nod of approval to Cayce’s teachings on reincarnation that may well be used by others to justify this practice:
In a succession of incarnations in which the same entities are drawn together again and again, the respective relationships may be the same or they may vary. The Oedipus Rex story suggests a situation in which a man and woman are lovers in one incarnation. In a subsequent incarnation, the woman is the mother of the child who formerly was her lover. 38
Cayce’s teachings would even suggest that current family members—for example a brother and sister—may buil
d up sexual desires which are then fulfilled in future incarnations (lifetimes). “The desire held,” writes Puryear, “may bring the entities together again in a subsequent incarnation but they may come together under different family circumstances, such as sister and brother.” 39
Cayce’s practice was to go into a deep trance-state during which his spirit guide would bring him a message. Cayce would then pass on the message as a “reading” to the person or persons he was counseling.
In one of Cayce’s readings, he told a couple that in previous lifetimes they had “lived as father and daughter, as mother and son, as companions, as friends, as acquaintances.” This confusion is actually, according to Cayce, grounds for a wonderful present marriage, “When a couple so blessed,” he counseled, “recognize in themselves this opportunity, how gracious, how beautiful, how lovely is life itself. You have the opportunity, don’t muff it!” 40
Chapter 52