The Venetou

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The Venetou Page 16

by Philip R Benge

  Silence followed his advice as the gravity of the situation sank throw the bravado of even the boldest of the volunteers. Poulson for his part was surprised to hear how much work his wife had put into this project, he might have to use her in future cases. Constable Poulson now got back to business and once again resumed giving his instructions for the coming hunt.

  “We will use both of our drones, plus the survey ship Galileo, in our search. The drones will start their search from the national highway.” The locals laughed now, for to call there main road out of the city a highway was indeed stretching things. Constable Poulson smiled at his joke, one made to lighten the mood a little before the search started in earnest.

  “The two drones will search abreast of one another, some two hundred feet apart, with the drone nearest to the search parties also being another two hundred feet ahead of the second one. They will start from a spot approximately one mile up our highway and move along the line of search.” Constable Poulson said with a slight smile. “The Galileo will start its search from the other end of our search line and search ahead of the six teams. I hope that either the two drones, or the Galileo, will drive the creatures before them and with luck find them, they will then direct the land parties so that we can finally have done with these terrible killers. The search parties on the ground will move out from the track that travels alongside the front edge of the forest, and in doing so drive the creatures away from our city, until, that is, we find and kill them. Please remember to set all of your Phasers on their medium setting, we do not want to kill a friend by accident. Ok, any questions?” Poulson asked. However, there were no questions, merely a studious silence as everyone thought about what lay ahead of them.

  “Ok then, let`s go.” With these words the men and women that made up the hunting parties got into their vehicles and made for the starting line.

  Within the police station, deputies Landers and Singh were seated before two monitors, they had been detailed to control the two drones. Their charges had been aloft for some time now, they had been flying over the rough terrain on the other side of the highway, checking it out just in case the aliens had decided to camp there. For Constable Poulson, this had only been a necessary precaution, he felt that the two alien creatures were more than likely to be found in the forest, for this was near to their former den within the industrial area of the small city. The two drones now turned about and headed for their starting line.

  The Galileo captained by Kramer was also aloft, it too was heading for its starting place above the great northern forest. With him were two technicians working on the bridge and installing new equipment to replace that destroyed by Professor Palin. The new chief mate of the Galileo was Matilda Swenson formerly of the freighter Copernicus, which was being repaired and which also belonged to the Morang Corporation. Matilda was the wife of Councilman Swenson, and she was only to happy to be away from him, finding him a bore now that he was no longer young and handsome, now he was fat and extremely boring. Even so she thought that Kramer should be back in his cell, not captaining the Galileo, she could easily have coped with the responsibility.

  Kramer had just received a notification from Poulson that the search had begun, he now turned to his new first mate. “Ms Swenson, that was the good Constable Poulson he informs me that the time for the hunt has arrived, we are moving off.” Kramer then turned to his temporary second mate Peter Chang, who was sitting behind him looking through the infrared monitor.

  “Peter, for you especially the hunt is on, good luck, but take note, we will probably come across some of the hunting parties, so be sure just who it is you find down there before you call out to Ms Swenson and her team to open fire.” Kramer warned.

  “Chang did not bother to look around at Kramer, although he was one of the crew who sympathised with Kramer, he still felt that Kramer should have done more to prevent the creatures getting loose on New Caledonia. Chang thought that Kramer must have known the type of the security men employed by the Morang Corporation, and so ensured that the quarantine around the ship was tight enough before walking away and leaving the situation in Strom`s hands. This was slightly unfair seeing as how Kramer had not slept for four days and was totally exhausted.

  At the airlock of the Galileo, security men Farmer and Robart were securing themselves to the security rings that were meant to be used when any of the crew went outside of the Galileo while the starship was in the vacuum of space. Now though they were using it to stop the men from falling off the Galileo when the outer door was opened within the atmosphere of a planet. For they, along with Matilda Swenson, were the only armament that the survey vessel possessed, and they would be leaning out to shoot down at the creatures using the large Phaser Rifles supplied by Constable Poulson, should they be lucky enough to find the creatures. The Galileo moved slowly over the tree tops of the northern forest, Kramer was piloting the craft and following the orders of Peter Chang who was searching the ground through the infrared detector. Time for the watchers moved slowly, and their bodies began to ache from the lack of exercise, soon boredom would kick in, to prevent this, Kramer had decided to alternate all the duties of the searchers, himself included.

  On the ground the six teams of hunters, which were mostly led by the security men of the Morang Corporation, moved off. Constable Poulson of course led one such team, and with him was Professor Collinson. The going through the forest was slow, the ground was broken and the undergrowth thick, as it was full summer now. His team were searching along a ravine, up on the top edges of the ravine four of his men stood guard, to stop the creatures from slipping by them. However, the sentries were fearful, for although the men had an infrared scope, they would feel much happier when the party regrouped at the other end of the ravine. For then there would be ten weapons to guard against attack, and ten pairs of eyes to warn them should the alien creatures suddenly appear out of nowhere. Remembering what the professor had said they kept a watch on the near, but particularly on the far distant trees and undergrowth.

  They were lucky to have so many of the detectors, of sorts, to use, the four sentries were using an infrared scope that belonged to one of them, he was an avid photographer who used it to assist him when taking night-time photographs. One of the other teams was also using a pair of night vision binoculars and there was another photographer in a third team.

  For the three men and two women who followed Constable Poulson down into the ravine it was particularly scary. Not only did the many trees of the forest limit the amount of light getting through to the forest floor, but down in the ravine its steep sides cast shadows, shadows that they entered only after Professor Collinson had scanned them with the infrared detector.

  “Grandfather, what is that ahead, that black area, is it a cave or what?” Constable Poulson asked. He was as nervous as anyone else on his team, however, he had to keep any sign of his fears well hidden, or the others would panic and return home in fear of their lives.

  Professor Collinson scanned the dark area ahead of them, taking extra care here as the area could hold unseen dangers for the unwary, it being a possible lair for the alien creatures.

  “Yes, Daniel, it is a cave, and from the look of it, quite a deep one. When we enter it to check it out, maybe I should walk between you and one of the others, each of you with your Phaser weapons aimed at the blackness ahead.” Professor Collinson suggested apprehensively. “While I scan ahead of us.” Collinson added without a trace of the fear which he felt rising up through his body, and managing to raise the hint of a smile for his grandson.

  “Sounds as if we have a plan Grandfather.” Poulson agreed and then turned to one of the other members of the search party. “Joe you come with us.” The man that Poulson had asked to accompany them was a short thin man who ran one of the supermarkets.

  “You other three keep a sharp lookout on the rest of the ravine.” Poulson advised the rest of his small team.

  Once again fear took hold of those not part of the more dange
rous action, this time it was because they did not have an infrared device of any kind to see if their enemy was moving stealthily up on them. They stood there with sweat making an appearance on their faces and shirts, feeling particularly exposed as they looked into the distance for any sign that their enemy was attempting to sneak up on them.

  The three chosen to investigate the mysteries of the dark cave were equally fearful, even so they moved forward as one. Two large beams of light from the torches carried by Poulson and Joe probed into the depths of the cave, but they saw nothing barring their way except for the odd cobweb and the usual half buried rock waiting to cause them to stumble, which Joe did, right into a sharp ridge of stone making him squeal in pain.

  From outside came the first nervous enquiry asking if all was well with them, they did not answer the call, they minds were fully engaged with whatever might be waiting for them ahead, at the rear of the dark cave. Joe`s eyes were fixed upon the screen of the detector and then, suddenly, a large heat spot appeared directly ahead of them, and it was moving rapidly towards them. His Phaser set on its widest setting sent a large bolt of energy whistling along the tunnel to explode against whatever was coming towards them. His shot was followed by a second bolt of energy from the weapon of Constable Poulson that mixed with the echoes of the first explosion and seemingly screamed along before it exploded against the rear wall of the cave.

  The screen of the detector was lit up by the energy blasts, and so was now useless to them. Constable Poulson his torch in one hand and his weapon in the other approached the glowing rear wall of the cave. From outside, nervous calls enquired again about the safety of those within the cave, these too went unanswered. Excitement now filled the hearts of those within the cave, they walked slowly forward, ready for anything, they looked down at the corpses by their feet, two dozen bats attempting to flee the intruders had been killed by the two high energy bolts. Their disappointment was mixed with a drop in their heart rate, maybe they had not killed any alien creatures, but they sure as hell had proved themselves ready for action.

  Leaving the cave, Poulson was about to explain all that had happed within the cave when the three who had waited outside burst into laughter. The three men who had entered the cave had come out covered in rock dust, blown from the wall by the first Phaser bolt, for Joe had set it on a wide setting that had taken out the bats as well as scouring the sides of the cave walls. With spirits raised they then had to repeat everything to the four sentries who had heard the two Phaser blasts as they echoed out of the cave and along the ravine to their ears.

  Minutes later and the two parts of this team were united at the far end of the ravine, heart beats slowed a little at the increased firepower and the doubling of the infrared detectors.


  One mile away from them the Galileo was approaching on an intersect course, it had not even had a false sighting, and now Matilda Swenson was at the helm while Kramer watched through the infrared detector. As they came even nearer to a team of hunters on the ground Kramer saw two bright glowing bodies moving along the ground below them, and away from the hunters.

  “Ms Swenson, slow down, we might have them.” Kramer barked out across the bridge.

  Matilda Swenson immediately slowed the Galileo while opposite her Mitch Chandler, another crewman from the Copernicus, put out a general call to the ground teams using the newly repaired communications systems.

  “This is the Galileo, if any of you are beneath us then tell us now, before we open fire upon what otherwise must be the creatures.”

  Kramer waited for twenty seconds, quite long enough for a response, not getting one he alerted his hunters. “Peter, there are two humanoid figures below you some twenty feet out and slightly to your right. Kramer called through the intercom to the three hunters awaiting just this call.

  Three bolts of energy whistled down through the trees to explode all around the Venetou, the three hunters could see them for just a moment but then then the two figures below them ran deeper into the forest and beneath the shelter of the tree tops.

  Neither Sarai or Talia had been hurt, however, they had been shaken by the sudden explosions all around them. “Stop here Talia, we are hidden by the branches of the trees, they will not be able to see us now.” Sarai said breathlessly.

  From above three bolts of energy whistled down through the trees to explode against the branches directly above them. Kramer had directed the attack using the infrared detector. Constable Poulson and his team had not only heard the Phaser bolts from the Galileo as they whistled down threw the air, they had seen them, right now he was talking to Mitch Chandler.

  “Tell your people that my team is only a few hundred feet to the south west of you, we are heading towards the area that you are targeting, please take care not to confuse our heat signatures.” Poulson instructed Chandler.

  Chandler conveyed this information both to Kramer and to the three marksman, they were elated, for they did not care who killed the creatures as long as someone did.

  Constable Poulson soon caught sight of Talia and Sarai and he opened fire upon them, his shot was closely followed by the others in his team. Eight bolts of pure energy screamed through the air to explode all around the two Venetou, miraculously they escaped relatively unscathed. Their bodies were hit by many of the splinters of wood blasted from the trees and Sarai was burnt by a bolt of energy screaming passed his body, but none of this stopped them from running deeper and deeper into the forest. Ahead of them they could hear the roar of a fast running river, it was a tributary of the river that went passed the small city of New Caledonia.

  One of the hunters amongst Poulson`s party was armed with an ancient Winchester rifle, it was once owned by a great grandfather, one a few times down the family line, taking aim at the fleeing figures he gently squeezed the trigger and smiled as his bullet exploded from the ancient rifle.

  Talia knew that they had the legs of their pursuers but knew nothing about the weapons of Man. The bullet from the Winchester struck her in the chest as she stopped to look back at these new Bora. She said nothing for a moment, then she called softly to her mate. “Sarai, I am injured, Sarai?”

  Sarai turned and he saw her stumble, but he caught her in his arms before she fell to the floor, he then carried her to the river. They had been walking towards it when the Galileo had found them, for they had made their new den there. Sarai dove into the river with Talia, taking her down through its waters they soon reappeared within a large cave, they had come upon it by chance when they had followed what on Earth would have been an otter, this cave had been its den. Light flooded in from above as a large part of the roof had fallen in thousands of years before, but they were safely hidden beneath a solid part of the roof.

  Sarai laid Talia down upon her bed and covered her body with straw to keep her warm, he cradled Talia`s head in the crook of his arms and told her of his thoughts and fears.

  “When you are rested Talia, we must leave this land of the Bora, the weapons supplied by their god are too powerful for us to go up against, and using the little boxes that they carry with them, they seem able to see us. There are too few Venetou in this land and too many Bora, and all of them are armed with the weapons of the gods, we will move through the forest until we find our lake set in the green meadow, there the only Bora is their ghosts.”

  Talia looked up at her mate, and with tears flowing down her cheeks she kissed him. “Sarai, I have been hurt badly by the magic weapon of the Bora, I do not think that I will be joining you on the trek back to our home.” Sarai was troubled by this strange talk, never before had a Venetou been so hurt by the Bora, it was almost blasphemous to say such things.

  “Talia, of course you will join me on the trek, come, let me see the wound of this magic weapon, I will soon fix it.” Sarai said fearfully.

  Moments later he was looking at his first bullet wound. He applied a rough poultice of clay and straw to stop the bleeding, but from the weak state of his mate he kne
w that a magic ceremony would have to be carried out by one of the Bora, if his mate was to be well enough to travel back to their far away home.

  “You are right Talia, I will have to bring a Bora elder here, he will know how to fix this, and when he has done so, you will feed off him.” Sarai promised.

  He did not dare leave their cave until after the sun had set, for the Bora would still be searching for them. As soon as the sun had set though, and the Bora had retired to their dens, then he would also travel to their dens and enter one, there he would capture one of their elders and bring the Bora here to tend to his mate, that or he would die trying.

  The two drones were rushing towards the area and the Galileo was following the river downstream, using the infrared detector to search for their heat signature, however without any luck. They had seen the rocky pool beside which the Venetou lay, but had thought that it filled the cave, they did not realise that there was a rocky shelf beyond the area visible to them. Standing on the river bank above the hidden cave, the hunters finally decided to call a halt to the day`s hunt, for the sun would soon be setting, and then the advantage would lay with the alien creature. One thing did buoy up their spirits, at least one of the alien creatures had been injured, shot by the Winchester rifle, for they were able to follow the blood trail to the river, where it disappeared.


  Sarai left Talia and swam out of the hidden cave and into the river, however, he did not surface immediately, choosing to do so further along the banks of the river. He knew that for the first time his hunt amongst the dens of the Bora would be filled with danger, however, what choice did he have, he needed to feed and so did Talia, as well as needing the attention of an elder from amongst the Bora.


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