Affinity: A Salvation Society Novel

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Affinity: A Salvation Society Novel Page 6

by Harlow Layne

  I felt my cheeks heat at Alex’s words and wondered if they pinkened up for everyone to see.

  Alex pulled another breakfast sandwich and burrito out of the bag. “When Jenner asked me to bring breakfast, I wasn’t sure which one you’d like, so I got both.”

  “You didn’t have to do that. I was going to make an online order yesterday, but I wasn’t sure which store to order from.”

  I could feel Abbi’s eyes trying to burn a hole through me but now wasn’t the time. I needed to talk to Alex first before she started to interrogate me.

  Alex reached across the table and patted Abbi’s hand. “I’ll make a list of all the places I go to and use. I’ve become an aficionado at trying to avoid the paparazzi in this town.”

  Abbi cracked a watery smile. “That would be so great. I haven’t lived here long, and now . . . ” she bit her bottom lip, “I’m in a whole new world.”

  Alex gave her hand a squeeze. “I know. Promise me you won’t believe what people say online. They will make up the ugliest stories to try and break you apart.”

  “Why?” Abbi asked. The sincerity in her voice shocked me. It was as if she really cared what they said about us.

  “That, I can’t answer. When I first started seeing Luke, I didn’t really understand why he wanted to keep us a secret, but once our relationship was out to the public, I knew why. He wanted us to have a foundation before everyone tried to tear us apart.” She looked down at Mason, who was finishing up his milk. “There was this one person who stalked Luke. She took pictures in the background, saying they were together, and he was cheating on her with me.”

  “Wait. What? Did you ever believe her?”

  “Not once. Seriously, though, the paparazzi will take a picture of you in the worst situations, and the gossip magazines will make up any story to go along. I know there are a lot of people in Hollywood who let fame get to them and do stupid things.” Her eyes flitted to me. “And while Jenner has made some mistakes, know he would never cheat on you.”

  Alex’s faith in me was unwavering, and it meant the world to me. Clearing my throat, I stood and made my way around the table to her before I pulled her into a crushing hug and whispered into her hair. “Thank you for believing in me.”

  Leaning back, she cupped my cheek. “I’ll always believe in you. You were there for me when Matthew fucked me over. Hell, you drove me all the way back to Missouri so I could get back to Mason. You’ve watched out for me and been a great friend. Let me do the same for you.”

  Drawing her back to me, I kissed her on the forehead. “You’re the best of friends. What do you say we get that little monster in the pool so we can talk?”

  Nodding, she grabbed some sunscreen out of the huge bag she brought with her and waved it in the air. Mason jumped up and shed his shirt in one second, ready to hit the water. That boy loved to swim. It was a good thing Luke and Alex had a pool at both their houses.

  Turning to Abbi, I prayed she didn’t take me up on my offer. “We’re going to hit the pool if you want to join us.”

  She looked at the pool and then at each of us before standing up. “For now, I’m going to decline. There are still a few things I still need to do and put away.” She held up the sandwich. “Thank you again for the food.”

  I watched her ass sway as she walked away. When I turned back to the pool, Alex’s head was cocked to the side with her brows scrunched up. She definitely knew something wasn’t right between us.

  Pulling out a flamingo raft for Alex and a couple of rings for Mason and me to use, I threw them in the water. Alex had barely finished putting the sunscreen on Mason before he was jumping into the water and swimming toward the deep end.

  “Have you thought about putting him on a swim team? He might be an Olympic swimmer someday.”

  “I’m looking into it. There are a couple of teams in Riverside, but they only have them during the summer. I’ve thought about having him join one here in the summer, but since he’s gone every other weekend, I’m not sure how a team would feel about that.” She let out a defeated sigh.

  Slipping into the water, I dunked myself before I slid onto the ring and let my feet dangle in the water. “Are things not better with Decker?”

  “I would say they are as good as they can be. He’s happy he doesn’t have to pay child support, but if he can do something to make my life harder, he does it. Summers are . . . ” she tilted her head from side to side, “difficult is the nice way to say it. It’s stressful not knowing how he’s going to try and 'f’ us. We either have to take a late Sunday night flight or one on Monday because he knows we’re flying back and is unreliable as to when he’ll drop Mason off.”

  “I hate that for you. At least you get to come here with Luke, and you’re not apart like you were before you got married.”

  Jumping into the water, Alex grabbed my ring and pulled me to the other end of the pool away from Mason. Hanging her arms over the edge, she gave me a pointed look. “Stop stalling.”

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I looked inside the house. “Promise you won’t say anything to anybody.”

  “I would never betray you. I’ll make sure Luke knows not to say anything as well.”

  “In all honesty, neither of us remember that night,” I let that sink in before I dropped the bomb, “or even meeting each other.”

  Her head whipped up, and I swear if she wasn’t holding onto my raft, she would have drowned from shock. “You didn’t know her before two days ago?” Her voice was high and squeaky. When I started to answer, she continued. “Why don’t you get an annulment?”

  Staring down into the water, I answered her. I couldn’t look her in the face. If I saw her disappointment, it would kill me. “You don’t know what all went down after Poppy. You know some of it, but I pretty much tanked my career. No one wanted to hire me, so when I was approached to do a Netflix show, Catherine said I needed to take it and prove that I had changed. That I was the old Reeves Jenner, so I took it.”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes. “Jenner, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I’m ashamed that I let what happened with Poppy turn me into the man I had become. I arrived in Vegas with Levi and had one drink up in my room. I wasn’t going to drink in public and let someone get a photo.”

  “Why were you even drinking to begin with?”

  “It may seem like I have a problem with drinking, but I don’t. I know the public perceives that I do, so I don’t want to be caught out drinking. I had non-alcoholic drinks downstairs, and then I don’t remember. All I know is there were champagne bottles all over my suite, and I woke up married to Abbi. Catherine thinks maybe we were drugged because what’s the possibility of the both of us not remembering?”

  Resting her head on the tube, Alex closed her eyes. “I hate to say it, but it’s possible someone drugged you. I’m sure they didn’t mean for you to marry some random girl, though.” Turning her head to the side, her eyes were full of sadness. “So, all this is an arrangement?”

  Lifting my left hand, I flashed her my wedding band. “For a year, and I can’t take this fucking thing off the entire time. Yesterday, after Catherine dropped off the rings and said once we put it on we couldn’t take it off, it brought up a lot of shit. I ended up sleeping all day and night, and now we’re here.”

  “If you had a choice, what would you want to do?”

  “I’d keep my job, get a blockbuster movie, and keep making movies for as long as I could,” I answered truthfully.

  “What about Abbi?”

  “I wouldn’t be married. I don’t even know her. Hell, for all I know, she might have a man.”

  “Is that what bothers you? That she might have a boyfriend? Because everyone has seen the video, and if she had a man, they’re no longer together.”

  “I can assure you that’s not it. I never thought I would get married again, and now to be forced to stay married doesn’t make me happy.”

  Pushing off the tube, Alex floated on
her back. “No one is telling you that you have to be married in the house. You don’t have to have sex with her or any other husbandly duties.”

  She did have a point. “I can’t have sex with anyone else until we divorce, and at least once a week, we have to be seen out in public holding hands.”

  “For Christ’s sake, you’re an actor. It’s not going to kill you to hold her hand once a week. She looks like a sweet girl.”

  I barked out a laugh. “Looks can be deceiving.”

  Climbing onto the flamingo, Alex rested her foot on my raft to stay grounded. “What does she get out of this arrangement?”

  “Besides living in my house for a year? She gets to keep her job, and—”

  “What do you mean she gets to keep her job?” Sitting up, she waited for an answer.

  “She has a job at CJJ but hasn’t started yet. Now she has a second job babysitting me.”

  “Did you ever think she doesn’t want to be stuck in this marriage or babysit you just as much as you?”

  I hadn’t thought about what Abbi must be feeling. I’d only thought about myself and being pushed into the corner after fucking up. Now that I thought about it, it was obvious Abbi wasn’t happy with this situation and only wanted to keep her job.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Abbi yelled from the side of the pool. How had we not noticed her? “You weren’t supposed to tell anyone, and the first person you see, you blab your fucking mouth.”

  Alex and I watched wide-eyed as Abbi stormed off into the house.

  Chapter Nine


  Rushing off to my room, I slammed the door closed and threw myself on the bed. I couldn’t believe that asshole. I was going to lose my job before I even started it.

  A soft knock on my door had me sitting upright and glaring at it. “Abbi, can I please come in?” Alex called from the other side.

  While I didn’t want to hear what she had to say, Alex hadn’t done anything to me. Seeing her talk to Reeves earlier, showed me there was a nice guy in there somewhere deep down.

  Moving to the end of the bed, I tried to reign in my emotions and called, “Come in.”

  Alex peeked in as the door slowly opened. “Hey, I know you probably don’t want to hear from me, but I wanted to try and explain Jenner.”

  I doubt she could make a difference, but I’d hear her out.

  Sitting down, Alex gave me a sad smile. “I know you’re not happy. Jenner told me, but I think he needed to talk to someone about what’s going on. He said you have your friend, Sophie, so I’m sure you can understand how nice it is to be able to talk to someone about what’s going on. Jenner can’t go to Catherine and complain. Not that he was complaining about you.” She gave me another sad smile as she took my hand in hers. “Poppy messed him up pretty bad, and he barely talked about it. I’m sure there are things I don’t know, and I think he feels guilty about it. While I’m going to tell Luke, I can promise you that we won’t tell anyone your secret. I think you’re a sweet girl who wants to keep her job, and I told Jenner to think about how this is affecting you and not to be an asshole. I doubt you’re happy to be in this mess and don’t like having to lie about it to your friends and family.”

  I did understand, but one thing stood out to me. “Reeves has Levi to talk to since he was there in Vegas.”

  “They’re friends because of circumstance, but I’m not sure how much Jenner trusts what he says to Levi for it to not end up in Catherine’s ear. We’ve been friends for a few years, and he knows I won’t say a word. I’ve been a part of the media’s lies. I’m sure you’ve seen the bad boy he’s turned into, but I promise he’s a good guy. He’s just lost. Please be open to giving him a chance. I’m not saying you have to fall in love with him, but try to be friends.”

  “I want to try and be friends and not have the house I’m living in for the next year to be a war zone.”

  I hadn’t known she was tense until her shoulders relaxed as she smiled over at me. “That’s all I ask. Since I’ll be in LA for the summer, I’m hoping to pull his head out of his ass. I hope that we can get along because I plan to be around quite a bit.”

  I thought it was strange they were so close, and yet she hadn’t been around. “Why are you only here for the summer?”

  “I live in Missouri, and there’s no way in hell my ex will ever let me move here.” She let out a bitter chuckle. “We’re lucky we can be here for most of the summer. Mason still has to go back every other weekend, but we make it work, so we’re not apart from Luke for long periods of time.”

  Alex hopped off the bed and retied her towel around her waist. “I’m going to head back out there and take Mason off Jenner’s hands. Please join us, and maybe you can see him in a better light with me here.”

  So she knew he’d probably be an ass without her presence.

  “Thanks, I’ll think about it.”

  She gave a small smile before she slipped out of the room, and a few seconds later, I heard them all hooting and hollering, having a great time.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to go out there and have to apologize for going off on Reeves, even though I had every right to be mad at him. We were sworn to silence, and the first person he encountered, he spilled our secret to. But I did believe Alex that he wouldn’t speak of it to anyone else.

  For the next hour, I listened as Jenner and Mason yelled every few minutes to the sound of water splashing as I hung up the rest of my clothes the movers had brought. I probably should have called Sophie, but I didn’t want to have to tell her how poorly things were going up here on the hill. I should have been thankful I got to keep my job, and Catherine had given me a week to get accustomed to my new married life. For the next year, I was living in the most beautiful place I’d ever been in, and it would be tranquil if Jenner and I could learn to live together and not try to kill each other.

  With my clothes put away, I decided I should join them. If I stayed holed up all the time things between us would never get better.

  Slipping on my bikini and slathering myself with sunscreen, I tightened my ponytail and made my way out to the pool. It was now or never. I nearly tripped over my feet, seeing Reeves sprawled out on a lounger, his bronze skin glistening in the sunlight, biceps bulging with his arms behind his head. Damn, he was fine.

  “You came out,” Alex called with a bright smile on her face. She was throwing rings into the pool and watching Mason dive in to get them. He was a good swimmer for an eight-year-old. “Mason and I were just getting ready to leave so we can pick up our grocery order.” She leaned forward, put her hand to her mouth to hide it, and whisper yelled, “We have about as much food as the two of you.”

  Reeves kicked her chair as he laughed. “We’re going to get some food, so stop giving me shit.” His eyes went wide as he looked to the pool to see if Mason had heard him swear. “How do you do it?”

  Alex doubled over laughing and spoke in between fits of giggles. “Lots of practice and I keep it all in for when he’s not around.”

  “Does a slew of curse words come out of your mouth the moment he goes to bed?” Reeves asked.

  “Something like that. Now I’ve got to go so I can get some groceries and get that boy cleaned up. Then it will be a night of binge-watching reality TV and reading.”

  Reeves stood and helped Alex up before he gave her a big bear hug. “You know you can call me anytime. Day or night, and if I’m at work, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

  She wiped underneath one eye as she pulled back and started to pack up.

  Reeves crossed his arms over his chest, making me drool as each muscle flexed. “Are you going to hang out with Anna?”

  “Not for a while. She’s filming in Vancouver for most of the summer.” Turning to the pool, she called out. “Mason, honey, we’ve got to get going so we can pick up our groceries.”

  His little face fell, but he got out of the pool without a fight.

  “You can always come back over tonight if you w
ant.” Reeves bumped her with his hip.

  Giving us a watery smile, I knew then he’d seen something I hadn’t. “I’m sorry for getting emotional. You’d think I’d want some free time without Luke, but the first couple of days with him at work, I’m a mess.”

  “I’d give you a hug, but I know you don’t want that, so instead, I’ll help you out to your car.”

  “Thank you,” she wrapped an arm around Mason’s shoulders. “It was great meeting you, Abbi. I hope to see you again soon.”

  I waved as Reeves ushered them toward the house. “It was nice meeting you too.”

  Watching Reeves help Alex and Mason outside, I saw the good guy Alex was talking about. He was totally different with her and her little boy.

  Since pool time was over, I decided to go inside and heat up some leftover pizza. I was surprised when I found a piece of paper on the counter with all the places to go to avoid the paparazzi as much as possible. I was either making an order or going to the store since, after this, there’d be no food.

  Reeves sauntered back inside and looked at the now-empty pizza box. He grabbed his phone and poked around on it for a few moments. “This is where I order my groceries from. Put in what you have on your list, and it will be delivered tonight.”

  “Is this some special place for celebrities?”

  His brows furrowed. “Why?”

  “I’ve never been able to get my groceries delivered in a few hours.”

  When he only shrugged, I pulled my pizza out of the oven and put it on a plate. It seemed Reeves didn’t live like the rest of us.

  “What was the hug thing about with Alex?” I asked after I made my way back outside and sat down under an umbrella to block the sun while I ate.

  “Oh,” his right brow raised, “yeah, Alex hates crying in front of others, and if I’d given her a hug, she would have cried.”

  “What?” That didn’t make any sense.

  He chuckled, pulling a water bottle from the outdoor fridge. “I can’t explain it, but that’s the way she is. When she first started seeing Luke, it freaked her out that she didn’t want to be without him and was becoming less independent.”


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