Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla's Curse Book 1)

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Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla's Curse Book 1) Page 1

by Stacy Claflin


  Title Page


































  Pursued Valkyrie

  Other Books

  Author's Note



  by Stacy Claflin

  Copyright ©2018 Stacy Claflin. All rights reserved.

  ©Cover Design: Rebecca Frank

  Edited by Staci Troilo

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental or used fictitiously. The author has taken great liberties with locales including the creation of fictional towns.

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent is strictly prohibited. Do not upload or distribute anywhere.

  This e-book is for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to others. If you would like to share this book with others, please either purchase it for them or direct them to for purchase links. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

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  The beat of the music runs through me as I dance among the throng of other bodies. Bright colorful lights move all around in tune with the song.

  I close my eyes and really throw myself into it, bumping into others. They don’t care, and I don’t care. We’re all here to have a good time. And many of us are here for another reason—to forget something. Or many somethings.

  In my case? Many, many somethings.

  Forgetting is my favorite thing about dancing the night away every single evening.

  The music stops for a moment as the current song ends. When a slower, more romantic song begins, I open my eyes and realize how dry my mouth is.

  I weave my way through the dancing bodies then finally reach the bar.

  “Your usual?” The bartender flips his long black bangs from one side to the other.

  “You know it.” I sit on a stool and catch my breath.

  “Comin’ right up, Soleil.” His wide smile reveals his gold tooth, then he turns around and works on the drink.

  Someone sits at the stool next to me, bumping me.

  I ignore him.

  He doesn’t ignore me. “Hey there. Did you just fall from Heaven?”

  “That’s original.”

  The guy shifts his weight and runs his hand over his sleeked-back, light brown hair. “Can’t help it. It’s hard to think straight around such beauty.”

  I hold back a sigh, bored. Obviously another line, but he has no idea how on the mark he is with that one. My beauty is designed to draw people to me. I could kill him right this very second and nobody would even notice.

  At least not until someone has to move the body.

  The bartender slides my drink over. “Add this to your tab, Sols?”

  I really should learn his name. “Thanks.”

  “Tab?” Sleeked-hair raises an eyebrow. “You come here often?”

  “Yep.” I sip the rainbow-colored drink, missing the ones made by my friend, the former troll king. He makes them with unicorn horn flakes—an ingredient woefully unavailable in a purely human establishment.

  It makes me wish I could head back home, but if I dwell on that, I’m not doing my job, which for the moment is to forget about all my problems.

  As I set my empty glass down, I realize the guy next me is rambling on about something. He’s about as interesting as a thumbtack.

  I shove my empty glass toward the bartender and slide off my stool.

  “Going to dance?” He looks hopeful, like a puppy. Probably some college kid. They always seem to walk around with that look in their eyes like the world is a big place full of wonders.

  It’s none of that—it’s small and soul-crushing.

  I shake my head. “Going to the ladies’ room.”

  He follows me, yammering something about the song.

  I ignore him. Or try to, anyway. Not that it does much good. He’s really latched onto me. With any luck, he’ll lose interest while I’m in the bathroom. If not, things could get ugly.

  And I don’t want that to happen.

  I open the door marked WOMEN and turn to him. “This is where we part.”

  He stands taller. “I can go in with you. I’m feeling like a woman right about now.”


  I narrow my eyes. “Have some respect.”

  “Oh, I do. Believe me.”

  “Seriously.” I glower at him, holding back my annoyance which could easily turn to anger. He doesn’t want to see that. It could be the last thing he sees, and I’d prefer to let the weasel live.

  He grins. “Oh, I am. Serious as a heart attack.”

  The dude is about to get a warning, and hopefully he’ll take it.

  They usually do.

  I try logic one more time. “Just wait out here.”

  “This is the twenty-first century. I can go in there.” He nods toward the women’s bathroom.

  “That rule is meant for people who actually—”

  “Shut up.” He grabs my shoulders and presses his chapped lips on my mouth.

  That’s it. Nice Soleil is taking a backseat.

  I shove him back. He flies into the wall with an impressive crash. At least he doesn’t crack the surface like the last guy did.

  He doesn’t respond at first, but then looks around. His eyes gloss over.

  “I said to wait out here.” Without waiting for a response, I rush into the bathroom. My ears ring from the sudden quiet. Not that it’s truly silent—the music is only muffled.

  Three girls in too-short skirts pass me, giggling to each other. Maybe they’ll be more interested in Sleeked-hair out there.

  That’d be a lot better than me showing him what I’m really made of. He doesn’t want to see that, and I don’t want to do that. I’d rather pretend I’m just human. Unfortunately, that pretense only ever lasts a short while. Doesn’t matter how hard I try.

  I go to the mirror and pretend to fix my hair, but who am I kidding? It’s perfect, as always. It falls over my shoulders, looking like I spent hours on it. Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to actually have to fight with it.

  A blonde comes out of her stall. “Love your hair color. Where’d you go to get it? I’m always trying new shades of blonde.”

  “It’s natural.”

  Her mouth drops open. “For real?”

  I nod, then pull out some lip gloss. “For real.”

  “You are so lucky. I’d kill for that color.”

  “Maybe that’s it.” I am a Valkyrie, after all. My entire purpose is to take lives. I’m an angel of death sent from Valhalla.

  “Huh?” She looks at me like I’ve sprouted a second head.

  “Nothing. Thanks for the

  “Whatever.” She scurries from the bathroom.

  I wash my hands as a group of five come in, laughing and gasping for air. They disperse into different stalls, then I make my way out, hoping Sleek-hair found someone else to bother.

  Nope. He’s leaning against the wall, and he flashes me a self-satisfied grin as soon as we make eye contact.

  “Not put off too easily, are you, soldier?”

  He pushes himself away from the wall. “Soldier, huh? I like that.”

  Great. “I have to meet my friend. See you around.”

  “I can go with you. Is she as pretty as you?”

  “No, he’s nowhere near as pretty as me. He’s super hot, though. Are you into that?”

  He scowls. “No. Do I look like I am?”

  I glance back to the ladies’ room. “You did say you identify—”

  “You’re way more trouble than you’re worth.” He storms off. Finally.

  I wait a moment, taking in his absence before heading back to the dance floor and looking for Titan. Last I saw my friend, he was headed upstairs with a redhead to the lounge. Girls love him. I wasn’t kidding about him being super hot.

  If I were in a different place in life, I’d definitely be interested in more than a platonic roommate relationship. But that’s all it is, and it works for us. Besides, I know better than to get involved with a mesmer. They’re part of the trickster species.

  A song from the eighties with a great beat blares over the speakers. Now that had been a good decade. And that week with Prince…

  I shake my head to clear the memory.

  Time to stay in the present. I throw myself onto the dance floor and give everything to the song, trying to forget that everyone I danced with to this back in the day is now in their fifties, or dead.

  So goes the life of an immortal. Most everyone else grows older and dies. That’s one reason I like my new best friend. Titan may be a trickster, but he isn’t getting any older. Everyone else around us will eventually settle down and have families. Then when their kids are old enough to come dance here, Titan and I will be here to teach them some new moves.

  A soft but firm hand rests on my bare shoulder.

  I turn and find a beautiful woman in a flowing, floor-length black dress. Her brunette tresses reach her elbows, and her blazing brown eyes lock with mine. Seems like she wants something.

  “Want to dance?” I ask.

  Her gorgeous face contorts to a scowl, and she’s still stunning. “I’m not here to dance, Soleil.”

  I stop dancing, and concern pricks me as I study her. She knows my name. She’s unusually alluring. Magic emanates from her—so strong it sends a shiver down my spine.

  She’s a witch. And based on her glare, not a friendly one.

  “What do you want?”

  “You killed my sister. I want your blood.”

  “What, like a drop for a spell?”

  Her nostrils flare and her full, perfect lips thin as her mouth forms a straight line. “I’m here to kill you.”

  “Why not take me by surprise?”

  She steps closer. “Because I want you to know why you’re dying.”


  People are stepping away from us, clearly able to feel the tension.

  I flip some hair behind my shoulder. “Who is your sister?”

  Her brows knit together. “You don’t even know?”

  “You do realize what I am, don’t you?”

  She glances around at the humans around us. Supernatural law demands that we keep our true nature from them unless absolutely necessary. “Of course.”

  “Then what makes you think I’d remember your sister?” I study her face, trying to see a resemblance between her and someone I’ve killed. Nothing stands out, though I can’t shake the feeling that something should.

  “Because she was supposed to be unkillable.”

  “Everyone can be killed, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes flash red as she glowers at me. Is she also a vampire? She takes another step closer to me. The witch smells like frankincense. “Not my family. We’re some of the most powerful of our kind.”

  I glance at our onlookers. “And what would that be?”

  She smirks. “Nice try.”

  “Just tell me your sister’s name. Maybe we can work something out.”

  “She’s already dead. There’s nothing to work out.” The witch makes air quotes as she says the last two words.

  “And you think you’re going to kill me?” I glance around for Titan. His mind-control abilities would be particularly useful right about now.

  “Oh, I don’t think. I know.”

  “Okay, that’s cute.” I glare at her. “Why don’t we take this outside?”

  A sharp ringing sound radiates through my body. The noise screams, threatening to break my eardrums. My knees wobble, and my arms shake. It takes all my effort to remain upright. It won’t be long before I’m on the ground, writhing in pain.

  Only one group of witches knows about the anti-Valkyrie call.

  I cover my ears, not that it helps, and shout her sister’s name. “Azure!”

  The noise stops.

  She stomps her foot and puts her hands on her hips. “So, you remember?”

  How could I forget? Killing that stupid witch is why I can’t be anywhere near my family. Why the rulers of Valhalla are hunting me down this very moment.

  “Yeah. Azure isn’t one who’s easy to forget.” I step closer. “Trust me, I’m paying every day for taking her life. Let’s call it even.”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Aren’t you cute?”

  “Actually, I am. But I’m also serious.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to give you a free pass. No, you’re going down.”

  “It won’t be easy.” I close my eyes and picture my bedroom. The air spins around me and suddenly jolts to a stop.

  I open my eyes. I’m in my room, and my legs are about to give out. The room spins round and round, so I fling myself onto the bed.

  A severe hunger claws at me. I hadn’t expected to teleport, so I hadn’t fueled myself first.

  With any luck, the witch doesn’t know where I live. She managed to find me at the club, so she might. But then again, I’ve been dancing there every night for a few years now.

  Perhaps it’s time to move on. If a witch could find me, then so could other Valkyries.

  My entire body shakes. I need to refuel after teleporting. If only food would do the job. Titan keeps the fridge overflowing with good eats.

  No, I need essence. Human essence will do, but a supernatural creature would be better. So much more filling and powerful.

  Titan, where are you?

  I rifle through my purse until I find my phone. Then I send him a text pleading with him to get home right away. Depending on how well he’s hitting it off with that redhead, he might just ignore me. He’s like that.

  And I need essence right away, because I’m seriously depleted. The more I have in my system, the easier agents of Valhalla can find me. Between keeping my essence intake low and hiding my sword on the other side of the world, I’m sending seriously mixed signals to trackers.

  I check my phone. Titan hasn’t even read my text. I’m on my own.

  If only I could walk. I’m still shaking, famished.

  I wish I had the energy to hunt down Azure’s sister and drink her essence. Even just a little would go a long way. She has to be an ancient witch like her sister.

  There’s no way I can teleport now, so dreaming is only wasting my time. I need essence, and I need it now.

  Except I can’t move a muscle. Maybe I’m better off waiting for Titan to come home. It won’t take much since he’s immortal.

  Even if I manage to crawl outside and find a human, I’d have to distract them in order to drink their essence. But I’m too low on fuel to manage it.

  Why did I let myself get so low? I need to find other ways to ke
ep myself hidden from my superiors.

  Then it hits me.

  It was the anti-Valkyrie call that drained me so quickly. I was fine before the witch pulled that below-the-belt move. Between that and teleporting, I’d used up every last drop of essence.

  I send Titan another text, this time demanding for him to get home now.

  Twenty minutes later, I finally hear the locks on our front door click from the key.

  He better not have brought the redhead with him.


  “In my room…” My voice barely comes out more than a whisper. It’s been several centuries since I’ve let myself become this weak. Maybe longer.

  Hopefully he heard me.

  Footsteps thunder up the stairs.

  It’s a good thing mesmers have good hearing.

  My door flings open. Titan steps in and looks around, then his gaze finally lands on me. “What happened back there?”

  I just moan.

  He races over. “Are you okay?”


  “What do you need?” He leans closer.

  I open my mouth and immediately his opens and his eyes close. Now that the process has started, he’s almost helpless to stop it. I drink in air until the purple swirling mist appears from his mouth and trails its way to mine.

  The delicious, sweet taste makes my taste buds nearly explode with excitement. Despite having done this for thousands of years, there are still times when it feels like the first time.

  My body shudders and my wings threaten to break free. I have less energy to fight them, but I’m also lying on my back.

  Titan moans. This is as good for him as it is for me.

  Except it could kill him if I’m not careful.

  With each little bit of the tasty, silky essence, my strength returns. I take just a little more than I need, then I stop drinking.

  His head snaps back and the essence returns to his mouth. He stares at the wall, dazed for a moment. Then he wipes his mouth and turns to me. “You could warn me before you do that, you know.”

  I sit up, now steady. “That’s what you said last time.”

  “And I meant it.” Titan sits next to me and takes a deep breath. “Not that I’m complaining.” His gaze locks with mine. “I don’t think I’ll ever adjust to your eyes glowing green after taking my essence.”


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