Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla's Curse Book 1)

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Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla's Curse Book 1) Page 4

by Stacy Claflin

  The vampires all glance around, the redness fading from their eyes. But it only lasts a moment before their eyes shine bright and they growl and pounce again.

  I open my mouth, and this time it’s instantaneous. They all freeze in place as their essence is yanked from them. It swirls toward me, so much of it that it makes humming noises.

  The force of it knocks Titan to the ground.

  I stumble backward as the mass of essence hits my mouth with enough force to flip a truck on its side. My immense wings keep me balanced. Without them, I’d fly back and crash down like Titan.

  The essence forces its way down my throat, practically gagging me. I manage to stay in control and breathe. Barely.

  My ears buzz as the images from the vampires flood my consciousness. The horrors are all I can see. Hear. Feel. All of it. Each vampire’s memories. Their thoughts.

  I don’t know how I remain upright, but I do. I always manage.

  The sour, bitter taste takes over and permeates my entire body. It makes my stomach turn. Swims around in my bloodstream. Pulsates through my muscles. Clings to my bones. Races through my skin.

  It’s everywhere, all at once. The cries of the innocent. The relentlessness of monsters.

  Nothing else exists.

  Until my head snaps back. My feet stumble.

  My mind reels and my stomach lurches.

  I’ve drunk too much. The essence threatens to burst out.

  I’m going to be sick.

  Really, really sick.



  And more vampires are on their way out. Their dead nest mates decorate the ground.

  I can’t deal with this. Too much essence can kill me. Titan’s out of bullets. Vampires can rip us to shreds, even if they hate our blood.

  Titan meets my gaze. Terror grips his eyes.

  Shaking, I stumble forward.



  I pull Titan up and squeeze his arms.

  More vampires flood out from the building. They trip over the bodies and glare at Titan and me.

  I close my eyes and picture our living room.

  Images of death and dying shove my home out of the way.

  The vampires snarl and shout curses. They’re getting closer.

  Something scratches my arm.

  Titan yells.

  Rain pours down harder than before, drenching us. My clothes cling to me.

  Something digs into my arm.

  Titan releases a blood-curdling scream.

  I picture my bedroom. The nightstand. On it, the pictures of my family. The ones I love most.

  A wind rushes around us.

  I cling to the images of my family.

  Horrible, ugly images try to force them away. My stomach lurches, ready to expunge its contents.

  The wind grows stronger.

  Something brushes against my face. It doesn’t break the skin.

  I crash to the ground, still holding onto Titan.


  I don’t want to open my eyes. If we didn’t make it home, I really would rather not know.

  Everything is quiet. Too quiet.

  My eyes fly open and I rush over to Titan, who rolled away from me. He’s crumpled against my dresser.

  We’re home.

  I can’t hear his breathing.

  Don’t be dead! I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose anyone else.

  He isn’t moving. His chest isn’t, either.

  “Titan!” I shake him. “Wake up!”

  The trickster is motionless.

  “If you’re playing a joke, you’re gonna wish you were dead!”

  His eyes flutter.

  Relief washes through me. If he is kidding, I’ll make him pay later.

  Titan presses his palms on the floor, then pushes himself to sit up. He looks around, blinking quickly, then finally stares at me. “Did we teleport?”

  “Yeah. And I really needed that after filling up on so much essence.” I’m still overstuffed, but it’s at least manageable. I don’t have to worry about spewing breakfast everywhere.

  He rubs his shoulder. “One of those fools bit me. I’m not going to turn into one, am I?”

  “I don’t know how that works. I think turning someone might have to be intentional.”

  “You don’t know? I thought you’re friends with a vampire.”

  “Doesn’t mean I know all the rules of vampire life. Shifters, now that’s a different story.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I don’t want to turn into one of those things. Just take a look at this, would you?” Titan pulls off his shirt.

  My heart skips a beat. Or three. I can’t stop staring.

  What’s wrong with me? It’s not like I haven’t seen him without a shirt before. I need to pull myself together.

  Titan looks at me. “I’m ripped, I know. Would you look at my wound before I sprout fangs or worse, start to sparkle?”

  I pull my gaze from his pecs and finally notice the gaping rip in his shoulder.

  He’s twisting his neck, trying to see. “You got a mirror?”

  “You know I do. Hold on.” I crawl over and look at the wound, not that I really know what I’m looking for. “It doesn’t look infected.”

  “Does it look like it’ll turn me into a blood-thirsty lunatic?”

  “You’re asking the wrong person.”

  He swears.

  “But I can give you some essence. It’ll strengthen and heal you.”

  “It’ll kill the vampire virus?”

  “It should.”

  “Should?” He holds my gaze. “You don’t know?”

  “Again, I’m not a vampire expert.”

  “Give me some essence if that’s the only option.”

  I take a deep breath. “Just to warn you, you might end up seeing other people’s memories. Probably vampires’, since I’m engorged with their essence. But you might see something of mine.”

  “I doubt that. I can’t even use mind control on you.”

  “This is different. Just be prepared.”

  “Sure. Your secrets are safe with me. I’d never turn on you.” He puts his hand on mine. “I swear. I know how guarded you are, but you can trust me.”

  My breath hitches. Why am I responding to him like this? “Just put your shirt on, okay?”

  “That’s not something women usually request, but okay.” He grabs and slips it back on. “I’d think you’d want to see the wound’s progress.”

  I breathe normally again. Then I put my hands on his face and close my eyes as I near his face. Our lips are practically touching. I can feel his warm breath. It makes my pulse race.

  I hate how I’m responding to him. He’s my friend. I don’t want to even think about romance.

  “Do you?” he asks.

  “What?” I have no idea what he’s asking about.

  “Want to see my wound’s process? I’d kind of like to know how it’s going.”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. “I’ll check in a few minutes, okay? Just keep your shirt on.”

  “We’ll wait, then.”

  We sit in silence for a long minute.

  “Is this working?” he asks.

  “Quiet. It takes time.”

  “Touchy. Okay.”

  I take a deep breath and focus on the vampire memories coursing through me. They counteract my annoying feelings toward Titan, allowing me to finally focus on feeding him some essence.

  My mouth opens, then I can feel his follow suit.

  I could kiss him if I wanted to.


  The silky feeling pulls up from my throat and twists its way out of my mouth and into his.

  I focus completely on the vampire memories, only wanting to pass those onto him. I have thousands of years’ worth of secrets, and not many I care to pass onto him. Though with our mutual blocks, he probably won’t get my memories any more than I ever capture his.

  When I’m sure he’s gotten e
nough essence without getting too much, I close my mouth and cut off the flow.

  Titan’s head pulls back from my hold and he gasps.

  I open my eyes and study him for any sign that he’s captured any of my thoughts or memories—especially any of my recent feelings toward him. I’d never be able to face him again. He’d just add me to the list of insignificant women who fall all over him. I’m different because I don’t. We don’t affect each other like other people.

  At least, we haven’t until now.

  No. We don’t. Not at all. I’ve just been dealing with unusual amounts of essence which has thrown me off. Too little or too much, either extreme can knock me off my game.

  Now that I’ve given him some, that should help. Then once I’ve used some on the witch, I’ll be back to normal.

  Everything will return to the way it should be.

  Titan finally opens his eyes. His gaze meanders around the room before landing on me. Then his eyes widen and his mouth gapes.


  He knows something.

  What is it?

  He blinks. “You…”

  My mind races. What slipped through? Is it horribly embarrassing?

  Titan pulls off his shirt and reaches for his shoulder. “You healed the wound. It’s gone.”

  I nearly collapse with relief. Then my pulse pounds as I notice his bare chest again. Seriously, what is wrong with me? No romantic interest.

  “Does that mean I’m not going to turn into a vampire?”

  “I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have anyway, but now it’s probably a sure deal.”

  He throws me a sideways glance. “Pretty sure and probably?”

  “Vampires turn humans into their kind. You’re a mesmer.”

  Titan scratches his chin. “That’s a good point. Thanks for healing me, though.”

  “Don’t mention it. And put a shirt on.”

  “So much greatness is hard to deal with, I know.” He smirks playfully, gets up, and stretches his shoulder. “I’m gonna get a shower, then we can head out whenever you’re ready.”

  “You saying I take a long time to get ready?”

  He snickers. “Just sayin’ we can go whenever. Thanks again.”

  “I said don’t mention it.” I toss his dirty shirt at him before heading into my bathroom. At least I’m feeling less engorged after giving him some of the essence.

  Once I’m ready for the club, I sit on my bed and take a deep breath. After just dealing with a throng of vampires that acted more like mindless zombies, I just want to stay home and sleep. But I have to show that witch I’m not someone she wants to mess with—I don’t care that she is Azure’s sister and is super powerful.

  My gaze lands on the picture of my family, the ragtag wolf pack. It makes my heart ache to stay away from them for so long, but it’s for their own safety. I study each face, and as I do, a growing sadness weaves its way through me until I finally look at the last one. Then my grief punches me in the gut.

  I find my breath and stare into his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Brick. You’d want me with the pack—with you. I hope you’d understand. If you hadn’t died, I’d be at your side right now. We’d be married, regardless of Valhalla and all their stupid rules.”

  Silence settles over me as I imagine what he’d say back to me. I’ve been through this before a hundred times over the last few years. He’s gone and can’t speak. I know what I’d like to think he’d say, but it’s impossible to know what he’d really say.

  Hopefully he’d be okay with me moving on. What other choice do I have? I can’t let my superiors in Valhalla find me until I’ve captured that dictator’s soul, but I can’t do that until I’ve dealt with this witch.

  Then there’s the whole matter of what Titan has been doing to me. Obviously if Brick were still around, it wouldn’t be an issue. But he isn’t, so it is.

  I open the drawer to my nightstand and pull out the framed picture of the two of us. It warms my heart. We were so happy together. Quite the mismatched pair, but we made it work. He was aptly named Brick—strong, solid, tough as nails. Didn’t speak a whole lot but was loyal to the end. Then of course there was me—also tough and loyal. But I’ve always been the fun party girl.

  “You ready?” Titan’s voice brings me back to reality. The present.

  I shove the frame under my pillow. “Yeah. Just planning strategies.”

  Why did I just say that?

  He tilts his head. “Whatcha hiding?”

  I groan. “Go away. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.”

  “Okay.” Titan shrugs, turns around, then glances back at me before heading away.

  After he’s out of sight, I pick up the picture again and stare into Brick’s eyes. Hopefully it’s okay that I’m moving on. The issue is obviously with me more than him—he’s been gone for three years. And Titan is the right person to have these feelings for, because there’s no way it’s mutual. Nothing could ever come of it. He’s a friend. And a rather pleasant distraction.

  My sadness melts away, and I put the picture in its place. Sometimes life doesn’t work out the way you want, but it still works out if you look for the good.

  “You ready yet?” Titan calls.

  “Has anyone ever told you how impatient you are?”

  He appears in the doorway and leans against the frame. “No, because I usually use mind control to get them to do what I want. Doesn’t work on you. You’re annoying like that.”

  “And you’re just annoying.” I grab my brown leather jacket and smirk at him.

  “But that’s why you like me so much.”

  “Let’s just go put that witch out of commission.”

  “Can’t wait.”


  I glance around the busy dance floor. Not a psycho witch in sight.

  “You see her?” Though Titan is right next to me, it’s hard to hear over the music. It’s louder than usual tonight.

  I shake my head.

  Titan grabs my hand and pulls me onto the floor. I’m not really in the mood to dance, but I do anyway. May as well have fun while I wait for the witch. And Titan’s doing some funny moves with his arms.

  I laugh and imitate him. At least he keeps things interesting.

  Others point and whisper.

  Titan arches a brow, then takes his craziness to the next level. I laugh so hard my stomach starts to ache, and as much as I try to keep up with him, I just can’t. He’s too much.

  A couple to our right copies us—pitifully, but they’re having as much fun. Then a few more join us, and then everyone around us is dancing like a lunatic, doing whatever ridiculous move Titan comes up with.

  After a few songs, Titan wipes sweat from his brow. “Ready for something to drink?”

  “Yeah.” If we walk, I can look for the witch. It was about this time that she showed up last night. At least that creeper guy isn’t showing his face.

  Titan and I order some drinks. He heads for the stairs. That’s where people usually go to make out.

  “What are you doing?” I demand.

  He sips his drink. “We can get a view of the whole main floor from the top of the stairs.”

  “Right. I knew that.”

  We make our way up the creaky steps, then lean over the railing at the top, outside the door leading to the make-out area. The beat of the music still reverberates through me as we watch the party below.

  Titan was right—it’s quite the view. We can see everything and everyone except the bathrooms.

  He stands next to me and puts a hand on the banister, but two fingers rest on top of mine. My heart races, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  I try to speak but find myself uncharacteristically short on words.

  Titan glances over at me and our gazes lock. There’s something in his expression I can’t read. He doesn’t look away, and neither do I. Then all of a sudden, he turns away and starts talking about the lighting.

  I take a deep breath to calm my racing pulse. W
hat just happened?

  He turns to me. “Think the witch is gonna show tonight?”

  “No idea. If she’s done her snooping properly, she knows I’m here every night.”

  “Unless she thinks she scared you off.”

  “She’s stupid if she thinks that.”

  “Clearly.” Titan crosses one foot over the other. “How long you want to wait? Maybe we should split up. She might be intimidated by me, you know.”

  I snicker. “Yeah, that’s obviously it.”

  “What? You don’t think so?”

  “It’s the—” I freeze.

  She’s back. Downstairs, she’s talking to the bartender.

  He wouldn’t rat me out, would he? I knew I should’ve gotten his name. He probably knows I haven’t paid enough attention to know even that much about him.

  “Soleil!” Titan squeezes my arm.

  I turn to him. “The brunette at the bar.”

  “Long hair or short?”

  “Almost to her waist.” The woman obviously likes her long, flowing dresses. Tonight she’s wearing a silver backless one where the bodice clings to her like it’s part of her body and the skirt flows to the ground.

  Titan whispers. “She just destroyed my stereotype of witches. I’d never considered hooking up with a witch before, but now…”

  I shove him.

  He nearly drops his drink.

  “Do you think of anything else? She’s trying to kill me, remember?”

  Titan turns to me. “Sorry. You said she has sisters?”

  “Remind me again why I saved you from turning into a vampire.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hit on the woman who wants you dead. What’s our plan?”

  I consider the options—taking her outside away from the people or staying inside. She obviously has no problem using her magic in front of humans.

  Then a third option hits me.

  Titan’s expression lights up. “You just had an idea. Tell me!”

  “You’re going to like it a little too much, I think.”

  He cocks a brow. “Meaning?”

  I kind of hate the thought, but it’ll work. “Hit on her. Use your mind control to get her to spill her guts.”

  “You’re right. I do like it. But there’s one problem.”

  “What?” I glare at him.

  “She’s a witch. Ancient, right?”


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