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Cowboy Seal: A Navy Seal Romance (The Navy Seal Collection Book 2)

Page 4

by Angela Blake

  Her throat felt dry, and she yearned for a sip of water, but she would throw up, all these churned up emotions inside of her, “He never showed up, so I went to his apartment to check up on him. Noah and I had casually dated for a while and I had the keys to his place so I let myself in.”

  Her lips were trembling but there was rage in her eyes now, “They had gutted him like an animal. It was…inhumane. There was so much blood. It was a message to the team.”

  In her anger and fear and grief, she didn’t realize that Zack was pushing a cold glass of water in her hands.

  “Drink.” He ordered, and she blinked before closing her eyes and sipping at the water, to wet her throat.

  She wouldn’t, couldn’t meet his eyes, “We couldn’t prove anything and when our team lead tried to cancel the contract, she got beaten up in an alley, really bad. So, we continued.”

  She tried to gather herself, to collect her train of thought.

  “Noah had a ball cap, which I had given him on his birthday. I had stitched his name on the back of it. One of the security guards, who watched us, was wearing the cap when I walked in a few days later after what happened to Myra. He smiled at me.”

  Ivy put down the glass, lest she throw it against something, and then she looked Zack in the eye, “I don’t make friends easy, but Noah and Lily were the only two people I could call my friends. So, in my anger, I got reckless, and I hacked into their system.”

  She bared her teeth, “Human trafficking. That’s their little side business. I copied all the data in three separate hard drives.”

  Zack lifted a brow, “They killed your friend and attacked your colleague, and your decision was to dive deeper into the mess?”

  She grit her teeth, “I’m not saying it’s the smartest idea I had.”

  “Where are the hard drives?” Zack questioned.

  She pursed her lips, “The system sent them an alert the second I hacked into it. I made a break for it. One of the hard drives was lost, and I hid another in a safety vault under one of my foster brother’s names. The third I took to the police, but human trafficking isn’t a simple business and they handed me to the goons, who had their merry way with me.”

  She grimaced, “I managed to steal it back, and I mailed it to Lily here two weeks ago, under Tom’s name. But then they caught me again, and well, this time I managed to get out again, and well, the rest you know.”

  “Let me get this straight: You were going to bring this entire mess to Lily’s doorstep?” Zack growled. “Did you once consider her family? Her son?”

  After everything she had been through, the pressure built up inside her like a furnace, anger spilling out of her, as she hissed at him, “Of course I wasn’t going to do that! I needed to contact her husband. I would never hurt Lily! Tom would have known what to do!”

  “Well, Tom’s dead!” Zack roared, incensed at the stupidity of the woman in front of him, who would have dragged his family through this mess. “What would you have done if they had slit Sam’s throat, even when Lily swore she knew nothing?! And they would have done that!”

  Ivy paled, her anger fizzling out of her, “I wasn’t even going to enter the house. I had just planned to drop a note where she could find it. I would never have-“

  But he was right, and Zack saw the moment reality hit her, and the blood drained from her face. She stared at her hands, and he saw the defeat in her eyes, as she whispered, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think. I didn’t realize.”

  Her head lifted, horror in her eyes, “I led them right to you. Right to Sam.”

  She stumbled onto her feet, “I need to leave.”

  Her head was swimming, as a thousand thoughts hammered at her brain.

  She had to run. Where would she go? They would be watching the ranch right now. Maybe if she sneaked out in an outgoing vehicle? But they needed to see her go, so that they would leave Sam and Zack alone.

  “You need to sit down before you pass out, that’s what you need to do.” Zack commanded, gripping her trembling shoulders and forcing her down into the chair.

  Ivy drew in shuddering breaths, and Zack lowered her head to her knees, “Take deep breaths. You’re going to be fine. Breathe.”

  She obeyed, instinctively, and he watched her before going to the living room and pouring her some brandy in a glass. Returning, he handed the glass to her, “I don’t care what Shawn says. This here will get rid of your jitters.”

  She threw the drink back and didn’t even wince as the alcohol burned the back of her throat.

  “Feel better?” He asked.

  She leaned her arm on the table, the other on her lap, and nodded.

  “The last time I smoked an entire pack was when Sam was born.” As he took another cigarette, Ivy focused on it, to calm her down and said without thinking, “Sam will become a passive smoker if you make this a habit.”

  She froze when he pinned his eyes on her, a dangerous look in them.

  “I’m starting to see that recklessness is a personality thing with you.”

  His voice was chilled, but he also did not light the cigarette, instead rolling it between his fingers.

  “Well then. You’re going to stay here.”

  “W-What?” Ivy sputtered.

  He raised a brow, “I have contacts in DC. I’ll get this mess sorted out. And most of my men here have worked in the military at one point or another. So, this is as safe as you’ll ever be.”

  “You’re going to help me?” She whispered, a tremble in her voice.

  He studied her, “I reckon I don’t have much of a choice. My sister would’ve had my hide if I didn’t help out her friend.”

  He got up, “Take a breather. Look around the house today, if you want. You’ve had enough to deal with for now.”

  He got up, and as he reached the door, he stilled, “You were listening in to what was said last night.”


  “Did those men ever-“

  She understood immediately what he was referring to, and he heard the viciousness in her voice, “I learnt how to protect myself as a kid. How do you think I escaped? They should never have untied me.”

  Zack grabbed his hat from the counter and tilted it in her direction before making his way out.

  He had never met anyone who could drive him up the wall so fast. In just one meeting with her, he had wanted to throttle her for her stupidity and bravery.

  What troubled him was that he also wanted to taste those scowling lips.

  He knew who she was.

  Of course he did.

  Lily had talked about her in her letters to him. He knew a lot more about her than she did about him. After the momentary meeting at the wedding, he had wanted to know more about her. He had been called back on a mission with Tom, so Lily had squeezed in small details about her, their conversations.

  She had painted an image of her that he had held onto. A portrait of a woman that had got him through these past twelve years. A woman that he had intended to claim once he came back. If Lily had been alive, he might have sought Ivy out after his forced retirement.

  But then circumstances had changed.

  He growled.

  He hadn’t expected the woman he had been in love with for the past six years to fall right into his lap.

  The universe was one fucked up place.


  “So, what’d she say?” Billy asked him as they oversaw the new cattle being herded off the truck. He angled his hat to prevent himself from being blinded by the vicious sun. “Got a call from Roger. Said your girl was puttering about the kitchen.”

  “She’s not my girl,” Zack muttered. “Yet.”

  The last part was spoken under his breath.

  Ivy was still a mystery to him.

  Sure, Lily had talked about her in her letters, but he had fallen in love with the woman he’d gotten to know through his sister. When he had come face to face with her, it
still hadn’t struck him. Not till she had told him who she was.

  A part of him wanted to hold onto this gift that had been so unceremoniously thrown into his lap. And the other part of him that was hell bent on protecting Sam could not shake off his own experiences as a child.

  When Billy grunted, he realized he hadn’t answered the question, “Apart from what I told you, nothing else. I’m thinking of putting a call into Tom’s friend, the lawyer.”

  “Damon Price?”

  Zack nodded, “The one he went to Yale with. Roomed for three years.”

  Billy scoffed, “That ones got a stick up his ass; I’ll tell you that much.”

  Zack grinned, “He had a thing for Lily, remember?”

  Billy touched the tip of his hat at the twinge of grief, “Finest girl there ever was. I still walk into your kitchen expecting to see her there, offering me coffee or a chat.”

  Zack was silent, his soul hurting at the loss of two of the most important people in his life. The house had used to ring with her laughter and now it lay silent and dead, Sam’s haunted eyes the only thing he could see in them. Sometimes, if he closed his eyes, he could imagine his whole family in the kitchen, laughing and talking. Right where they were supposed to be.

  And then he would open his eyes.

  And the light would fade.

  And he would be alone.

  Billy carried on the conversation, pretending not to notice Zack’s state of mind, “So, she knew Lily.”

  Zack stuck his hands in his pockets, his eyes zooming in on one of the buffaloes that was eyeing the ranch hand trying to get him down, rather balefully. Cupping his hand next to this mouth, he hollered, “Watch yourself, Cory. He doesn’t seem to like you very much.”

  Cory turned around, his blonde hair matted with dust, and he grinned cheerfully, shouting back “None of them ever do, boss.”

  He then jumped to the side as the buffalo lowered its head and charged at it, “Woah, boy!”

  Billy shook his head and followed Zack as the latter jumped over the fence, running towards the truck and the ranch hands trying to control the agitated cattle.

  Zack grabbed one of buffaloes by the horn, pushing it away using raw strength. He gestured at Cory, “Get to the front of the truck! I’ll get the rest off.”

  The boy was still grinning, a weaker version, but his spirit had not been dampened, “Got it.”

  As Zack got to work, he pushed the thought of Ivy to the back of his mind.


  Meanwhile, Ivy was in a dilemma.

  She had nothing to do.

  Her mind was running a thousand miles per hour, but she had nothing to do to distract her from all of this. For the first time, she was safe, even if the safety was an illusion.

  She had sent the hard drive to Lily but with Lily no longer there, who had accepted the package.

  And how much danger had she put Lily’s child in?

  Speaking of Sam, she saw him peeking at her from the doorway.

  She tried to smile at him, “Hi, Sam.”

  He just looked at her, and she tried to think up of a way to interact with him. She couldn’t lean down too much, so she tried to relax her form as much as she could, “Hey, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could find the fridge. I’m very hungry.”

  Of course she could see the fridge but her heart clenched at the idea of this bright, excited child reduced to this mass of pain. How much must he have suffered for him to have lost his voice.

  When Fabian approached her and started sniffing at her bare ankles, she petted his head, making him wag his tail vigorously. When she looked Sam stood at her side and she saw the teddy bear he carried around with him.

  She recognized it immediately and she took a sharp intake of breath.

  It was the one she had sent as a gift for him when Lily had told her she was expecting. When Sam tugged at her dress, she swallowed her sadness, and looked up to see him pointing towards the fridge.

  Using the table for support, she got up slowly, and then straightening she let him guide her to the fridge. He stood next to her, no doubt wanting to see what she would do next.

  She opened the fridge and saw a loaf of bread.

  She could make something for lunch.

  Zack’s cooking skills didn’t seem very edible. Surely he wouldn’t mind.

  She took out the loaf of bread and saw some mayo and made a face at it. That was the unhealthiest food item in her opinion. Instead, she took out some butter and cream.

  “Can you put this on the table?” She asked Sam, handing him the bread.

  Using both his hands, Sam walked slowly to the table, Fabian hindering his process. The dog kept trying to sniff at the loaf, wanting to know what his young master was carrying.

  Sam glared at him.

  In the meantime, Ivy had put all the ingredients on the table and when Sam finally handed her the loaf of bread, she smiled at him, “Good job, Sam!”

  He beamed at her, and then climbed onto the chair to see what she was doing.

  “Want to help me make some sandwiches for lunch?”

  The boy looked down at Fabian, who had his paws on the chair as he too studied these strange proceedings, and then nodded his head at Ivy.

  Ivy could feel his curiosity as she boiled the eggs. Once they had cooled she brought three plates to the table and handed one egg to Sam, “Why don’t you peel this egg?”

  She waited for him to show any indication that he didn’t understand but he started peeling the egg shell off with his small fingers.

  She watched him and then asked, “Did you do this with your Mom?”

  He stilled, and then lifted those devastating green eyes to hers and nodded.

  Ivy’s smile was a little wobbly but she hoped he wouldn’t see it, “Then do you mind helping me do the rest as well?”

  His little head bobbed up and down and Ivy ran her hand through his hair, an affectionate gesture.

  She looked around the kitchen.

  How did this child spend his days?

  Was he always like this, unattended whilst Zack looked after the ranch?

  Lily had loved Sam and from what she had understood, she had raised him with care and affection. Tom had been away in active duty so he was home a few months throughout the year. But she knew they had both doted on their only child, showering him with attention and love.

  To be suddenly stripped of all that must have shocked Sam to such an extent that in his confused grief he had stopped speaking.

  When Sam’s hands patted at her arms, she realized she had been crying.

  “I’m sorry,” She sniffed, as she put down the egg. “I just thought of something sad.”

  When he saw that she was no longer crying, Sam hesitantly went back to his seat.

  But he was clearly upset and Ivy realized she would have to control herself around him. Distracting him wasn’t that hard and soon she helped him crush the soft eggs and his eyes widened in fascination and glee as he got to turn the eggs into mush.

  She laughed at him and in this small activity, she too forgot her troubles.


  Zack made his way to the main house, nodding at one of the men who was watching it, “Anything to report?”

  Jeffery gave an easy grin, “Aside from Sam smiling, nothing. Your girl is good for him.”

  It was a casual comment which hid a a lot of emotion.

  Everybody on the farm loved Sam and took an interest in him and the fact that someone had made him laugh after such a long time was food to the soul.

  Zack quietly entered the house, and saw Sam playing with his toy cars on the table. In a bowl next to him, lay slices of an apple, one that he was chewing on.

  Fabian lay asleep on the floor at his feet, and Ivy too, had her head on the table, her eyes closed. She also seemed to be asleep.

  In the strong heat, the kitchen seemed to be a cool place with the screen door
. The lights were off, so the only light source was from the sun beams that crept in through the windows.

  If this did not make him sleepy, Zack didn’t know what would.

  Right now, he too wouldn’t have minded curling up somewhere and getting some shut eye.

  Sam looked up to him and flashed his teeth in a smile, making him nearly lose his footing. That made him knock into Ivy’s chair who woke up with a gasp, and looked around, confused and disorientated.

  Seeing an annoyed Zack, cursing, she blinked, “What happened?”

  He shook his head and muttered a curse word under his breath, and then dragged out the chair next to her, sitting on it, “Didn’t mean to wake you.”

  Ivy ran her hands over her face, “No, no. It’s okay. What time is it?”

  “Around two in the afternoon. I dropped by to see what you would like to have for lunch.”

  Ivy got up and filled two glasses with cold water and handed one to him which he accepted gratefully, “Thanks.”

  “I was bored so Sam and I made some sandwiches,” She said, a hint of nervousness in her tone. She didn’t want to cross any boundaries and she didn’t know where he had set the line.

  Zack had gotten up and was rifling through the fridge at the point and she heard his response, “Good. Keeping busy will distract you. Hey, are these the sandwiches?”

  He took out a box.


  He got out three plates and set the table, “Let’s eat then.”

  She was a really good cook, Zack realized when he bit into the first sandwich.

  Like a fantastic cook.

  He devoured the first few sandwiches before he noted that both Sam and Ivy were staring at him.

  “I was hungry,” He said as a way of explanation.

  “I would have made more if I had known that,” Ivy murmured and bit into her own sandwich.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve eaten good food.” Zack commented, getting up to grab some apples from the fruit basket.

  Ivy’s cheeks turned slightly red, “Thank you.” She felt a little awkward, “It’s a hobby.”


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