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Just One Night

Page 11

by Carly Phillips

  Her sigh echoed around the room. “It hurt. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “I want to hear the truth.” And then he intended to comfort her.

  Closing her eyes in resignation, she began to speak. “Back when I found out I was pregnant, I was petrified. I mean, I’d had a plan. Go to college, find a job, and make money supporting myself in the business world. All of a sudden, those plans were in jeopardy. The baby’s father, my boyfriend, wanted nothing to do with us. And there might have been a time or two I wished it hadn’t happened.” A tear leaked out of her eye, and Linc brushed it away with his thumb.

  Her eyelashes fluttered and she looked at him. “But I never meant I wanted to lose my baby.” Her voice cut off, a choking sound coming from her throat.

  “I know that,” he rushed to assure her. He’d never once thought she blamed herself for her miscarriage. Needing to touch her, he pulled her back into his arms. “And it wasn’t your fault.”

  “Mentally I know but in my heart I feel guilty.”

  He stroked her hair as she gathered the courage to continue.

  “I was so happy for Aurora,” she said into his chest, moisture from her tears coating his skin. “But at the same time, I was faced with what I lost.”

  He held her as she let out the pain she’d been holding back while being strong for Aurora.

  After a while, her trembling subsided and she pulled back. “I’m okay. Thank you.” Her cheeks were red, her eyes glassy, but she wasn’t an ugly crier. In fact, she was appealing with her heart out there for him to see.

  “I hope you feel lighter,” he said.

  She nodded. “But don’t expect me to thank you,” she said with a wry twist of her lips.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” He let out a low laugh and then decided they’d had all the discussion she needed.

  Lying beside him, he breathed in the mixed scent of sex and her floral fragrance and he got hard all over again. She met his gaze, and he saw the second she became aware of his renewed desire. Her cheeks flushed, her eyes dilated, and suddenly they were on the same page.

  She pressed his shoulders back and crawled on top of him, sealing her mouth over his. No way would he argue. He grasped the back of her neck, holding her in place as they kissed, her soft, wet pussy sliding over his abdomen.

  “Fuck,” he muttered, breaking their kiss, his focus on the warm feel. “Grab a condom,” he told her. “Top drawer.”

  She reached over and pulled out protection from the partially open drawer, tearing the packet open, and settled back over his lower body.

  Wearing nothing but a sexy smile, she wrapped her slender fingers around his erection and worked the condom over his hard length. She took her time, and he gritted his teeth against the teasing she subjected him to. Then, rising up on her knees, she gripped his cock in her hand and positioned him at her entrance.

  “You’re torturing me,” he said, his jaw clenched tight.

  She shook her head, her long dark hair flowing around her shoulders. “I’m enjoying touching you,” she said, her grip tightening at the base of his shaft. Slowly, she worked herself over him, her slick body tightening as she took him deeper inside her.

  Letting her be in control was killing him. He wanted nothing more than to take over and pump his hips up and down until he exploded, bringing her with him. But she seemed to need this. Seemed to want the power, and after the emotional break she hadn’t been able to control earlier, the one he’d pushed her to experience, he needed to give her this now. Even if it killed him to wait.

  Finally she let go, her legs collapsing, her sweet pussy engulfing him in heat.

  “F-u-u-ck,” he said, pulling in a deep breath.

  “That’s what I’m trying to do.” She laughed, squeezing his dick tighter as she did.

  And he lost his ability to wait. “Ride me or I’m going to flip you over and fuck you hard.” It was a promise, not a threat.

  “Do it.” Her eyes dilated and her words shocked him, but he didn’t doubt her sincerity or the way her body pulsed around him.

  Without breaking their physical connection, he managed to switch their positions and take her hard and fast. But hard and fast didn’t negate how much he felt, how what they shared was unique and nothing like he’d experienced with any other woman. Because Jordan was special.

  And when she wrapped her legs around his waist and gave herself over, his name on her lips, her orgasm triggered his own. He came hard and fast, aware only of the woman beneath him and how perfect she made him feel.

  * * *

  Jordan could have gone home, but she opted to make breakfast for her and Linc instead. While he showered, which she’d already done, she headed to the kitchen.

  Going through his cupboards, she found everything she needed to make French toast. Not because he went food shopping or cooked for himself but because someone did it for him. Mrs. Farley made certain his fridge and cabinets were stocked. She cooked dinner for him if he was going to be home and left it for him to heat.

  Which meant, Jordan thought as she flipped the bread in the frying pan, she was spoiling him more. But she didn’t mind. As usual, he’d been there for her and pressed her to deal with something she’d have otherwise buried deep. She couldn’t help but be grateful for last night and this morning even if she was setting herself up for heartbreak each time she gave in and found herself in his bed.

  In her heart, she knew Linc would never intentionally hurt her. She’d also discovered she couldn’t resist him. All she could do was to move forward and do her best not to let this happen again. But she wasn’t going to beat herself up for being with him, either.

  Her body hurt in the best ways. Muscles were sore, reminding her of how good they’d been together. How in sync. How well he read her need.

  Her cell phone rang from its place on the granite countertop, Mom showing up on the screen. She winced because she’d owed her mother a phone call for too long. They normally spoke more often, but Jordan had been so busy since coming home from Florida, she hadn’t had a chance to do more than exchange texts with her parent. She didn’t want to talk to her now, from Linc’s, but at this point, her mother would worry if Jordan didn’t take the call.

  She picked up the phone and touched the accept button. “Hi, Mom.” She tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder.

  “Jordan Marie, where have you been? I called you a few times last night and again this morning.”

  She cringed. She’d never wanted to worry her mother. “I’m fine, Mom. Sorry. It’s been a little crazy.” She added a slice of toast from the frying pan to the plate where the other finished pieces were before placing the final coated piece onto the pan.

  “Is Linc working you that hard?” her mother asked.

  “No, Mom. His new sister had a baby last night.”

  “Oh, a baby! A boy or a girl?” her mom asked.

  Jordan smiled. “A girl. Unnamed but I’m sure Aurora will pick one soon. And the baby is the sweetest thing.”

  “You were there? At the hospital?” Her mom sounded surprised.

  “Yes. Actually I was in the room with Aurora when she gave birth.” As Jordan spoke, she braced herself for a negative reaction.

  “I don’t understand. Wasn’t there someone from the family who could have been with her? You aren’t family.”

  Ouch. “I’m well aware. And if I wasn’t, you certainly remind me of it often enough,” she snapped.

  Her mother sighed. “Honey, I’m not trying to be mean. I’m just reminding you of your place. One day the man you call your best friend is going to find a woman to marry, and where will that leave you?”

  Jordan flipped the bread and did her best to breathe and not let her mother’s words get to her, but it was hard after spending the night in Linc’s bed, sleeping in his arms.

  “Can we talk about something else?” she asked.

  “Sure. Did I tell you the fire alarm went off in my building the other night? We all had to
go outside, and I was wearing my robe…” Her mother went on with her story, and Jordan murmured the requisite mmm-hmms while she spoke.

  By the time she hung up, her good mood had been ruined by her mother’s judgmental assessment of her place in Linc and Aurora’s life. It only served to reinforce all the negative thoughts Jordan already held about why they could never be together long-term and why she needed to be better about guarding her heart.

  Chapter Eight

  “Jordan, hold my calls,” Linc said as he exited his office. “I’ll be holed up in the conference room with Brian. No interruptions.”

  “Got it!” She turned her attention back to work.

  In the two weeks since she’d slept with Linc again, they’d fallen back into their normal routine, working during the day, occasional dinners together, and yes, he’d taken her to Ocean Prime for lunch as promised, but he’d been a total gentleman. She had a hunch he was letting her deal with her feelings and come to the conclusion he wanted. That they made sense together, at least sexually. Or maybe he was willing to go back to being her best friend. Whatever the reason, she was concentrating on the present.

  This weekend was the baby shower Chloe had planned at the country club the Kingston family belonged to. Jordan had never been comfortable at the club during the times she’d been invited to events there, but thankfully she didn’t have to attend often. She wasn’t intimidated by the clothing, handbags, and shoes the women there owned, but they made sure to let her know her designer choices weren’t up to their standards. If not with words, then with a sneer or a distinct way of looking her over and finding her lacking. Especially the women in Linc’s family’s social circle.

  Although this was a party in a separate room, the rest of the club was open to members, so Jordan was prepared to run into the women who resented her friendship with Linc and always had.

  After a morning of work, Jordan decided to eat at her desk today. She wasn’t in the mood to go out. Linc was still meeting in the conference room with Brian and a private investigator who he’d hired to look for Wallace. The man was still missing.

  Linc also had upcoming meetings with banks and lenders to cover the money needed for the deal with Beck. Anything not to lose a portion of his beloved company to the man he had long-standing issues with.

  She walked to the kitchen, pausing to say hello to Suzanne and some of the other women who worked in the office. After taking her yogurt out of the refrigerator, she returned to her desk to find a female with long jet-black hair and a fitted dress tapping her foot impatiently in front of Jordan’s desk.

  As she drew closer and she saw the woman’s profile, Jordan recognized the visitor. Angelica Winston, Linc’s ex. One Jordan had never gotten along with, not for lack of trying on her part.

  Jordan strode around her desk before acknowledging the clearly impatient woman. “Angelica.”

  “Jordan. I’ve been waiting,” she said, pursing her red lips in annoyance.

  Settling into her seat and placing her lunch on the desk, she met the woman’s gaze. “I wasn’t aware you had an appointment.”

  She straightened her shoulders. “I shouldn’t need one. I knocked on his door but he didn’t answer. Just let him know I’m here,” she said.

  “Please would be nice,” Jordan muttered. “Linc is in a meeting, and I have no idea when he’ll be out.” Ignoring the woman, Jordan opened her yogurt container and picked up her spoon.

  Angelica cleared her throat. “Again, if you would do your job and tell him I’m here, I know he’ll come out to talk to me.”

  As she spoke, Linc approached his office from behind her. “Angelica, what are you doing here?” Linc asked, sounding tired from the day he’d already had.

  “Linc, I missed you and I wanted to talk. She wouldn’t let you know I was here.”

  The woman ought to consider herself fortunate, because without him there, Jordan would have ripped into her about how she wouldn’t do a damn thing for someone so rude.

  “Because I told her I didn’t want to be interrupted by anyone.” He shot Jordan a grateful look, which Angelica caught.

  Unfortunately the woman didn’t take a hint. “I’m not just anyone. Now that you’re here, we need to talk.” She hooked her arm in his and directed him around Jordan’s desk and to his office. Short of shaking her off, he had no choice but to deal with her.

  Maybe Jordan ought to feel bad for him, but he’d chosen to get involved with a stage-five clinger. What did he expect?

  He opened the door to his office, and Angelica pushed them inside. Jordan couldn’t help but watch, and as she attempted to shut the door, Linc flung it open again, making his point.

  Despite Angelica’s proprietary action, Jordan knew he hadn’t been involved with the woman for a long time, but they had been in an on-again, off-again relationship, and based on his past behavior, Angelica had every right to think she could talk him into another go-round.

  “Angelica, stop. No. We need to talk.” Linc sounded pissed.

  Jordan cringed at the thought of her touching him, admitting jealousy had crept up on her the minute Linc was alone with the bitch.

  “But Linc, it’s been so long. Neither one of us is involved with anyone and we’re good together.” Her nasal whine grated on Jordan’s nerves.

  She hated blatantly eavesdropping on what should be a private conversation, but he’d deliberately opened the door. And Jordan wanted to hear what he’d say to the part about him not being involved with anyone.

  Though they hadn’t touched each other in two weeks, the possessive streak she hadn’t known about reared its ugly head. About a man she was trying not to get more attached to.

  “You don’t know anything about my private life,” Linc said.

  “I know more than you think. Your mother had lunch with mine, and she was bemoaning her oldest son still being single. Chloe’s getting married and she’s younger than you. Isn’t it time you started thinking about settling down?”

  Jordan pushed aside the yogurt she’d been about to eat, her stomach suddenly churning.

  “Not with you. Angelica, listen. You’re right. We had a good run when neither of us was involved with anyone else, but that’s all it was. Two people scratching an itch.”

  Jordan winced. Oh, he did not say that to her. Talk about a typically dense man.

  “Lincoln!” Angelica wailed. “You can’t mean that. I was giving you space and time to get other women out of your system. I was waiting for you to come around.”

  “I’m sorry. Really. But I never led you on. Never told you we had a future.” Linc lowered his voice, compassion in his tone.

  “Who is she?” Angelica asked loudly, not caring if she caused a scene at his office.

  “Who?” Linc asked.

  “If it’s not me you have a future with, then who is it?”

  Linc’s groan was a mix of annoyance and frustration. Jordan recognized it well. “No one you need to concern yourself with.”

  He hadn’t mentioned Jordan by name, but he didn’t deny there was someone, either.

  “Come. I’ll walk you out,” Linc said.

  “Don’t touch me. You led me on. I was waiting for you.” Angelica’s voice sounded closer to the door.

  “I never gave you any reason to think you should.”

  Jordan spun her chair around, picked up her spoon, and managed to eat a spoonful, swiping her mouse to turn on her computer screen and look busy.

  Angelica’s heels sounded, and she came storming out of the office and past Jordan’s desk, striding through the office, an angry woman who didn’t care if anyone else knew it.

  Wincing, Jordan focused on her lunch, wondering if Linc would come out of his office, whether or not he realized she’d heard it all, and unsure of what she’d say if he did.

  Instead he shut the door and remained inside for the rest of the afternoon.

  * * *

  Linc leaned against the office door and let out a groan. Jesus Christ.
He hadn’t led Angelica on, nor had he given her any indication there would be a future between them. With everything hanging over his head with the business, the last thing he needed was female drama. Another reason he appreciated Jordan. She didn’t do drama. She never had.

  Speaking of Jordan, he cringed at the realization she’d overheard his conversation. He wasn’t ready to face her, so he settled in behind his desk to work, but he was distracted by his missing CFO and his need to borrow way too much money for his liking.

  When a knock sounded on his door, he was grateful for the distraction. “Come in!”

  His sister bounced into the room, obviously in a good mood. Her cheery smile matched her bright pink dress.

  “Hey, Chloe.”

  She smiled wide. “Hi!” She shut the door behind her and sat down in a chair across from him. “Good time? Bad time?”

  “For you? Always a good time.” He let go of his stress and focused on his sister. Rising, he walked around the desk and sat on the edge. “How’s the baby shower planning going?”

  Though Aurora had had the baby early, Chloe was going ahead with the shower since it was as much of a way to introduce Aurora as family as it was to celebrate the baby she’d named Leah.

  “Great. I have Faith Dare doing the specialty desserts,” she said of Jason Dare’s wife.

  Linc had stayed in touch with Braden and Willow, keeping them up to date on Aurora and how she was fitting in here. The Prescotts, it turned out, were part of the interesting Dare family, something he’d learned from Chloe. She’d been curious about the people who’d taken her sister in, then she’d been fascinated by the Dare family tree. Faith was married to Jason Dare, a cousin of Austin’s who lived in New York.

  From there Chloe had discovered Faith’s Sweet Treats in the city, and with Willow and Braden coming to the baby shower, Chloe had obviously decided to bring Braden’s family into the mix.

  “Sounds like you have everything under control,” he said, glad she was enjoying the preparation.

  She nodded. “I definitely do,” she said, suddenly squirming in her seat, a habit left over from when she was a child.


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