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Jackal Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  He didn’t stop thrusting and I licked and sucked at him, just like he’d said to do. With a groan, he pulled free of my mouth, then slid back down my body. Jackal gripped my waist and flipped me over, pulling me up onto my knees.

  “Stay just like that,” he said. Then he got off the bed and I heard him rummaging in his clothes.

  He came back and I heard what sounded like a bottle opening. Jackal placed a hand between my shoulder blades and pushed my chest to the bed.

  “Reach back and spread those ass cheeks for me, baby. You’re in for a treat.”

  My body shuddered as I obeyed, and I felt something cool and wet drip down the crack of my ass. Whatever it was, he worked it against my tight hole, using soft teasing touches to drive me wild. When he penetrated me, his finger easing into me, I gave a muffled cry and arched my back. He chuckled and gave me more, then I felt his cock press against my pussy. But he paused.

  “I always use a condom, and I’m clean. Since you’re a technical virgin, I’m going to assume you are too?” he asked.


  “Baby, I want to take you bare, but I need to know you’re on birth control first. My club has this thing about kids. Darian was a fluke, but I’m not the kind of guy to have a family.”

  “I’m on the pill.” And I was. My mom had made sure I was on it once I turned fifteen, since she was so damn worried I’d end up pregnant before I graduated high school. Never mind I’d never even had sex before now. Not really. Touching and a blow job didn’t count in my book. No guy had ever seen me completely naked until Jackal.

  I felt his cock pulsing against me. “I need the words, baby.”

  “Take me, Jackal. I want you without barriers.”

  His hand smacked my ass and then thrust deep into my pussy. I cried out as my pussy burned from being stretched so damn wide, but as his finger teased my ass and he began rocking his hips, that burn turned into a different kind of heat. It didn’t take long before I was clawing at the bedding and begging him to take me harder. He slammed into me over and over, adding a second finger to fuck my ass while his cock drove me wild.

  I reached between my legs and pinched my clit, and it was all I needed. Screaming out my release, I heard him roar behind me; then he pounded my pussy until he’d filled me up with his cum. Even after he came, he kept fingering my ass. His other hand slid down between my legs, and he toyed with my clit until I was coming again, my ass clenching down on his fingers as my pussy gripped his cock.

  He pulled out and eased his fingers out of me, then hummed in appreciation.

  “So damn beautiful.”

  I could feel his cum running out of me, and he gathered it on his fingers, then shoved it back inside of me.

  “I’ve never seen a woman with my cum sliding out of her pussy before, and I have to say, I fucking love it. I’m going to mark every inch of you, Josie. Fuck you so good and hard all damn night and into tomorrow.”

  “Please,” I begged, wanting that. So much.

  He smacked my ass before leaning down and nipping my ass cheek with his teeth. “You’re going to wear my marks by morning, baby. My handprints, my teeth marks, and my cum. And I’m going to fucking love every minute of it.”

  I whimpered, knowing I would too. He was exactly what I’d been waiting for, and I only wished he wasn’t leaving. Being a Devil, he wouldn’t hang around for long, not this far from his home. He’d said he wasn’t the family kind of guy, and that was fine. But having fun for a while would have been nice. I’d be willing to bet he’d make all my sexual fantasies come true if given the chance.

  He fucked me thoroughly all night and for the next two days. Then his club called and said they were heading out. I rode on the back of his bike headed back to the clubhouse, feeling used and deliciously sore. We’d nearly made it when another group of bikers surrounded us and forced Jackal to stop.

  “I told you I’d seen a pretty redhead,” one of them said with a smoker’s voice.

  It was dark and I couldn’t see their patches, but I could tell by the stiffness in Jackal’s shoulders they weren’t Reapers or Devils. They walked their bikes closer, pressing in on us, and I couldn’t stop my hands from trembling where they gripped Jackal’s waist. If these men had stopped us for me, then I had a feeling things were about to get really, really bad.

  I heard a gun cock, and my breath stalled in my lungs.

  “Get off the bike, honey,” one of them said. “You come over here and keep ol’ Joker warm. And if your man there knows what’s best, he’ll go the other way. We see him following us, and things might not turn out so great for you.”

  Jackal patted my hands and I took that as a sign to obey the other biker. I swung my leg over the back of the bike and walked unsteadily toward the man who had spoken. When I got closer, I saw the patch on the front of his cut. Lucifer’s Redemption. I’d heard of them before, and not in a good way. But I also knew they liked to pick on those who were weaker than them. And I was not going to be a victim!

  The man who had called himself Joker helped me onto the back of his bike, then we were off, the other Lucifer’s Redemption members roaring along with us. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Jackal pull out his phone, and I knew he was calling in reinforcements. It wouldn’t be long before help was on the way, but I had to survive until then.

  We didn’t ride for long before they pulled off the road and down a bumpy drive to a house that looked like it had seen better days. I knew this wasn’t their territory, which meant they were likely squatting for whatever reason. I was jerked from the back of the bike and forced to go into the house that smelled like piss and mildew.

  A stained mattress lay in one corner, and the biker behind me shoved me toward it.

  “You ready to spread those pretty little legs and let real men show you how it’s done?” he asked, grabbing my ass.

  I took a breath, then channeled the inner spoiled bitch I often showed when I was around my brother and his club. Stomping on the jerk’s foot, I shoved my elbow back into his ribs.

  “Do I look like a fucking piece of meat to you, shithead?” I demanded. I turned, my hair whipping around me, and I sneered at him. “Why would I want someone like you to touch me? I bet your dick is a shriveled-up useless piece of junk that can’t even get hard anymore.”

  “Bitch!” He spat at me, then his hand cracked across my cheek, but I refused to cry and show how much it had hurt.

  “I might be a bitch, but at least I’m not a worthless worm like you.”

  The others laughed from where they stood near the door.

  “Looks like she has your number, Roach,” one of them said.

  I scanned Roach from head to toe. “I’m going to assume you were named after the bug. Fitting. You’re just as disgusting as those little fuckers.”

  Roach lunged at me, but one of his brothers caught him. “Easy, man. Don’t want to damage the goods too much. There’s a difference in having a bit of fun and ruining the merchandise.”

  “Like I’d let you touch me either,” I said. “I have standards, and I can assure you that none of you meet them.”

  It probably wasn’t wise to provoke men with guns, but they seemed to want or need me alive for some reason. If I could just buy a bit of time, maybe Jackal would come and rescue me.

  Joker grabbed his crotch. “I have exactly what you need. It’s long and hard, and it can pound that sweet pussy all night.”

  I arched a brow. “You come near me with that thing and I’ll break it off.”

  I hoped like hell they didn’t see that I was shaking like a leaf. I might be talking big, but I knew they could hold me down and force themselves on me. If Jackal didn’t get here soon, I had a feeling it would be too late. I didn’t hold any illusions. These men would use me, then whore me out until I died. No way was I going down without a fight, though.

  “Leave her alone,” one of the older ones said. “She’ll settle down and realize she doesn’t have a choice. No point getting b
itten or scratched.”

  They backed off, but not before Roach shoved me onto the dirty mattress. I cringed, not even wanting to think about what the stains might be. It felt like hours passed before something at the window caught my eye. I turned to see Jackal peering in at me, and I nearly breathed a sigh of relief. He winked and then disappeared.

  After that, everything was chaos. Jackal hauled me out of there, and as the door slammed behind us, I heard the shouts of men I knew wouldn’t live to see the morning. The Devil’s Boneyard would make sure of that, and any Reapers who might have joined in the fun.

  Jackal paused at his bike and kissed me hard. “You are so much damn trouble, woman.”

  “I thought you liked my brand of trouble.”

  He cupped my cheek and stared at me. “Are you okay? They didn’t do anything to you?”

  “I went on the attack, and they decided to let me cool off before they took turns.”

  He growled and glared at the house again. I reached up and turned his face back toward mine.

  “Let your brothers handle it.”

  He took a deep breath. “Yeah. Let’s get you home, baby. I’m sure your brother is worried.”

  I climbed onto his bike and held on tight. He wrapped his hands around mine and squeezed. I thought I felt a shudder run down his body, and I wondered if he’d been worried about me. We didn’t talk, and it felt like he was putting distance between us. I hadn’t thought we would have a happily-ever-after, but I’d expected some kind of emotion from him after the time we’d shared. Whoever this man was, he wasn’t the same as the Jackal who had rocked my world in that motel room.

  Jackal took me straight back to the Reapers. He gave me a long look as I climbed off his bike, but he still didn’t say a word. I didn’t understand why my chest was aching. It wasn’t like I’d fallen in love with him over a few days. Maybe it was his dismissal that hurt so much, like I was just another club slut. He’d been my first and being with him had felt special in some way. When he rode off, I fought the urge to cry. I wasn’t the crying type, and I wouldn’t start now. We’d had an amazing time together, and he’d showed me what had been missing in my life. I’d have to hold onto the memories because something told me I wouldn’t be seeing Jackal again anytime soon.

  Tank came out of the clubhouse and looked me over, noticing the whisker burn, bite marks, and even the fingerprints Jackal had left on my neck, shoulders, and arms. There were others, hidden marks that only I would ever see. His gaze caught mine, and I wasn’t sure what I saw as he stared at me, but something must have changed in that moment. We’d never been the hugging type, but there was concern in his eyes, and something else I couldn’t decipher. It was almost a tender look before the mask slid over his face again.

  “I’m glad you’re back safe and sound,” he said.

  “You didn’t ride with them to come get me?” I asked.

  He shrugged and looked away. The way his jaw tensed I wondered if maybe he’d been ordered to stay behind.

  “Why don’t you want to go home?” he asked.

  “Mom is forcing me to marry some guy. He’s like fifty and balding, and his breath is god-awful. I know she’s getting something out of it, but I don’t know what. She said if I don’t marry him, then I’m out on my ass without a dime or anything she’s ever bought me.”

  “Why? Why now?” he asked.

  “I dropped out of college and ruined her plans to have a doctor for a daughter.”

  He studied me and I squirmed. “Why did you leave college, Josie? And don’t give me some bullshit excuse.”

  “I had some trouble with a guy there. The police wouldn’t do anything, and I didn’t want to get you involved, so I packed up and left. I was struggling anyway, so I didn’t see the point in applying anywhere else.”

  He looked away and sighed. “I’ll go to your mom’s and gather what I can. You can stay with me for a while.”

  “Really?” I asked, hope filling me for the first time since Mom had dropped her bomb on me.

  “Yeah. Fuck knows, if I don’t look after you, you’ll end up in a ditch somewhere. You have shit survival skills. If fucking Jackal and your kidnapping isn’t proof, then I don’t know what is.”

  My body tensed. “What’s wrong with Jackal?”

  “Best if you don’t know. Let’s just say you have shit taste in men. You know where my house is. The door is unlocked. Go get cleaned up while I get your things. You can borrow one of my shirts until I get back.”

  “Thanks, Tank.”

  He shrugged. “It’s what big brothers are for, cleaning up their little sister’s messes.”

  I smiled, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate me hugging him right now, or telling him that I loved him. I got in my car and drove to his place, thinking things were looking up after all. I should have known not to tempt fate, because she’s a mean-ass bitch who will kick you in the teeth when you least expect it.

  Chapter Two


  Present Day

  When Scratch had said the Dixie Reapers needed some help, I’d volunteered. It might have had a little to do with the tempting Josephine. It had been over two years since I’d seen her, come inside her, and fucked her until we both passed out. But I hadn’t forgotten her, not for a second. I’d gotten my dick wet a few times since I’d parted ways with Josephine, but it always left me feeling empty. Eventually, I’d stopped trying to fill the void with nameless women. I hadn’t had sex in nearly two years, which had my brothers threatening to change my name from Jackal to Pussy Whipped.

  I didn’t know how the little vixen had so thoroughly captured my attention in such a short amount of time, but I couldn’t deny that I wanted to see her again, hold her, see if she tasted as good as I remembered. It had been hard as fuck staying away all this time, but I didn’t know how she’d take me coming back into her life. Maybe if I’d called during the last two years, but I hadn’t. At first, it was because of shit the club had been going through. After that, I was just a chickenshit.

  But there was something about Josie that just wouldn’t let me go. I didn’t know if it was because she’d been the only woman I’d ever taken bare, or if it was something more. And that more was what scared the shit out of me. I was Devil’s Boneyard and we didn’t do the mushy claiming shit the Reapers did. Not a single member of my club had an old lady. Hell, Scratch was the only one with a kid, and she was full-grown.

  We’d entered the Reapers’ clubhouse, ready to get our orders and find out exactly what the hell was going on, and I hadn’t even noticed Tank at first. Which was saying something since he was a big, mean bastard who would make King Kong look like a pet monkey. His fist met my face and nearly knocked me off my damn feet.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he said, growling as he advanced on me, his hands clenched like he wanted to beat the shit out of me.

  “I heard you needed help, so I volunteered. Something about one of your women needing protection.” My gut clenched as I considered something I hadn’t before. “It’s not Josie, is it? She’s not in trouble?”

  “Like you fucking care.” He snarled and came at me again, but his brothers held him back. It took three of them, and they were struggling but managed to hold on.

  “Easy, Tank,” Venom said. “He’s not worth it, brother. Go take a walk or head over to the hospital. We’ll meet you there.”

  “Hospital?” I asked. Fucking hell, if it was Josie and she was hurt or sick, then I might seriously lose my shit right now. I didn’t like how that made me feel.

  “Zipper claimed a woman who is in a shit ton of trouble. She nearly died and has been in the hospital the last few days. We’re heading over there because he reserved the chapel. Wants to make it official,” Venom said. “Your crew is welcome to come to the wedding, and when we get back we’ll figure out logistics. Delphine is going to need round the clock protection until her psycho stepmom is caught.”

  I wanted to ask about Josie, but something told
me that wasn’t wise. I didn’t know why Tank had come after me the way he did, but I’d be willing to bet it had to do with his sister. Which made me wonder if she was mad that I’d left and not called. I’d wanted to, even picked up the phone a dozen times that first week back home, but I’d decided a clean break was better. There was no place in my life for a woman. Or there hadn’t been. That was then, and this was now. Things had changed with the Devil’s Boneyard, and now that we had space to breathe, the thought of a hot-ass woman like Josie being by my side held a lot of appeal. I still wasn’t ready to go down the daddy road, but we could have some fun. Maybe I’d even be the first Devil to take an old lady.

  Venom gave everyone directions to the hospital, and we climbed back onto our bikes and headed that way. I’d have to figure out what the fuck was going on with Tank later. Right now, we had a woman to protect and I needed to stay focused. We might have been into some bad shit in the past, but if anyone in the club had ever hurt a woman, or turned away one in trouble, then Scratch and Cinder would have kicked our asses and booted us the fuck out. Since Scratch’s daughter was married to a Reaper, they were like family to us now. If they needed help, then we’d be here. And we knew they’d offer the same to us. It was more than that, though. We actually liked the bastards.

  The hospital chapel was packed, and I sat with my brothers on one pew while the Reapers took up the rest of the space. The bride was a gorgeous Korean girl who looked completely in love with Zipper. I had to admit the tattoo artist looked just as smitten with her. I wondered what that would be like, to love a woman that much. I’d always just hooked up and moved on, hadn’t even had a girlfriend in high school. The closest I’d ever gotten to long-term was this insane craving I had for Josie.

  The wedding was short, and when we got back to the Dixie Reapers’ compound, we were all assigned jobs. Or most of us were.

  I frowned at Scratch. “What do you mean they want me out of here?”

  Scratch rubbed his beard. “I didn’t ask questions, but I’d imagine it has something to do with you fucking Tank’s sister the last time you were here. You ran off with her for a few days and I don’t think that went over well with big brother.”


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