Her Highlander’s Promise (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 4)

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Her Highlander’s Promise (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 4) Page 9

by Fiona Faris

  He slid his hand beneath her body and moved to undo the ties of the corset on her dress. Alice shifted to give him enough room, and she felt the fabric loosen around her waist. Aithe continued moving along her neck, running his tongue lower, over her clavicle. She moved her hand to roam through the softness of his hair. Alice felt the space between her legs begin to pulse and grow moist. She was enjoying feeling Aithe’s tongue along her skin, and when he moved his mouth to the top curve of her breast, she thought her heart might leap through her skin.

  No man had ever seen her so vulnerable, Aithe was the first, and the care with which he moved told Alice he cared about her pleasure too. As he slipped the corset lower and lower, her breasts slipped easily from their fabric cage. Aithe sat up and looked at Alice.

  “Ye are so beautiful, Alice, like a work of art.” Alice felt herself shiver beneath his gaze. She felt so exposed but in a pleasant way. He ran his hands along her bosom, taking time to circle the curves of her breasts, and roll her small pink nipples between his fingers. Finally, he leaned back down and took one between his lips, flicking it with his tongue. Alice could not help herself and let out a soft moan.

  “Aye, ye like that, lassie?” He asked cockily.

  “Very much.” Alice guided his head to her other nipple, excited to feel the pleasure on both her breasts. Distracted by his tongue, she barely felt his hand moving beneath the skirts of her dress. She instinctively parted her legs for Aithe without realizing what she was doing. He moved quickly, and in a few seconds, Alice felt the glide of a finger moving against her soft mound. He teased at the nub and each time he ran his finger across it, she felt a wave of pleasure ripple through her body.

  Aithe worked at the area between her legs, circling, entering and exiting her in a rhythm her body craved. She found herself moving her hips against his hand, wanting more from his touch.

  “Yes, Aithe, mmm,” she moaned. “I want you to take me, enter me, please.” She begged him to finally place his member inside her. She sat up and let the corset fall away. In a moment, Aithe lifted the rest of her dress away and she reached over to undo the buttons of his shirt. She pressed her hands against his chest and then moved to kiss his exposed skin. He quickly shuffled and removed the rest of his clothing. Aithe climbed on top of Alice, and she looked up to lock eyes with him. She felt so free and open there, in bed, naked with her new husband.

  She was glad she had asked for this, the pleasure was building in her body, and she wanted her first climax to happen with him inside of her.

  “Are ye ready, lassie. If it bothers ye, tell me, and we’ll stop.” Aithe kissed along her cheeks as he whispered. But Alice had no fears or reservations.

  Aithe placed himself between her legs and gently pushed. At first, Alice felt her body tense at the new feeling but quickly found she adjusted to him and rather enjoyed the pressure. She moved her hips with him, slowly, letting her body adjust to his. He moved in and out of her quickly, and Alice found her breathing growing more and more ragged. Her body began to tense and untense, pleasure growing within her. She reached a hand to her nipple and touched her bare breasts as Aithe moved within her.

  “Yes, Aithe, yes!” She cried out as she pinched her nipple. The pleasure rolled through her body in an explosive climax. Aithe too began breathing quickly, increasing the pace just when Alice most needed it.

  “Oh, Alice!” He cried before collapsing on top of her as the two twitched in the aftermath of their climax. Aithe rolled off of Alice and laid in bed next to her, and she turned to look at him. Cozying into him, she felt so free and taken care of.

  Alice had heard terrible tales of how painful the first experience could be with a lover but found it not too bad. Within a few moments, she had adjusted and enjoyed the experience more than expected.

  “Tell me lassie, was it alrigh’ fer ye?” Aithe broke the silence with his question, and Alice smiled up at him.

  “Yes, very much so. Was it enjoyable for you?” She asked him plainly, hoping it to be the case.

  “Aye, very much, I much enjoyed seein’ ye get so worked up by me hand.”

  Alice laughed. She felt a new kind of connection to Aithe, a connection she felt comfortable having. Aithe moved to hold her hand, and she accepted it. He cleared his throat.

  “Alice, I want ye tae ken, I care about ye, greatly. Tis nay just responsibility I feel towards ye, lass,” he paused, and Alice felt her heart skip a beat, what was Aithe trying to tell her?

  “I ken I cannae give ye the life ye may desire, but I will always put yer happiness before my own. I want only the best fer ye, and I will fight tae get it for ye.” He finished speaking, and Alice felt a small disappointment wash over her. She had hoped, foolishly, that perhaps he was confessing to developing feelings for her. But it was wrong of her to hope for that or to even want it. She knew that Aithe was giving her more than most men in his situation would.

  “I appreciate all you are doing for me, Aithe. I truly do. I look forward to our new life together.” She squeezed his hand gently. “Now, after all of that, I must say, I need a bite of food and then some well-earned sleep.” Alice stood and moved to the small table in the room. She grabbed a roll and took a bite from it... it was exactly what she needed.

  The two of them stood together, naked, in silence, enjoying the meal even though it had gone rather cold. It was enough to calm their appetites and that was all that mattered. In the morning, the two of them would face her uncle and be prepared to live a new life. They both needed their rest.

  Chapter Eleven

  The light streamed in through the crack in the shutters covering the windows. Aithe awoke with a long yawn, looked over to Alice and smiled. She had yet to wake. Last night had taken a rather surprising turn, and he had not expected her to be so forward. It was humorous how she continued to surprise him. First, she had proposed marriage and had then proposed they consummate the marriage. Aithe shook his head. She was a bold lassie alright and definitely held similar traits to her brother, courage being the most obvious. He leaned over and brushed the hair from her face and ran his hand over her bare arm.

  “Aye, lassie, tis mornin’ now, we ought tae wake. We have a big day ahead of us.” He tried to talk in a low whisper and found his voice took on a grumble. Alice turned to face him and smiled as she pried open her eyes.

  “I suppose we should be waking up.” She added with a soft chuckle. As he glanced down at her, he was stunned once again by her sheer beauty. The light lit her skin like a delicate paper lantern. She was radiant. He wanted to tell her but could not, even if they had been lovers last night. Instead, he simply gazed at her, which only caused Alice to wrinkle her forehead in confusion and curiosity.

  “Does sleep line my eyes? Do I have something on my face?” She asked. Aithe shook his head.

  “Just gettin’ tae ken my new wife.” He responded with a smile. Alice looked around the room and noticed it was high morning and lifted herself up, pulling the quilt around her naked body. Reaching for her dress, she tried to glide the fabric over her body while underneath the bedding. Aithe laughed at her quickly and turned away.

  “Ye can ask me tae look away, lassie, though I have seen ye fully naked already.” Still, he averted his eyes. He wanted her to be comfortable around him even if that meant pretending they hadn’t made love.

  “Yes, well, I am still getting accustomed to marriage and baring myself to my husband.”

  “Maybe ye are worried my lookin’ will get ye all riled up again and cause ye tae make another offer a’ love?” Aithe smiled to himself, knowing full well it would rile Alice. After a second of silence, he felt a bread roll hit him square on the back of his head, and he broke out into a bold fit of laughter.

  “Aw, well, look, ye’ve already taken tae makin’ me breakfast as well as offerin’ yerself tae me?” He began to howl with laughter and forced himself to quiet down by biting into the bread.

  “You are boastful! We shall drop this matter immediately, or I
shall not speak to you the whole journey back to the castle.” Aithe smiled but quieted down. He could tell that Alice was happy in the way she sassed him and was glad they could be playful with each other.

  “Alrigh’ I shall find a way tae control meself.” He waited for Alice to finish dressing when she came and stood in front of him. She turned her back to him and asked for help with her corset. He obliged and proceeded to fasten her in, careful not to pull as tight as the maids would. He hated the idea that she had such trouble breathing beneath the blasted thing.

  Aithe stood and moved towards the little table in the room. He took a swig of the whiskey bottle and shrugged as Alice raised her eyebrow at him.

  “Tis our honeymoon, after all, might as well have a warm start tae the day. Might make the journey easier.” He winked at her. Alice walked over and took the bottle from his hands and took a small sip.

  “Yer likin’ the taste of whiskey, aye?” She nodded.

  “I’m growing rather fond of it actually. I look forward to sipping it while gazing at the hills of Cadney.” Aithe was happy to hear how much she was looking forward to their new future. He thought about what that day would entail.

  “We should have a talk about today, what we plan tae say tae yer uncle.” Aithe knew they needed to think of how best to approach him. Now that she was married, there was nothing else he could do; he could not guarantee her hand in marriage anymore. But still, Aithe worried about what he would do when he found out. He didn’t trust the man to play by fair rules.

  “I suppose we should,” Alice added.

  They sat discussing how he might possibly react. They formed a plan for when they returned. Aithe decided he would go inside the manor first. Alice would wait nearby until Aithe had announced their marriage. Once he knew her uncle would not try to kill him or go after her, he would bring her inside. She would gather what little she had to remember Christopher by, and they would leave right away before her uncle got any wild ideas. Aithe had enough money to get by on their trip and to get her set up once they made it to Cadney. He would send word as soon as they left the manor. What Aithe did not tell Alice was that he was anxious about how her uncle would respond. It was the knowledge that with marriage, Alice now belonged (though he hated to phrase it that way) to Aithe, but he did not trust the uncle to let go so easily, especially if he was quick to marry her off without even telling her that Christopher had died. Given what Alice had told him, he knew she was being used as a pawn in his own wicked plans. There was nothing more the two of them could do to prepare, however. They needed simply to start on their journey back and do their best to be prepared for any possible outcome.

  If all went well, Aithe looked forward to returning to Cadney. He missed his family, as much as he tried to deny it. He might have told Alice that he dared not say anything of being alive to his family out of protection for their own sake, but it was in part a selfish reason as well. If he kept in constant communication with his family, he would miss them much more than he already did. The longing would only deter him from continuing to lead his own life, and Aithe was not ready to give up his adventurous streak.

  “Alrigh’ lassie, we have a good plan. Now, we must enact it.” Aithe smiled and reached for Alice’s light luggage. He placed it on the bed for her and waited for her to put the few things she had taken out back inside. He watched her precise movements, the way she methodically folded her clothes. He could see her tension in the way she gripped the fabric, but she said nothing. Aithe knew they both shared similar fears. Sometimes it was better not to speak the concern out loud for fear of bringing them to the present.

  “I am ready to leave, Aithe,” Alice said finally after she had placed the final remaining item in the suitcase. She gave a small and forced smile.

  “Are ye alrigh’ lassie?” He could not bear to see her withhold from him.

  “Yes, just nervous. It's a big day but we shall be fine.” She nodded at Aithe and brought her hand to his cheek with care. He placed his hand against hers and smiled. After a moment of quiet, he picked up her luggage.

  The two of them walked hand in hand towards the front entrance of the inn, each holding their breath but ready for their new lives.

  Once outside, Aithe and Alice headed towards the stable. They were smiling and excited for their journey to come to an end when two men suddenly appeared around the corner of the stable.

  “That's the man, get him!” Aithe whirled around in shock and noticed a carriage not too far away. Stepping out of it was Alice’s uncle. He rushed towards them. Aithe in a confused panic pushed Alice to the ground and whirled around to face the men who were rushing towards him with clubs. Aithe swung his arm, trying to knock the men out before they had a chance to hit him. He managed to defend himself, raising his arm in time to block the swings that were bearing down on him.

  “No!” Alice screamed from nearby. Her uncle rushed towards the two men beating Aithe and reached down and dragged Alice away. Aithe turned around and tried to pull her back but stumbled as he reached for her.

  “Let me go! Let me go!” She screamed in agony, “No, Aithe!” Her uncle continued dragging her away while Aithe scrambled, trying his best to go after her but also needing to focus on the two men who were determined to take him down.

  “Kill him!” her uncle shouted as he threw Alice into the carriage and climbed in after her. Aithe whirled around to face the men in front of him.

  “I will nay let ye have me wife!” Aithe screamed, lunging at the man in front of him. With his left arm, his good arm, he swung back and aimed squarely at the man’s face. The man stumbled back, blood gushing from his nostrils. Aithe turned and tried to find the other man who had picked up the dropped club and was now swinging both in front of him.

  Behind the man, Aithe watched as Alice stumbled from the carriage. She tried to run towards him, but her uncle grabbed her by the hair and pulled her down, dragging her back to the carriage. The sight nearly broke Aithe, he scrambled and ran after Alice, but the man with the clubs was too quick. Just as her uncle was throwing her back into the carriage and climbing inside he shouted behind him:

  “You fool! Get him in the leg!” The man happily obliged and took one club and beat Aithe right in the leg.

  “Och!” Aithe yelled out in agony and fell to the floor. The last thing he saw was a club aiming straight for his head before he blacked out and was unconscious.

  * * *

  Alice screamed and banged her fists against her uncle. How could he do this?

  “Stop it, child, you are making a fool of yourself!” He chided her. “Did you think that you would escape my plans for you without a struggle?” He laughed in her face as he threw her into the carriage. Behind him, she saw Aithe struggling to reach her, just before the man hit him in his wounded leg. The man then followed the hit with another directly on his head. She saw him fall, blood pooling beneath his mouth, and Alice knew then that Aithe was dead. There was little chance he had survived that blow.

  “No! Aithe!” She screamed out for him but knew it was pointless. She collapsed in the carriage and wept. “He was my husband, how dare you!” raising her fists and beating her uncle in the stomach and legs.

  He reached over and slapped her. “Stop it, that is no way to treat me!” He yelled. The shock of the hit caused her to pause. She could not control the tears that fell from her eyes, her breathing was ragged. She looked at her uncle with pure hate and disdain. If looking at him could curse him, he would be bound to the seven layers of hell.

  “Onward, driver,” Alice’s uncle yelled, and she felt the carriage lurch forward. Only hours ago, her future had seemed so hopeful. But now she felt lost in despair. Her brother had died, and now, Aithe, her only connection to him, her only link to a free life, had died as well. It was all her fault. She made him marry her and take her away. She should have had him take her straight to Cadney. Instead, they stayed so close to the border. Her uncle must have known she was going to go to the nearest place s
he could wed.

  As the carriage moved forward, Alice wept. She had no sense of hope. Her life was taking an entirely different direction than she imagined, and she had no idea how to fix it.

  Chapter Twelve

  Aithe stirred awake but pressed his eyes shut when he heard two voices talking around him.

  “The lad is knocked out.” One man said to the other.

  “Well, ye knocked him right on the head, what did ye think, he would just rise easily?” The other said, remarking on the stupidity of the first. A pounding resonated through Aithe’s skull and the events that occurred came flashing back to him. Alice, he thought to himself.

  Aithe knew it was better to remain with his eyes closed, pretending to still be unconscious. The first man gave him a light kick in the stomach, and it took all of Aithe’s energy not to respond in pain. His whole body ached. He felt as if his very soul was severely bruised. Still, he made sure to remain quiet and still, he did not want to give the men any reason to beat him worse than he already was.


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