The Captivating Warrior (Navy SEAL Romance)

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The Captivating Warrior (Navy SEAL Romance) Page 2

by Cami Checketts

  Sutton placed his large palm on her lower back, and she barely restrained a sigh at how delicious his touch was. He brought their clasped hands up to his chest. Liz wrapped her fingers around his broad shoulder, awed by the muscle that was under her grip.

  Sutton carefully guided her around the room. Her heart was beating too hard. She could hardly catch a breath, but somehow, she could still smell his lovely cologne.

  He glanced at a burly young man in the corner. Something passed between them in a nod, and then he finally focused his brilliant blue eyes on her face. “Barry is doing a brilliant job of distracting the duke so I can explain things to you.”

  The duke? A pit formed in her stomach. Liz had forgotten about him completely. She chanced a glance James’ direction, and his expression was murderous. No! She couldn’t risk Ally, even for the joy of being close to Sutton once again.

  “Ally.” She choked out.

  Sutton stared harder at her. “Ally is protected. River will find her shortly.”

  “River?” Liz was so confused. How did Sutton know Ally, River, or the American billionaire? “River was murdered.” Of all the black deeds James had done, killing the man Ally loved was among the vilest.

  Sutton gave a harsh bark of a laugh. “Your duke isn’t as powerful as he thinks he is.”

  Liz wanted to argue that he wasn’t “her duke” and he was more powerful than the Queen and Prime Minster put together, but her heart was beating painfully now. Sutton hadn’t come for her like she’d always dreamed he would, and at the moment, he didn’t seem to care about her one way or another. His words were cold and detached. The only indication that he remembered any of their love was something deep in his gaze. Something no one but her would notice.

  “River survived,” Sutton said.

  Liz’s legs buckled under her.

  “Whoa.” Sutton released her hand and wrapped both his strong arms around her back. He supported her weight and held her even closer to his chest. “Are you all right?”

  “I thought River was dead.” A small squeak escaped as she clung to Sutton’s shoulders with both hands now. River was alive! “Ally loves him so much.”

  Sutton’s splendid arms encased her, and for the first time in twenty-five years, all was right in her world. River was alive, Ally was protected, and for the moment at least, Liz didn’t doubt that Sutton still cared for her.

  He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “I need you to be strong right now, Liz. I need you to act your part. Can you do that? For Alexandria?”

  Liz glanced up at him, loving that he’d finally called her Liz and not the hated title of “Duchess.” She’d always been Liz to him. His handsome face was so close. She wanted to go on her tiptoes and see if his lips were still firm and warm and able to light up her world, but Ally’s life and happiness were at risk. She would do anything he said.

  “What do you think I’ve been doing the past twenty-five years?” she whispered back.

  Sutton gave her a fleeting smile then pulled back, removed her hand from his shoulder and grasped it again. They started dancing around the room, blending in with the rest of the happy throng. She hadn’t allowed herself to look at the duke, but she could feel his glower and dark presence as they went past that spot in the room.

  Sutton stared intently at her, serious and detached. He did look like James Bond. The way he’d said 008 had made her want to laugh and pretend she was eighteen again. She loved his quiet humor. Liz couldn’t believe she was having such silly thoughts at this moment. The moment she’d been craving for years. She was finally in his arms again. This would be the last time she touched him. If there was a plan to rescue Ally, it meant Liz’s time was up. Her sacrifice would be called for soon. She didn’t know what lies the duke would tell about her death, but at least the divorce papers were final. Maybe those papers and Kingsley would be the duke’s downfall and Ally would be completely safe.

  Liz wanted to savor Sutton, his every look and touch seemed like a gift for what may be her last night on earth. Yet Sutton wasn’t mushy and besotted with her. He seemed so businesslike, so detached. Except for that brief interlude when he’d asked her to be strong and called her Liz. She shook her head. Ally. This was about Ally. River was alive. She wanted to jump and scream. She really wanted to find her daughter and celebrate with her.

  “Ally?” she asked again.

  “River has a plan to rescue and protect both of you.”

  Liz shook her head quickly. A sick pit forming in her stomach. She knew what happened to men who tried to rescue her. “No.”

  “No?” Sutton arched an eyebrow.

  “Not me. Ally is all that matters.” She pulled in a quick breath. “James will never let us both go, and her happiness is all that matters.” James would fulfill his threat of killing Liz and “upgrading to a newer model,” but it didn’t matter. Ally would be free and with the man she loved. Liz felt such joy at the thought. Giving her life for her daughter’s would be no sacrifice at all. She hardly had a life anyway, and even with the divorce, she knew James wouldn’t allow her to be free of him.

  Sutton’s eyebrows dipped together, and his beautiful lips thinned into a hard line. “James,” he said mockingly, “has little choice in the matter. You’re leaving here. With me. Tonight.”

  Liz’s breath whooshed out of her body. The possessive way Sutton had said that shot warmth to her core but also terrified her. He had no idea how much she’d dreamed of escaping with him, daydreams and night dreams for years and years, but the duke would never allow that to happen, and Sutton would be insane to put himself in the duke’s path again. The threats and blackmail from the past twenty-five years rushed back to her. Liz had sacrificed herself so Sutton didn’t serve prison time for a mission gone awry when he was a commodore in the Royal Navy. He had no clue what she’d done, and she would do it for him again, but now was not the time to get into all of that.

  “I can’t. You don’t understand the power he has.” Her voice was begging now. Sutton couldn’t do this. They had to protect and rescue Ally and not waste effort or resources on Liz. She could distract the duke and take his wrath. Liz knew her life was of little consequence to anyone but Ally, and being in Sutton’s arms was another cruel reminder that happiness and love were never to be for her.

  “Power?” Sutton gave a wry chuckle and arched that perfect eyebrow again. He leaned close, and his breath brushed her cheek. “Soon you’ll understand the power I have. For now, suffice it to say that the duke will be brought to his knees, and he will never hurt you again.”

  Liz’s breath was coming in fast little pants. Power and command radiated off of Sutton, but she didn’t think he understood what he was promising. The duke always won. James would either beat or kill her tonight, and she wouldn’t allow anyone else to be murdered on her account, especially not Sutton. She wished with everything in her she could stay in Sutton’s arms and let him shelter her, but it wasn’t to be. Even if Ally was safe, Liz still couldn’t risk involving Sutton. The duke had evidence against Sutton that he’d kept hidden for years. Sutton had been dishonorably discharged from his position as commodore, but it could’ve been much worse. The duke could have Sutton thrown in a dank prison cell or worse, murder him like Liz’s personal guards who’d tried to shelter her on her foiled escape attempts. She couldn’t let that happen. No matter if Sutton didn’t love her anymore, she still loved him with every cell in her body.

  Sutton drew back so he could study her face. “You don’t believe me.”

  “Sutton, you don’t understand.”

  He kept staring at her, frustration and impatience evident in his gaze, until the well-built young man she’d noticed him nod to tapped him on the shoulder. “It’s time, sir.”

  Sutton nodded shortly. He released her waist, and she felt bereft of his warm touch. Holding lightly on to her hand he walked her back toward James and the Americans. Each step was a death knell to her heart. Maybe Sutton did understand. He was taking her
back to her prison cell. He was going to allow her to sacrifice herself for Ally—and unwittingly for him. He had no concept of what she’d been through to protect him, but that was just as well. She only wanted him and Ally to be safe and happy.

  He bent down close as they neared the duke. “Keep a smile on that beautiful face. I’ll be coming for you.”

  Liz gave him a brilliant smile, risking the duke’s wrath if he guessed what had transpired between them. James wouldn’t allow the media or his peers at the party to see the ugliness inside of him, but all too soon, they’d be home, alone, except for James’ cretins who were always close by.

  Sutton ignored James’ glower completely, bestowing a wink and a slight smile on Poppy who fanned herself and exclaimed loudly. “Whew, you do heat a body up!”

  Her husband chuckled at her exuberance, and the duke’s silence was deafening.

  Sutton released Liz’s hand and bowed slightly. “Thank you for the dance, Duchess. Best wishes to you and your lovely daughter.” He walked away with his head held high. Liz had no opportunity to respond, which was just as well. Until Ally was safe, she couldn’t enrage James.

  Poppy grabbed her hand again and giggled. “How was dancing with 008?”

  “Exhilarating,” Liz murmured, sneaking one more glance at Sutton’s well-built frame. Her last chance to touch him and talk to him had ended much too quickly. She wanted to freeze that moment when he had held her close and called her Liz.

  Poppy laughed harder. “I’ll bet.” She fanned her face again. “I’ve never seen the likes of him off the movie screen.”

  “Elizabeth.” James’ voice cut through the temporary joy of Sutton holding her in his arms. You’re leaving here. With me. Tonight. Had Sutton really said that to her? With those brilliant pauses? The protective and sensual note in his tone brought a flush to her cheeks that no miserably indentured woman should ever feel. Yet she wasn’t indentured any longer. She was finally free from James. Happy butterflies lit up her stomach before James’ voice slammed her back to purgatory. “Come stand by me, love. Something is happening with our little pumpkin.”

  Liz’s eyes widened, and she hurried to James’ side. She couldn’t be free until Ally was safe. Then James would probably kill her, but at least she could fight to the end.

  He put a possessive arm around her waist that made her shrivel inside. As taught, she stood tall and smiled for the world, feeling it come a bit easier now with the hope that Sutton was right and James would never hurt her again. Yet how could anyone accomplish that, even someone as strong and brilliant as Sutton?

  Her eyes sought Ally. It wasn’t hard to find her girl. She was standing in the middle of the dance floor with a handsome, tough-looking young man in a dark navy-blue tuxedo. Could it truly be River? All the happiness she’d felt with Sutton resurfaced as she saw her daughter’s face beam with joy. James’ arm tightened around her like a noose, but she didn’t care. Could Sutton truly protect her daughter and give Ally a life of happiness with the man she loved? It was poetic justice for everything Liz had suffered.

  The music had been stopped, and the entire room was watching the scene unfold like they were part of a romance film. Henry stormed up to them. Liz’s mouth dropped open as River slid off Ally’s five-carat engagement ring and tossed it to the pompous idiot. Henry protested, but four burly guys stepped in and efficiently helped him walk all the way out of the room. Liz noticed other well-built men wearing the same cut of tuxedo evenly spread around the room. None of James’ bodyguards were in view. What in the world?

  “What is going on here?” James asked with tight lips.

  “Our boy is gonna marry your girl.” Barry informed him.

  James stared at the American businessman. “What, here? Now?”

  Pieces started clicking in Liz’s head. The American billionaire and Poppy—River’s parents? They’d set this entire night up. A rush of excitement bubbled in her abdomen. This was why Poppy had been so intimate and kind with her.

  “No time like the present.” Barry pushed his shoulder against James. “And you and I can get a fabulous business deal from the arrangement, eh?”

  James’ face straightened out. From what Liz understood, Barry Duncan imported billions upon billions of pounds in products to Europe and the United States from China, Taiwan, and Thailand each year. He was looking for a new shipping company to keep up with the demand. It would be a huge boon to James’ shipping business, and he’d told Henry on the way over he’d be ecstatic to get a chance to even bid on the work.

  “I would like that very much,” James said silkily. “We had no idea River was your son.” His act was good, but he couldn’t hide the vein throbbing in his forehead. Someone would pay for this affront, most likely Liz, even if the business venture did turn out to be profitable.

  “These crazy kids.” Barry laughed. “Guess they fell in love in Kauai a couple weeks ago. We’re just hearing about it ourselves.”

  “And I am just tickled pink.” Poppy grinned at both of them.

  “We are as well.” James lied smoothly.

  Liz beamed at Poppy. This woman would be a mum to her daughter, comfort her when James killed Liz. What a blessing.

  Lord Kingsley’s voice boomed out about forgiving Ally for marrying an American. Liz was in shock and so happy. James would permit this to happen because he wanted Barry Duncan’s business. Barry Duncan was River’s father. Ally would be protected by her father-in-law’s wealth and influence. Even without the financial incentive, James had no power at the moment with all of his lackeys missing in action. Since there was nothing he could do to stop it, he put on his politician smile and pretended all was well.

  Ally glowed as she smiled up at her future husband. All was right in Liz’s world. She glanced around for Sutton but didn’t see him anywhere. Her heart sank. She wouldn’t be leaving with her one true love tonight, but that was okay. She’d had that last dance. The chance to smell and touch him. If only she’d been brave enough to tell him how much she still loved him.

  James pulled her in even tighter, his grip on her waist tight enough to restrict her breathing, but she didn’t let herself feel it. She’d endured much worse, so she didn’t even flinch.

  Clasping her hands together she savored each moment as a vicar who appeared to be one of Sutton’s burly men stepped forward, Bible in hand, and commenced the ceremony right there in the Kingsleys’ ballroom! The short, impromptu wedding was the most beautiful event Liz had ever seen, and she had to repeatedly wipe away tears of joy.

  James’ touch was a constant warning. Liz was due for tremendous amounts of pain later tonight.

  It didn’t matter though. Ally was happy, and soon, she would be safe with River. Liz could deal with anything for that.

  Chapter Two

  Sutton stayed in the shadows as the wedding ceremony progressed. He felt a momentary burst of joy for the young couple. They looked radiant and completely in love. He and Liz had looked like that once. Liz. His eyes shot to her, pressed close to the duke’s side. James. Duke of Gunthry. He was even more repulsive than he’d been as a teenager. Too bad everyone but a few believed his lies and fake smiles. Sutton’s neck grew hot around the collar as his anger rose. Liz thought her ex-husband had power. Sutton would prove to her that power was fleeting.

  If only he could claim Liz as his own. He’d given away far too much as they danced. It had been too hard to resist her completely. He hated that she’d been abused by the duke, yet she’d chosen the duke over Sutton years ago without so much as a letter. He loved her, but forgiving her for not loving him back would never happen in this lifetime.

  Sutton had lost everything that mattered to him—Doug, his commission in the Royal Navy, and Liz. The only things left to him were these SEALs who worked so brilliantly to right wrongs and protect others, and his pride. He would cling tenaciously to both and pray that Liz didn’t find a chink in his armor. It would be hard to be around her while he, Kingsley, and Barry Duncan executed
their plan to dismantle the duke’s empire, but Sutton had dealt with harder things in life. Liz’s beauty and her sweet smile couldn’t affect him any longer.

  He watched River and Ally kiss and felt a dart of jealousy. The crowd cheered as the wedding concluded. It was time. Soon, he would be escorting Liz away from England, and he would have her all to himself. Too bad kissing and love were not in the plans. He’d be relying on all his military-learned self-control, but he could resist her charms and take down his enemy from years past. All that mattered was Liz being safe, Ally and River being happy, and the duke paying for what he’d done to all of them.

  Liz watched James hug their daughter. She was so distracted by the sickening image she barely caught the whispered words River said to her as he gave her a brief squeeze. “Stay with my mom. Sutton will come for you.”

  Liz glanced sharply at him. Her new son-in-law was handsome, well-built, and kind of intimidating, but there was a kindness in his eyes that reassured her. “Ally is all that matters,” she said back. “Please protect her.”

  “With my last breath.” He gave her a broad smile then switched places with Ally and shook the duke’s hand. River flashed a large smile and had a dangerous glint in his eyes. James winced at the pressure River put on his hand but kept his own smile in place.

  Ally flung herself at Liz, and she gathered her sweet girl close, wondering if she’d ever see her again. “I love you,” she whispered. “Don’t you worry about anything but being happy.”

  Ally hugged her back. “I love you, Mum. It’s all going to be brilliant.”

  River took Ally’s hand, and they moved on to receive more congratulations.

  Liz felt the duke’s darkness oozing toward her as she stared after River and Ally, but Poppy grabbed her arm and tugged her the other direction. “Would you mind showing me the potty while our sweetie pies talk business?”


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