The Wartime Bride

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The Wartime Bride Page 10

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Yes. I must find Father and ensure he remains safe. I also fear for the major as well.”

  “My dear child, have you given the major your heart?” Una pulled her into her arms and held her tight. “It’s all right if you have.”

  “No.” An answer that rang with mistruth. “Yes, but only a little of it.”

  “You aren’t the sort of woman to give only a little.”

  “Our relationship can’t be any more than we’ve already decided it shall be. Surely you haven’t forgotten my unknown parentage?”

  “We aren’t defined by where we have come from, only by whom we choose to be. Think on those words, my sweet one.” Una kissed her cheek, her tartan skirts swaying. “Send word if you have need of me. I will come.”

  “I love you.” She squeezed Una tight then released her.

  Hurrying, she raced along the warren of passageways toward the kitchens. This might be a last-minute decision to leave, but not one in which she’d leave unprepared. Provisions for the journey would be needed. She joined the mad rush of maids scurrying about in the kitchens as they packed food for their troops. Young Otis knelt in the corner over a tub of water, dunking flasks and filling them.

  Holding a finger to her lips, she snuck one of the flasks from him and hooked it to her belt, then she darted across to the table, pinched a square of cloth and wrapped bread, cheese, and cold meats into it before slotting her provisions inside her pack. A quick squeeze of Otis’s shoulder as she left, then she merged in with the throng of soldiers in full battle regalia who’d gathered in the courtyard awaiting their departure.

  A regiment of dragoon guards mounted up and thundered out the gate, dust swirling. The heavy cavalry followed next, then the light cavalry took the rear. She searched for Harry but found no sign of him. He must have already ridden out. Perfect. In her ruse of Jamie, she’d be able to join the end of the procession without his knowledge.

  She hurried through the gate where armed guards patrolled the battlements high above, then pulled her cap lower and joined the tail end of men marching on foot after the riders. Her satchel bumped on her back as she trekked along.

  Chapter 13

  Harry’s chest tightened with each mile he rode farther away from Julia. When his papa had been alive, he’d taken him aside and warned him that there would come a time in his life when he met a lady who consumed his thoughts. His advice when that time arrived was that he must do everything he could to guard and protect her.

  That time was now.

  He hadn’t told Julia of how deeply his emotions for her ran, not with this dreaded battle looming, and he couldn’t promise her anything until his life was once again his to live, but the moment he could, he would. Everything had changed between them these past few days. He simply couldn’t let her go, no matter what Society expected or demanded of him.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Poole asked as he rode alongside him. “Or should I just ask if you’re thinking about the professor’s golden-haired daughter?”

  “I never thought it would happen, that I would find someone like her so far from England, or during a war to end all wars.” Snorting under his breath, he rode on. “I love her.”

  “Then marry her.” A wink from Poole. “Winterly will understand and if he doesn’t, then browbeat him until he does.”

  “You’re a champion, my friend.” His brother would understand, particularly when Winterly was carved from the same cloth as their father. Both of them understanding and accepting. He’d been born into a loving family, where each family member cared for and cherished the other. If he loved Julia, then his family would love her too. He would just need to convince Julia of that.

  As the day wore on, the sun slowly slid lower in the sky. A smear of gray clouds hazed the horizon, where even darker clouds now brewed. Damn, they’d just gotten through one difficult storm and now another one threatened. Storms in these parts always hit with great ferocity, winds and rain which ripped through the valleys and whistled over the craggy hilltops.

  With the afternoon finally giving way to the evening, he caught sight of the soft glow of campfires burning in the distance. “Sobral,” he murmured to Poole as he motioned to the campfires. “We’re almost there.”

  “We’ll arrive in good time.” Poole nudged his horse onward.

  A short while later they trotted into camp where thousands of English and Portuguese soldiers sat grouped together around fires, the men having trekked in from other forts along the first and second Lines. Tents had been assembled in long rows with makeshift stables erected around the perimeter. Horses had been secured to rails hammered between posts.

  He and Poole dismounted, looped their reins to a rail and uncinched their saddles. Harry brushed his destrier down and fed his mount an extra handful of oats before clasping Poole’s shoulder. “I need to find Professor Chalmers and reassure him that Julia remains at St. Vincent’s with her brother and Una.”

  “I’m sure the professor would appreciate the update. I’ll find Wellington and inform him of the arrival of our soldiers from St. Vincent’s, although I imagine he’s already noted the extra men coming into camp.” Poole disappeared into the dark.

  Harry petted between his horse’s ears and the animal bumped its muzzle affectionately into his side. Leaving his mount behind, he slung his satchel over one shoulder and made his way through camp. He weaved in and around the campfires where men chatted as they sat on the grass, the lick of golden-red flames highlighting the faces of the soldiers he’d soon be fighting alongside. As he neared a gurgling stream, he picked his way down the slope to the water’s edge, removed his skin from his belt and crouched as he filled it. Gulping from the rim, he quenched his thirst then filled the skin a second time.

  “Father!” A lad wearing black breeches and a black tunic—who almost blended in with the night save for a few golden locks poking out from under his brown cap—ran alongside the embankment and bounded into the arms of Professor Chalmers, the very man he was looking for. Not the lad though.

  Gritting his teeth, he snarled under his breath. Devil take it. Jamie must have joined their troops as they’d left. This wasn’t the place for a lad of only sixteen. Aggravated, he rose to his feet.

  “Jamie.” The professor wrapped one arm around his son’s shoulders and steered him toward the rear of the camp. “Una sent a message along the signal stations to me. She warned me that you’d set out after the soldiers from St. Vincent’s.”

  Harry climbed the embankment and followed silently in their wake.

  “I couldn’t remain behind, Father.” The lad missed a step and the professor caught his son’s elbow and kept him on his feet.

  “Are you well?” the professor asked Jamie.

  “Tired, that’s all. I’ve walked a great distance today.”

  “I have a tent where you can rest for the night, although I can’t remain with you. I’m expected back at the command post. Wellington has requested I remain on hand for any assistance I can offer. I’ve been working on extending the firing range of the cannons and been rather successful at it.”

  “How close are the French?”

  “Our scouts have reported that they’ll be here within a day, one contingent led by Masséna and the other Junot.”

  “Does Wellington have a plan of attack?”

  “He intends on utilizing his favored reverse slope defense and fierce counterattacks to blunt and reduce Masséna and Junot’s advance when they descend upon us. The redoubts and concentrated artillery forts we’ve constructed behind the protected bastions will certainly hold up against anything our enemy’s infantry attempt. We’re also in the process of plugging any holes along the Line with our own reserves. When the battle begins, we must be fully prepared and at our strongest.”

  Harry followed as stealthily as possible, until they arrived in the near dark before a small copse of trees well beyond the campfires where a dozen tents for civilians had been erected.

  In front of one tent,
the professor faced his son and gripped his shoulders. “We’re still expecting two more regiments to arrive, one from the south and another from Alhandra. Wellington received notification through the signal stations that they’ll be here before dawn.”

  “I’ve always been impressed by Wellington. He’s a born leader, intelligent and keen, his knowledge of running campaigns against our enemy vast.” The boy glanced toward the moon which peeked out from behind the darkened clouds before sliding back behind another seething mass of black. “I’m so glad these Lines now provide us with a firm defensive position.”

  “Yes, the construction of them has all led to this one moment in time.” The professor removed Jamie’s satchel from his son’s shoulder and tucked the bag inside the tent flap before eying his son again. “Come and find me when you awaken in the morning. I’m not leaving the command post.”

  “Father, wait.” Jamie grasped his father’s arm as he turned to walk way. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Pulling his son into his arms, the professor squeezed Jamie tight before he released him and walked away into the dark.

  Chapter 14

  Julia’s heart heaved as her father disappeared into the dark toward the command post which sat high on the hill, the line of the roof just visible beyond the campfires. Exhaustion beat at her, rest most certainly needed. She slipped inside the darkened confines of the tent, the flap swaying behind her. Half bent over, she groped about and tried to get her bearings. She stepped on a thick pile of pelts with a bedroll atop it and got down onto her knees. She kicked off her boots, found the pillow at one end and eased down. The tent opening swayed again, a light breeze blowing in along with a shadowed form. Onto one elbow, she pushed. “Did you forget something, Father?”

  “It’s Major Trentbury, not your father.” Those words whistled out roughly from between the major’s clenched teeth. “What the hell are you doing here, Jamie?”

  “Oh, Major, good evening.” Her heart raced a mile a minute.

  “Good evening? That’s all you have to say?” A thunderous exclamation and the slam of his hands on his hips. It was just as well she couldn’t see any more of him than his outline.

  “I’m with my father, which is where I should be.”

  “No, you should have remained at St. Vincent’s, so you could look after your sister.” He drew closer in the dark and loomed over her.

  “Julia can look after herself.” She cleared her throat and deepened her tone. “I mean, my sister is aware I’m here and had no issue with my decision to leave.”

  “You are like two peas in a pod.” He dropped his satchel with a thump and rustled about as he removed some of his clothes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Removing my dolman and hat.” The clatter of his boots came next.

  “Major, you can’t bed down here with me.”

  “I can and I will.” He knelt on the pelt next to her and heaved her over, then rolled in and settled on his back. “I’ll guard you through the night. Close your eyes and sleep.”

  “I hardly need guarding when I’m amongst thousands of our own soldiers.”

  “Our enemy draws nearer and I’m not leaving you alone out here in this tent which is rather far removed from the main camp.”

  “I’m armed.”

  “What with?” An exasperated huff.

  “Two daggers.” She slid one from her wrist sheath and he nabbed her wrist and pinned it to the bed before she should blink.

  “That isn’t enough,” he growled as he glared from over top of her, just the whites of his eyes visible in the dark. Eyes that narrowed considerably as he sniffed. “You smell just like your sister. How is that?”

  “I beg your pardon?” She gulped.

  He dipped his head to her neck and sniffed again, then he whipped away her cap and tossed it aside. He groaned, his breath coming harder and faster as he plucked her ponytail free and ran his fingers through her locks. “Oh hell, don’t tell me that you’re Julia.”

  “I’m, ah, not Julia?” she tried with an uncertain tone.

  “Liar. Now I know why you bound your breasts.” He snarled under his breath. “Why, Julia? Why would you disguise yourself as a lad?”

  “I had no other choice.” In the inky dark, she loosened the waistband of her lad’s breeches, wriggled them down her legs and swept her tunic over her head. He muttered and cursed as he unknotted the bindings around her breasts, while she pleaded, “Make love to me, please. Now we’ve been given this second chance to be together, let’s just be together. No more arguments.”

  “I should be flaying you, not making love to you.” His hands shook as he cupped her breasts in his palms. “Your father has clearly been aiding you with this disguise.”

  “Yes, and Una too. Goodness, why are you still dressed?” She unbuttoned his shirt, pushed the royal blue linen from his shoulders then worked the fastenings on his breeches free. He kicked his breeches off and she wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked the heavy length.

  “I’ll never forgive you for lying to me.” He groaned and muttered some more.

  “I’m sorry, but I need to be Jamie from time to time.”

  “Julia?” With painstaking slowness, he smoothed a finger from between her breasts to her belly. So sensual, his touch divine, which started a hungry and needy pulse fluttering within her core below.

  “Take me, Harry. Make me yours.”

  He slid lower, pressing his lips to her belly before moving even farther downward in a blaze of heat. He licked along the indent of her groin and she clutched his shoulders and held on as he nipped along her inner thigh. “Whatever you do, don’t scream, or else the entire camp will be upon us.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “It’s best I show you.” Splitting her legs wide, he cupped her bottom and pressed his nose against her curls. “Say yes.”

  “Yes.” Her stomach tightened in anticipation and wantonly she eased her legs even farther apart.

  “I can’t wait any longer.” He swept his hand over her entrance, his intimate touch scalding her, then he fastened his mouth over her nub and she bucked into his glorious touch.

  “Merciful heavens,” she whispered, rather raggedly, not expecting him to do such a thing. “Harry, is this even permissible?”

  “Hell, yes, and I’m busy so cease interrupting me.” Mumbled words as he plunged his tongue deep inside her channel.

  He stroked and licked and plundered at her nether lips with hedonistic abandon.

  She whimpered, every flick of his tongue over her nub such exquisite torture. Oh my. She braced herself as her pleasure rose and rose, gaining momentum. Her desire flared higher and higher until she wanted to sob, then he pushed her over the brink and she came with a shuddering cry, her inner muscles contracting as he sent her soaring far from her body. Pure ecstasy.

  Then he was there, his hands on her hips as he slowly, carefully, rubbed the head of his cock along her slick folds. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, always and forever. Please, I want more. I want you inside of me.”

  “That’s what I want too.” He dipped his head to hers as every muscle in her body twitched, then he kissed her, diverting her thoughts as he pushed against her barrier. She held her breath then gave a soft moan as he tore through and plunged deep inside her.

  “I—I—” She grasped his arms and held on piercingly tight, his body stretching her fully and completely deep inside.

  “We’re one now, Julia. No one shall ever tear us apart again, not this damned war or anyone else who wishes to attempt such a feat.” With his hands on the bedroll either side of her head, he eased out then slid with torturous slowness back inside her. “You’re so tight, extremely tight. Is there any pain?”

  “Yes, but it’s easing. I certainly feel full. You are a very large man.”

  “We were made for each other. Hold tight, my precious siren. If I time this just right, we can soar together this time.” He
increased his pace and she moaned at the tingling pleasure that built from his full possession.

  “Whatever you do, don’t stop.” Her mind was consumed by him as he pounded, harder and deeper. She lifted up to meet each of his thrusts and he took her wildly, as if he struggled to contain his own desire. Moving in complete accord with him, she wished for this magical moment to never end. This was where she wanted to be, right here with him.

  “Let go, love. I want to feel your body coming around mine.” He pulled out, rubbed his cock over her nub then plunged balls-deep inside her again.

  She barely bit back a scream, her inner muscles seizing then pulling him in even deeper.

  “There is no other for me, other than you.” He kissed her ravenously, and she flew skyward again, but this time with him buried deep inside her, right where he belonged.

  Pleasure cascaded through her, over and over, from her fingers to her toes and everywhere in between. Warmth pulsed from him, his seed filling her and she exalted in the moment as she wrung him dry.

  Tenderly, he kissed her, stroking her sides as he rocked gently and brought them both back down, and she floated within the haven of warmth he’d created. This was heaven, being held in his arms. They lay together, neither moving and slowly she closed her eyes and allowed her tiredness to drag her under. Sleep claimed her. Peaceful, beautiful sleep.

  Chapter 15

  Julia awoke as a pinch of dawn light hazed the sides of the tent. Harry had made love to her last night, then again a few hours later when all had still been dark. She’d stirred to the delicious sensation of him teasing her nipples with his teeth and his hand stroking over her hip. When she’d turned into his warm embrace, he’d covered her mouth with his and kissed her with unending passion.

  A whirlwind of heat and desire had stormed through her, leaving her both delirious for more and completely satisfied as he’d thrust his hard shaft deep inside her. He’d drawn out her pleasure during that second joining, with all sorts of wicked caresses and murmured words of how he intended to make love to her a third time before the night was done.


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