The Huainanzi

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The Huainanzi Page 24

by An Liu

  Silkworms eat but do not drink.

  Cicadas drink but do not eat.

  Mayflies neither eat nor drink. Armored and scaly creatures eat during the summer but hibernate in the winter.

  Animals that eat without mastication have eight bodily openings and are oviparous.

  Animals that chew have nine bodily openings and are viviparous.

  Quadrupeds do not have feathers or wings. Animals that have horns do not have upper [incisor] teeth.

  [Some] animals do not have horns and are fat but do not have front teeth.

  [Other animals] have horns and are fat but do not have back teeth.

  Creatures born during the day resemble their fathers;

  creatures born at night resemble their mothers.

  Extreme yin produces females;

  extreme yang produces males.

  Bears hibernate, and birds migrate seasonally.28 [4/35/13–20]


  For the same reasons,

  white water is appropriate for [white] jade;

  black water is appropriate for black stone [slate?],

  Bluegreen water is appropriate for azure jade;

  red water is appropriate for cinnabar;

  yellow water is appropriate for gold;

  clear water is appropriate for turtles.

  The waters of the Fen River are turbid and muddy and are suitable for hemp.

  The waters of the Qi River flow harmoniously and are suitable for wheat.

  The waters of the Yellow River are blended together and are suitable for legumes.

  The waters of the Luo [] River are light and beneficial and are suitable for grains.

  The waters of the Wei [] River are powerful and are suitable for pannicled millet.

  The waters of the Han River are heavy and calm and are suitable for bamboo.

  The waters of the Yangzi River are fertile and benevolent and are suitable for rice.29 [4/35/22–24]


  The east is where streams and valleys flow to and from whence the sun and moon arise. The people of the east are heavy bodied and have small heads, prominent noses, and large mouths. They have raised shoulders like hawks and walk on tiptoe. All their bodily openings are channeled to their eyes. The nerves and [bodily] qi belong to the east. The color green governs the liver. The people there are tall and large; they become knowledgeable early but are not long-lived. The land there is suitable for wheat; it is full of tigers and leopards. [4/35/26–27]

  The south is where yang qi gathers. Heat and damp reside there. The people of the south have long bodies and are heavy above. They have large mouths and prominent eyelids. All their bodily openings are channeled to their ears. The blood and the blood vessels belong to the south. The color red governs the heart. The people there mature early but die young. The land there is suitable for rice; it is full of rhinoceroses and elephants. [4/36/1–2]

  The west is a region of high ground. Rivers issue forth from there, and the sun and moon set there. The men of the west have ill-favored faces and misshapen necks but walk with dignity. All their bodily openings are channeled to their noses. The skin belongs to the west. The color white governs the lungs. The people there are daring but not humane. The land there is suitable for millet; it is full of yaks and rhinoceroses. [4/36/4–5]

  The north is a dark and gloomy place where the sky is closed up. Cold and ice are gathered there. Insects in their larval and pupal stages lie concealed there. The bodies of the people of the north are tightly knit, with short necks, broad shoulders, and low-slung buttocks. All their bodily openings are channeled to their genitals. The bones belong to the north. The color black governs the kidneys. The people there are stupid as birds or beasts but are long-lived. The land there is suitable for legumes and is full of dogs and horses. [4/36/7–9]

  The center is where the wind and qi come together from all directions and is the place of confluence of the rains and the dew. The people of the central region have large faces and short chins. They consider beards beautiful and dislike obesity. All their bodily openings are channeled to their mouths. Flesh and muscle belong to the center. The color yellow governs the stomach. The people of the center are clever and sagelike and are good at government. The land there is suitable for grain and is full of cattle and sheep and the various domestic animals. [4/36/11–12]


  Wood overcomes Earth, Earth overcomes Water, Water overcomes Fire, Fire overcomes Metal, Metal overcomes Wood. Thus,

  grain is born in the spring and dies in the fall.

  Legumes are born in the summer and die in the winter.

  Wheat is born in the autumn and dies in the summer.

  Green vegetables are born in the winter and die in midsummer. [4/36/14–15]

  When Wood is in its prime, Water is old, Fire is about to be born, Metal is paralyzed [imprisoned], and Earth is dead.

  When Fire is in its prime, Wood is old, Earth is about to be born, Water is paralyzed, and Metal is dead.

  When Earth is in its prime, Fire is old, Metal is about to be born, Wood is paralyzed, and Water is dead.

  When Metal is in its prime, Earth is old, Water is about to be born, Fire is paralyzed, and Wood is dead.

  When Water is in its prime, Metal is old, Wood is about to be born, Earth is paralyzed, and Fire is dead. [4/36/17–18]

  There are five [musical] notes, of which the chief is gong.

  There are five colors, of which the chief is yellow. There are five flavors, of which the chief is sweet.

  For positioning there are five materials, of which the chief is Earth.

  This is why

  refining Earth produces Wood,

  refining Wood produces Fire,

  refining Fire produces clouds [of metallic qi],

  refining clouds produces Water,

  and refining Water reverts to Earth.

  Refining sweet produces sour,

  refining sour produces acrid,

  refining acrid produces bitter,

  refining bitter produces salty,

  and refining salty reverts to sweet.

  Altering gong [note 1] produces zhi [note 4];30

  altering zhi produces shang [note 2];

  altering shang produces yu [note 5];

  altering yu produces jue [note 3];

  altering jue produces gong.

  Thus one uses

  Water to harmonize Earth,

  Earth to harmonize Fire,

  Fire to transform Metal,

  and Metal to rule Wood;

  Wood reverts to Earth.

  The Five Phases interact together, and so useful things are brought to completion. [4/36/20–24]


  Beyond the seas are thirty-six countries.

  In the region stretching from the northwest to the southwest, there are the Long Thighs; the Sky People, the People of Sushen, the White People, the Fertile[-Land] People, the Female People, the Male People, the One-Legged People, the One-Armed People, and the Three-Bodied People.

  In the region stretching from the southwest to the southeast, there are the Bound-Breast People, the Winged People, the People of Huantou, the Naked People, the Three Miao Tribes, the Cross-Legged People, the Undying People, the Pierced-Breast People, the Tongue-Tied People, the Hog-Snouted People, the Chisel-Toothed People, the Three-Headed People, and the Long-Armed People.

  In the region stretching from the southeast to the northeast, there are the Land of Giants, the Land of Superior People, the Black-Toothed People, the Dark-Legged People, the Hairy People, and the Hardworking People.

  In the region stretching from the northeast to the northwest, there are the Tiptoe-Walking People, the People of Juying, the Deep-Eyed People, the People Without Anuses, the People of Rouli, the One-Eyed People, and the People of Wuji. [4/36/26–4/37/3]


  Luotang Mountain and Warrior Mountain are in the northwest corner. The Pang Fish is [found] to the south of them. Twenty-eight gods31 link their arms and serv
e the thearch by watching over the night to the southwest of them. Three pearl trees are northeast of them. Jade trees are [found] along the banks of the Vermilion River.

  ZThe Kunlun Mountains and Artemesia Hill are to the southeast.32 There are found precious jade and [the countries of] Grayhorse and Viewflesh; in that place carambola trees, sweet flowering quince trees, sweet flowers, and the hundred kinds of fruit are produced.

  Harmonious Hill is in the northeast corner. The three mulberry trees without branches are to its west. Bragging Father33 and Hanging Ears dwell northeast of it. Bragging Father cast aside his staff, which grew into the Forest of Deng.

  The Hill of Kun Wu is in the south. Chariot Frame Hill34 is to its west. Shaman Xian35 dwells to its north, standing on Dengbao Mountain. Sunrise Valley and the Fusang Tree are to the east.

  The land of You Song [or You Rong] is north of Mount Buzhou. The older sister was Jian Di; the younger sister was Jian Ci.36 The Queen Mother of the West37 dwells at the edge of the Flowing Sands. The Happy People38 and the Nalu People live on an island in the Weakwater in Kunlun. Three Dangers Mountain is to the west of the Happy People.

  Lighting Darkness and Candle Gleam are on an island in the Yellow River; they illuminate an area of one thousand li. The Dragon Gate is in the depths of the Yellow River. The Torrential Pool is in Kunlun. Dark Smelting [is near] Mount Buzhou. Shen Pool is in the Haiyu Marsh. The Mengzhu Marsh is in Pei. The Lesser and Greater Mansions are in Ji Province.

  The Torch Dragon39 dwells north of Wild Goose Gate. He hides himself in Abandoned Wings Mountain and never sees the sun. This god has a human face and a dragon body, but no feet.

  The grave mound of Lord Millet40 is to the west of the Jian Tree. The people there come to life again after they die. There are demifish in their midst. Flowing Yellow and the Fertile-Land People are three hundred li to the north. Dogland is to the east. In Thunder Marsh are gods with dragon bodies and human heads. They drum on their bellies to amuse themselves. [4/37/5–14]


  The Yangzi issues from Mount Min and flows eastward, passing through Han and entering the ocean. It [then] turns left and flows north to [a point] north of Kaimu Mountain. Then it turns right and flows eastward to the Eastern Pillar.

  The Yellow River issues from the Piled-Stone Mountain.

  The Qu River issues from Mount Jing.

  The Huai River issues from Mount Tongbo.

  The Sui River issues from Feather Mountain.

  The Clear Zhang River issues from Mount Jieli.

  The Turbid Zhang River issues from Mount Fabao.

  The Qi River issues from Mount Wangwu.

  The Shi River, the Si River, and the Yi River issue from Mount Tai [], Mount Tai [], and Mount Shu.

  The Luo [] River issues from Mount Lie.

  The Wen River issues from Mount Fuqi and flows westward to join the Qi River.

  The Han River issues from Mount Bozhong.

  The Jing River issues from Mount Boluo.

  The Wei [] River issues from Bird-and-Rat Cave.

  The Yi River issues from Mount Shangwei.

  The Luo [] River issues from Bear Ear Mountain.

  The Jun River issues from Flower Hole.

  The Wei [] River issues from Overturned-Boat Mountain.

  The Fen River issues from Mount Yanjing.

  The Ren River issues from Mount Fenxiong.

  The Zi River issues from Mount Muyi.

  The Cinnabar River issues from Lofty Capital Mountain.

  The Pan River issues from Mount Qiao.

  The Hao River issues from . . .41

  The Bo River issues from Mount Xianyu.

  The Liang River issues from Mount Maolu and Mount Shiliang.

  The Ru River issues from Mount Meng.

  The Qi River issues from Mount Dahao.

  The Jin river issues from Mount Jiezhu [also called Dragon Mountain].

  The He River issues from Mount Fengyang.

  The Liao River issues from Grindstone Mountain.

  The Fu River issues from Mount Jing.

  The Qi River issues from Stone Bridge Mountain.

  The Hutuo River issues from Mount Luping.

  The Nituyuan River issues from Mount Man.

  The Wei [] River and the Shi River flow north into Yan. [4/37/16–23]

  The Weakwater issues from Exhausted Stone Mountain and enters the Flowing Sands.42


  Zhu Ji and She Ti43 were born from the Regular [northeast] Wind.44

  Tong Shi was born from the Brightly Abundant [east] Wind.

  Chifenruo was born from the Clear Bright [southeast] Wind.

  Gong Gong was born from the Sunshine [south] Wind.

  Zhu Bi was born from the Cooling [southwest] Wind.

  Gao Ji was born from the Changhe [west] Wind.

  Yu Qiang was born from the Buzhou [northwest] Wind.

  Qiong Qi was born from the Broadly Expansive [north] Wind. [4/37/25–27]

  Downyhair gave birth to Oceanman. Oceanman gave birth to Ruojun. Ruojun gave birth to sages; sages gave birth to ordinary people. Thus creatures with scanty hair are born from ordinary people.

  Winged Excellence gave birth to Flying Dragon. Flying Dragon gave birth to the phoenix. The phoenix gave birth to the symurgh.45 The symurgh gave birth to ordinary birds. Feathered creatures in general are born from ordinary birds.

  Hairy Heifer gave birth to Responsive Dragon. Responsive Dragon gave birth to Establish Horse. Establish Horse gave birth to the qilin.46 The qilin gave birth to ordinary beasts. Hairy animals in general are born from ordinary beasts.

  Scaly One gave birth to Wriggling Dragon. Wriggling Dragon gave birth to Leviathan. Leviathan gave birth to Establish Emanation. Establish Emanation gave birth to ordinary fishes. Scaly creatures in general are born from ordinary fishes.

  Armored Abyss gave birth to First Dragon. First Dragon gave birth to Dark Sea-Turtle. Dark Sea-Turtle gave birth to Divine Tortoise. Divine Tortoise gave birth to ordinary turtles. Armored creatures in general are born from ordinary turtles.

  Warm Damp gave birth to Countenance. Warm Damp was born from Hair Wind. Hair Wind was born from Damp Darkness. Damp Darkness was born from Feather Wind. Feather Wind gave birth to Mild Armored–Creature. Mild Armored–Creature gave birth to Scaly Meager. Scaly Meager gave birth to Warm Armored–Creature.47

  The five classes [of animals] in their various manifestations flourished in the outside world and multiplied after their own kind. [4/38/1–7]

  Sun Climber gave birth to Brightness Blocker. Brightness Blocker gave birth to Lofty Ru. Lofty Ru gave birth to Trunktree. Trunktree gave birth to ordinary trees. All plants with quivering leaves are born from ordinary trees.

  Rooted Stem gave birth to Chengruo. Chengruo gave birth to Dark Jade. Dark Jade gave birth to Pure Fountain. Pure Fountain gave birth to Sovereign’s Crime. Sovereign’s Crime gave birth to ordinary grasses. All rooted stems are born from ordinary grasses.

  Ocean Gate gave birth to Swimming Dragon. Swimming Dragon gave birth to Lotus Flower. Lotus Flower gave birth to Duckweed. Duckweed gave birth to Aquatic Plant. Aquatic Plant gave birth to seaweed. All rootless plants are born from ordinary seaweed. [4/38/9–12]


  The qi of balanced earth is received into the yellow heaven, which after five hundred years engenders a yellow jade [possibly realgar or amber]. After five hundred years this engenders a yellow quicksilver, which after five hundred years engenders gold [“yellow metal”]. After one thousand years, gold engenders the yellow dragon. The yellow dragon, going into hiding, engenders the yellow springs. When the dust48 from the yellow springs rises to become a yellow cloud, the rubbing together of yin and yang49 makes thunder; their rising and spreading out make lightning. What has ascended then descends as a flow of water that collects in the yellow sea.

  The qi of unbalanced earth is received into the bluegreen heaven, which after eight hundred years engenders a bluegreen malachite. After eight hundred years
this engenders a bluegreen quicksilver, which after eight hundred years engenders lead [“bluegreen metal”]. After one thousand years, lead engenders the bluegreen dragon. The bluegreen dragon, going into hiding, engenders the bluegreen springs. When the dust from the bluegreen springs rises to become a bluegreen cloud, the rubbing together of yin and yang makes thunder; their rising and spreading out make lightning. What has ascended then descends as a flow of water that collects in the bluegreen sea.

  The qi of vigorous earth is received into the vermilion heaven, which after seven hundred years engenders a vermilion cinnabar. After seven hundred years, this engenders a vermilion quicksilver, which after seven hundred years engenders copper [“vermilion metal”]. After one thousand years, copper engenders the vermilion dragon. The vermilion dragon, going into hiding, engenders the vermilion springs. When the dust from the vermilion springs rises to become a vermilion cloud, the rubbing together of yin and yang makes thunder; their rising and spreading out make lightning. What has ascended then descends as a flow of water that collects in the vermilion sea.

  The qi of weak earth is received into the white heaven, which after nine hundred years engenders a white arsenolite. After nine hundred years, this engenders a white quicksilver, which after nine hundred years engenders silver [“white metal”]. After one thousand years, silver engenders the white dragon. The white dragon, going into hiding, engenders the white springs. When the dust from the white springs rises to become a white cloud, the rubbing together of yin and yang makes thunder; their rising and spreading out make lightning. What has ascended then descends as a flow of water which collects in the white sea.

  The qi of passive earth is received into the black heaven, which after six hundred years engenders a black slate. After six hundred years, this engenders a black quicksilver, which after six hundred years engenders iron [“black metal”]. After one thousand years, iron engenders the black dragon. The black dragon, going into hiding, engenders the black springs. When the dust from the black springs rises to become a black cloud, the rubbing together of yin and yang makes thunder; their rising and spreading out make lightning. What has ascended then descends as a flow of water that collects in the black sea. [4/38/14–27]


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