The Huainanzi

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The Huainanzi Page 126

by An Liu

  Shimada Kan . Kobun kyūsho kō . 1905. Reprint, Beijing: Zaoyu tang, 1927.

  Su Song (1020–1101). Su Weigong wenji . Compiled by Su Xi (1065– 1140). Preface to 1st ed., 1139. Siku quanshu edition, 1781. Facsimile reprint of the Wenyuange manuscript. Taibei: Commercial Press, 1973.

  ——. Su Weigong wenji. Edited by Su Tingyu from the Wenlange manuscript of the Siku quanshu edition, 1842. Facsimile reprint of 1865 edition. Taibei: Qingyou chubanshe, 1960.

  Tao Fangqi (1845–1884). Hanzishi wenchao . Compiled by Ma Yongxi and printed by Xu Youlan , 1894.

  ——. Huainan xuzhu yitong gu . 1881. 2nd ed., including two supplements, buyi and xubu , 1884. Facsimile reprint of 2nd ed. Taibei: Wenhai chubanshe, n.d.

  Wang Niansun and Wang Yinzhi . Dushu zazhi . 1832. Reprint of 1870 edition. Taibei: Shijie, 1963.

  Wu Chengshi . Huainan jiuzhu jiaoli . Shexin (Anhui), 1924. In Wu Jianzhai Yishu . Beijing: Beijing shifan daxue chubanshe, 1985.

  Yang Shuda . “Du Liu Wendian-jun Huainan honglie jijie” . In Huainanzi lunwen ji , edited and compiled by Chen Xinxiong and Yü Dacheng , 133–43. Taibei: Muyi chubanshe, 1976.

  ——. Huainanzi zhengwen . Beijing: Zhongguo gexue yuan, 1953. In Yang Shuda wenji , vol. 11, compiled by Yang Bojun . Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 1983.

  Ye Dehui (1864–1927). Huainan honglie jiangu . Changsha, 1895.

  Yu Xingwu . “Huainanzi xinzheng” . In Shuangjianchi zhuzi xinzheng . Taibei: Yiwen, 1957.

  Yu Yue . “Huainan Neipian pingyi” . In Zhuzi pingyi . 1870. Reprint, Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1935.

  Textual and Historical Studies Since 1960

  Akatsuka Kiyoshi . “Ryūan” . In Chūgoku no shisōka , 147–61. Tokyo: Keisō Bookstore, 1963.

  Chen Guangzhong . Huainanzi gushi xuanbian . Hefei: Huangshan shu she, 1985.

  Chen Ligui . “Baishi nian laide Huainanzi yanjiu mulu” . Zhongguo shumu jikan 25, no. 3 (1991): 48–67.

  Chen Xinxiong and Yu Dacheng , comps. and eds. Huainanzi lunwen ji . Taibei: Muyi chubanshe, 1976.

  Chen Yiping . Huiji gejia xueshuo de juzhu: “Huainanzi” :. Beijing: Zhongguo wenlian chubangongsi, 1997.

  Ding Yuanzhi . Huainanzi yu Wenzi kaobian . Taibei: Wanjuanlou, 1999.

  Guo Cuigan . “Huainanzi zhuben kaolüe” . In Huainanzi lunwen ji , edited and compiled by Chen Xinxiong and Yu Dacheng , 125–29. Taibei: Muyi chubanshe, 1976.

  He Zhihua and Zhu Guofan . Tang Song leishu zhengyin “Huainanzi” ziliao huibian . Hong Kong: Zhongwen daxue chubanshe, 2005.

  Honey, David. “Philology, Filiation, and Bibliography in the Textual Criticism of the Huainan Tzu.” Early China 19 (1994): 161–92.

  Ikeda Tomohisa . “Enanji no seiritsu: Shiki to Kanjo no kentō” Tōhōgaku , no. 59 (1980): 18–31.

  ——. “Enanji ‘Yōryakuhen’ ni tsuite” In Ikeda Suetoshi hakushi koki kinen Tōyōgaku ronshū , 401–9. Hiroshima, 1980.

  Jin Qiyuan . “Huainanzi guanjian” . In Zhuzi guanjian Taibei: Shijie, 1963.

  Jin Sheng . “Huainanzi pianming de chengwei wenti” . Zhongguo zhexue , no. 9 (1983): 256.

  Lau, D. C. [Liu Dianjue ]. “Du Huainan honglie jie zhaji” . United College Journal 6 (1967–1968): 139–88.

  Li Jiansheng . Shengxian zhimou: “Huainanzi” pian Beijing: Hualing chubanshe, 1996.

  Ma Zonghuo (1897–1976). Huainan Gaozhu canzheng . Jinan: Qi Lu shushe, 1984.

  Roth, Harold D. “Filiation Analysis and the Textual History of the Huai-Nan Tzu.” Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan, no. 28 (1982): 60–81.

  ——. “The Strange Case of the Overdue Book: A Study in the Fortuity of Textual Transmission.” In From Benares to Beijing: Essays in Honour of Professor Yun-Hua Jan, edited by Gregory Schopen and Koichi Shinohara, 177–208. Oakville, Ont.: Mosaic Press, 1992.

  ——. “Text and Edition in Early Chinese Philosophical Literature.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 113, no. 2 (1993): 214–27.

  ——. The Textual History of the Huai-nan Tzu. Monographs of the Association for Asian Studies, vol. 46. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Association for Asian Studies, 1992.

  Ruan Tingzhuo . “Huainanzi yinyong xian Qin zhuzi yiwen kao” . In Rao Zongyi jiaoshou nanyou zengbie lunwenji , edited by Yan Gengwang , 67–84. Taibei: Rao Zongyi Festschrift Publishing Committee, 1970.

  ——. “Huainanzi zhayi” . Lianhe shuyuan xuebao , no. 6 (1967): 127–33.

  Sun Jiwen . Huainanzi yanjiu . Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2005.

  Tao Lei . Huainanzi “Tianwen” yanjiu: cong shushushi de jiaodu :. Jinan: Qilu shushe, 2003.

  Wallacker, Benjamin E. “Liu An, Second King of Huai-nan (180?–122 B.C.).” Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1972): 36–49.

  Wang Jinguan . “Liu Dianjue ‘Du Huainan honglie zhaji ’ kanwu biao” United College Journal 7 (1968–1969): 179–82.

  Wang Shumin . “Ba Riben guchao juanzi ben Huainan honglie ‘Binglüe’ jiangu dinian” . In Zhuzi jiaozheng , 493–540. Taibei: Shijie, 1963.

  ——. “Huainanzi jiaozheng, buyi, xubu” In Zhuzi jiaozheng , 327–492. Taibei: Shijie, 1963.

  ——. “Huainanzi yin Zhuang ju ou” « Daojia wenhua yanjiu , no. 14 (1998): 364–400.

  ——. “Huainanzi yu Zhuangzi” . In Huainanzi lunwen ji , edited and compiled by Chen Xinxiong and Yu Dacheng , 27–40. Taibei: Muyi chubanshe, 1976.

  Wang Yundu . Liu An pingzhuan . Nanjing: Nanjing daxue chubanshe, 1997.

  Wu Liancheng . “Huainanzi cunjuan jiaokanji” . Jinyang xuekan , no. 3 (1982): 58–61.

  Wu Zeyu . “Huainanzi shulu” . Wenshi 2 (1963): 291–314.

  Xi Zezong . “Huainanzi ‘Tianwen’ xun shulue” . Kexue tongbao , 1963.6:35–39.

  Xu Kuangyi . Huainanzi quanyi . Guiyang: Guizhou renmin chubanshe, 1993.

  Yu Dacheng . Huainan lunwen sanzhong . Taibei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 1975.

  ——. “Huainan wang shukao” . Zhongshan xueshu wenhua jikan , no. 4 (1969): 61–100. [Reprinted in Huainan lunwen sanzhong (Taibei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 1975), 1–56]

  ——. “Huainan zazhi buzheng” . Zhongshan xueshu wenhua jikan , no. 5 (1970): 9–72. [Reprinted in Huainan lunwen sanzhong (Taibei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 1975), 95–199]

  ——. Huainanzi jiaoshi . 2 vols. Taibei: National Taiwan Normal University, 1969.

  ——. “Huainanzi jiaoshi zixu” . Guangxing , no. 8 (1970): 6–17; (1971): 3–35.

  ——. “Huainanzi jinshi yuyi” . In Zhongguo xueshu mingzhu jinshi yuyi , vol. 3. Taibei: Xinan shuzhu, 1978.

  ——. Huainanzi jinzhu jinyi . Taibei: Xinan shuzhu, 1977.

  ——. “Liu Ji ben Huainanzi chuyu Zang ben kao” . Guoli Zhengzhi daxue xuebao, no. 32 (1975): 41–73.

  ——. “Minguo yilai de Huainan xue” . Chuangxin no. 48 (1972): 5–7; no. 50 (1972): 3–4; no. 52 (1972): 4–5; no. 55 (1972): 6–8; no. 58 (1972): 5–6. [Reprinted as “Liushi nianlai zhi Huainanzi xue” , in Huainan lunwen sanzhong (Taibei: Wenshizhe chubanshe, 1975), 79–123]

  Zhang Xiaohu . “Lun Huainanzi de wencai” . Beifang luncong , no. 62 (1983): 43–47.

  Zhang Yan . “Huainanzi ershiyi juan lunci deshi pingyi” . Dalu zazhi 31, no. 6 (1965): 15–18.

  ——. “Huainanzi zhujia yisi ji banben deshi pingyi” . Dalu zazhi 30, no. 8 (1965): 5–10.

  Zheng Liangshu . Huainanzi jiaoli . Taibei: Jiaxin Cement Co. Cultural Foundation, 1969.

  ——. Huainanzi tonglun . Taibei: Haiyang shishe, 1964.

  ——. “Huainanzi chuanben zhijian ji” . Guoli Zhongyang tushuguan guankan 1, no. 1 (1967): 27–39.

  ——. “Huainanzi zhujiao zhujia shuping” . Guoli Zhongyang tushuguan guankan 2, no. 2 (1968): 47–58.

  ——. “Liu Ji ben Huainanzi jiaoji” . Youshi xuezhi 6, no. 3 (1967): 1–33.

  ——. “Qufu yu Huainanzi” . Dalu zazhi 52, no. 6 (1976).

  Zhou Lisheng . “Huainanzi de Yi dao guan” . Daojia wenhua yanjiu , no. 2 (1992): 223–35.

  Zhu R
ong . Huainanzi “Binglüe xun” yizhu . Beijing: Junshi kexue chubanshe, 1993.

  Harold D. Roth, with Matthew Duperon

  1. The following is a very short overview of the history of the text of the Huainanzi. This is discussed is much greater detail in Roth 1992. For a review article, see David Honey, “Philology, Filiation, and Bibliography in the Textual Criticism of the Huai-nan Tzu,” Early China 19 (1994): 161–92.

  2. Roth 1992, 18–25.

  3. Roth 1992, 36–39.

  4. Roth 1992, 42–43.

  5. In his preface, now found in most editions of the Huainanzi, Gao states that in his youth he studied the text with his teacher Lu Zhi and from him received the proper punctuation and meanings. In the year 205, after the Yellow Turban rebellion subsided and he was posted to the district of Puyang (now in Hebei), he returned to work on this text because he feared that few in his times were studying it any more. In doing this, he “deeply pondered the explications of his former master [Lu Zhi]” ().

  6. Roth 1992, 80–112, explores the question of the completeness of the original Gao commentary. In his preface, Gao notes that he lent eight chapters of his own original commentary to a friend who then suddenly died, and Gao never got them back. He rather vaguely states that he “later supplemented his losses,” which has led several scholars to suggest that he did so by adding eight chapters from the Xu recension. The evidence that he did this is vexed, but it is clear that within two centuries the conflated recension of thirteen Gao and eight Xu chapters had already been created.

  7. For a complete analysis of the editions of the Huainanzi, see Roth 1992, 113–342.

  8. Roth 1992, 137–41.

  9. Roth 1992, 145–48. Chen Guofu, a renowned Daoist Patrology scholar, states that many of the taboo characters from this Southern Song recension are preserved in the 1445 recension. Earlier recensions of the patrology were made in 1019 and around 725. Roth lists four characters in the 1445 Daozang edition of the Huainanzi that preserves Northern Song taboos, thereby indicating a possible provenance in the 1019 recension.

  10. Roth 1992, 148–62.

  11. Roth 1992, 163–65.

  12. For details, see Roth 1992, 165–73. Note that D. C. Lau believes that the Liu Ji redaction is largely derived from the Daozang redaction and that its unique textual variants were caused by Liu’s unindicated emendation and conflation. Roth, however, disagrees with him.

  13. For details about the research leading to these conclusions, see Roth 1992, 173–87.

  14. For details about these editions, see Roth 1992, 194–200, 154–55, respectively. The provenance of the Zhongli edition is presented on 212–24.

  15. These editions are identified and affiliated in Roth 1992, 235–70.

  16. Details about the creation and provenance of this redaction can be found in Roth 1992, 225–35.

  17. For this intriguing possibility, see Roth 1992, 234.

  18. Roth 1992, 271–74.

  19. For an interesting study of the significance of the challenging of traditional readings and attributions of texts made by the Han Learning movement, see Benjamin Elman, From Philosophy to Philology: Intellectual and Social Aspects of Change in Late Imperial China (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1985).

  20. Roth 1992, 274–77.

  21. Roth 1992, 277–83.

  22. Roth 1992, 283–86.

  23. Complete bibliographical data on all these modern critical editions are presented later in a separate section. For a discussion of the principles of establishing a modern critical edition, see Harold D. Roth, “Text and Edition in Early Chinese Philosophical Literature,” Journal of the American Oriental Society 113, no. 2 (1993): 214–27.

  24. Roth 1992, 311. The Kubo edition is on 267–68.

  25. Roth 1992, 296–302, presents the provenance and assessment of this extremely widespread and thus influential edition.

  26. Roth 1992, 302–8, discusses the provenance and assessment of this early critical edition. Between them, the two Lius offer a total of twenty-eight Qing textual critics in their editions. Unfortunately Liu Jiali’s has, to my knowledge, never been reprinted, so it is difficult to consult today.

  27. These two important Japanese critical editions are discussed in Roth 1992, 311–12.


  Accounts of Spirit Immortals (Shenxianzhuan)

  adjustment (shift; yi)

  in chap. 1

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 3

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 21

  See also alteration; change; transformation

  Admonitions of Yao

  affairs, human (shi)

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 21

  See also military affairs

  age of decline

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  in chap. 22

  Ai, Duke of Lu

  Ai, King of Wei


  all-under-heaven (tianxia). See world


  alteration (bian)

  in chap. 1

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 3

  in chap. 4

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  in chap. 21

  See also adjustment; change; transformation

  Ames, Roger T.

  An, Scribe (Cai An, Scribe Mo)

  Analects (Lunyu)

  and chap. 2

  and chap. 10

  and chap. 13

  and chap. 20


  angle rule


  in chap. 1

  in chap. 4

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 19

  See also dogs; dragons; fish and fishing; dhorses; qilin; tigers


  in chap. 1

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  See also Yi, Archer

  Art of War (Sunzi bingfa)

  astrology/astronomy. See also calendars; cosmology; Dipper; Jupiter cycle; lunar lodges

  Baili Xi, balance beam (scale)

  in chap. 3

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 20

  Ban Gu

  Bao Shen

  Bao Shu (Bao Shuya)


  in chap. 11

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 20

  See also Dee tribes; Di tribes; Dii tribes; Hu tribes; Miao tribes; Rong tribes; Yi tribes; Youmiao tribes; Yue tribes

  battle hooks

  Bauer, Wolfgang

  Beigongzi (Beigong You)

  Beiren Wuze


  in chap. 1

  in chap. 3

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  in chap. 21

  See also musical instruments

  benmo. See root and branch

  Bi, Prince of Chu

  Bi Gan

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 22

  Bi Sui

  Bi Yuan

  Bian, Wheelwright

  Bian He

  jade disk of

  Bian Que

  Big Dipper. See Dipper


  in chap. 1

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 3

  in chap. 4

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 7

  in chap. 8

  in chap. 9

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 11

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 14

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  in Hanfeizi



  Bo, Duke of Chu

  Bo Juzi

  Bo Le

  Bo Pi (Great Steward Pi)

  Bo Ya

  Bo Yi

  Bo Yikao

  Bo Yu

  Bocheng Zigao

  Bohu tong (Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall )

  Boltz, William

  Book of Master Guan See Guanzi

  Book of Zhou (Yi Zhou shu)


  in chap. 1

  in chap. 2

  in chap. 5

  in chap. 6

  in chap. 10

  in chap. 12

  in chap. 13

  in chap. 15

  in chap. 16

  in chap. 17

  in chap. 18

  in chap. 19

  in chap. 20

  See also archery; crossbow


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