The Tiger and the Dragon

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The Tiger and the Dragon Page 10

by Stephen Makk

  Nathan withdrew all masts down into the sail.

  “Dive, dive, dive, flood forward one, trim for depth. Planesman come about and make your depth 1,200 feet. All ahead full.”

  “Aye sir, south at 1200 feet, all ahead full.” Nathan leaned back away from the bow to stay upright.

  “There you are Nikki, he took the lure and attacked us. They made a hostile move. We now have open season on the PLAN Fleet, and we didn’t get a fish running after us. Good idea. Well done, you cunning son of a...

  Lt Commander Lemineux, report this action to COMSUBPAC.”


  Nathan knew it was a good and clever move, to put the blame in the enemy’s lap. But still, there was the PLAN fleet out there, and they were just one boat. Good as they were, it was a one-sided match. They needed more luck than they could reasonably expect. A lot more.

  USS JOHN C STENNIS. Three hundred miles east of Taiwan.

  COMMANDER GEORGE “HOUND” Bassett, the ship’s CAG watched as the F/A18 Super Hornet was hooked to the steam catapult. A deck Petty Officer crouched down, he looked left and right to check all was clear and then looked to the aircraft. He saluted and dropped his arm decisively. The catapult flung tons of aircraft forward and off the flight deck. The Hornet’s engines pushed it skyward. The next F/A18 Hornet was pushed forward to catch the wire.

  The Stennis was launching a medium strike group in the direction of the Straits of Taiwan. Their target. The PLAN fleet mounting an invasion of Taichung City.

  Nick “Hole” Green applied pressure to the left rudder and the nose of the F/A-18 Hornet call sign Cocaine one came to the west, he looked out of both sides of the cockpit. He saw 31 Hornets out there, all running for the Straits on the far side of the Island.

  “Looks mighty fine out there Thong.”

  “Yeah, not seen this many birds out before.”

  His rear seat Weapons officer Lily “Thong” Stripling, double checked her bird’s systems.

  “Diamondbacks, your due a drink soon, we’re approaching your left side.” He looked and there in the distance were three KC-46 Pegasus tankers, no doubt they’d flown out from Guam. “Hole” flew over, lined up and caught the hose.

  “Good connection Cocaine one. Here you go, it’s Miller time.”

  The strike had been debated at length, the younger officers favoured a standoff strike.

  This was dismissed by the experienced Gulf war pilots as Annapolis ass. Their view was just get in among them and shit em up. The mission tactics had been agreed.

  A first flight of F/A18’s would release LRASM, the long-range anti-ship missile from two fifty miles away. Next, another flight would release the JASSM missile from one eighty miles away. Yet another flight would release JSOW from sixty miles range. The last two had infrared terminal guidance. All three would be timed to arrive among the PLAN fleet at the same time, hopefully causing mayhem.

  This would be quickly followed up by a punch in the guts. Diamondback aircrew Hole and Thong were part of the punch.

  “Twenty miles from east coast, it’s time we got down there.” Thong switched to the flight channel.

  “Diamond flight, this is Cocaine one. North and south break now, decent to ingress points.”

  Replies came back and the two flights parted to the left and right. Cocaine one, Hole and Thong’s aircraft was in overall command but in the southern wing. The aircraft descended it was soon at two hundred feet over the sea. They roared over the coast and pulled right and turned down a valley.

  “Cocaine one, feet dry.” It was then a hard left over a small lake and right down another valley. It was weave and thread down green wooded valley after valley.

  “Cocaine flight, Smoky Tiger flight. We are taking up positions. I see flashes among the PLAN fleet, your birds are on target.”

  “Copy Smoky Tiger. Glad you’re with us.”

  Smoky Tiger flight were ROC air force F16’s and F-CK-1’s flying top cover. They’d keep the Chinese air force fighters occupied. It sounded like the missiles had arrived among the invasion fleet.

  “Cocaine one, Magic flight here, forked tongue is now on and singing.”

  Lily smiled behind her respirator mask. “Copy Magic.”

  Just behind and above them EA-18G Growlers the Electronic warfare variant of the F/A-18F were now spreading electronic confusion and misinformation among the PLAN fleet, false signals, jamming, mock missile launches, the whole kit and kaboodle of electronic double speak or Magic was now unleashed.

  Suddenly they crossed the beach and were out over the sea. Nick “Hole” glanced down, the waves flashed by sixty yards below. Spread all across the horizon were ships, Chinese warships, plumes of black smoke and flames arose from several of them. Lily “Thong” reached over and selected Master Arm on, Mk 80 iron bombs and CBU-97 cluster weapons.

  “Line up on the untouched ships Hole, let’s give them a USN welcome.”

  ONBOARD CHENGDU, MAY ran along the open deck to her battle stations. She was to supervise the stern flight deck damage control crews. She hadn’t a clue about a ships damage control, thankfully the Petty Officers who ran each crew did, so she’d say a few obvious commands like, tackle that fire before it gets to the helicopter. That sort of thing. She looked skyward and admitted to herself that she was terrified. Several ships had been hit by missiles and now F 18’s screamed by dropping bombs. May saw a nearby ship hit by a cluster bomb. It didn’t look pretty. Alarms sounded, and ships launched missiles at the aircraft. Sailors ran about the decks in near panic. She heard her own ship fire its H70C CWIS, a last-ditch radar-controlled Gatling gun missile defence system. It made a harsh burrrrr, burrrrr sound as thousands of rounds were unleashed. She was torn, glad the defences fired back but she knew these were USN aircraft trying to sink her countries enemies. She knew it was stupid, but they could sink the rest but leave the Chengdu alone. She saw an F18 hit by a missile, it burst into flames and crashed into the sea. May scowled, it wasn’t headed for her ship. But still, it was defending her country.

  She cursed herself. “Ni ta ma di Baichi.” You fucking idiot.

  May reached her battle station, so far there was no damage, that could change fast.

  “All crews prepared?” she asked the Petty Officer.

  “Yes Sir.” An F18 rushed by roaring, the bomb it dropped fell long into the sea. That was near. May found herself thinking of Commander Jin Long, she hoped he was ok. May shook her head, you fool you should wish him dead. She knew she couldn’t. She looked out to sea at the battle raging. Aircraft whizzing by dropping bombs, fires and black smoke rising, missiles climbing on towers of flame and smoke. The noise told you everything, the shouts of the men, roaring jets, explosions and the rushing screams of missiles flying. What a sorry day, May looked out sadly, what a sorry day.

  As if to confirm this a Frigate around a mile away took a hit from an air dropped cluster weapon. She saw a radome shredded and fires broke out on board. The attacking F18 took a hit to the rear fuselage from the ship’s CIWS gun. It turned and flew east back to Taiwan trailing smoke, she hoped it made it ashore safely.

  Chapter 10

  Thirty five miles East of Orchid Island, Taiwan.

  “PLANESMAN, PERISCOPE depth.” The boat’s deck inclined upwards to the bow.

  “Periscope depth Sir.” Nathan raised the mast and carried out a 360 degree scan. His monitor showed nothing. “Benson, any contact?”

  “No boats or ships within fifty miles Sir.” He looked at Nikki. “Kaminski, confirm our satellite position.”

  She’d anticipated this and checked it already.

  “At our requested position Sir.”

  He turned to the XO who was checking the message they’d received. “That’s it Sir, we’re at the rendezvous location. I’ll call the Chief Engineer and ask him to start his diesels. We’ll take the time to charge the batteries.” Nathan nodded. He waited another five minutes then raised up the scope again and scanned. It was now dusk and the light
was fading, the scope rotated to the north. There she was, around two hundred yards away. Lying dark and low in the water, a prominent sonar mast stood to forward above her hull mounted foreplanes.

  Amidships she’d a long sail tapering down toward the stern. At her stern was a vertical fin above her drive. Nathan nodded, he’d seen her like before. HMS Bellerophon was a Royal Navy Astute class boat. Nuclear powered, an SSN.

  Nathan had worked with them before, not as quiet as his boat but with a better sonar. She’d be armed with Spearfish torpedoes, equivalent to the Mk 48, Tomahawk cruise missiles and Harpoon missiles. Bellerophon was named after the ship of the line that fought at the battle of Trafalgar. The message from COMSUBPAC read, be at this location at this time, surface to meet a friend. Your contact is....

  “That’s her now. COB, get a boat party together with the inflatable, I’m going over there.”

  A few minutes later Nathan climbed the sail in his blue coverall and baseball cap, on deck two sailors sat alongside with a torch, the outboard engine was running. He climbed in and a sailor on deck cast off a rope. The inflatable boat pulled away and made its way over to the nuclear boat floating quietly in the darkness. The inflatable pulled alongside the SSN and two British sailors took up the mooring rope and helped Nathan onboard.

  “Make your way up the sail Sir and down the access ladder.” His accent was British of course, unusual but expected. Nathan climbed down the sail. He stood on deck and a sailor stood waiting. “If you’ll follow me Sir.” He followed the sailor down the companionway to forward. He was soon in the control room. It was not unlike his boat, banks of computer terminals with men and women wearing headsets looking at screens. A man strode forward, a little older than him with brown greying hair. Brown intelligent eyes stared out over a slight smile.

  “Welcome aboard Bellerophon. Commander Frank Pike. Let’s retire to the Wardroom. Chief, get the Galley to rustle up two teas and some choccy biccys.” Nathan followed him to the Wardroom. At first glance the boat wasn’t a whole lot different than his. They walked into the Wardroom and sat at the table, on the wall was a picture of the young King and a sea battle. Old sail flying ships of the line raked each other with smoke and cannon fire. The title read, Bellerophon at Trafalgar in combat with four of the enemy 1805.

  They sat, and the British Commander looked at him with a faint smile.

  “So, we are to work together. And you are?”

  “Commander Nathan Blake. USS Stonewall Jackson.”

  “Yes, I know of your boat, but not been aboard one. Someday perhaps?”

  “Yes, I think that’ll be possible Commander.”

  “Call me Frank.”


  “Nathan, This is a very dodgy business we’re in here. We’re not here on official business, my Government doesn’t have the balls. But several Admirals high up in the Admiralty and some politicians do. So, we just happen to be in the area and if one of our allies comes under attack. Well, we couldn’t just stand by, could we?” There was a knock on the door and a sailor placed a tray of cups of tea and chocolate biscuits down.

  “Thank you.”

  Pike picked up a tea, stood and sipped it. “So, we’re here semi officially, that means my bloody pussycat Government will decline the blame but swallow the praise. Unofficially, we’ll act as your wingman. I’ll say we came across you and we decided on some joint exercise drills. If it comes to a shooting conflict, we’ll be there. In practice, you’ll have to take fire before I can respond. OK?” Nathan shrugged.

  Pike set his tea down and leaned towards Nathan, his fists on the table.

  “Billy Ruffian’s Royal Navy, we don’t fight defensively, so I’ll play fast and loose with the truth.”

  Nathan frowned. “What’s Billy Ruffian?”

  Pike smiled. “The sailors on board the Trafalgar era ship couldn’t handle Bellerophon, so they called it Billy Ruffian. It’s a nickname we still use.”

  Nathan smiled at his counterpart. “I think we’ll make a good team Frank.”

  Pike pursed his lips, “We need to Nathan, we need to.” He picked up his teacup and walked the room. “The Chinese have a heck of a lot of hardware out there and they’re playing at home. Incidentally, we’ll be joined by the Suffren, a nuclear attack boat of the Marine Nationale, a French Navy SSN. Nathan, our Prime Minister is quietly a supporter of our presence. He, along with the First Sea Lord will soon be making a video conference with a foreign power seeking their assistance. I can’t tell you who, it’s politically sensitive,” he tapped the side of his nose, “meaning nobody want’s to be seen with their dick swinging in the breeze.”

  NATHAN TOOK A DRINK and sat back thinking, he picked up and ate a couple of chocolate biscuits.

  “Frank, what now?”

  “We need to decide where we’re going to cause trouble.”

  “Exactly, we need to make a plan. Could you come back over to Jackson with me? We have a small planning team.”

  “Yes, I said I’d like to see your boat. It kills two birds with one stone.”

  The two of them left and on the outer deck climbed into the inflatable boat, the engine started and they made their way over to the USS Stonewall Jackson. They climbed down the sail, Nathan led him to the control room.

  “This is Chief Petty Officer Seamus Cox, our Chief of the Boat.” The two shook hands.

  “COB could you show Commander Pike around the boat please, then bring him back to the Wardroom?”

  “Yes Sir. Commander, this way we’ll start at the back.” Nathan busied himself going through the boat’s status reports on his monitor. Several minutes later he was done.

  “XO, Lieutenant Kaminski come to the Wardroom.”

  They sat at the table.

  “Hi, you probably saw Commander Frank Pike of the British SSN Bellerophon, he’s here to take part in our meeting. HMS Bellerophon will be our ally in these missions, expect no more or less of her than a USN boat.” A couple of minutes later the door opened, it was the COB and Commander Pike.

  “Thanks Seamus.”

  “You’re welcome sir.”

  Pike sat down in the free chair. Ok Frank, this is what we call a Chinese parliament, it’s whe...”

  “I know what a Chinese parliament is.”

  “We’re on first names in here, this is Lieutenant Commander Larry Sayers my XO, and this is Lieutenant Nikki Kaminski, the Navigation Officer.”

  Nikki noticed Frank Pike didn’t bat an eyelid at her rank, she smirked at that.

  Nathan sat forward. “To get you up to speed guys, Frank tells me that we’ll be joined by a French SSN the Suffering.”

  “The Suffren,” said Pike.

  “Ok,” said Nathan sheepishly, “the Suffren. Where and when will that be?”

  “I don’t know yet, Northwood...,” he glanced around the room at blank stares, “Northwood, that’s RN HQ back at home will let me know. They’re dealing with Marine Nationale, Commandement de la Flotte Navale in Toulon.”

  “Ok, well we’ll make plans without them for now. Question is hostilities are on, they attacked us we retaliated by dropping their Helix. They’ve invaded...”

  “Nathan, how did you shoot down the Chinese Helix?”

  Nathan smiled. “You’d call it a bloody big torch, I’ll get Weaps to go over it with you later.”

  Nathan didn’t mention the sinking of the Song class boat, that was all done “in the quiet zone.”

  “So.” Nathan carried on, “how do we hurt them?”

  Pike placed his arms behind his head. “Well the obvious thing. Ahh, Commander any chance of another tea?” Nathan picked up the intercom. “And some chocy biccys please,” added Pike.

  “Galley, three coffee’s and a tea to the Wardroom. Some chocy biccys too.” Nathan smiled, “yes that’ll do.” Soon the door opened, and a tray was placed down.

  “Thank you.” Pike picked up an Oreo and frowned.

  “American chocy biccys,” grinned Larry.

>   “Ah, splendid.”

  “Back to business,” said Nathan, “how do we hurt them?”

  “Well,” said Pike, “the obvious one is to get in amongst them and sink as many ships and boats as we bloody well can. We could do a pincer move, say you from the north and us from the south.”

  “It won’t be pretty,” said Larry, shaking his head.

  “Sea battles never are,” said Pike, “it’s Gunsmoke blood and waves.”

  Nathan rubbed his temples. “Trouble is it’s two against many. Ok the ROC forces will be involved and they’re not to be dismissed at all, but I don’t know.” Nikki put her coffee down with a thump and looked around the table.

  “We need to give Uncle Joe a scare.”

  Pike smiled. “Well young lady, a few Mk 48 and Spearfish torpedoes will give their boat’s a headache. The skimmers won’t like several Tomahawk and Harpoons flying about. I’d say that’d give them a scare.” Nikki stood, and arms folded, she walked the room her brow furrowed with intense concentration.

  Larry sat with his head in his hands and recited a prayer.

  “From all evil and mischief; from sin; from the crafts and assaults of the devil, from thy wrath, and from everlasting damnation, from the People’s Liberation Army Navy and from Lieutenant Nikki Kaminski’s ideas.

  May the Good Lord deliver us.” Nathan laughed.


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