Make You Mine

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Make You Mine Page 13

by Louise, Tia

The raindrops are like pellets hitting my cheeks, and I lean forward to protect my face. It’s less than two miles to the lake house, but the road is curvy and dark. This is all Gray’s fault. If he hadn’t been so damn pushy, I’d have been able to put the top up. Now I’m getting soaked, my purse is getting soaked, the inside of the car…

  I’m rounding the last curve when my headlights land on a small animal, a dog or a raccoon, in the middle of the road. I scream and slam on the brakes, jerking the wheel and causing the car to skid off on the gravel shoulder.

  “No!” I scream again, pressing harder on the brakes.

  It’s too late, I spin out in the loose gravel, and the front end goes down, straight into a ditch.

  “Oh!” I cry. The collision is loud, and I’m a little dazed at first.

  The rain is getting harder, and I’m not getting the car out of this tonight. It’s still running, so I hit the button to close the convertible top. When it’s finally close enough to the windshield, I pull and jerk it into place. I snatch the keys out of the ignition, grab my purse, and slip off my shoes. Then I dash out into the brush, jogging up to the highway toward the lake house.

  It doesn’t take long to get there, still, I’m soaked through. Unlocking the back door, I stand in the mudroom, dripping, and searching everywhere for towels, dry clothes. I can’t find anything.

  We stopped coming here after Danny died. Well, my dad stopped coming after my mom died, but once Danny was gone and Gray never came back, I couldn’t stand all the memories in this place. I’m not sure why I thought I could stand them tonight.

  “It was a complete disaster,” I grumble, stripping off my wet dress, bra, and panties, and leaving everything on the floor where I entered.

  I dash through the house to my bedroom upstairs, where a thick, white robe hangs on the door of my bathroom. I pull it over my naked body and use a hand towel to catch the water from my hair.

  Then I take my cardigan, dress, panties, and bra off the floor, walking slowly to the clothes drier in the back room.

  Once they’re started, I go to the kitchen and pour a big glass of wine while I try to salvage the contents of my purse.

  My heart is a lead weight in my chest, and no matter how much I want to deny it, I loved the way Gray charged onto the dance floor tonight and told Ralph to let me go. I love his possessiveness. It’s what I’ve been waiting for him to do since he reappeared at the grave that night.

  Walking to the couch, I rub my fingers over my eyes. “What am I going to do?”

  My whole body is heavy with emotions, with aching and longing for my man. I watch the lightning crawl across the sky through the tall windows facing the lake, and I sit, pulling my knees to my chest. The rain beats like a drum against the glass, and I rest my forehead on my knees.

  I’m out of options. I don’t know what to do anymore. Nothing will make me stop loving Gray, but how can I tear down the walls he’s built around his heart?

  He wants out of that prison he’s constructed. I can feel it every time we’re together. I can tell by the way he came for me tonight. Still, it’s not something I can force him to do. As much as I know about the human mind, I know this battle is one he’ll have to fight on his own.

  He has to make the decision…

  Chapter 16


  Watching Drew fly out of the parking lot does something to my insides.

  The transmission is on its last leg, those old tires need to be replaced, it’s starting to rain, and she drank that margarita way too fast. I watched her do it, and my frustration at her behavior made my skin hot. I wanted to charge across the restaurant, pick her up, and take her home like some goddamn cave man.

  Drew is small, and she’s a girl. She shouldn’t be drinking like that, and she sure as hell shouldn’t be driving on a night like this.

  My chest tightens, and I jog to my truck, snatching the visor down and catching the keys. I’m breathing fast as I race through the streets trying to find her. That Jag has a freakin V8 engine, and I’m driving an old-assed Chevy. She’s long gone. Fuck.

  Tension radiates through my brain, conjuring unwanted images.

  These roads are dangerous.

  I see the broken bodies, the blood. The screams echo in my head. Stop. I do my deep breathing. I remind myself I’m in a different situation. I’m not in Africa. This is not a war zone.

  Drew is in South Carolina driving too fast on a rainy night.

  In a car in desperate need of new tires.


  I have to get a handle on my anxiety. I came here tonight because I didn’t want her alone in that car… I didn’t want her alone with Ralph Stern. Not after the way he put his hands on her body at Ruby’s party, touching her lower back, guiding her around the room like he owned her.

  He did it again tonight on the dance floor. She tried to push away from him, and he held tighter. I should have punched him in the face, flattened him right there in front of God and everybody.

  My heart beats faster, and I rub the back of my neck, trying to calm down. I need to think rationally. What am I going to do when I catch up to her? I’m going to be sure she made it there safely, then I’m going to turn this truck around and go back to Oakville. I’m going to get in my bed and sleep and keep making progress.

  Only, why am I making progress here?

  Why am I still in this fucking town if not for her?

  It’s not the garage. It’s not Danny.

  I’d better figure it out quick, because I’m almost to the house. It’s time to make a decision.

  Easing off the accelerator, I allow the truck to cruise around the big, final curve. I remember it so well from when we were kids, driving out here every weekend in the summer. I know it by heart. This curve can be tricky if you take it too fast, and it’s blind. An animal or even a jogger or a biker could be in the path ahead.

  My headlights illuminate the pavement, and the first thing I notice are fresh skid marks.

  “What the hell?” The words slip from my lips as my throat tightens.

  Putting a little more pressure on the brakes, I trace the black marks off the side of the road onto the shoulder and into the ditch.

  “No…” The world tilts, and I hit my brakes hard, stopping the truck.

  My headlights shine on the rear of the Jag sticking out from a deep ditch.

  “Drew!” I shout, flying out of my vehicle, doing my best to breathe through the panic strangling me.

  Rain pelts my face, but I rush forward, jerking on the door handle so hard my hand slips off. It’s locked. The top is on, and I have to cup my hands on the windows to peer inside.

  “Drew?” I don’t see any blood. I don’t see any broken glass or anything.

  Still, these old cars don’t have air bags. She could have hit that ditch and hit her head. She could be wandering in the woods with a concussion or passed out beside a tree in the pouring rain.

  My chest seizes at the thought. “Drew!” I shout as loud as I can into the darkness.

  I look everywhere, but I don’t see signs of her going into the woods. The grasses aren’t broken, and there are no tracks. I shut off the truck and shove the keys in my pocket, leaving it parked on the shoulder where she went into the ditch. Then I take off on foot toward the house.

  “Drew!” I shout as loud as I can, scanning everywhere, the shoulder, the trees, the road ahead, for any signs of her collapsed or injured. “God, no. No…”

  I’m having trouble breathing. I feel like my skull is coming apart. If anything happened to her… An image of Danny lying on the sand, empty hazel eyes staring at the sky flashes across my mind, and my stomach grabs.


  That cannot happen.

  “DREW!” I scream again, running faster toward the house.

  The rain drenches me, preventing me from being able to see. I wipe the rivulets off my brow, blotting my eyes with my wet sleeve, trying to avoid falling myself.

  The house rises in the n
ight ahead of me, and I run faster when I see the lights on downstairs. Could she be okay? I dig in with my heels, pushing faster as I run to the house.

  The back door is locked, and I beat on it with my fist, twisting the handle. “DREW!” I’m shouting at the top of my lungs. “DREW!”

  A flurry of noise comes from inside, and I see a shadow running to the door. It flies open, and I stagger back, using my hands to wipe away the rain mixed with heat from my eyes. God, am I crying? My throat is raw from screaming her name.

  “Gray?” Her eyes are wide, terrified, I’m sure, at the sight of me.

  I don’t even hesitate. I can’t.

  Rushing forward, I grab her to me, hugging her tiny body so close against mine. “Drew… Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  I’m breathing so hard, but my cheek is against hers. My nose is in her hair. I’m holding her to me, holding her body to mine like it’s the last thing on Earth. It’s the only thing I have to keep my broken self alive. I need to know she’s whole if only to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

  “I’m okay.” Her small hands are on my waist. She reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck as I lift her off her feet. “Are you okay?”

  “Drew.” I can’t stop saying her name. I’m shaking with adrenaline, and I might be a little crazy right now.

  She’s safe in my arms, and it’s hitting me hard. I’ve needed to be in this place, holding her, since the day that truck exploded. Since before that truck exploded. Drew’s the only one who can heal my soul.

  “It’s okay, Gray. I just skidded off the shoulder. A raccoon or something was in the road… Anyway, I’m not hurt. I’m okay.”

  My arms are tight around her, and her fingers thread in my hair, stroking the pain away, holding me just as tightly as I’m holding her. I force my grip to relax. I try to let her go and step back, but the robe she’s wearing slips open.

  She’s still in my arms, when I notice she’s completely nude underneath. Her perfect breasts, those perfect little nipples, strain at me. Her legs cross, and she’s every dream I’ve ever had standing right here. My erection is alive and straining in my pants.

  I groan with the forces surging through my belly. “Drew.” It’s a broken noise. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Her hair hangs in damp waves around her cheeks, and her crystal blue eyes sparkle with tears. She blinks, and one falls down her face. “I need you, Gray. I’ve needed you so long. Please don’t leave me again.”

  My lips crash into hers with a low noise. She’s off her feet, and I carry her forward into the kitchen, pushing her ass onto the small table under the window.

  Her hands are on me, moving just as fast, pulling at the hem of my shirt, jerking it higher until I pause to rip it off my body.

  We both let out a low moan of satisfaction when our bare chests meet. Her soft breasts flatten against my hard body. It’s heaven.

  “Drew…” The word escapes on a ragged whisper.

  Her hands are on my cheeks, guiding my lips back to hers, which I hungrily take. I’m kissing her hard, pulling her lips with mine. She moans, and my erection aches. I need to be inside her. I need to feel her all around me.

  Water drips off my hair onto her neck, onto her shoulders, I put my mouth on her beautiful skin and kiss, bite, suck.

  “Yes,” she hisses as I move lower, taking a tight nipple into my mouth.

  I flick my tongue back and forth over that hard little bud and her body rises up to meet mine.

  “Gray, yes… please.” Her body undulates beneath mine like the rhythm of some primal music, and I feel her fingers pulling at my waistband.

  My hands only leave her long enough to unfasten my wet jeans. I shove them down, low enough to allow my erection to spring free. Her cool fingers wrap around me, and she guides me to her core.

  “Are you sure?” I groan, dying inside. If she says no, I don’t know how I’ll survive.

  “Yes,” she moans.

  Our mouths fuse together, tongues entwining as I push into her slippery core. It’s so hot and tight, gripping my dick. My hand slams onto the table. I break away with a low groan, sparks flashing behind my lids.

  Her hands are on my ass, pulling me closer. Her pelvis bucks, and I rock my hips, thrusting harder, pumping faster. She moans, her fingernails scratching the skin of my hips, my thighs, as she pulls me, moving her body with mine, driving me deeper into her core.

  “Drew…” It’s a desperate prayer.

  I can’t hold out. It would take more strength than I could ever possess to prolong this, not after how long we’ve been apart.

  The orgasm snakes up my legs, and my back stiffens. I arch, letting go with a loud moan, pulsing into her beautiful body. She shudders, thighs tightening around my waist, her pussy pulling, milking me.

  “Gray.” Her voice is a breathy cry.

  I brace my body just above hers, so as not to crush her. The waves of pleasure blanket my mind. Her beautiful scent, her beautiful body, her beautiful eyes, lips, breasts. Her hands glide over my shoulders, my neck, my cheeks.

  “Drew.” I’ve gone from prayer to worship.

  Another pulse. The orgasm pours my soul into hers. We were made to be this way. She was made to be my mate. I love her…

  I can’t deny the words or what they do to my soul.

  It takes a few moments for us to fumble our way back to reality. I haven’t let her go since I broke through that door, panicked and desperate to know she was okay.

  Drew pushes up to sitting, and I release her, allowing her to rise. Even though I’ve let her go, my arms are still beside her. I still want to hold her close.

  She reaches out to touch my neck, resting her sweet face against my chest. I can’t deny us what we need. My arms are around her again.

  Chapter 17


  My insides throb from Gray’s invasion like a deep longing has finally been filled. My thighs burn from exertion, and my breasts are sore from his kisses and sucks. If I looked in the mirror, I’m sure I’d see red marks all over my skin.

  He was like a wild animal when I opened the door. It broke my heart, but it also filled it with desire. He was desperate, determined to find me, to save me… then to fuck me.


  I lift my cheek off his bare chest and cup his face. “Will you spend the night?”

  The muscle in his jaw moves as if a shred of resistance still lingers. A trickle of fear moves through my chest, until he nods. I watch as he pushes the wet jeans down his legs and gathers them along with his shirt.

  His ass is so fine, tight and square. I chew my lip as I watch him walk to the back room where the washer-dryer set is located. When he comes back, I rub my legs together, admiring the lines in his chest, in his stomach. The way his dick sways, long and heavy between his muscular thighs, coming back to life when our eyes meet. I don’t even try to hide the lust on my face. I want him again.

  “Come with me.” He takes my hand, and I slide off the table.

  The robe is still on my shoulders, but it’s open. I want him to see my body. I take a step toward him, and thick wetness drips onto my inner thighs. His eyes darken at the sight.

  My lip goes under my teeth. “You didn’t use a condom.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone but you.”

  Another wave of joy hits me so hard, I almost sit down. I’d wanted it to be true, but I was afraid to ask.

  “Me either.” It’s a quiet confession, almost shy.

  He lifts me off my feet, carrying me to the stairs. His expression is set, determined, and I put my arms around his neck again, resting my face on his shoulder.

  My body hums with excitement, and he doesn’t stop until we’re in my bathroom, where he sets me down again, picking up a washcloth. It’s damp, and he uses it to clean me. I’m not sure why, since his cock is like a steel rod pointing at me.

  Tossing the cloth aside, he straightens, placing his thumb under my jaw and lifting my face to his. “
I want to kiss you again.”

  Without a word, I rise onto my toes, holding his shoulders and pressing my lips to his. His warm mouth opens mine, and his tongue sweeps inside. Another wave of happiness fills my chest. My eyes are closed, and I cling to him. He’s my stability through this overwhelming reunion.

  I’m off my feet again. His strong hands grip my ass, and I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks us to my bedroom. I hug him close, pressing my breasts against his rock-hard chest.

  “I want to be inside you again.” It’s a low vibration against my cheek.

  “Please.” I whisper, sliding my lips along his jaw, up to his ear. I lean closer so my lips can graze his skin. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  His grip on my ass tightens, and it’s thrilling and intoxicating. I’m on my back, and he slides into the bed beside me, his palm flat against my stomach, gliding higher to cup my breast.

  “I dreamed of this every night.” He leans down to kiss my lips, my jaw, my neck, before pulling a nipple into his mouth.

  The sensation registers straight to my core, making me moan. “I told you how I felt, how I would dream of you.”

  His hand slides down my stomach, moving to my inner thigh before changing direction. It glides higher until he’s touching me, teasing that sensitive bud with gentle strokes.

  My back arches, and I press into him. “Yes…” I whisper.

  In one smooth movement, he parts my legs, moving between my thighs, and gliding his cock into my slippery core. His arms are on both sides of me, holding me against him as we rock. Our mouths meet, and it’s hungry. Our kisses chase each other, lips pulling, teeth nipping.

  This time we’re going slower, our bodies swaying in time, like waves on the ocean. We’re kissing, touching, exploring, until at some point, we reach the tipping point. He places a hand on the bed beside me and starts moving faster, harder, with fierce determination.

  I lift my hips so he can drive deeper, rolling my eyes closed as I feel him hit that spot deep inside. It registers like a shock of pleasure to the base of my spine.


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